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Muhammad Nurnajmi Bin Nahar Azmi (2017665766) EMD7M5A

Question on Regulations on Professional Conduct

Question 1
As a young engineer, you are instructed by your employer to prepare a bankable report
for a prospective project based on the information provided by your employer. You have no
access to ascertain the reliability of the information provided. Considering the IEM Regulations
on Professional Conduct, how do you advise your employer so that you may complete your
assignment with integrity.


A challenge that an engineer would probably face in his or her routine work is instructed
by employer to prepare a bankable report with no access to ascertain the reliability of the
information provided. However, the limited information provided could be the only
information that the employer had obtained as well.

There are four statements clearly written in IEM Regulation on Professional Conduct that
we can apply if we face such a situation.

1) A member shall at all times take care to ensure that his work and the products of his
work constitute no avoidable danger of death or injury or ill health to any person
2) A member called upon to give an opinion in his professional capacity shall, to the best
of his ability, give an opinion that is objective and reliable.
3) A member shall inform his employer in writing of any conflict between my personal
interest and faithful services to his employer.
4) A member whose professional advice is not accepted, we shall take all reasonable
measures to ensure that the person overruling or neglecting our advice is aware of the
danger and consequences in which we believe will result from such overruling and

Therefore, we shall take all reasonable measures to explain the consequences of the
inaccurate information to employer that may affect the results both positively and negatively.
The explanation of consequences shall not only be limited to the consequences faced by the
employer or their client but shall also include any consequences to the other minority
stakeholders of the project, which may include the local community or the surrounding natural

In order to complete the report, I would list down the required information that are not
provided and to discuss with my employer the importance and necessity of the missing data. If
the employer has similar doubt about the provided information, by virtue of professionalism
the employer shall approach the client to clarify the vagueness and request for more

I would also seek advises from specialist, IEM or BEM representatives who is
specialize in the field and might experience the same problem before. Their input could reduce
the uncertainty and improve my competency in technical knowledge.

All discussion will be noted down and put in record for future reference. If the required
information is still not provided due to some reason, I will still proceed with preparing the
report while clearly stating in the report that the reliability of the base information and data
provided cannot be ascertained and the outcome and recommendations of the report may be
affected, either positively or negatively should the baseline information change or be amended.
On top of that, I would advise my employer in writing that the consequences might include
legal implication resulting in potential negative effect to any person, project or community.

Should the client choose to ignore our professional advice, I will request myself to be
removed from the assignment and advise my employer to withdraw from the bidding on the
basis of non-compliance to IEM’s Regulations on Professional Conduct, engineer shall not
undertake responsibility as professional engineer which he does not believe himself competent
to discharge.

IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct should always be referred whenever doubts

occur. This could prevent me as a young engineer to undertake actions that are unethical but
also to promote high integrity and esteem.
Question No. 2
You are assigned to prospect an area for an extractable mineral(s). However, in your
course of works, you discover no such minerals but some other valuable minerals which your
employer is (are) not interested. On the other hand, the information you have is of great
importance to the adjoining interest. As an engineer can you release the particular information
which you have to the other party so that the minerals may be explored. Please discuss taking
into consideration of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct.


As an engineer, we shall be responsible to our employer and take care his benefits unless
it is jeopardizing the community from health and safety aspect. Therefore, we do not disclose
information gained during employment without permission of employer. Without jeopardizing
the benefits of employer and to contribute to advancement of the industry, I shall report the
findings to employer and possibly followed with submission of proposal to employer for
possible joint venture or information sharing/ selling to another party which they make use of
the valuable materials.
In addition, if employer agrees to disclose the information, which was not useful to us
but is of great interests of the other know party, we avoid waste of efforts and resource put in.
The useful material could also be extracted for benefit of community.

