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Malabanias Integrated

SCHOOL ID:500132

Cascading of Orientation on School Monitoring,

Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) in the “New Normal”
and Transferring of the SMEA Coordinatorship
(November 23, 2020)

Last November 23, 2020, the previous S.Y. SMEA chairpeson, Mr. Ardy D. Patawaran,
and Mrs. Imelda S. Gozun, the school principal spearheaded a Learning Action Cell session
inside the Principal’s office though Cascading of Orientation on School Monitoring, Evaluation
and Adjustment (SMEA) in the “New Normal” which was held online last September 28, 2020 by
the division office. The LAC session consisted of teachers from each grade level department –
Mr. Daniel Basilio from the Elementary Department; Mikee Euperio from the JHS Department;
and Ms. Lea-May David from the SHS department – who will serve as the School Monitoring
and Evaluation chairpersons of the respective departments. In addition, Ms. Tricia Q. Superio
from the JHS department attended the orientation prior to accepting the chairmanship of SMEA.

This orientation aims to: 1) introduce the SMEA tool aligned with the “New Normal” in
Education; 2) discuss clearly the procedures, guidelines, and structure following an M&E
framework appropriate to the context of the schools; and 3) guide the schools in monitoring and
evaluating the LCP implementation including the delivery of services for basic education and
organizational health and performance of the school.

M&E in schools aims to provide objective information that can inform decision-making in
order to continuously improve the delivery of school services for basic education and the
school’s performance or health to achieve the desired education outcomes. M&E in schools
aims to provide valid, reliable and accurate data in decision-making to come up with possible
actions and interventions to achieve the desired education outcomes.

Five specific operational objectives are identified in support of the overall purpose of M&E
in the school:
1. Provide the school management and stakeholders’ information on the implementation of
the curricular programs and projects as basis for continuously improving their relevance,
efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Provide information for school management to determine and adjust approaches and
strategies that will ensure adequacy, equitable distribution, accessibility, and effective and
optimal use of the resources of the school
Malabanias Integrated
SCHOOL ID:500132
3. Establish information as basis for determining appropriate approach / strategy to improve
teaching-learning competencies of teachers to ensure efficient and effective delivery of
instruction, classroom management, and their personal growth and professional
4. Present information regarding learner performance to the school management that will
support decisions and adjustments to plans and strategies to improve the learners’
academic achievement, school attendance, and participation in co-curricular activities.
5. Provide information for school management to review and sustain the strategies that can
improve the school’s health or performance through: Efficient school-based management;
Productivity of the teaching and non-teaching staff; Strengthening partnership with the

The orientation emphasized how SMEA technology works beginning with pre-SMEA,
followed by the SMEA proper and concluding with the post SMEA.

The SMEA in the “New Normal” focuses on three major areas where decisions need to be
made: 1) Delivery of Services for Basic Education; 2) Organizational Health/Performance; 3)
School Learning Continuity Plan (LCP). In addition, SMEA Tool monitors and evaluates the
school operations to obtain information particularly on School Profile, Classroom Management,
Curriculum Implementation, Education Resources, Health & Nutrition, Sources of School
Funding, Community Partnership, Professional Development, and School-based MEA which will
serve as the basis for decision making and continuous improvement of the school.

Malabanias Integrated School SMEA team continuously monitor and analyze all the data
submitted by the teachers to make a possible solutions and assessment on the issues that
affect the growth of the school and most specially the impact to the learners.

Teacher I

Noted by:

Principal I

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