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Background of the Study

Here in the Philippines, we believe in the saying of our national hero Dr.

Jose P. Rizal that “Youth is the hope of our Mother land”. In their hand lies the

future generation to follow.But as we see from the situation nowadays, what we are expecting from
theyouth is the contrary of the saying. Most teenagers today are prone to pregnancy.Every year there is
a rapid increase on the number of pregnant youths. One of themajor causes of this problem is
poverty.Low educational background for both early mother and parents is also a majorcause of the
problem. Because of the rapidly increasing number of the populationeach year, the Philippine
government is now working on a new solution: TheReproductive Health Bill (RH Bill) as one of the most
effective solution not only toteenage pregnancy but also to the increasing population of the country.But
aside from RH bill, there are more ways to prevent or reduce the number of underage pregnacies. One is
to first know the reason of early teenage intercourse and the factors to contribute it.


Research instrument

Following question

Subproblem 1: What are the causes of teenage pregnancy?

ANSWER- 70% of the respondents believe that the social Factors of a teenager mostly cause the
early pregnancy while 65% of the respondents say that the phsycological abilities largely
influence teenager that causes teenage pregnancy. the others 65% of consider physiological
abilities is the great factor that manipulates teenage pregnancy.and the remaining 35% think
that cognitive abilities takes place when it comes to teenage pregnancy.

A.abstinence Is 100% effective in preventing pregnancies but 75% of the respondent only agree
to use this kind of family planning.although many birth control methods can have high rates of
success if used properly,they can fail ocassionaly.practicing abstience ensures that a girl wont
become pregnant because theres no oppurtunity for sperm to fertilize an egg.

B.Contraceptive Some people believe that teaching about contraception encourages sexual
activity,concluding that if contraception was not available sexual activity would be
prevented.however,research shows that the majority of teenagers are already sexually active
for between six months and one year before attending a family planning.

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