As per earlier paragraphs, we shall take care the interests of our employer. All
information and success gained during our course of work with current employer could be
important for future development of the company and colleagues. If we feel that the
information though not useful to us but to others, we can propose disclosure of information to
employer and let them to make decision for better advancement of the industry and society at

In the course of our works, we report our findings to employer. In the same time, we
make our works benefiting the society. Disclosure of information, if with good reasons, shall
be done in an ethical manner. The interest of our employer shall be safeguarded. For this case,
we shall gain permission from employer or propose to employer our ideas.
Question No. 3:
Mr X is a project engineer for a project contracted to Y company owned by Mr Z. Mr
Z told Mr X that he is ordering latest model of electronic gadget for his company staff and he
can get a set for Mr X at the company discounted price. Mr X agrees and pays on delivery. Did
Mr X breach the IEM Regulations of Professional Conduct?


A member shall not accept remuneration in connection with professional services

rendered to his employer other than from his employer or with his employer’s consent; nor
shall be receive directly or indirectly any royalty, gratuity or commission on any article or
process used in or for the purposes of the work in respect of which he is employed unless or
until such royalty, gratuity or commission has been authorised in writing by his employer.

For the case of Engineer X to accept the offer, by Mr. Z, the latest model of an electronic
gadget, at a discounted price, is seemed a bit breaching the IEM regulations on Professional
Conduct. It is because the discounted price indeed can be considered a valuable consideration.
Though the engineer X is contracted to Y company owned by Mr. Z, engineer X is already
accepting remuneration from his employer who contracting him to Y company for the project.
He shall not accept financial and benefits from more than one party for the same project. If Mr.
Z appreciate engineer X for his efforts in the project, he could still make such offer, but it is
more appropriate to offer via his employer to engineer X.

As an engineer, we shall be honest when carrying out our routine works in workplace.
We shall not expect benefits in any kind from others except from our employer. Our firm
standing of not accepting any kind of benefits other than from our employer could help us
dealing with others confidently and earn their cooperation in getting works completed without
jeopardizing the quality.

A Registered Engineer shall not solicit or accept financial or other valuable

consideration, directly or indirectly, from outside agents in connection with the work for which
he is responsible unless the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed by all interested
Question No. 4:
Professionalism cannot be taught by regurgitating (repeatedly speaking) the IEM
Regulations of Professional Conduct nor by memorizing a set of rules. Do you agree with the
statement and why?


Yes, because is professionalism is a way of thinking and living rather than an

accumulation of learning. Professionalism cannot be taught by stating a code of ethics nor by
memorising a set of rules. A strong professional sense is of undoubted benefit to the profession
concerned in terms of morale and vocational satisfaction.

Ethics means something more than “law” and “morals”; it carries an additional
connotation of “rightness”. The Code, therefore, is not a list of rules to govern every problem
of conduct, nor is it a broad statement of ideals. It is a statement of the principles of “rightness”,
of broad scope, and with enough detail to enable an intelligent man to deduce for himself the
course of his own professional conduct. The essence of all professional codes is that the
professional man must be worthy, through his conduct, of the trust placed in him by the
community and by colleagues. This gives rise to a universal rule of life for every engineer who
inspires to true professional status: to act in every situation in a manner that will add to the
confidence and esteem in which his profession is held by the community.

By memorizing this set of regulations and rules, though cannot ensure professionalism
of an engineer, these rules are introduction and basic qualifying requirement and essential
guidelines that all members must remember. After memorizing and understand them with heart,
the following aspects are also much desired to attain professionalism of the engineers.

Upon one agrees and understands the rules and regulations are for all members to
conduct themselves in an order and ethical ways, which will eventually strengthen the
attractiveness of the profession as a rewarding career; one will follow and practise the rules
and regulations.

