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Salvacion Daraga Albay


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Trexie Faith Cantuba

II-BEED Block 16

Make a list of values that man and woman should possess to become good people.

In order to become a good and better person

I believed that they need values that are follows:

Dependability Passionate Reliability Loyalty God fearing Commitment

Open-mindedness Consistency Honesty Efficiency Loving Caring

Creativity Good humor Compassion Spirit of adventure Motivation

Optimistic Passion Respect Fitness

Courage Perseverance Patriotism Service to others Environmentalism

ACTIVITY Using this chart write down the differences of the two
values standard

Correlative Standard Absolute Standard

When there are many commonalities Humankind's values cannot be
in the subject conditions, there will unified
also be many points of agreement in the conflicts and struggles resulting
the appraisal of value. in differences in values come to an
People who have the same religion
or philosophy, the unification of A set of principles that applies
values are quite possible. differently and usually more
rigorously to one group of people or
Even they have different types in circumstances than to another
terms of values; they are still have
the same religion or philosophy, A code of morals that applies more
their views of value become very severe standards of sexual behavior
similar. to women than to men

Standards for value judgment apply The existence of commonality in

only to a limited sphere; it is determining value does not exclude
"relative standards." individuality, which should be
preserved as it is.
Essay: On your own opinion choose the best
and worst religion that suits your beliefs and explain why.
Different people, has a different perspectives and beliefs in life, and because of that different religion exist.
In terms of the word religion is all about the God whose controlling our entire world. Different religions can mold
different kinds of people, and no one can judge that those kinds of religion is bad or wrong. All we have to do is to
respect it and to understand so that we can also have unity and diversity even if we all have those kinds of

In my own point of views, the best religion is my just my own religion, because this is where I am came
from. This religion, which is the Christianity, molds me for being what I am and what I have in today. The
Christianity has a very huge role and influences to me. In my environment it has an enormous influences to my
everyday life. Christianity also builds people to be kind and honest. Christianity contributed greatly to the general
feeling that human life is valuable and worthy of respect. Aside from that, this religion of Christianity also suited to
my beliefs ever since when I was young, I believed in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy
Spirit.The death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ. I see the best in this religion because it
teaches me not only how to be a religious people but also to have faith in God, have a believe in God, and to respect
people around me. Christianity also molded me of being good, and kind to everybody. It teaches me how to love
and respect myself, and also it make me know the bad and wrong, the right and not right actions. The Christianity
also the best in terms of my community and society, it makes people in peace and united in all aspects of life. I see
peace and freedom in my religion. On the other hands, when I was like on Grade 7 until today, I believe that the
worst religion I have ever known is the Islam. According to my prior knowledge about this religion they
disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally
therein. I found that Islam is a Religion of Violence and Muslims are the most selfish in nature and reason for
overpopulation. Most of the Muslims need to change their cruel attitude and mind set. I always watched in the
television that in Islam women are treated as sex slaves mostly in Islamic countries. There are parts in Quran that it
looks like it was just created by humans for their comfort and we other humans are following it blindly like
goats.we only learn hate, war, negativity and fake stories. And also I sometimes find out that some of the believers
of Islam asks to kill people who are not Muslims. That was my reasons why I can tell that Islam is the worst
religion. People there has no humanity, and I believe that it is because of the religion. They have no peace, unity
and freedom. In Islamic places there are always a war, and there will always chaos and brutal crimes. I also believe
that because of their religion people's behaviour is negative because of their perspectives in their religion.

In my conclusion, people's religion also have their own beliefs and own point of views, even if those
religion is best or worst we should still respect it no matter what happened. Not everyone has the same religious or
spiritual beliefs, and that’s fine. The important thing is to accept that some people place a lot of importance on this
aspect of their lives, and to respect their right to believe whatever they want, even if you don’t agree with them.
Write down your personal principles in terms of the following:

Family Discipline Money Work Career Love

My family is my important part of my life. They are my treasure and I am willing to sacrifice myself in
order to protect them. My family is my life; they are my strength and weaknesses. I am always here fighting
for my dreams because they are my inspiration, without them I am just nothing. When I am with my family I
always believe to be:

 Love my family no matter what happened.

 Show more unconditional love to each and every member of my family
 Always respect them.
 Make them always happy an healthy.
 Finish my studies to make my dreams come true so that I can help them when I already have a good job.
 I am always thinking positive and optimistic whenever there’s a bigger problem that came in my family.
 I can be their shield to protect them no matter what happened.
 Make them my strength, my hope and my inspiration in every battle in life.
 Treat others' possessions with care and respect
 Be honest and diligent.
Discipline makes me to become a better person. Having self-discipline can mold our self to choose what is
good then the bad, to act what is right than wrong. Having discipline to our self can also reflect to us as a
human being. My own personal principles in terms of discipline are

 Have a good discipline in terms of my works and action.

 Discipline myself to have courage. Never have fear to fight for your dreams and support yourself to
overcome your weakness.
 Always discipline myself to be hard working and stop procrastinating.

 Nowadays money always matters
 Money is also one of the important things to buy what you need
 Give more values in every centavos because money is hard to get
 Give more important in everything buy those things that are needed only.
 Spending less than I earned/have

 Focused on my work
 Give importance in every work
 Be dedicated on your work
 Be committed

 Use the power of dreams and your imagination
 Think bigger than you are, to make your career successful
 Focus on my career
 Be determined
 Think bigger.
 Become Present to the Love in Your Life
 Choose those people who truly love you
 Be kind to your love ones
 Become Present to the Love in Your Life
 Be loyal and faithful
 Love wiser
 Honor Your Relationship with Patience

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