Sts11 Answer Module

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Module 2


Instructions: Write your answers on a separate piece of paper

C. Complete a table like the one below by writing what questions about human evolution interests you
and list one evidence that answers your question.

Question about Human Evolution Possible Evidence

Question about Human Evolution Possible Evidence

1. How does evolution work? To survive, living things adapt to their

surroundings. Occasionally a genetic variation
gives one member of a species an edge. That
individual passes the beneficial gene on to its
descendants. More individuals with the new trait
survive and pass it on to their descendants. If
many beneficial traits arise over time, a new
species—better equipped to meet the challenges
of its environment—evolves.
2. What do scientists mean when they call Like gravity and plate tectonics, evolution is a
evolution a theory? scientific theory. In science, a theory is the most
logical explanation for how a natural phenomenon
works. It is well tested and supported by abundant
evidence. It means quite the opposite from our
informal use of the word theory, which implies an
untested opinion or guess. As a scientific theory,
evolution enables scientists to make predictions
and drives investigations that lead to new kinds of
observable evidence.
3. How are humans and monkeys related? Humans and monkeys are both primates. But
humans are not descended from monkeys or any
other primate living today. We do share a
common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. It lived
between 8 and 6 million years ago. But humans
and chimpanzees evolved differently from that
same ancestor. All apes and monkeys share a
more distant relative, which lived about 25 million
years ago.

4. Describe at least two similarities of humans and other primates.

• The African apes and humans have essentially the same arrangement of internal organs, share
all of the same bones (though somewhat different in shape and size), lack external tails, and have
several important blood type systems in common. We also get many of the same diseases.
• Humans and the African apes have hands with thumbs that are sufficiently separate from the
other fingers to allow them to be opposable for precision grips.

5. How are modern human humans different from other primates?

• The modern human brain is 3 times larger than those of the great apes. People have much more
complex forms of verbal communication than any other primate species. We are the only animal to
create and use symbols as a means of communication. The most distinctive feature of humans is our
mental ability to create new ideas and complex technologies. This has proven invaluable in the
competition for survival.

D. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not forget to COPY
the question you have chosen.

c) What are the survival challenges that early humans faced and how is it similar or different to present

The survival challenges that early humans face are making fire, finding foods and shelter to live, making
tools for hunting and secure environment to live in. the early humans have all struggles to find
themselves a stable lifestyle because they are still discovering and don’t have enough knowledge to the
environment. While in the modern times humans are living in the technology. All our needs such
washing clothes, cooking and cleaning cam be done through the work of electricity. Machineries are
working for people while have develop knowledge and experience to make our lives more convenient
than ever. The life of our ancestors are bite difficult and complicated but our lives now we are living in
prosperity and abundance. So that I can say that living in early humans and modern times have a huge
different from each other from the way we live now and the environment were living with

Instructions: Write your answers on a separate piece of paper

A. Data interpretation. Study the graph about “Women’s Education and Fertility” and answer the
questions (50-100 words each) that will follow.

Source: Barro-Lee Educational Attainment Dataset (2015): PRB Data Sheet 2015

a) What does the graph tell you about women’s education and fertility?
As I look and think deeply the graph shows, the more a women acquire education the
more they are aware of how they should take care of their nature as a women. The
education can reduce fertility because better-educated women earn more and may raise
their children more effectively. Education also improves maternal and child health,
thereby increasing a woman's physical capacity to give birth and reducing the (economic)
necessity for more children. The more women are aware of raising a children the more
the country can reduce a poverty and can achieve a better community.
b) What do you notice about the countries that have the highest number of babies (bar
location: left side of the graph/left of zero)? Highest number of years spent in education
(bar location: right side of the graph/right of zero)?
The countries have a more greater phase of education have a lower fertility rate while the
lowest phase of education have a higher number of babies born.
c) Which countries do you think have a J-shape pattern? S-shape?
The J shape country are Niger, Afganistan, Papua New Guinea, and Gana while the
Shape are United States, Sweden, Malaysia, Argentina and Kuwait.
d) Of the three survivorship curves (Type I, II, and III) which is the pattern of humans?
What made you say so?
Type I, because government are taking actions on how to educate women on how to take
care of young children and how to reduce a fertility rate for both economic and human
benefits. Because the more a young and middle girs are educated about having a children
the they are responsible on giving birth and so on.
e) Human population has continued to grow tremendously since Industrial Revolution. Is
this a density-dependent or density-independent factor? Why?
Density-dependent limiting factors cause a population's per capita growth rate to change
—typically, to drop—with increasing population density. One example is competition for
limited food among members of a population.

A. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not forget to
COPY the question you have chosen.
1. Why is the Philippines' (Metro Manila in particular) population dense? How does this
relate/align with the science we have discussed?
Metro manila is overpopulated area, people has been brought about by a constant rural-
urban migration. This because manila is the center of economic the opportunities and jobs
are larger than in a province. The salaries, government agencies and other important
buildings is there that people can acquire easily.