Regurgitating IEM regulations on professional conduct is basic qualifying

requirement to attain professionalism. In addition to that, members shall have strong agreement
to the rules and regulation, feel proud and honour to follow the rules.
Question No. 5:

The IEM Regulations of Professional Conduct speaks against active self-promotion

and advertisement. In what ways should such restraint enhance the stature of engineers as
professionals? More importantly, given the advent (arrival) of information technology age
where virtual reality is becoming norm, how would any violation of the IEM Regulations of
Professional Conduct be detected and dealt with?


IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct speaks against active self-promotion and

advertisement. Self-promoting is unethical as typically large amount of money will be used for
promotion of in worse case the lobbying process. Those costs could be effectively used to
improve the existing system and could be spent for multi researches.

Active self-promotion and advertisement like sales and marketing industry may result
the use of self-laudatory language. In my opinions, engineering works are application of
science knowledge to improve living standard of human. Engineers are those involved with the
roles. These kinds of roles are informative and implementation patterns and not adjective and
praising ways. It is important so that we can perform our duties with real understanding and
attending to engineering problems sincerely. We do not say or make public perceive that we
could perform something extraordinary or can do much better or no one else could able to do
similar. This rule is essential to avoid wrong perception from the public and to show our
sincerity to contribute to the community while taking care of our business prospects.

In addition, the restraint can avoid unhealthy competition among engineers such as
deduction of fees. This approach to secure works is detrimental to the profession and other
engineers. The impacts are the profession could no longer be an attractive and rewarding one.
In future, there will less and less talents willing to join the profession making the industry not
sustainable and stagnant from advancement. Such restraint may promote close collaboration
among engineers of different discipline and expertise too. It is because the projects nowadays
are growing in complexity. As an engineer, he does not speak and make public statement
without ensuring his qualification and undertake jobs that are out of his area of expertise and
competence. By pooling all discipline of engineers, they work and collaborate with one
another. Eventually, they can contribute to nation in efficient ways.
Therefore, the violation can be detected by identifying the presence of these two
elements of advertisement and articles published on both traditional media and online. If one
uses self-laudatory language, the statement is unlikely providing informative details tally with
his qualification, capacity and competence. Both Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and
Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) have the directory and registration details and public
could access via online to check the registration of individual engineer.

Communication is important among engineers. Via communication, people with

similar abilities, qualifications, background and job nature can become peers of among
themselves to move to ethical direction. In addition, they could learn, share ideas, monitor and
motivate each other.
By becoming members of Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), we become peers
among each other. By becoming IEM members, we promise to abide by IEM rules and
regulations. If any of the members breach the rules, he shall feel shame and will not earn the
respect of others.

Prohibition of active self-promotion and advertisement are not meaning to restrict

growing of business of individual engineer. It is indeed encouraging competency with
allocation of resources into enhancing competence and skills. The restraint could avoid
unhealthy approaches which shown desperation to secure jobs but jeopardizing the profession
as a rewarding career as a whole and in the long run.
Question No. 6:
You are an engineer and it is known that your project activities/ plant production had
cause an adverse health, safety and/ or environmental (HSE) impact. To improve the HSE
quality, you must cease your project activities/ production for a period, resulting in the inability
to meet the schedule and targets. How would you handle in a situation where there is a conflict
between the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct and commercial consideration?


According to IEM regulation on professional conduct, members shall ensure that his
works and products constitute no danger, cause no health issues and no damage to the
environment. When there is conflict of interest between his own and others especially the
community, his shall uphold the benefit of the community and his duty to them must prevail.
In addition, it is responsibility of all humans to not polluting the environment, not initiating
irresponsible actions that will jeopardize others and own good health and safety. All economic
activities and development will only become sustainable if people are healthy, workplaces are
safe, and environment is clean.

If my project activities or plant production had caused an adverse health, safety or

environmental (HSE) impact, I will report, discuss and advise employer for stipulated period
for repair and rectification works. If it is deemed necessary, due to benefits of workers and
public from HSE aspects, I will recommend too about ceasing of project activities and
production though that may result in the inability to meet the schedule and targets.

