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554306987.xlsx V2.

Guideline for using Q&A Management Template

1 Purpose
The requirement understanding confirmation between project team and customer via Q&A method is regular activity during project implementation. So it is
necessary to manage and share the understanding to all member to ensure member implement as right as customer's requirement.
Questions and answers between project team and customer are archived in and tracked in this document.

2 Scope
Application to all FSOFT projects

3 How to use
Project Q&As are managed following defined flow in Q&A management flow sheet.
Project must define one person-in-charge to take care of Q&A management in the project to avoid duplicate Q&A or unnecessary clarification at the beginning of
project. Normally; this is project PM/PTL
If the amount of Q&A is too much, project should separate to several topics like Requirement, Design, Test,.... into corresponding sheets together with PIC of
topics like BA lead, Design lead, Test lead,... It helps the Q&A management and implementation more strictly and avoid the question missing.

All questions/confirmation in meeting (TV meeting; meeting with onsiter from customer site,...), mail must be logged & tracked here.
No merge for over than one questions into one Q&A. Many information in Q&A file can lead answerer become confused
If the file's size is too big, a secondary file may be used. In that case, a sequential number (01, 02, etc.) is added to the end of the file name.

4 Q&A management file Introduction

Sheet descriptions
Sheet Description
Cover Cover sheet
Q&A List Questions, answers, and related information
Guidelines Guideline for using Q&A Management document
Q&A management flow Description of Q&A management work flow

Cover sheet
Item Description
Project name Project name
Project code Project code
Content Content of the file, useful when several files are used, e.g. Question 1 - 200

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Q&A List sheet

No Column Description
1 No Question number, sequential
2 References Specify the module/section in documents or functionality or subject referred by the
3 Question Content of the question. If there is a feedback or further clarification about the
same question, use the following format:
[yyyy/MM/dd FPT/Template_PVoucher_Flow chart/PersonName Add]
For example:
We don't understand XYZ.
[2006/12/19 FPT add]
Following your suggestion, we still cannot...

Note that the latest addition is in red so that the involved parties can easily notice

4 Answer Answer to the question. If there is further discussion, use the same rules as
specified for Question column above.
5 Priority Priority of the question:
High - if it blocks the work.
Medium - if an answer is needed within 2-4 working days.
Low - Cosmetic question

6 Created On Date on which the question is raised. Filled in by FPT

7 Created By The person who asks the question
8 Assigned To The person who's in charge of answering the question.
9 Deadline The date expected to receive the answers for the question. Filled in by FPT.
10 Answered On The date on which the question is actually answer. Filled in by customer.
11 Status Open: The question has not been answered
Closed: The question is satisfactorily answered
Cancelled: Question is cancelled
In progress: the answer is available but not fully satisfied

12 Conclusion A place for a conclusion.

Conclusion must be more specific/detail and clear to understand about what FPT
understands finally and what FPT will do.

13 Question Type Type of the question:

Clarification - Ask for explanation about points/issues FPT don't fully understand
Confirmation - Ask to confirm a solution proposed by FPT
Customer Defect - The issue referred by the question is a customer's defect

14 Title Question title, briefly describe the content of the question

15 Process Specify process for which the question raised.
- Requirement: questions on user requirements, Functional specification or GUI
- Design: questions on design matters, system architecture, detail designs
- Coding: questions on coding matters, coding convention, coding techniques
- Test: questions on testing matters, test plan, test PCLs, test report
- Deployment: questions on deployment matters, deployment environments,
installation, act
- Project management: questions on project scope, acceptance criteria,
schedule, effort change, working procedures, etc...

16 Notes Notes
17 Reference links Add link to reference of this Q&A

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No Column Description

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Q&A Management Sheet

Project Code: #REF!
Q&A Manager: <PM name>
Last updated date 4/Nov/21

No of Open items 1
No of In progress items 0
No of Closed items 0
No of Cancelled items 0
Total 1

No References Question Answer Priority Created On Created By Assigned Deadline Answered Status Conclusion Question Type Title Process Notes
To On
1 Name of the document, and High 18/Dec/06 ThiTH Tashiro 20/Dec/06 20/Dec/06 Open Customer Defect Coding
module/section ID or
Requirement ID or Subject
referred by the question

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Reference links

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