Instructions: Write your answers on a separate piece of paper

E. Cite actual scenarios/examples from the Philippines that demonstrates variations of farming
techniques. You may provide pictures/drawings.

Variations of Farming:

1. Subsistence Farming - Any changes in the rainfall and temperature extremes can impact the crop
production and adversely impact their livelihoods. Such as heavy rain and wind it will make a crops or
palay/mais down by it. And we all know that it would be waste and failure towards the farmers.

2. Shifting Cultivation – Is changing the crops after the harvests to acquire nutrients. For example the
palayan after the harvest they will plant watermelon to change the crops.

3. Slash and Burn agriculture - this is method that forests are burn and cleared to make it an agrivulture
land. For example a hectares of trees is being cleared and burn to convert it as a palayan and or banana
4. Crop Rotation – crop rotation is planting different plants and vegetables in a small garden in your
house. For example your living in a condo unit and you plant a vegetable over your small balcony in your

5. Pastoral Nomadism – they are raising an animals and naturally travelling in a different places to find a
best places that suits there animals lifes. They also have a one specific animals to pet with.

F. Cite actual scenarios/examples from the Philippines that tackled the environmental impact of

Environmental impact of agriculture:

1. Effects and costs - for instances Philippines have encounter many typhoons that affects the crops of
the Filipinos. Such as palay and mais that typhoons and floods can make them down it will be a failure
towards the farmers. While the price of the palay doesn’t even half the price of a rice.
2. Livestock issues - the African swine fever affects the almost all the country that causes the shortage
of meat in the market that results to higher price.

3. Land and water issues – water had an issues basically in provinces area because of lack of
development. For example here in my barangay, our water is generated through electricity and if
electricity is out we face in water shortage.

G. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not forget to COPY
the question you have chosen.

3. With the module's discussion of agriculture as basis, how do you propose to help Filipino farmers?

For me as I have a farmer father, farmer needs the support of the government even if its not a financial
one. Making the price of farmers crops such coconut, banana, palay and mais is a great help. Stop
importing goods from other country because that is a great competitor towards the locals farmers.
Buying local farmers goods in a higher price and sell it in a appropriate price too.


Instructions: Write your answers on a separate piece of paper

1. Complete the following table by choosing medicinal plants (you can opt to choose the ones that
were not discussed in the module), what people believe they can do, and what they can actually
do. An italicized example is provided. Please do not simply lift the words directly from the source
and try to add explanation.

Medicinal Plants What people believe they can What they actually do
Example: Aloe vera It’s a “cure all” tonic, for the It is a topical treatment of
treatment of acne, burns, and minor wounds, burns, and frostbite.
1.Turmeric or Luyang Dilaw Anti -cancer, can ease stomach ache, Turmeric tea's strong anti-
skin irritation inflammatory properties can
help ease inflammation and
swelling in people with
arthritis. This reduces painful
symptoms. One study found
that an active compound in
turmeric, called curcumin, was
effective in reducing pain in
patients with osteoarthritis.
2. Lemon Grass Fighting against the bacteria, vitamin Lemongrass might help
C that strengthen our immune prevent the growth of some
system. bacteria and yeast.
Lemongrass also contains
substances that are thought to
relieve pain and swelling,
reduce fever, improve levels of
sugar and cholesterol in the
blood, stimulate the uterus and
menstrual flow, and have
antioxidant properties.
3.Okra Cure in diabetes, prostate cancer. Okra is rich in vitamins A and
C, as well as antioxidants that
help reduce the risk of serious
health conditions like cancer,
diabetes, stroke, and heart
disease. Okra is also a good
source of: Magnesium. Folate.
4. Alugbati Lots of fiber, low with fats Alugbati is a fantastic source
of calcium, zinc, magnesium
and iron. But the vitamins and
minerals don't end there. This
ingredient also possesses a
great deal of dietary fiber,
which can help slow down
sugar absorption in your
blood. This makes it a good
preventive measure for
5. Serpintina serpentina is a safe and effective Insomnia, Constipation. Fever.
treatment for hypertension Insect bite. Liver disease.
1. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not forget to
COPY the question you have chosen.
1. Why is it easier for some people to believe ridiculous and exaggerated claims of wellness
than to heed and seek medical advice?
We all know the most accessible and low cost one is believing in herbal supplement. And its
kinda part of our culture as we grow older we see older people healing the different sickness
through diferent form of medical herbs and plants. Because for me nothing will change if I
believe in that kind of practice. It is also helpful to take alternatives ones than putting
different medicines that doctor ask you to take. Especially in the provinces that the medical
resources wasn’t accessible at all. People are relaying on what they have learn from their
ancestors instead of seeking medical advices that costs thousand and travel in long way from
their respective home.