In the same time, I will quickly kick off the repair and rectification work, along with
contingency plan such business response plan to catch up schedule of project activities and
production after repair works with all relevant colleagues and staffs.

Occupational, Safety and Health Act 1994 is the law to govern the safety and health at
workplaces while Environmental Quality Act 1974 is the law to govern environmental matters
in Malaysia. For construction and manufacturing industries, which often involve the use of
heavy machine and equipment, Factories and Machinery Act 1967 is the law to govern the safe
use of machine during work and after installation for tenant use.
Under the acts, both employer and employee have obligation to ensure safety and health
at workplaces and not causing environmental problems. If offended, fines and imprisonment
could be imposed.
The cause of problem and remedy methods should have already identified prior to or
immediate to be identified after stop work initiated. If it is the machine problem, the machine
shall be repaired and replaced. If it is the workplace, which are messing and could cause safety
concern because of negligence, the place shall be cleaned and arranged in order. If it is the
work process could cause the HSE matters, the expert and relevant personnel shall modify the
workflow with involvement and briefing to all staffs. If it is the competency of the staffs,
training shall be provided.
In other words, efforts and incorporation of HSE concern into project activities and
production are not merely obligation to laws but also aligning to sustainability of commercial
interest and consideration. For my project activities and production, if HSE matters are
affected, I will rectify the matters first and follow up with response plan to catch up the schedule
for the project activities and production.
Question 7
Very often codes of practice suggest discretion of engineering judgement. The merits
and demerits of international codes of practice and standards as opposed to national documents
within the context of the Malaysian industry and practices.
Discuss by giving examples of engineering judgement whereby such decision does not conform
to a code of practice and how it is justified. Is international conformity always desirable?


Engineering judgement is a process of forming opinion or evaluation, which

characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of engineering knowledge
and often long and intensive academic preparation by discerning and comparing. To make an
engineering judgement, decisions are usually based on technical information and public impact.
There are few factors that can develop the judgement such that academic training, professional
experience, professional development and mistakes.

In the society nowadays, engineers play an important role to ensure the safety of life,
which is important to maintain and improve the quality of the world. Engineers independently
address and reconcile a broad range of complex engineering problems, which may or can’t be
adequately assessed and determined, from measurement or observation alone. They deal
extensively with controversial economic and public policy issues that are likely to hinder
progress of construction or operating permits. Besides that, engineers can represent department
with authority on technical engineering matters to develop procedures and standards for
multiple engineering projects that are significantly technical and complex. Engineering
judgement is important because engineers apply professional judgment where a variety of
conflicting engineering related conditions present a major problem.

For example, Engineer A, employed by the XYZ Manufacturing Company, is assigned

to an internal task force composed of engineers to develop a job description and qualifications
for a supervisory engineering position and to prepare a list of qualified engineers for the
position. The task force interviews several candidates, eliminating some and advising them that
they are no longer under consideration. At the conclusion of its interviews the task force
members all agree that none of those considered is of the quality desired. The other members
of the task force, however, tell Engineer A that they believe he is highly qualified and suggest
that he resign from the task force so that he may be considered for the position as being in the
best interest of the company.
From the example above, it’s clearly shown that the decision of Engineer A does not comfort
to Code of Ethics-Section 8 and Section 11. Code of Ethics-Section 8 states that “The Engineer
will endeavour to avoid a conflict of interest with his employer or client, but when unavoidable,
the Engineer shall fully disclose the circumstances to his employer or client.”. I assume that
those in management who appointed Engineer A to the task force would know the facts when
and if A’s name were presented for the higher position, there will be no ethical problem
regarding his relationship with his employer. As has often been noted in the past, a conflict of
interest between an employed engineer and the employer occurs only when
the circumstances are such that an advantage to the engineer would be at the expense of the
employer. Even if that were the case, however, an employer may waive the conflict when it is
to his or her advantage to do so.
Question No. 8:
Engineers are always entrusted with the responsibility of implementing large-scale
projects involving millions of dollars. In view of the large amount of money changing hands,
the integrity and ethical standards of engineers are being put to test. What measures can an
engineer take to prevent corruption and unethical practice of cutting corners in order to
safeguard the good image of the engineering profession?


