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Sonnefurt In Flames

Part One: Origins of War

The night was quiet in the Sonnefurt Docks. Only the water lapping against the jetties, the faint
shouting of crews staying out late preparing for the next morning’s voyage along the Soll and the
buzz of the few taverns still open could be heard. Many types of ship were moored in the harbour,
military, trade, personal and all were bobbing slightly on the calm waters, protected from the raging
torrents by the great Dwarf built harbour, shielding them from the harsh realities that lay outside
this sleepy town.

However, the peace was shattered by a large explosion, as a ship tore into flames, shards of wood
splintering through the air and the shockwaves sending the water pouring over the sides of the
docks. There was immediate commotion. Revellers came out to see what the noise had been. Dock
wardens were alerting the town’s fire brigade. Shouts could be heard coming from those nearest
trying to stop the fire spreading onto their own precious vessels.

When eventually the panic had subsided and the damage could be assessed it became obvious the
ship had been sabotaged. However, the ship was not one regularly stationed in Sonnefurt, instead it
was a ship from the nearby Kroppenleben, belonging specifically to the Kroppenleben- Hirn Shipping
Company, a private enterprise which allowed Kroppenleben to easily trade with the nearby Dwarf
stronghold via the smaller Khazid Grentaz during the Spring and Winter months, when the mountain
passes were too difficult to traverse.

Sonnefurt and Kroppenleben competed fiercely for the valuable trade Karak Hirn provided for
Southern Wissenland, and were often in dispute over the use of Sonnefurt’s port for Kroppenleben
ships, a permission granted by the Courts of Nuln to prevent Sonnefurt from taking a monopoly of
river transport of Dwarfen goods. Thus, considering all the tension, this was seen as an act of
deliberate industrial sabotage, a reason good enough for war.


The next morning Max Bachor, a humble farmer from Thalfang went to inspect his crops as the sun
rose over the Black Mountains, blissfully unaware of the events in Sonnefurt the night before. He
crossed the glistening River Aschen, swollen due to the Spring thawing of the ice in the hills. He was
glad the swell was picking up, it made the land more fertile, and he hoped that this year would be
the year he would be the year he could earn enough to be able to leave the military for at least a
year and start his family properly.

As he tended to his land, he heard a low rumble in the distance. The other farmers around him
noticed it too and began to slow in their work, looking towards the source of the noise. As the
morning progressed the sound got louder and louder, and became accompanied by a dust cloud
noticeable behind the hills to the East.

By mid afternoon, the source of the noise was evident. In the distance a large column of armed men
could clearly be seen, and scouts were reporting that they bore the insignia of nearby Kroppenleben.
Max thought nothing of this development, continuing his days labour, considering it just military
movements, perhaps across the mountains against some incursion that lay in wait there for the
citizens of Kroppenleben. Thalfang, and in fact the entire Barony had not seen any upset for a very
long time, perhaps longer than Max could remember, certainly longer than the Baroness had been in
power. As a rule, Max, and Thalfangers in general were wary of any strangers in their land, but these
Northerners didn’t bother him this day, after all they were fellow Wissenlanders; there were plenty
greater threats to Sonnefurt than other Wissenlanders.

This attitude soon changed when the bells in the Church of Sigmar started frantically ringing,
signifying the calling of the towns militia. Confused, but not one to disobey direct orders, Max
abandoned his plough and ran as fast as he could to the town centre. There, the town crier, a portly
man, was red in the face from his incessant shouting:

“Militia and residents of Thalfang, arm yourselves! Kroppenleben marches to war with Sonnefurt!
Fight for your homes, your families and the Baroness! Sonnefurt needs you!”

Max quickly changed into his uniform. Unlike the irregulars, he formed the small detachment of
Sonnefurt regular troops. He found his halberd and kissed his wife goodbye.

“What’s happening darling? Is it Orcs? Beasts? I’m scared!”

“It’s Wissenlanders dear, bloody Wissenlanders!”

Part 2: The Battle of Thalfang

On the other side of the river, the Kroppenleben artillery lined up. Row upon row of cannons and
mortars loomed over the obviously doomed town. Clearly, this army was out for the prize of
Sonnefurt, and Thalfang was an inconvenience, being the on the edge of the River Soll and Aschen,
proving an obstacle for a column of men this big.

