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ee aaa ame: Risa Mae R.Armargo Grade & Section: ABM 12 Serenity HaWeek 1: Sel Analysis: A Step to My inprowernent Teacher : Mr. Grace Ann C.Casunde Mirroring Therapy 11. According to the scenarios and aspects already know more about my personality and the feelings that already made. 2. Itiseasy forme, because by evaluating my emotions and reactions | know that Iam honest with mpl @ 3. Yes, especially when it comes toa cirde of fiends, because | haved best fiends, they are always hereto support me and respect all af my decisions. | already identified and notice that am a softhesrted person, and now someday that all of my weaknesses will be the one of reason on what and who | am in my future. = Activity Na, 2 Personal Gaal Development Worksheet Persona) ‘tp Minime Goal T [Better grades | Sleeping late | Using gadgets or thisyeor | atnight for gaming 2 [Boost my sell | Overthinking | Being harsh confidence | about on myself onsense things 3 [Finish my | Beinglate on | Stop being so studies pissing initable outputs or activities ee [F [ retneti ny [uying or [Purchasing ends spending my | things that ‘money wil notable forme friends, using | that not useful social media — | for ie ike Facebook 5S [Beingan | Thinking | Togive up | Doing good and | My To understand the JAccountant | aboutthe — | immediately | finishaltthe | communicating | situation of athers, doubts that | when itcomes | tasks. stalls and be good to them 1. Lalready know al of my plans and goals, andl want to achieve al oft. 2. thelpsme to attain my personal goals, because | know that myself would help me to face all ‘of the problems that am gaing to have. 2. Mybarviers inthe achieving my personal goals is my weaknesses, but know that can face al ‘of this know that | could solve all ofthe hindrance. ‘Activity No.3 Poem Writing Challenge ea hide my emotions ‘And tknow what's the reason ‘don’t want to waste my life Because! know what Ihave What | Have Lesmed Pledge of Commitment For the sake of my future," pledge to thrive ne matter how difficult the challenges are. m going te confront the challenges ahead with confidence and commitment because Iknow that Fle able to overcame it. [MV TWREE BIG STEPS IN ACHIEVING MY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Step 1: Make sure thatthe view i dear, must begin with the end in mind Step 2:Miake @ ist of my strengths and places where Imay improve ‘Step 2:Creste a personal rowth stratesy GY

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