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Gahn 1

Elexis Gahn

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd. 2

8 Sept. 2021

College Application Narrative Essay

I quickly packed my schoolbag with clothes and essentials for the next day after

awakening suddenly to screaming. At this point I am not fazed by the screams and threats

anymore, it’s a part of my monthly routine. I hear my sister slam her feet up the stairs to my

room, but this time there are heavy footsteps trailing behind her. She is followed by my mother's

boyfriend repeating the same three derogatory words, “slut, whore, bitch.” I hear their muffled

voices get closer and clearer as they reach my open door. My sister appears in the doorway, we

exchange looks and push past the man screaming at us. I walk out to the already running car with

my mother waiting within, as soon as the last door closes, she puts it in drive. We screech off

into the night leaving to leave that life behind for the last time.

That was the day my mother, sister, and I got kicked out of the house at 12:27 in the

morning. We left with only the stuff we were able to pack within our eight-minute window. After

that night, I never lived there again, the only time we went back was to sneak in to get the rest of

our stuff he was holding hostage. Over the years in this situation, I had to adapt rather quickly to

overcome this “normal.”

That night has played out repeatedly in my head, along with everything else that

happened within those four walls. After each memory, I find myself realizing that people are

never who they seem to be and all I had was my sister. Realizing that made me stronger,
Gahn 2

mentally and physically. I knew at that moment that you never truly know someone; they will

always show you a different side than when they are alone. Even if that realization damaged my

trust concept, I have learned to stand my ground and always be the stronger person.

As I am inching near to my high school graduation and thinking about my future, I am

extremely excited to see where I’ll go. Through the years that I have been within that situation,

and countless nights that I have felt helpless and alone I had a passion begin to burn in me. I

knew I wanted to be as far away as I could be while being able to help countless people along the

way, this led me to the medical field. I began to fall in love with the thought of helping many

people and being able to change lives for the better.

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