The roar of the cannons made the ground shudder beneath Max’s feet. Then, seconds later, the
world around him seemed to collapse. The cannonballs and mortar shells hit the surrounding
buildings and shattered into lethal fragments of masonry and wood that splintered in all directions.
Max threw himself to the ground as shrapnel tore over his head, shredding the unfortunate man
beside him, leaving his crisp, unused uniform torn and red, distinct against the traditional white and

Max ran for cover, people were screaming and trying to get out of the town. It felt counter intuitive
to be running the other way, but it was his duty. Even though the town would surely fall before
reinforcements could arrive, they had to halt the advancing column long enough for the refugees to
flee into the countryside.

The only entry point into the town was the Aschen Bridge, and this would prove difficult for too
many of the Kroppenleben men to negotiate at once, for it was a narrow bridge, perhaps six men
wide. Max hoped this would make the fight a little fairer.

As the artillery began to subside, with only a few pieces still firing on the now devastated town, Max
knew the assault was coming. Sure enough, horns were sounding and the Kroppenleben men, only
distinct from the Thalfang militia by their green trimmings as opposed to the Sonnefurt red, bore
down upon the bridge with great tenacity and roaring cheers.
Their impact was brutal, and the combat was particularly fierce. The Thalfangers were known for
being a hard people, and they were defending their own, against foreigners, their natural enemy.
Blood was quickly flowing on the bridge, staining the gleaming cobbles and new hue of scarlet, but it
was useless, the Kroppenleben forces could continue to send wave after wave at the bridge, whilst
the militia could only hope their losses would not be too severe.

Max fought with little consideration for who he was fighting, he dehumanised them, they were not
men of the Empire, or even Wissenland, they were a threat to his livelihood, to his family and to his
beloved Barony. His halberd fell and rose, cleaving men as they joined the fray, bloody spraying on
his previously unused and meticulously clean uniform as he managed to decapitate an unfortunate
solider. He had never been called upon to fight before, and only had his basic training but the
situation he was in drove him to fight as good as the best trained soldiers. However, there was little
he or his comrades could do.


Soon, it was decided that the militia had to fall back, there was no chance they could hold off any
longer, and most of the townspeople had left, and were well on their way to Ostrach and then
Sonnefurt. With a heavy heart the retreat was sounded, and the men began to break away. Evidently
taking pity on their fellow Wissenlanders, the attackers slowed their advance, consolidating
themselves and allowing their enemies time to leave the confines of the town, pursued only by the
token inaccurate cannonball to make sure they continued fleeing.

In just under half an hour, Thalfang had fallen. Over two hundred of its residents and militia had died
in the battle and bombardment, but only fifty Kroppenleben troops had fallen to the blades of the
valiant militia. The town was quickly sacked and the houses of the once peaceful citizens had
become temporary barracks for the men of Kroppenleben. The army was to rest in Thalfang for the
night, for they were sure they would see repercussions the next day when they marched on Ostrach.

Baron von Kalb caught up with the column later that evening, impressed with the diligence with
which his men had one the first decisive battle of the campaign. Thalfang was the second largest
town of the Barony, and had fallen so quickly. He knew not to be so confident however, he had had
the element of surprise, and the full might of his army against an ill equipped militia force.

As he took up office in Mayor Funk’s townhouse, the most luxurious in all of Thalfang, he was met by
his aide and organiser of this campaign, Leopold Steinbecker.

“My liege, may I congratulate you on your decisive victory this afternoon. If Thalfang was this easy,
then we shall roll through this Barony with great ease. The Baroness will fall and all this land will be
yours. Think how rich you will be my lord! Think of the power you will have! Nuln will have to
respect you!”

“Thankyou Leopold, but it is not that easy. Sonnefurt has many allies further North and in the city,
we cannot forget that. Remember too, our cause for war is tenuous at best, and wait until they find
out that we sabotaged our own ship. I need you to send word to Kreutzhofen, I am sure they will be
happy to aid me in riding Sonnefurt of the Baroness, perhaps we can exchange some of their former
land for their aid?”
“An excellent plan my liege! I shall arrange for our fastest rider at once. In the meantime get some
rest, tomorrow will be another easy victory for you, your excellence, and you want to be at your best
when we waltz into Ostrach!”

Part Three: The March on Ostrach

News quickly reached Sonnefurt of the devastating surprise attack on Thalfang. The refugees had
made their way overnight to the safety of the town walls. Ostrach had been bypassed for it was
certain it would be the next target. As a predominantly military town, it was a high value target for
the Kroppenleben army, a perfect place to locate their barracks, far from the River Soll and attack
from their and the resources to replenish their army during the inevitable siege of Sonnefurt.

