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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
Mabalacat City (P)
Name:__________________________Grade and Section:__________________


Project Title Math Bingo
Content demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and
Standards multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions 
Performance is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the
Standards four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and
real-life situations. 
Learning Performs a series of more than two operations on whole numbers applying
Competency Parenthesis, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (PMDAS) or
Grouping, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (GMDAS) correctly. 
Transfer Goal to be able to perform more than two operations on whole numbers applying
PMDAS or GMDAS correctly
Interdisciplinary ESP-Nakapagpapakita ng matapat na paggawa sa mga proyektong pampaaralan
Links EsP5PKP–Ie-30 
P.E-Executes the different skills involved in the game PE5GS-Ic-h-4 
Goal Your task is to perform a series of operation on whole numbers using PMDAS or
Role You are a Bingo Player
Audience Your audience will be your family, classmate and teacher
1 19 40 5 62
3 9
9 12 35 4 65
1 24 FREE 6 75
4 0
7 30 31 2 63
2 20 43 5 15
9 7
A Bingo Card will be provided. The game works just like regular bingo, except
students have to solve 5 math problems in order to know what number to mark
off of their card. Mark your card using your own imagination and creativity. Use
another sheet to show your solution.
1. 6x4÷12+72÷8-9
2. (18÷6×5)-14÷7
3. 6-5(5-3)+10
4. 18÷3-5+2×5
5. 3+{6(11+1-4)}÷8×2
Product You are expected to solve math problems using PMDAS or GMDAS
Standard and
Criteria for 5 3 2
Success Computation Shows Little understanding No attempt
complete of the problem is was made
solution with illustrated by an
clarity incorrect solution
Creativity Use your own Used some Did not use
creativity and imagination own
imagination imagination
Following All directions Followed some None of the
Project were followed directions directions
Directions were followed

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