Movie Review - Ratatouille (VALDEZ 12ABM)

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Understanding of the movie before:

The animated film “Ratatouille” produced by Pixar was all about Remy. This is one of the best Disney movies I've
watched so far, and this time I'm gonna talk about that little mouse from Ratatouille. Yup, Remy! For you who
didn't watch this movie, Ratatouille is about a little mouse, Remy, who's expert in cooking, and he secretly helps a
chef named Linguini who can't cook at all. Remy's passion is in cooking. The most inspiring thing about Remy is,
nobody supports him to cook. Everybody disagrees with him, even his father really hates him for doing that :'(.
But, it's about passion. His heart is in cooking. But then, back to the fact again, he's a mouse! How to be a chef
when you're a mouse? But all in all, it was super duper cute! I really love the typical hate-love story of this plot.
Also, I was super amazed about the food, it looks so delicious! Even if it's not real, you could almost taste it! I wish
I could also taste the cheese and wine! Also, maybe this movie is funny because it's about a mouse that helps a chef
to cook just by hiding in the chef's hat and then like suddenly controlling what he does with his freaking hair! But!
This movie becomes very inspirational when you see it from Remy's point of views.

Understanding of the movie now:

When I was in grade school, this movie witnessed on how I grew up. It was kinda impossible I know, but then,
when I watched this movie again... a lot of realizations got stuck on my head. The movie shows Remy’s life, and
the the path he takes to try and change who he is and what he does.

Remy, was described as a rat and an outcast to society, but deep inside he wanted more... He wanted to feel
important, to use his natural skill and that is cooking. Little did he know, it will lead him to be accepted by the
society. This movie was really heartwarming, especially I can literally relate to him. It was like, it will make you
question your identity.

By the way, I also like how they choose a mouse for the animal in this story. 'Cause we all know... mouse is an
image of dirtiness, and cooking is a job with an image of cleanliness. Super contrast, right? It's like to show how
impossible it is for Remy to be a chef. He should do something else! Cooking is not for a mouse! The thing is, all
the circumstances are against him. Nobody supports him... Nothing gives him a reason that he should do the
cooking. But what I like about Remy is, he keeps following his heart. He believes in his passion and what he think
is right for him. He loves cooking, and when he believes it's what he should do, he will really give his best. He
doesn't give up... unlike me. Can't I have that kind of passion?

The problem is, sometimes, yes! We believe in our hearts, but then when there's nothing supports us, we give up.
But because of this movie, it teaches us to always follow what our hearts wants. Because I believe that if you
follow your heart and passion, you'll succeed in life :'). So, yeah, I can say that Ratatouille was really great movie.
A deep story and a deep questions about who we are and what we want to accomplish in life.

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