The Baroness and the Council of Sonnefurt had quickly rallied as many troops as could be spared for
the defence of the town, hoping to dent the attacking army significantly so the siege would not be
able to last as long. Militias were drawn up, drafting as many men from the outlying settlements as
possible, and they would be accompanied by a significant portion of Sonnefurt’s professional

Max, like many of his other comrades that night had been put up in one of Ostrach’s many taverns,
now turned into billets for the soldiers who were pouring into the town overnight. Being a veteran
of the Battle of Thalfang he was allowed to rest, but the bustle in the town made it impossible to
sleep. Defences were being dug, artillery was being moved in and the men were taking advantage of
the hospitality and seemingly endless supply of liquor on Ostrach’s famous ‘Alcholic’s Avenue’,
evidently making the most of what they thought would be their last night on Earth. Max however
would not join in with the revelry. He worried for his wife and what the next day would bring for


As predicted, with sunrise came the Kroppenleben troops. Still at full strength they vastly
outnumbered the hurriedly assembled Sonnefurt army, but this time, the fight was drastically less
one sided.

Max saw the rows of armed men lined up in the fields before Ostrach. Their blades glinting in the
early morning light, just like the spring dew that flickered on the grass before them. The flags,
bearing the Rose and Briars of the von Heisenberg family, fluttered in the low breeze. It was eerily
quiet, the tension and expectation of the conflict unnerved Max, at least the day before he had been
thrown in with no questions.

After the surprise at Thalfang the vengeful Sonnefurters were quick to seize the advantage to attack.
As soon as the Kroppenleben soldiers were in range the artillery opened fire. The shrapnel could be
seen tearing through the enemy ranks, and Max was instantly reminded of the horror he had
witnessed in his town, just meters away from the market he sold his wares at every week. However,
he felt no remorse for these men, just like he hadn’t the day before. They could easily have been to
him the foulest creatures in the world.

The enemy troops were quickly in range of the renowned Ostrach militia marksmen, a group of crack
crossbowmen whose bolts whistled through the fields and felled the oncoming army. Meanwhile,
the infantry held their ground. With little advantage of the terrain, as Ostrach was almost completely
flat, and the unexpected artillery bombardment, the Kroppenleben army had not yet brought their
artillery to bear down on the town’s defenders, much to Max’s relief. Furthermore, the proximity of
their troops to the Ostrach defensive lines meant that it would be suicide to even attempt such a

This did not stop them from bringing their handgunners to the fore. The loud explosions could be
heard on the other flank, presumably with the pellets ripping their way through the men as they
stood their ground defiantly. The order had not yet been given to engage, the numbers needed
thinning to make it a fair fight.

Finally, the horns sounded from a building nearby and the roar of the men rose up from the ranks
and they ran towards their opponents. The crunch of battle was horrific and men fell almost
instantly. The confusion was incredible, the two sides were almost indistinguishable, and collateral
casualties were inevitable. Max tried so hard to see through the mess of white and grey for that glint
of green at which to strike. The blood made it difficult for the Sonnefurt troops, as it tainted the
enemy uniforms with the same crimson their uniforms were marked with. This was not how they
were meant to fight.

The intense combat seemed locked in a stalemate, the defenders were being pushed backwards into
the town but were still holding out despite all the odds. The mess of buildings made it easier to
bottleneck the Kroppenleben soldiers and work their numbers against them, but their numbers were
always a factor. Clearly, Baron von Kalb was holding some men in reserve but they overwhelming the
small numbers of defenders. This however was set to change when a cry rang out from the
farmhouse being used as a watchtower on the edge of town:

“Cavalry! Coming from the South!”

Part Four: Ostrach Falls

Two days ago Eduard had been living a peaceful life in Sonnefurt, the peace had now been
shattered. He was a simple carpenter’s apprentice, living and working in the Dockyards district of the
sleepy riverside town. He worked diligently for little pay and lived in a townhouse with his, and three
others, families. He didn’t mind though, he enjoyed his work, enjoyed the freedom he had from a
lenient master and loved being by the river, where he could indulge in his favourite hobby of fishing
from time to time.