Engineering is one of the most challenging professions on earth. The engineering

profession is a high-risk profession, which involves construction and development etc.
Engineering could be a rather lucrative profession if manage properly. As the saying goes, high
gain is always associated with high risk. The same goes for engineering industry. Engineers,
especially civil engineers are often entrusted with the responsibility of implementing large-
scale projects involving millions of dollars. As a result, the integrity and ethical standards of
engineers are seriously being put into test. Measures to prevent corruption and unethical
practice are:

Code of Ethics

Various measures can be adopted by engineers in the direction to prevent corruption

and unethical practices in the engineering profession. One of the most important measures is
the familiarisation with the code of ethics. Engineers must get themselves familiar with the
code of ethics that govern the duties and responsibilities of engineers. Ethics means something
more than “law” and “morals”; it carries an additional connotation of “rightness”. The Code,
therefore, is not a list of rules to govern every problem of conduct, nor is it a broad statement
of ideals. It is a statement of the principles of “rightness”, of broad scope, and with enough
detail to enable an intelligent man to deduce for himself the course of his own professional
conduct. The engineering code of ethics explain and illustrate the right tasks that an engineer
should perform and the wrongdoings that he/she is prohibited from undertaking such as unwise
practices of cutting corner, corruptions etc.


Apart from familiarisation with the engineering code of ethics, engineers should
possess relatively high self-awareness of their duties and obligations towards the society and
country. Engineers are involving in construction activities such as construction of
buildings, houses and infrastructures etc. that can profoundly affect the life of members
of the society. As a result, engineering tasks are significantly important and any mistakes or
negligence leading to collapse of the buildings due to unwise practices would claim hundreds
to thousands of lives. In this respect, engineers must possess a relatively high self-awareness
of their responsibilities and obligations towards the society and country in order to minimise
possible unethical practices and corruptions.

Stiffer Penalty

Apart from engaging a third party as ‘checker’ for the project, another effective measure
that has not been widely practised in Malaysia is to impose stiffer penalties for those who
committed wrongdoings such as unethical practices and corruptions. The laws in Malaysia have
been too lenient to the developers, contractors and engineers. Stiffer penalties should be
imposed to those who has been found guilty of adopting unethical practices. Penalties such as
heavy financial penalties combined with imprisonment, revoke licence of developers,
contractors or engineers etc. could be enforced in order to prevent the widespread unethical
practices in the engineering industry.


Engineers play significant role in developing the nation. Almost all mega projects that
are needed to put our nation into developed conditions need engineers. Therefore, engineers
shall have ethical behaviour which is much anticipated to contribute to healthy and competent
work culture while contributing to the physical and hardware aspect.
Question 9

Conflict of professional interest frequently arises in the working environment of an

engineer. Discuss the statement and propose the appropriate solutions for overcoming the problems.


Conflict is so common in today’s world that is full of sophistication and complexity. All of
us are facing with conflicts in our daily life. We are frequently encountering conflicts with our
family members, friends, colleagues or even our bosses. Even the countries worldwide are having
conflicts with each other such as conflict between United States and Republic of China. Conflict
occurs as a result of different views, opinions and different interests in individual, society or
country. Everybody, individuals, societies or countries are looking into their opinions and interests
respectively. They adopt a defensive view of their opinions and interests. As a result, conflict occurs
when one is disagreeing with another’s opinion. In the following section of this essay, I will discuss
the conflict of professional interest in the working environment of an engineer for the civil engineer
and suggest the appropriate solutions for overcoming these problems.

