Action Research 2012

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An Action Research


Presented to
The District Supervisor
Burauen South District
Burauen, Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Year – End Requirement
of Master Teachers


Master Teacher II
April 16, 2012
An Action Research

I. Research Problem

Why seventy five percent of 49 pupils in Grade VI-2 and 3 do not submit their projects in English
every quarter?

II. Gathering of Data/Information

To come up with a solution to the problem the Grade VI teacher in English did the following:

1. Interviewed the pupils concerned

2. Called the parents to a conference
3. Interviewed the class advisers
4. Revisited the form 138 in Grade V

III. Findings / Data Gathered

1. Pupils don’t have time to make their projects because they spent their time in online games
in internet cafes
2. Parents failed to monitor and supervise school related activities because most of them
reside in the farm
3. Pupils were residing in town without parental guidance
4. Pupils use their allowance to pay their number of hours stay in internet cafés such that they
fail to set aside an amount for their projects

IV. Analysis and Interpretation

The problem on the inability of seventy-five percent of 49 in Grade VI-2 and 3 pupils to submit
their projects every quarter is attributed to the over indulgence of the pupils concerned in the activities
they greatly enjoy inside the internet cafes and computer shops. This is due to the failure of the parents
to closely monitor and supervise the daily school related activities of the pupils. Most pupils spent their
time and money to meet their need for personal satisfaction in internet cafes such that they neglected
to comply with the requirements in each subject areas. Pupils who could not submit their projects have
Internet Addiction Disorder for the behavior that they manifest. They no longer have the sense of
responsibility; they lose respect for authority. They do not care what their teacher require them to make
or do. The entertaining, rewarding and the sense of freedom that the pupils experience on online
gaming tremendously change the behavior of pupils particularly on their being conscious to make and
submit their projects every quarter which affect their rating because the project is ten percent of their

V. Action Plan

Problem Target Strategies Time Frame

 Seventy-five percent  To encourage pupils  Establish a friendly September 2011
of forty nine Grade to submit projects to relationship with the
VI-2 and 3 pupils fails improve their pupils to gain their
to submit projects quarterly ratings. trust and confidence
so that they would
 To make pupils answer truthfully
aware on the when questions are
harmful effects of asked.
online gaming or
computer games on  Call the parents of September 2011
their studies the pupils to a
conference to inform
them of the problem
and guide them to
find solution to the

 Visiting internet
cafes where pupil s
usually play online

 Seek the help of the October-November

barangay council 2011

 Provision for
incentives and
awards to pupils who
submit projects on
time on or before the
An Action Research

I. Research Problem

Why six out of twenty-one Grade V-3 pupils of Burauen South Central School always cut classes?

II. Gathering Data/Information

To find an answer or solution to the problem the teacher employed the following:

1. Conducted home visitation

2. Monitored the activities of the pupils
3. Interviewed the pupils concerned
4. Conferred with the parents and guardians of the pupils concerned

III. Findings/Data Gathered

1. Lack of parents supervision and monitoring

2. Parents reside in the farm and their children stay in town without parental guidance
3. Pupils were engaged on online games in internet cafes
4. Peer influences
5. No Barangay / Municipal ordinance regulates the admission of school children in internet
6. Accessibility of internet cafes near the school premises.

IV. Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The problem on cutting classes on six out of twenty-one Grade V-3 pupils greatly affects their
academic performance. This is caused by the negligence of parents re`siding in the farm but sending
their children to school in town without someone to look after their daily activities and to monitor their
attendance in school. With this scenario, pupils were easily influenced by their friends who were already
manifesting Internet Addiction Disorder. Pupils with (IAD) devoted their time on online games in
internet cafes where they find a sense of freedom, entertainment, satisfaction and reward. They usually
forgot themselves and eventually failed to attend classes regularly in all their subject areas because they
always cut classes especially in the afternoon. The online games and the facebook had ill effects on the
behavior of these pupils for they do not care of their school activities and even school authorities such
that cutting classes has become a problem.
V. Action Plan
Problem Target Strategies Time Frame
 Six out of twenty-one  To make the six  Conduct home August 2011
Grade V-3 pupils of pupils attend all visitation in order to
Burauen South classes in all subject relate to the
Central School always areas regularly. guardian or parents,
cut classes. the problem
 To keep pupils in the
classroom during  Encouraged pupils to September 2011
class hours. practice discernment

 Conferred with September 2011


 Sought the help of October-November

the barangay officials 2011

 Encourage family November 2011

and parents
involvement in
helping the pupils
overcome the
undesirable activities
that caused cutting

 Make pupils and February 2011

their parents aware
of the school
performance by
issuing the form 138-
E every quarter.
An Action Research


Presented to
The District Supervisor
Burauen South District
Burauen, Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Year – End Requirement
of Master Teachers


Master Teacher II
April 16, 2012

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