He had been asleep when the Kroppenleben ship had exploded, but the next day it had been the talk
of the Dockyards. Conspiracy theories had arisen, and fingers were pointed at the harbour masters
for letting such an atrocity happen. There was talk of Solland insurrectionists, a framed sabotage an
a deliberate attack on Kroppenleben. Opinion was divided and debates were heated.

Eduard didn’t attach significance to the event until the news reached him the next day of the fall of
Thalfang, not fifty miles from Sonnefurt, to the army of Baron von Kalb. Over the course of that day
there was a noticeable tension in Sonnefurt, the refugees were sent to the Dockyards to find shelter
in the slums and everyone he spoke to was fearful that the situation would get worse.
However, some he talked to openly embraced the attack and the victory of Baron von Kalb. Dockers
were not known for their liking of the Upper Classes, particularly not the Baroness and her followers,
as she had not yet turned her attentions to a long promised renovation of the Dockyards, clearing
out the slums and reinvigorating business along the Soll. The air was filled with talk of insurrection;
the Dockyards would soon be in turmoil.


The cavalry raced across the fields towards the flanks of the Ostrach defenders. They were clearly
mercenaries hired by Baron von Kalb to give him the distinct advantage against the defenders. Max
wondered how he would have had enough time to hire so many mercenaries before launching his
lightening attack, but the thought quickly left his mind as he saw the huge body of men and horses
tearing towards his position.

The men were clearly not Wissenlanders, and maybe not even men of the Empire. Some were
decked in many resplendent colours, family heraldries from countries far beyond the borders, and
some were in gleaming suits of expensive armour, spoils of many campaigns on behalf of many such
rich lords as the Baron.

As they hit, men were sent flying. The defenders were caught from both sides, the wave upon wave
of infantry that were now being sent to win the battle more decisively coming from the East and the
nights ploughing through the ranks to the South. The situation looked very bleak to Max. He aimed
his halberd at the legs of the horses, felling several, but the Knights atop them continued to fight,
clearly trained swordsmen, with the militia posing little opposition to their skill in the fray.

The Northern flank was faring much better than Max’s side, despite suffering heavy losses from the
shooting of the Kroppenleben marksmen. Sadly, the foresight of the defenders generals had
overlooked the exposure of the Southern flank, and it was the Northern flank that held the best
trained troops, compared to Max and the militia in the South. It was thus no surprise that the militia
soon broke, only to be pursued by Knights, who then broke off to aid the combat to the North of the

The town’s defence was now in shambles. The Kroppenleben troops were so confident in their
victory that the taverns were raided and sacked before the enemy had routed completely. The town
itself had been spared any significant damage, but bodies lay in its streets, from both sides. A few
hardy residents put up resistance, shooting the rejoicing enemies from the windows before being
dragged into the streets and rounded up as prisoners, or worse, executed.

Once again Max found himself fleeing a battlefield, mourning the loss of so many comrades. Those
who had fought the day before as well were now few in number. Two days ago many had been
Max’s neighbours, his shopkeepers, now they lay dead on the streets of Ostrach and Thalfang.
Losses had been great in Ostrach, those who were lucky to escape were on their way to Sonnefurt,
hopefully to gain a small amount of respite behind the Dwarfen walls with the full might of the
Sonnefurt army to give them a break from the fighting.

As the dishevelled band of men reached the city, the residents feared the worst. The Barony was
being devastated, Sonnefurt was in flames.
Part Five: Insurrection

“This is unacceptable!” thundered Mayor Funk, slamming his chubby fist on the heavy oak Council
table, causing several goblets of wine to shake worryingly.

“The South Soll Coalition Military has been totally overrun, my dear Thalfang and now Ostrach have
fallen into the hands of that lecherous von Kalb and Sonnefurt sends one mere regiment to our aid
in this dire time? Sonnefurt needs to march out and gain vengeance for the hurt to our honour that
has happened these last two days!”

“I concur!” started Mayor Vogt, “these enemies are clearly forcing their Solland tendencies upon our
honourable Barony of Wissenland, desecrating our peace and harmony through a tenuous cause for
war! Sonnefurt needs to strike them by surprise like they struck us!”

Marshall Eichhorn, until then uncharacteristically quiet, plainly stated, “That would be suicide. Can
you fools not see past your lost pride and see that our enemy has prepared for this campaign long in
advance. He has picked the Spring months, meaning his campaign can last for the best part of this
year and has chosen specifically the week of Von Heisenberg Day, meaning our dear Baroness is not
present, and is visiting her family in the North.

