Action Research Proposal

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The objective of this study will be to find out the common reading comprehensive

difficulties among the Grade Six Pupils of Burauen South Central School, Burauen South

District, this coming school year 2009-2010. This research will seek to identify the most

difficult comprehension skills and the least learned comprehension skills of the subjects

of this study.

The researcher, the Grade VI English teacher of Burauen South Central School

noted that most pupils have difficulty answering comprehension questions on what they


Statement of the Problem

This study will specifically seek to answer the following:

1. What are the common reading comprehension difficulties among the Grade Six

pupils of Burauen South Central School, SY 2009-2010?

2. What are the least learned comprehension skill of the Grade VI pupils?

3. How does (SRA) Reading Kit help develop the reading comprehension skills f the

Grade VI pupils?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on the common reading comprehension difficulties that the

Grade VI pupils of Burauen South Central School will encounter this school year 2009 -

2010. These difficulties will be determined using the Science Research Associate (SRA)

Reading Kit. This research will involve all the Grade VI pupils from the three sections.

Significance of the Study

This research will somehow give teachers an idea on how to identify the Reading

Comprehension Skill that need to be developed and the use of the (SRA) Reading Kit to

identify the placement in terms of reading levels and the appropriate materials to use to

develop the reading comprehension skill found to be difficult to the pupils. This will have

a beneficial effect on the pupils as each pupil will be guided to progress at his own pace

using the (SRA) power builders.

Definition of Terms

In order to facilitate understanding, the terms are defined as used in this study.

Reading – It is one process of thinking, evaluating, judging, reasoning and problem

solving. It is a four step process.

SRA – Science Research Associate is a reading kit designed to locate the reading level of

pupils that allows a pupils to progress at his own pace.

Placement – To locate the reading level at which a learner is to start reading individually.

Power Builders – are set of leveled reading materials.

Comprehension – the act of understanding what one reads.

Chapter II


A careful review of foreign as well as local literature is presented in this study.

This review would guide the writer in the conceptualization of this study.

Children’s understanding of the meaning of words varies widely depending on the

kind of experience they have. That is why, in the development of word meaning the child

should be provided with opportunities in using words orally to help build varied accurate

concepts. When the child brings this background to the printed page, he is stimulated to

recall and extend familiar concepts on meanings.1

Villamin as sited by Fabello2 expressed her view when she compared children

with the parable of the sewer. According to her, some children will be able to read

fluently an accurately with a high degree of understanding. These are the seeds which

were sown on fertile soil. Other children will be able to read with moderate speed and

with lower level of comprehension. However, as the parable goes some seeds will fall on

rocks and sandy soil. They may or may not germinate at all. Likewise, some children will

have difficulty in attacking new words and in associating meaning with the printed

symbols. To them reading will be an unpleasant task they will miss the joy of learning

from the printed page.

The authors are saying that learning is an individual process. Each particular pupil

is a distinct personality. An understanding of the child and his nature is imperative in the

Rosalinda Abella, “Developing Reading Vocabulary,” Education Review, (Tacloban City: LSC, 1972),
pp. 7-8.
Verda G. Fabello, “Remedial Reading Program for Grades III and IV of Palo I District: A prototype”
(Unpublished Master’s Thesis, LSC, 1994) p. 32.

reading process. The teacher should always be aware of tremendous differences among

pupils. In learning to read, children do not progress at the same rate.

Chapter III


This study will use the descriptive survey method of research. The researcher will

administer the placement reading test in the Science Research Associate (SRA) Reading

Kit to locate the level at which a learner is to start reading individually. This test will be

administered to all the pupils until each learner shows frustration behavior which signals

that the learner has reached his frustration level. The researcher will assign the color or

level which is one level below the frustration level, called the success level. The

researcher will keep a record of the diagnostic test result. This result will be the basis in

identifying the common reading comprehension difficulties of the Grade VI pupil.

The researcher will make a calendar of activities to follow every month as guide

in the weekly activities as these will be done once a week. The pupils will be guided on

the use of the power builders. The teacher will keep a record of the reading progress

based on the performance each pupil will make on the comprehension test which is

composed of questions from the first to the fifth dimension after having read a particular

power builder suited to his level. Each pupil will be made to advance to the next level if

he will get 80 percent success in the performance test.



An Action Research Proposal

Presented to

Central Principal / District OIC
Burauen South District


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Year-End Requirements
for Master Teachers


Master Teacher II

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