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English Phonetics and Phonology

A practical course
Fourth edition Peter Roach

Chapter 10

Written Exercises

In the following words, there is a button before each syllable. If you think a syllable is stressed, click the
button for that syllable.

A Verbs and adjectives

1 de  cide

2 thor  ough

3 rem  e  dy

4 fic  tion  al

5 su  rren  der

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B Nouns
1 ta  ble

2 re  ward

3 com  pa  ny

4 di  rec  tion

5 cat  a  ract
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35 Cambridge University Press

Answers to Written Exercises Chapter 10

(A) Stressed syllables are:

1 cide

2 thor

3 rem

4 fic

5 rren

1 ta

2 ward

3 com

4 rec

5 cat

36 Cambridge University Press

Chapter 10

Audio Exercise

Listen to each word in the following list, then click the button of the syllable that you think carries the
primary stress.

1 co llap sing

2 con tro ver sy

3 dip lo mat ic

4 dic tate (verb)

5 quan ti ty

6 a ppar ent

7 vol un teer

8 cap tive

9 rhi noc er os

10 com pu ter

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37 Cambridge University Press

Answers to Audio Exercise Chapter 10

Stressed syllables are:

1 llap

2 con

3 mat

4 tate

5 quan

6 ppar

7 teer

8 cap

9 noc

10 pu

38 Cambridge University Press

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