We need to bide our time, there is no hope we can outfight such a large and well prepared enemy.
No doubt news will reach all of Wissenland in the next few days, and the Baroness will be able to
gather reinforcements from Messen and Heisenberg. Until then we have to take cover behind our
walls and hope for aid. This is not the way I would like it to be, but for the future of Sonnefurt, it is
our only choice.


“Men of the Sonnefurt Dockyards, freedom is on our doorstep! Can you not feel the chance to break
our chains, to beat our meagre lives of subsistence and fight for a better life, for us and our families?
Baron von Kalb offers us this chance. Sonnefurt stands no chance against his might! The Baroness
has deserted her supposedly ‘beloved’ Barony for Northern climes, she is no better than the
Countess herself, her own cousin. She does not care for this town like we do brothers! If we fight
against the oppressive forces of the Nulnurt aristocracy in this town, and manage to hand it over to
the Baron, we can negotiate our freedom from the yolks of poverty! Together we can throw off this
oppression like the great Hans Hettinger! The Dockers cannot be put down! Who’s with me?!”

Men roared in answer to the speakers rousing chant. In the crowd was Eduard, but he was not
cheering. The crowd that had formed began to divide quickly, the supporters seemingly heading in
the direction of the Upper River Side, the rich district in Sonnefurt, those who disagreed remained
behind, anxious of the consequences. As the band of men left behind the speaker, chants started to
rise and the anger could clearly be felt. Sonnefurt itself was now in a state of chaos, it would be easy
for the Kroppenleben forces to take now for sure.


Max and his comrades woke up the next morning to screams and shouts coming from outside their
billet. They had been stationed overnight in the Von Heisenberg theatre, the huge number of
military and refugee personnel filling the barracks in the Military District, leaving the militias to be
stationed in public buildings all around the city.

His sergeant ran in, offering an answer to their questions about the commotion outside.

“The citizens are revolting! To arms!”

There seemed to be no rest for the wicked, Max was quickly back in his uniform and on the streets.
The sight outside was one of absolute chaos. Men had erected barricades in the streets, buildings
were on fire and civilians were being dragged out into the streets from their homes, some were
being humiliated, some were being tortured and some were being killed.

The men perpetuating the violence were dirty and disorganised; clearly lynch mobs set out to attack
this upper class district. Max had no idea of the politics behind the chaos, and had no reason to ask.
These men posed a real threat to the future of the Barony, more so than the army surely making its
way to the gates of Sonnefurt.

The militia formed up behind a barricade, along with several other regiments now pouring into the
district. They had been ordered to stand their ground, the commanders hoping the sight of military
presence would strike fear into the rebels. It was one thing spilling the blood of fellow
Wissenlanders, but everyone wanted to avoid the deaths of fellow Sonnefurters.


That same morning, Eduard had made his way to the Upper River Side, but not with an intent of
causing chaos, but as part of the counter-revolutionary forces. He had armed himself with his
grandfathers old pistol and an axe from his workplace, rudimentary weapons, but enough to pose a
threat to the rebels. He was backed up by a crowd of like minded men, who disagreed with the
insurrection due to the threat it posed to the safety of Sonnefurt. Although Eduard had sympathised
with the goal of a better future, he did not believe Baron von Kalb to be the answer, he’d rather die
impoverished than enslaved to a distant ruler.

When the counter-revolutionaries arrived the next morning near the Von Heisenberg theatre they
saw the devastation their fellow Dockers had caused. They also saw the formidable sight of the
amassed military, unmoving despite the chaos in front of them, a standoff had occurred.

Quickly the rogue forces had stopped their brutal displays of anger and had taken note of the armed
men that opposed them. They turned from their barbaric actions to face their opposition. Battle
lines were forming. A chant then rose amongst their ranks and Eduard watched in horror as they
tore down on the ranked infantry.

Part Six: Blood on the Streets

Max watched as the town’s riflemen shot into the oncoming horde of rebels, the bullets ripping
through the disorganised rabble. When the smoke cleared those who had not fallen foul of the hail
of lead we almost upon the lined ranks. Max readied himself as the brutish mob crashed into the
barricade and leapt onto the soldiers.
One Docker leapt straight at Max, a crude meat cleaver his only weapon. Max hit him in the stomach
with the bottom of his halberd, knocking the wind clean out of his opponent. He did not want to
finish the man, being only a simple, angry peasant but more and more men were charging at him, he
had no choice. With one swing and a sickening crunch, the blade of the halberd became lodged in
the man’s skull.

