Analyze Grade:2 Students:: Benchmark

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Grade:2nd Grade
 Demographics: 10 Caucasian, 9 African American, 7 Hispanic, 4 Asian
 Learning Styles: 90% Visual, 10% Tactile
 Background knowledge: The students are a little more then half way through the
school year. They have been working on sentence structure, reading, and writing.
They have been reading two books a week at home, with parents help.
 Learning disabilities: One child was diagnosed with ADD and another was
diagnosed with Dyslexia.
Sunshine State Standards:
1) Standard: L.2.1.
Benchmark: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
2) Standard: L.2.2.
Benchmark: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
3) Standard: L.2.3.
Benchmark: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing,
speaking, reading, or listening
4) Standard: L.2.4.
Benchmark: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning
words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from
an array of strategies.
5) Standard: RF.2.4.
Benchmark: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support
6) Standard: L.2.6
Benchmark: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and
being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to
describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology.
A) Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
B) Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital society.
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current
knowledge to new technologies and situations.
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital
tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,
and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to
locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and

State Objectives
 Given a worksheet, students, will be able to list verbs with 100% accuracy.
 Given a worksheet, students, will be able to write sentences using verbs with 90%
 Placed in groups of 6, students will be able to find pictures that go along with
their sentences with 90% accuracy.
 Provided with a teacher demonstration, students, will be able to add pictures to
their Photostory with 90% accuracy.
 Provided with a demonstration, students, will be able to add text over pictures in
Photostory with 85% accuracy.
 Placed in groups of 6, students will create a Photostory about verbs incorporating
1 sentence per verb with 85% accuracy.
 Provided with information on verbs, students, will explain their Photostory to the
class by answering teacher questions with 90% accuracy.
Selected Media and Materials
 Video on verbs: Jumpstart 2nd Grade Verb song. Youtube.
 Computers with Internet Access.
 PhotoStory 3 Program for Windows.
 Projector to show Photostories.

 Dictionaries and thesauruses.
 Alphabet Brainstorming worksheets.
 Sentence Writing worksheets.

 Utilize Media and Materials
 Check internet search engines for appropriateness
 Obtain Photostory 3 software and check for working order.
 Check computers for working order.
 Obtain dictionaries and thesauruses from library for classroom.
 Reserve projector and check for working order
 Check Youtube video Jumpstart 2nd grade Verb song for appropriateness and
working order.

Compile list of verbs from Monday’s lesson into one large list.
Set appropriate search engines on computer’s for students to find pictures.
Install Photostory 3 software in all computers before week starts.
Have Photostory 3 up and running before student’s come in everyday.
Make arrangements for special needs students. Place them in separate groups and
assign them a work buddy.

Require Learner Participation  & Utilize Media and Materials (Step-by-Step)

Monday: Play Verb Game

 Students will play a game where they act out words I (teacher) say. Examples:
Jump, sit, twirl, etc. Students will be encouraged to further the game by
contributing words of their own.
 Students will be told what they just acted out are called verbs. Then the students
will be told that they will be making an Action Verbs Alphabet Photostory as a
class. Each page of the book will contain a letter of the alphabet, a verb that starts
with that letter, and a sentence using that verb. The students will be told that they
will be learning some new vocabulary words that will assist them when they read
and write.
 I will ask students to brainstorm verbs for the different letters of the alphabet. The
words will be written on the board next to the corresponding letters. After this
activity they will be put into six groups of five. Each group will get an alphabet
brainstorming worksheet, to do the same activity on the board on their own. Two
of the groups will get five letters, and the rest will get four. They will be aloud to
use dictionaries and thesauruses.
 At the end of class the worksheets will be collected, and students will come back
together in a large group. The list of verbs that each group came up with will be
added to the list on the board.

Tuesday: Before this lesson I will compile the list of verbs from Monday into one large
 Students will come in and watch a video on verbs called Jumpstart 2nd Grade Verb
song, to get a better understanding of verbs and how to put them into sentences.
 Students will be given the large list of verbs from Monday. They will also be
given a Sentence Writing Worksheet to brainstorm sentences for the verbs they
have chosen for their letters.
 As they are working on their worksheets I will be going around helping review,
edit, and revise their sentences as needed.
 Once they are done brainstorming they will move, with their individual groups, to
the computers to try and search for pictures that match their verb sentences. They
must have one picture for each one of the letters assigned to them.
 Once they have found the pictures they want they will save them to the computer
and be done for the day.

Wednesday: Photostory will be open and ready to work on before the students come into
 As soon as the students come in they will go directly back to the computers with
their group. I will take time with each group and explain how Photostory works
and how to add their pictures into the program.
 I will add one picture to each group’s Photostory as an example. Then I will allow
them to add the pictures for the rest of their letters, while I go on to the next
 As the children work on adding the pictures, I will go around and help with any
problems or questions they may have.

Thursday: Photostory will be open with everything saved from the previous day, and
ready to work on before the students come into class.
 Students will be divided into their groups again and sent back to the computers.
 The groups that did not finish adding the pictures to their Photostory will continue
this until finished.
 The groups that did finish adding their pictures to Photostory will move on to
adding text over their pictures.
 Again I will go around and add text to the first picture as an example. They must
add the letter and the verb above the picture. Below the picture they must put the
verb sentence they came up with. They will work on this until the end of class.

Friday: Photostory will be open on the computers with all the work they did the day
before, ready to be worked on by the students before they come into class.
 Students will be divided into their groups once again and sent to the computers to
finish any work that is not done.
 Once the students are finished they will save their Photostories on the computer
and return to their seats.
 Then each group will come to the front of the class one by one and present their
Photostories to the class. They will also explain what they learned and what they
liked about the project.
 The following week their projects will be displayed on the Class Wiki for their
parents to see.

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