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An Action Research

I. Research Problem

Why sixty seven percent of 67 Grade VI-I and 2 pupils fail to do their homework
during the third and fourth grading periods.

II. Gathering of Data/Information

To come up with a sound solution to the problem the grade VI teacher in English
did the following:

1. Conducted an interview with each pupil concerned.

2. Called a homeroom P.T.A. meeting
3. Conducted home visitation
4. Interviewed the class adviser of grade VI-2
5. Revisited the form 138 to look into the rating of the first and second grading.

III. Findings/Data Gathered

1. Pupils were having poor living conditions because their homes were totally
destroyed by super typhoon Yolanda.
2. Parents failed to supervise school related activities for they were preoccupied
with financial problems and how to address the basic and immediate needs of the
3. Pupils were still having trauma on the horrible experiences they had during the
super typhoon.

IV. Analysis and Interpretation

The problem on the failure of sixty seven percent out of 67 Grade VI-1 and 2 to do
their homework is due to the bad effects of super typhoon Yolanda on the families of this
67% of the total grade VI population of Burauen South Central School which cased the
total destruction of the houses of the families of these pupils. Not only did they loss their
houses but their properties and food as well. The pupils poor living condition with less
food, some live in tents with no lights, no books and less school supplies were the
contributory factors that affected the pupils performance specifically in the
accomplishment of their daily homework. Besides they were having the trauma which
greatly affected their attitude towards their school related concerns.

V. Action Plan
Problem Target Strategies
 Sixty - seven  To change the  Gave stress debriefing November
percent of 67 pupils attitude activities by 2013
Grade VI Pupils towards doing establishing a good
fail to do their their daily rapport with the pupils
homework. homework. so that pupils could
relate their experiences
and the current
problem caused by the
super typhoon.
 To help pupils  Call the parents to a December 2,
overcome their conference to gather 2013
trauma and data on the living
their problems condition and problems
brought about brought about by super
by super typhoon Yolanda which
typhoon affect the school
Yolanda. children and assisting
the parents on what to
do and where to go to
find solution to the
problems of the family.
 Encourage parents and December 2,
children to attend 2013
debriefing activities.
 Seek the help of GOs
and NGOs.
 Display the checklist of December
the pupils who are 2013
updated in the
submission of
An Action Research


Presented to
The District Supervisor
Burauen South District
Burauen, Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Year – End Requirement
of Master Teachers


Master Teacher II
April 30, 2014

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