Max and the soldiers kept a tight formation, but were being pushed back by the sheer ferocity and
mobility of these lightly armed and angry men. However, another round of shouts was heard from a
side street, and more townsfolk could be seen piling into the mob, but there were not joining them,
but attacking them.


Eduard felt the thrill of the charge, his heart was racing, his ears ringing and his blood boiling. He and
his comrades had completely taken the insurgents by surprise, and were upon them in seconds. The
ensuing fight was absolute chaos, a free for all of no holds barred bloody hand to hand combat.

Eduard loosed a shot into an oncoming man bearing a large axe, piercing his chest, staining his dirty
overalls with the scarlet blood. Almost immediately he flipped it round in his hand, turning it into a
crude bludgeon, and clubbing another man square in the back of his head, knocking him to the
ground with a noticeable crack. His levelled his axe into the chest of another man, before he was
tackled to the ground, leaving the axe in his victims dying body.

On the floor he scrapped with his attacker, a young dock worker who had nothing but a crude
carving knife. They rolled on the now blood soaked cobbles, grappling in a frenzy of punches. Eduard
was careful to avoid his opponent’s savage attacks with the crude blade, but it was close.
Fortunately he managed to land a well aimed right hook in the cheeks of the worker, giving him
enough time to reach out for a blacksmiths hammer on the ground beside, which he used to follow
his blow with a crippling smash in his temple.


Max watched the frenzy that ensued from the attack of the other citizens, it was a bloodbath with
no rules. Men were jumping on others, clawing at their eyes, their mouths, using whatever they
could to inflict pain and destruction. Evidently tensions were running high, the fear of losing their
livelihoods in this invasion had truly divided the population in how to react.

His sergeant had given the orders to stay behind the barricades, he could not help the slaughter that
was turning the once beautiful and elegant plaza into a scene of hell itself. Fortunately, he had not
had to kill many citizens, for the sudden attack had turned their attentions, he was painfully aware of
how many fellow Wissenlanders he had killed this week.


Eduard looked up from the chaos to see a figure clad in red robes and a suit of armour striding into
the melee, hammer in hand, and bearing the signs of Sigmar. He was untouched by the brawl, no
one daring to openly attack a priest of their almighty god. Eduard eventually recognised that this was
no ordinary priest, this was Father Josef Schmidt, Abbot of the Sanctuary of Sigmar.
He stopped directly in the middle of the plaza, and his voice echoed around the streets, everyone
stopping the insane carnage to listen to the priest.

“My good citizens! Why do you fight so? For the first time in centuries, blood has been spilled on our
streets, and for what cause? Too many people have died at the hands our common enemy for
further men to die at the hands of our own common citizens! It is little surprise that Sonnefurt is
now seen as weak when we fight amongst ourselves! So weak in fact that not only does Baron von
Kalb and his army descend upon our town with great haste, but the entire fleet of Kreutzhofen bears
down on our docks in cooperation!”

The mention of the hated town of Kreutzhofen brought some shouts of disdain, but also murmurs of
worry and panic, for it was Kreutzhofen who had subjugated Sonnefurt all those centuries ago.

“Yes! Kreutzhofen my friends! It is true. The only time I want to see fighting on these streets is in the
direst of times. If we have to evoke the spirit Hans Hettinger and perform the second Defence of the
Dockyards, so be it! I will be at the forefront with you! But that is the only time it is just and holy to
spill blood on these flagstones again!”


The crowd cheered. Many had fallen needlessly, but the insurrection had been calmed. However,
Sonnefurt was in a dire situation. The Kroppenleben forces had spread out through the lands, racing
for Sonnefurt and cutting off its supply lines. Their divisions were heading for the Sonnefurt itself at
the banks of the River Sonne, and were aiming to stretch to the banks of the Soll in the other
direction. From behind, the fleets of Kreutzhofen were blockading the docks of both Sonnefurt and
Ertingen so that it was impossible to pass supplies, messages or people through.

In the meantime, Von Kalb had established himself within the Baroness’s mountain villa, sampling
her fine wines and settling in for what he hoped would be a short siege, but from the tenacity and
stoicism shown by the people of the Barony, knew in his mind might take significantly longer.

