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2 MRK 8 / 08 / 1941320083
A. Vocabulary Building
Match the Following Words/Phrases with Their Equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia, and
make another sentence, using the words:

1. To ebb : a. Surut, menjadi surut (in context of nature).

b. Menjauh, berkurang (in context of feelings, emotions, quality).
Sentence : a. The tide begin to ebb
b. My enthusiasm is ebbing away
2. Waterfront : tepi air / tepi laut/ tepi sungai / pelabuhan

Sentence : Southwest waterfront is a Residential Neighborhood located in

Washington DC, UK.

3. Varied nature : berbagai jenis lokasi alam

Sentence : Varied nature are needed needed in a location so that the
ecosystem at that location can run smoothly

4. Pond : Kolam

Sentence : Some of the nature typical of decorations you can add into your
home is a fish pond

5. Muddy : Berlumpur, becek

Sentence : There are a lot of muddy area appears after flooding

6. Lock : Kunci, mengunci

Sentence : One of the most important tools in construction is bolts, it has the
function to lock several types of connections.

7. Tidal control : Kontrol pasang surut

Sentence : Tidal control gate was built to anticipate the wave of the water
area when it is affectted by the heavy rains

8. Ebb and flow : Ebb and flow is one of the typical elements that is exist in the delta
B. Match the following words with an appropriate definition:
a. Outer : Securing a boat so it’s free to respond to wind and waves
b. Harbour and Docks : The area of water between two piers or alongside a
pier that Harbour receives a ship for loading
c. Breakwater : A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact
of waves
d. Mooring : The part of a harbor toward the sea, through which a vessel
enters the inner harbour
e. Moorage : A charge for mooring
f. Tow : To draw or pull behind a chain or a line
g. Towage : A charge for towing
h. Pier :  A platform extending from a shore over water and supported
by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats.
i. Draught : The depth of a vessel’s keel below the water line, especially
when loaded
j. Frontages : The length of a lot line or a building site along a street or
other public way, or along a body of water forming a boundary 

C. a. The masterplan of the new port will accommodate the demands of urban and

economic growth.

D. b. The new area of the land can be built in islands of a flexible fashion.

E. c. The plan also have to incorporate innovations in the areas of construction,

environmental protection, water management, architecture and civil engineering.

F. d. DHV must coordinate the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the island of


G. e. a. could you name two factors which have posed challenges to the DHV

H.     b. Sure! The level of salinity and pollution of the Bohai Sea.

I. f. The earthquake at Nias was devastating but it could have been worse.

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