As mentioned in the earlier section, conflict occurs as a result of different opinions and
interests in oneself from that of others. Engineering industry is a comparatively wide profession
that involves various parties such as developers, contractors and consultant engineers etc. These
parties would have their own interests and are always be there to safeguard their interests
respectively. As a result, conflicts frequently arise in the working environment of the engineers.
Developers are the clients for the construction project. They are basically businessmen that invest
in property development and their main objective is to obtain profitability. Developers are basically
the cost-conscious group and they are very concern about the cost aspects of the project.
As for contractors, they are also cost-conscious, but their main interest is to complete the
project fast within the allocated timeframe in order for them to claim construction fees in soonest
possible time. Consultant engineers however are more concern about the quality of works of the
construction activities. They are there to ensure that the construction works are carried out in
accordance to relevant engineering codes and complying with international best practices. The
different interests in these parties have resulted in conflicts occurring between these parties in a
frequent basis.

Developers, contractors and consultant engineers would have to meet each other in a more frequent
basis to discuss as well as resolve construction issues in a speedy manner. Very common,
construction industry is flooded with various construction issues and problems. However, conflicts
would occur if these issues were not being resolved in a speedy manner. As a result, all parties must
meet in a more frequent basis in order to resolve necessary site problems without delay. This is
important to avoid any unnecessary conflicts from developing. In addition, all parties must ensure
that effective communication is taken place in order to minimise unnecessary conflicts as a result
of miscommunication.
Perhaps the most important measure to minimise conflict is to put yourself into other people
shoes. One would have to possess high self-awareness and be able to understand the other’s parties
concerns in order to gain respect in the society. Developers, contractors and consultant engineers
must try to understand the responsibilities and obligations of one another respectively in order to
minimise unnecessary conflicts from occurring.
Question No. 10:
Most projects are awarded on competitive bidding basis. Supposing you had been the
designated engineer of one of the bidders that was not awarded with the letter of intent by the
Client. You are then approached by the ‘winner’ to join the Consultant Team. Should you
accept the second appointment? If yes, describe the situations, which might be seen as conflict
of interests. If no, describe the reasons and/ or clear-cut situations why you should decline the
second appointment


We, as engineers, do not injure directly or indirectly the prospect of another engineer.
In the same time, we shall be faithful and honest with our client and employer. In discharging
our duty and carrying our works, we shall bear in mind that fair and honest dealing with all
parties is essential principle. If there is conflict of interest of oneself with others, we shall act
with integrity and fair toward others.

In my view of points, I may accept the invitation because of the following reasons and
with the following conditions.

Completion of duty and responsibility to current employer

For design and build contract, which both contractor and consultant are working
together to bid the project, contractor is the leader and appoint his consultant. The letter of
appointment is often issued after successful bidding of the project. For ethical practise in the
construction industry, the original engineer working together with contractor shall be
appointed. In other words, no letter of appointment is issued, or no official appointment of
engineer will be carried out if the bidding is not successful.
During the bidding process, engineer shall be faithful and honest to his employer. He
applies his best knowledge, skills and efforts in assisting his employer to bid the contract. Upon
successful bidding and with the official appointment, he works together with his employer to
ensure successful implementation.
If fail in the bidding stage, engineer’s duty and responsibility to original employer has
completed. Hence, I may consider the invitation of the “winner” subject to condition in the
following paragraphs.
No fee reduction or discount
In order to prevent unethical practises by errant players in the industry, there shall not
be fee reduction or similar like discount, for acceptance of appointment as new engineer to the
“winner”. Engineering consultancy services (ECP) are professional services to design and
advice the client for reliable, valued and front-end engineering works. It is unavoidable for
clients to bargain for cheaper price, but engineers shall not compete with one another by
slashing their fee. The act will downgrade the technical competency of engineers in the long
term and make the profession an unattractive one. In my view of points, it is good if the scale
of fee recommended by BEM to be adhered to.

