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Interacting with Crystals: Adventures in Nanospace

David C Palmer
CrystalMaker Software Ltd, Begbroke Science Park, Oxfordshire, UK SOFT WARE

Abstract Crystal & Molecular Structures Visualization Single-Crystal Diffraction

We have developed a suite of Mac programs designed to make
crystal structures and their diffraction properties accessible and fun! CrystalMaker is an award-winning SingleCrystal works with CrystalMaker to
program for visualizing the atomic simulate diffraction patterns from crystals.
arrangements inside crystals and
Our core product, CrystalMaker®, provides real-time interactive molecules. Diffraction from single crystals is the prime
visualization of the atomic arrangements inside crystals and technique in crystal structure determination.
CrystalMaker imports diverse file Reversing this, by going from a known
molecules. A wide variety of data formats can be imported and formats, providing high resolution
structure to a simulated pattern, is an
displayed using photo-realistic graphics. The non-modal program photo-realistic graphics, 3D stereo
® invaluable teaching and research aid.
design allows for active exploration of even the most complex CrystalMaker and QuickTime video/VR movies. SingleCrystal ™
structures. CrystalMaker uses QuickTime™ to provide high-
resolution graphics output in a wide choice of file formats, plus Elegant and Accessible Interface
video recording and automatic QuickTime VR object generation. Your Desktop Electron Microscope
The major controls are easily accessible via floating palettes. Data
can be edited using data browsers embedded within resizable SingleCrystal s simulation is highly-realistic and the mouse-driven real-time
sheets. Multiple views and undo states are available at all times, control gives users a real sense of exploring “diffraction space”. Real diffraction
CrystalMaker can be extended, via two helper applications, images can be dragged into a window, for easy comparison with the theoretical
represented by thumbnail previews in the Overview Window.
CrystalDiffract® and SingleCrystal™, to provide simulation and pattern, which is then shown as an overlay.
analysis of many common diffraction experiments. Key Mac Technologies
CrystalMaker uses Quartz graphics for much of its visualization, As an education tool, SingleCrystal adds the ability to control experimental
allowing us to control both 2D and 3D plotting, with high-quality parameters (such as crystal thickness, machine beam current, wavelength) to
textboxes, arrows, scalebars and other annotation overlays. aid the understanding of how these affect the formation of a diffraction pattern.
Building Dynamical Models A Video Recorder palette gives access to QuickTime movie
recording or automatic generation of QTVR objects. QuickTime is
Coping with Complexity also used to provide a wide range of graphics export formats.
CrystalMaker was conceived some 12 years ago when one of us (David
Palmer) was working as a lecturer at the University of Cambridge. Faced with Spotlight on Innovation Multiple Structures, Views and Histories
teaching a traditional crystallography course to new geology students, we CrystalMaker is continually being developed. Forthcoming
CrystalMaker s Atom Info window (top right) lets users edit atom properties on the fly—and
versions will include Spotlight integration: browsing for chemical
turned to the graphics capabilities of the Mac to provide help. control the site visibility and labelling. The Overview Window (bottom right) gives single-click
formulae, density, volume and other properties—from the Finder.
access to bookmarked structural Views, undo states (History) and recently-opened files.
The key challenges were to help students visualize three dimensional models
and to “see the wood for the trees” when presented with complex structures.

We overcame these challenges through the development of CrystalMaker: a

program to provide dynamical computer models that transcend the limitations
X-ray Powder Diffraction
of traditional teaching methods. Using CrystalMaker, one can instantly simplify
a complex structure using stylized models, show or hide atoms, and zoom CrystalMaker Integration, via Apple Events
CrystalDiffract is a helper program, designed to A structure can be visualized in CrystalMaker, then, with a single menu
interesting features whilst hiding background clutter. In so doing, one begins to
work with CrystalMaker to simulate x-ray and command, its diffraction pattern simulated in CrystalDiffract. Groups of files
develop an intimate understanding of nano-scale, structural architecture.
neutron powder diffraction patterns from crystals. can be dragged-and-dropped into CrystalDiffract, with the option of a Stereographic Projections in the 21st Century
stacking display or mixture simulation, as demonstrated below. SingleCrystal features interactive “stereographic projections”, showing the
Powder diffraction is one of the most important spatial arrangements of planes of atoms and vectors in a crystal lattice,
ways of “fingerprinting” materials. CrystalDiffract summarized in a handy two-dimensional plot.
lets researchers compare their experimental data
directly with theoretical results, without having to
CrystalDiffract trawl through external (and expensive) databases.

About Us
CrystalMaker Software Ltd is an award-winning British company that develops,
Case Study: the Structure of Fluorite, CaF2 sells and supports computer software for applications in chemistry, physics,
The CrystalMaker images above are different representations of one unit cell in materials science and geology..
a fluorite (calcium fluoride) crystal. Moving from left-to-right, we pass from a
traditional “ball-and-stick” model to a stylized, “polyhedral” model. Founded by two former academics, our company is committed to the greater
understanding of science, through the use of innovative new technology. Our
The ball-and-stick model shows positions of different atom types (fluorine in focus is firmly on user interaction, with elegant interfaces and superb, photo-
green, calcium in blue) and their chemical bonds (grey sticks). This is useful for realistic graphics.
small structures or molecules, but can become too fussy for complex materials.
Software Requirements
The polyhedral model on the right is much simpler. Groups of individually- All of our Mac products are universal binaries
bonded atoms are replaced by polyhedra. For example, each fluorine atom with and require Mac OS X 10.3 or later. Free
Real-Time Parameter Control demo versions (for Mac or Windows) can be
its four nearest-neighbour calcium atoms is represented by a solid tetrahedron; CrystalDiffract goes beyond mere display and measurement, giving users full downloaded from our website:
we can think of each fluorine atom as residing at the centre of a tetrahedron, control over the virtual diffraction experiment. Users can adjust parameters
with calcium atoms at the vertices. such as wavelength, crystallite size and cell parameters, by clicking and
dragging a slider control as the diffraction pattern is recalculated in real time.
Polyhedral models are invaluable for understanding materials such as zeolites,
ceramics and many minerals. Whilst appearing complex, these structures In the example shown on the left, the “b” cell parameter is being changed to We sell our software direct, thereby providing lower prices and higher-quality
actually consist of the same basic sub-units (silicate groups) connected in mimic the effects of a phase transition. Notice how the resulting diffraction service (including numerous free incremental updates via our website).
different ways—somewhat like “Lego” models made from the same bricks. peaks (red) have become split, compared with the original (blue) pattern. Education and multi-user discounts are available for all products.

© 2007 CrystalMaker Software Limited

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