Hope 3 Student Activity Sheet Q2 Week 8

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This student activity sheet is divided into parts namely:

Lesson 1 - Developing Home Based Family Workout and Evaluation

Lesson 2 - Self-Organized Home-Based Fitness Activity

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

Participates in un organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns

a. Identify the methods on developing individual/group physical activity.
b. Analyze factors as basis in developing home based physical activity.
c. Participate in a self-organized home-based fitness activity.

A. Content Standard: The learner will demonstrate understanding of dance in optimizing one's health as a
habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity

B. Performance Standard: Leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing others positively

C. Most Essential Learning Competency/ies: Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness
issues and concerns


A. Materials/IMs Needed
B. References
C. Additional Materials and Learning Resources



This Student Activity Sheet was designed and prepared to guide you in your journey in
demonstrating your understanding about Health Optimizing Physical Education 3 specifically about setting
your dance fitness goal. The given activities in this module can be done individually or with the help of a
family members. This SAS allows you to be exposed to various learning situations that could be utilized in
setting your Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT)goals and training principles-based fitness plan to achieve
and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF).

After scrutinizing this Student Activity Sheet, you are expected to:

Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns

a. Identify the methods on developing individual/group physical activity.
b. Analyze factors as basis in developing home based physical activity.
c. Participate in a self-organized home-based fitness activity.

What I Need to Know

Act. No.1 Drawing Essentials


You are now ready to have a walk though of the lesson content, objectives and essential question to
be answered towards the end of the lesson. Write the Essential question in your notebook and write
keywords or significant words that could answer the Essential Question at the end of the lesson.

Essential Question:
How can one benefit from participating in an1 organized event that addresses health/fitness
issues and concerns?
What's in
Act. No. 2 Fitness Self Check
Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Make sense with the statement by writing your own personal
assessment of your physical activities during the lockdown.

If you feel uncertain in the past months, you are not alone. The changes brought by the pandemic is
unexpected and unwanted. The new and better normal that we face right now carry out new demands that
may exhaust us whether it's in schooling, wondering about job or simply thinking of what will happen are
strains brought by the new normal.

With what is happening in the present, keeping up in a regular physical activity might be least in your mind.
But one way to manage these feelings and to manage self to renew and get over this feeling is being
physically active. Sound Mind in a sound body. Indeed, one will be able to continue with life with physically
fit body, mind and soul.

"Your Metal health is just us important us your physical health, and right now, with the world out of control,
your exercise routine is one thing you CAN control." Melo (2020)

Physical activities that I did during the Physical activities that I want to do but was not
lockdown possible during the lockdown

What's New
Directions: Read the texts in the figure and write your insights
on the following questions.

1. What statement interest you the most?

2. How will you benefit from doing physical activities like dance?

What I know

Act. No. 4. Health Issues Warning

Directions: Identify health concerns and issues that a young adult like you are experiencing. You may also
interview a family member on their health concerns and issues during their young adult stage.

Identified health issues and Concerns Reasons of acquiring the health concern

What is it

Physical Inactivity is the lack of participation to any physical activities. This behavior lead to
sedentary lifestyle. This has been experienced by most teenagers or young adult during the
lockdown. Young adults are not allowed to go out of their houses. Physical activity participation is
limited to what can be done inside their houses. Space is an essential factor in the demonstration
of movements.
Research say that sedentary lifestyle and physically inactive is brought from the adolescent stage
which was reflected in their adulthood. With this as premise, many teenagers are at risk of
acquiring health risks such as cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
coronary heart disease), bowel and breast cancers, strokes, arthritis, type 2 diabetes and
osteoporosis. Moreover, teenagers are putting themselves to becoming overweight. Participation
to physical activity such as developing self-organized dance workout will enable young adults to
release endorphins also known as happy hormones. These happy hormones can improve mood and
since inactivity is associated with stress, one could be away from anxiety and depression.
Here are the ways to start with your self-organized and developed family dance workout:
1. Revisit the Dance Work out you crafted based from the HRF result following the FITT and
Training Principle. Clearly define the Frequency, Intensity Type and Time. Revisions and adjustment
could be done to meet your desired health-related fitness result.
2. Know your targets. Targets must be clear and it should adhere with what has transpired in your
HRF results. If you had challenges doing the sit ups, you might target your CORE. Incorporate dance
movements that will engage the core. Another example is developing your Glutes. Hip hop dancing
and ballet include moves that engage the glutes.

3. Know the Cost. If you have the basic skills of your preferred dance, then you may have it free. Series of
movements and checking on its continuity and fluidity will help you create dance movements for your dance
work out.

4. Dance Equipment. Be creative in preparing your needs for the self-organized and developed dance
workout. Props and other supplies could be personally crafted.

5. Dance Facility. You may check your living room, car park area, bed room space and other parts of the
house to be your rehearsal and performance space. Rearrange furniture, if needed, to maximize the space in
your house. 6. Health Protocol adherence. In as much as we want to mingle with each other, safety is still on
high expectation.

What's More

Act. No. 5 Dance Prep Check

Directions: Check your space and equipment that you may use in your preferred dance. Let us have a quick
check of the things that you need to prepare to develop a 2-3min homebased dance workout.

Preferred dance:
Dance Facility Dance Equipment Music Title Family member/ Remarks
needed participant

What Can I Do
Act. No. 6 Plan- Do-Act
Directions: In order to lessen the risk of acquiring health risks brought by physical inactivity and sedentary
lifestyle, here are the ways on how I will manage the following


1. lungs
2. Skin
3. Muscle and Joints
4. Heart
5. Stomach and intestines
6. Bones
7.other organs

Act. No. 7 Drop_your_challenge!

Directions: The challenge is to perform the 2-3min self-organized and developed dance workout with your
family member. Record your resting heart rate and your heart rate after doing the challenge.

Resting heart rate Heart rate after dance Results and outcomes
Your name:
Family member name:

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