Rights to review, redesign, use and not to apply the design of original engineer of the “winner”

Engineer bears his responsibility with him to grave. Though the design of other
engineer is well prepared and done, the engineer who take over the jobs shall monitor and
ensure successful implementation and construction. He therefore need to review, check and
possible redesign if not all but still there could be substantial part needed to be checked.
By accepting the invitation or appointment of the “winner”, it is merely change of responsible
engineers to monitor, supervise and handle the project. The new engineer shall still discharge
his duty and responsibility to “winner”.
Hence, engineers shall not accept wrongful offer by “winner” with the all kind of
reasons to substitute engineer and try to appoint a cheaper one.


As an ethical and responsible engineer, we shall take care the interest of our employer
and ensure duty and professional services rendered to him are completed. We shall avoid
conflict of interests by not assisting two clients who are opposite competing sides at the same
time. If it is unavoidable, we shall inform both of them and let them to make decision or we
choose one.
Question 11

You are in a position of responsibility administering an institution of higher learning

with limited resources. You have been assigned to revise the engineering curriculum and
directed to increase the number of graduates. From the standpoint of professional conduct,
describe the necessary curriculum contents which must be included so as not to compromise
the engineering standards.


This is referring to the conservative universities which offer fundamental engineering

curriculum without compromising engineering standards. With limited resources, e.g.
lecturers, facilities and funds, the design of the curriculum is as follows;

Mathematics Courses- Even though mathematics courses are not engineering courses in and of
themselves, proficiency is very important for those who wish to be successful in engineering.
In my revision of the engineering curriculum, a fair share of mathematics classes will be at a
higher priority. Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Differential Equations and coordinate
geometry are an integral part of the engineering curriculum.

Science Courses- Science courses are another big component in our engineering curriculum,
particularly if student’s concentration is in an area like biological or chemical engineering.
Physics, chemistry and computer science are all important aspects of an engineering program.
Even if the student’s concentration is in civil engineering, they will be expected to cover at
least the introductory areas of chemistry and physics. The computer sciences are often tailored
to the specific needs of the engineering curriculum, and they will probably find that proficiency
in this area will be very helpful to the rest of their studies.

Engineering Courses- Engineering courses themselves are at the heart of every engineering
curriculum. The types of classes students participate will depend in large part upon your area
of concentration. In the first year however, engineering courses tend to be more introductory
and focused on the tools they need to do the job; computers in particular. Once they understand
the basics, their engineering curriculum will concentrate on their area of specialization. For
example, if the student’s focus on electronics engineering, he will take a lot of solid-state
physics and semiconductor device classes, in addition to classes on circuit theory and logic
General Studies Courses – Most four-year universities in the United States and Japan want to
ensure that their graduates are well-rounded and conversant in areas apart from their
specialization. As a result, their engineering curriculum will include diverse classes like
English composition, Japanese literature, economics, anthropology, music appreciation and
political science. I will revise these subjects and compile them into General Subject in the first
year and Engineering Management in the final year
Question 12.

Corruption has undermined integrity in professional practice in the engineering

industry. The professional engineer who steadfastly embraces the IEM Regulations on
Professional Conduct is left in a dilemma. His option is that he could just ignore it or turn
whistle blower. Explain how you would handle this problem.


IEM regulations of professional conduct are written rules and principles for members to
conduct themselves in ethical and moral manner when discharging their duties and carrying
their works. The regulations and rules are written in broad and general terms and cover all
eventualities. The regulations, basically, require members to uphold the dignity of the
profession, be honest and fair to all parties, ensure works constitute no danger, do not
jeopardize the benefits of his fellow engineers, etc.

