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Fragments and Run-On Sentences

For this section, check if each sentence below is categorized as a complete
sentence, run-on sentence, or fragment. Complete the fragment to form complete
sentence. Correct the run-on sentence to form correct sentence(s).

1. We are ordering tomorrow for the third quarter. (run-on sentence)

Correct sentence : We are ordering tomorrow
2. I ate. (complete sentence)
3. We are getting ready. (fragment)
Corrent sentence : We are getting ready to fish
4. My friend who teaches a wellness course. (run-on sentence)
Correct sentence : My friend teaches wellness courses every Monday.
5. My hours will be 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. yours will be 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Correct sentence : My working hours will change to 9 A.M. up to 5 P.M.
and your work hours will change to 8 A.M. up to 4 P.M.
6. When the man waiting to see you. (fragment)
Correct sentence : when the man waiting to see you, I greeted him.
7. We’ll have to stay late to pack it for shipping. (fragment)
Correct sentence : We will have to stay late to pack it for shipping to get to
the destination safely.
8. Driving 230 difficult miles to our children’s home is exhausting we really
prefer to fly there. (run-on sentence).
Correct sentence : Driving 230 difficult miles to our children’s home is
9. We dread the Parkway portion of the trip, it’s busy even during off-hours.
(run-on sentence).
Correct sentence : We dread the Parkway portion of the trip.
10. Heading for the West Coast for a five-day vacation. (fragment)
Correct sentence : Rendy is heading for the West Coast for a five day
11. You can do it without me. (complete sentence)
12. Your doctor’s appointment scheduled for Tuesday. (complete sentence)
13. Tom, whom everyone admires since he was precinct captain. (run-on
Correct sentence : Tom was admired by everyone since he was captain of
the police.
14. Andy drove me to the museum. (complete sentence)
15. Larry says he’ll be right on time tomorrow I’ll believe it when I see it.
(run-on sentence)
Correct sentence : Larry says he’ll be right on time tomorrow
3.2 Consistency of Time

In the following paragraphs, check the tenses of all the verbs for consistency of
time. Find the one verb in each paragraph that needs to be corrected. Rewrite the
paragraph using the corrected verb.

Paragraph 1
Children are not always happy to play alone. Does that mean that parents
have to devote all their time to playing with their children? No, it didn’t.
Certain techniques to encourage children to play on their own.
Correct paragraph:
Children are not always happy to play alone. Does that mean that parents
have to devote all their time to playing with their children? No, it doesn’t.
Certain techniques to encourage children to play on their own.
Paragraph 2
1999, The Academy of Pediatrics provided some guidelines for children
and. They suggest that children under two years old should not watch TV.
The advised that older children should not watch TV before bedtime.
Instead, they said that parents should read to children, or children might
read to themselves and with their parents.
Correct paragraph:
1999, The Academy of Pediatrics provided some guidelines for children
and. They suggested that children under two years old should not watch
TV. The advised that older children should not watch TV before bedtime.
Instead, they said that parents should read to children, or children might
read to themselves and with their parents.
3.3 Past, Present, or Future Verb
In each of the following sentences, find the verb. Label each verb present, past, or
future. The first one is done for you.
1. A consumer quickly learns that ”living green” is not easy. learns/present
2. I will avoid plastic packaging as much as possible. Will avoid/future
3. My family turned off the lights all over the house. Turned off/past
4. Toby decided to cycle to work. Decided/past
5. Marilyn’s child uses much less hand towels than my child does.
6. He eats lunch at the same time every day. Eats/present
7. Our three children will play together tomorrow. Will play/future
8. They ate lunch in the park. Ate/past
9. I collected shells on the beach. Collected/past
10. I keep a scrapbook for each child. Keep/present
11. You will ask yourself some important questions before the election. Will
3.4 Agreement Between Subject and Verb
For each of the following sentences, see if there is agreement in number between
subject and verb. Correct any errors in agreement.
1. House prices changes every month.
Correct : House price changes every month.
2. The Blake family go camping every summer.
Correct : The Blake family goes camping every summer.
3. The painter and his hired men takes time to do a very neat job.
Correct : The painter and his hired men take time to do a very neat job.
4. Interferences such as a phone call or visitor keeps me from finishing my
Correct : Interferences such as a phone call or visitor keep me from
finishing my work.
5. My friend, with his children in tow, take a one-mile walk each morning.
Correct : My friend, with his children in tow, takes a one-mile walk each
6. An extraordinary new development in manufacturing clothes give us
bamboo fiber.
Correct : An extraordinary new development in manufacturing clothes
gives us bamboo fiber.
7. Bamboo fiber rate very high not only as eco-friendly but for being
revolutionary for many reasons.
Correct : Bamboo fiber rates very high not only as eco-friendly but for
being revolutionary for many reasons.
8. Some of the advantages of bamboo fabric includes its strength and
Correct : Some of the advantages of bamboo fabric include its strength and
9. Bamboo fabric also pay great dividends to the environment.
Correct : Bamboo fabric also pays great dividends to the environment.
10. As it grows, bamboo plants gives us clean air, consumes carbon dioxide,
and returns oxygen to the environment.
Correct : As it grow, bamboo plants give us clean air, consume carbon
dioxide, and return oxygen to the environment.
3.5 Forms of the Verb
In the following table, fill the empty cells with the appropriate forms of the verb.

No Present Past future Present perfect

1. Begin Began Will begin Have bigun
2. Bend Bent Will bend Have bent
3. Bet Bet Will bet Have bet
4. Bite Bit Will bit Have bitten
5. Bring Brought Will bring Have brought
6. Burst Burst Will burst Have burst
7. Buy Bought Will buy Have bought
8. Choose Chose Will choose Have chosen
9. Cost Cost Will cost Have cost
10. Dig Dug Will dig Have dug
11. Fly Flew Will fly Have flown
12. Forbid Forbade Will forbid Have forbidden
13. Forget Forgot Will forget Have Forgotten
14. Get Got Will get Have gotten
15. Know Knew Will know Have known
16. Ride Rode Will ride Have ridden
17. Run Ran Will run Have run
18. Seek Sought Will seek Have sought
19. Send Sent Will send Have sent
20. Strike Struck Will strike Have struck

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