Instructions: Write your answers on a separate piece of paper

H. Cite from public documents, articles, newspaper, or any form of mass media (just be sure it came
from a verified and trustworthy source) that represent issues/problems tackled in this module. Write a
suggestion based on the article. Your chosen articles should be at least from 2010 to present. If possible,
please provide snippets of the following articles and paste them on a separate sheet, after the table. An
italicized example is provided.

Title, author, Brief summary of the Issues/problems Relationships of the Suggestion

and date (if issue tackled in this article to the specified
available) module issue
Example: The articled talked Sustainable The article talked about Talk with the local people
“Title of article” about illegal poaching wildlife sustainable wildlife to know why they poach
by Author, 2019 activities in Place A. management management because it and find ways to …
talks of issues like …

1.Towards Sustainable sustainability Reservation of wildlife is Spread awareness on how

Sustainable conservation of have been a most of the government to take care the
Wildlife wildlife resources has focusing on to protect its nature and environment.
Management been one of the core involving local sorroundings.
Areas inobjectives of wildlife people in
Tanzania By:managers and conservation.
Paulo Wilfred, biologists in many
2010 countries. owever, as
human population
expands, wildlife
resources are
increasingly subjected
to severe pressure,
which threatens their
existence and
sustainability [1–3].
2.SNARE The article talked The implications Hunting can make the Government should pass
HUNTING about the different that hunting animals living in the a law not allowing any
AMONG BAKA hunting method. brought towards foerest into endangered hunting actions towards
HUNTER- the wildlife. species and cannot the forests whose
GATHERERS : balance the ecosystem of considered house of
IMPLICATIONS the world. endanger species.
Hirokazu, 2014
3. Biodiversity The rapid growth of Growth of human Human have a great Government should
Conservation: human population that population that impact towards the educate its people on how
Challenges may caused may caused environment. Human important the
Beyond 2010 unsustainable bioderversity should minimize its environment so that they
By: Rands et al, exploitation of Earth’s conservation action that may lead to are able to know and
2010 biological diversity, challenges in the environment distruction. practice how to be a
exacerbated by climate near future. responsible human.
change, ocean
acidification, and
other anthropogenic
4. Twenty-Five This article reviews highlight the Forests had become We should spread
Years of results from a rotation- overriding converted into industrial awareness about the
Intensive Forest length experiment that importance of and agricultural ones. Its distraction we can get if
Management tested factorial soil nutrient important to know how all our forests would
with Southern combinations of supply on long- large the effect is. cleared up.
Pines: Important understory term productivity
Lessons Learned competition control of southern pine
By: Eric J. and sustained fertilizer stands.
Jokela, Timothy additions on the
A. Martin, Jason productivity and stand
G. Vogel, 2010 dynamics of loblolly
(Pinus taeda L.) and
slash pine (Pinus
elliottii var. elliottii) in
north central Florida.
5. Low-intensity Hunting and logging, Hunting-induced find that low-intensity Hunting and logging
logging and ubiquitous human declines in logging had a meaningful should be banned in many
hunting have disturbances in populations of long-term effect on different forests. Wes
long-term tropical forests, have seed-dispersing species-specific seed should be responsible in
effects on seed the potential to alter animals are dispersal distances, our own actions.
dispersal but not the ecological expected to though the direction and
fecundity in processes that govern reduce dispersal magnitude varied and
Afrotropical population recruitment of the tree species was not congruent within
forests By: and community that rely on them, dispersal vector.
Chase L Nuñez, composition. resulting in
James S Clark, potentially
Connie J Clark, greater distance-
John R Poulsen, and density-
2018 dependent
I. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not forget to COPY
the question you have chosen.

1. Why is biodiversity important?

Biodiversity helps humans especially in farming, farmers rely on the environment to plants and have a
good harvest on their crops. We need support from the environment such as good air to breath, fresh
and healthy water to drink and good environment to live with the animals we’ve raising for. We all know
that without the environment we are living even how develop we are right know. Technology are still be
useless we have no environment to rely on , to put our crops, machines that support almost our needs
right now. Biodiversity helps each plants absorb the nutrients that its needs through the different



1. Choose one from the impacts of humans on grassland biomes and discuss.

25% of grasslands have disappeared because of people building power plants, cities, schools, roads,
permanent homes (also known as urban development). This is one of the basic yet caused a long term
distraction towards the grassland because houses, different types of building and factories are a
permanent one. Wildlife that been there are either find a new home or being killed through the
process. I not saying that we should maintain the forest because the reality is we need them, we need to
use them but at least we should lessen the spaces we acquire by building our houses, limit those private
company to build their building. We should maximize the space.

2. Give an example in the Philippine/local setting. Include the location and explain how humans has
affected the biome.

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