Whistle blowers/ Enforcer such as Board of Engineers, Malaysia

There are sometimes some “bad apples”. Therefore, there must be an enforcement
system in place. “Bad apples” are like small moles but catch most attention and could be a
crisis once appear and not be removed.
In Malaysia, Board of Engineers (BEM) is the regulatory body to register and deregister
engineers. There are also mechanism and reasons, stipulated inside Registration of Engineers
Act 1967 (Act 138) (REA), how an unethical offence that can lead to suspension or cancellation
of registration of an engineer.
However, BEM does not able to play her roles and responsibilities unless there are whistle
blowers and the similar mechanism within Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). By
adhering to IEM rules and regulations, we could abide by most of the regulations by BEM and
REA which both are reference for engineers to maintain professionalism.

Based on the Act, the whistle blower is prohibited by the BEM so, by the time flow,
I shall give advice to the nearest engineer with me to follow the code of ethics in their field.
The ethics is very important for the engineer because the ethics will change the moral of the
engineer itself. If any engineer under my supervision break the ethics, I will report their doing
to the BEM with the proof.
Question No. 13:

If you are the principal partner of a reputable engineering-based firm in a small state
in the country. Your family is very well reputed, respected and influential, having lived and
worked in the state for decades.
Leaders of certain political party approach you seek your assistance to campaign for them in
the forthcoming state by-elections, they have promised to award your company with all the
major projects awarded by the state government. It is desirable for your firm to secure new
projects. Discuss critically on your actions, taking account of the IEM’s regulations on
Professional Conduct.

Engineer, when called upon to give opinion, shall give opinion that is reliable. Prior to any
statement made, he shall ensure his qualification to make such statement. No one shall benefit from
his statement with prospect and fair treatment deserved by others being scarified. In other words, I
will reject the invitation of errant leaders of political parties to assist them in campaigning in the
coming state by-election in order to secure major projects after election.

Uphold the dignity of profession

The dignity of the profession of engineer shall be upfolded We shall not campaign for the any
political party with the name of well-known engineer and his reputable firm. Engineers are to
provide professional services and accept remuneration for services rendered by them.
All engineers shall not exchange the dignity of the profession for his own benefits but
harming the image of the profession.

Maintain company image and interest of fellow partners

For the scenario, which I were the principal partner of reputable engineering-based firm, I have
duty and responsibility to safeguard interest of fellow partners and all staffs too. Though the firm
desires to secure new projects, the project shall be obtained via ethical appropriate channel such as
via open bidding process. This should be the successful secret of the firm to-date.
All fellow partners also have high standard of ethical behaviours and competent. They are
not supporting to secure new project via supporting errant leaders of political party. If I choose to
support the errant political leaders, the company image and interest of fellow partners could be
jeopardized because voters reject errant political leaders and unethical approaches.
Do not jeopardize the prospect of other fellow engineers
All projects, especially government initiated for the benefits of nation and people, shall only
awarded via competitive and open bidding process. For the scenario, which I were already principal
partner of a reputable engineering firm, I presume I should already an elder engineer in the industry.
Therefore, it is reasonably that both my firm and I do not jeopardize fair opportunity to other fellow
All engineer with appropriate competency and skills shall be given chances to secure the
projects. In the long run, all engineers will become more competent and it is definitely good for the
industry, profession and public.

Do not improperly solicit work

By assisting the errant leaders of political party and in return for award of major project, in my
opinion, is improper act to solicit works too. It is because there is no ethical method to secure jobs,
and it can be considered benefits accepted other than employers.
Both the government and the people indeed, are the employers and clients, if the projects
awarded to engineers.


Though it is desirable for a firm to secure projects, the process shall be transparent and via
competitive bidding process. Jobs awarded with hidden secrets and unethical method will not be
sustainable for the firm. It is because the firm could have lost his competency. Furthermore, as an
elder reputable engineer, he has greater responsibility to show good sample to his peers for
advancement of the profession.
In other words, I will reject the request of the errant leaders of political party. If he is willing
to listen, I will further advise them to listen to people and sincerely to provide services to people.
With that, only will they gain victory in the by-election and supports from people.

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