Luyện tập unit 4 Tiếng anh 4

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Name: …………………………………Class: 4…


I. Complete the table: Hoàn thành bẳng sau theo mẫu

1st : first Ninth 9th Seventeenth 17th Twenty-Fifth 25th

2nd second Tenth 10th Eighteenth 18th Twenty- Sixth26th
Third 3rd Eleventh11th Nineteenth19th Twenty-Seventh
Fourth 4th Twelfth 12th Twentieth 20th Twenty-eighth 28th
Fifth 5th Thirteenth 13th Twenty- first 21st Twenty-ninth29th
Sixth 6th Fourteenth 14th Twenty- second 22nd Thirtieth 30th
Seventh7th Fifteenth15th Twenty- third 23rd Thirtieth- first 31st
Eighth 8th Sixteenth 16th Twenty-fourth 24th

II. Complete the table: Viết các tháng sau bằng Tiếng anh

1) January 2) February 3) March
4) April 5) May 6) June
7) July 8) August 9) September
10) October 11) November 12) December

III. Write the date: Viết ngày và tháng sau theo mẫu

a) 26/10 The twenty- sixth of October

b) 16/3 The sixteenth of March
c) 27/8 The twenty-seventh of August
d) 23/3 The twenty-third of March
e) 20/1 The twentieth of January
f) 15/2 The fifteenth of February

IV. Read and then answer the questions below: Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi phía

Dear penfriend,
My name’s Peter. I’m from London, England. Today is Sunday, the sixth of May. It’s my
birthday. I’m happy. I have many birthday presents from my friends. What about you?
When’s your birthday?

Write to me soon,


1. What’s his name? His name is Peter............................................................................

2. Where is he from? He is from London, England..........................................................
3. Is he Vietnamese? No, he isn’t.....................................................................................
4. What day is it today? Today is Monday............................................................................
5. What is the date today? It’s the Twenty-fifth of October.....................................................
6. Is he happy? Yes he is.........................................................................................

V. Make a birthday invitation card: Hoàn thành tấm thiệp sau

Please come to my birthday party.





From: ....................................................................................

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