Part Seven: A Call for Aid

Klaus entered huge oak doors into the great hall of the Sonnefurt Council, a hive of activity due to
the amassing siege force bearing down upon the city. He watched as the men buzzed around in a
chaotic fashion, bustling with papers and eventually finding their seats. With a bang of the gavel the
meeting was in session.

Lord Herwin Augustus, as chairman of this meeting, hushed his colleagues on the Council and the
surrounding attendants and newer members.

“This meeting is called as Sonnefurt is now at absolute crisis point, and with the absence of our fair
Baroness, we are the sole ruling body. Up until now our meetings have been haphazard and
disorganised but Baron von Kalb has given us a brief moment of respite which we must seize to
regain our wits and plan our course of action. Let us hear your thoughts on this matter.”

Aldred Guttman started up, accompanied by the audible sighs of many of the people in the room,
expecting a long and monotonous speech.
“As you may well know, I have had the great pleasure of working as the chairman of the Hirn-
Sonnefurt Banking Corporation, and as such have brilliant links with the Dwarfs of the hold. Over the
years we have gained their respect as valuable business partners and it should be clear to them that
a loss to our business would take, according to my calculations, based on net loss already, multiplied
by the length of Baron von Kalb’s campaign, factoring in the loss of the workforce and increased pay
of the military....”

Quickly, Miengot Elzacher stepped in, much to the relief of the Council.

“What I think my colleague is trying to say is that the Dwarfs of Karak Hirn would have to search out
new trade partners within Wissenland whilst we recover from a war that may well annihilate us.
There is no guarantee that Baron Von Kalb will keep up our trade links either. Due to their inherent
dislike of change, it may be that they would be willing to send a small force to stop Von Kalb in his

“Thankyou Herr Elzacher,” Aldred remarked snidely, “that is indeed what I was trying to say, I often
forget many of you do not share my intellect or level of mathematical knowledge. But yes, we need
to alert Karak Hirn in search of a favour.”

Jusk Stromsson, the grizzled leader of the Dwarfs of Sonnefurt, added to the conversation.

“Aye, despite ‘is muddled way of sayin’ it, Guttman is right. ‘Em ‘ighlanders owe yous for all yer
business these years. And anyways, if they don’t owe you’s, you’d think they’d look out fer their own
kin, some of us ‘ave clans back up them mountains, they won’t ‘ave forgotten us!”

“ So all in favour of sending a message to King Duraksson of Karak Hirn?” Lord Augustus asked

There was a resounding murmur of agreement around the table.

“Then it is decided. Klaus, can we trust you with the task?”

“Of course m’lord! Anything for Sonnefurt!”, Klaus responded from his dark corner.

“Methinks it moight be best if ye send ‘im with some of my lad’s as an escort Mr Augustus, ‘em
highlander’s are a bit funny about you umgi bein’ in their domains unattended. Plus, it moight
convince ‘em more if we lowlanders are askin’ fer their ‘elp too.”

“If you can pledge some men, feel free. Otherwise that matter is settled.”

Despite all his anxiety about the mission in front of him, Klaus quickly exited the room, excited to be
on an official mission, and further excited that Lord Augustus had chosen him first. From all the
clerks who worked for the Council, he had been picked first, his career was looking up. Maybe he
would be able to pursue his dream of working in the courts as a lawyer as the Lord’s protégé when
this mess was over.

However, he had a mission to attend to. He had to rendez-vous with his escort and find a way to
pass the Kroppenleben troops undetected as they spread through the lands. The longer he lingered,
the stronger Kroppenleben forces and their stranglehold on Sonnefurt would become.

Albert had been in the same meeting room, timidly waiting in another corner, hoping not to be
assigned any tasks by the Council. He was a humble civil servant, a quiet reserved man who liked his
job as it meant being out of the way of the public. Now, there was a distinct chance he would be
thrown right into the midst of a important mission to muster support. It wasn’t that he didn’t love
his hometown, but he was thinking right at that moment he would much rather see it captured than
have to face travel and formal audiences with nearby allies.

The Council were slowly assigning messengers to spread out to sympathetic causes within
Wissenland. They knew of course this was fairly pointless, as it was an internal political matter, and
many nobles and leaders in the area preferred Baron von Kalb for his pro-Solland and anti-Nuln
tendencies, whilst Sonnefurt stood as a bastion of Wissenlanders and Nulners in the countryside.

When it came to who to send to Nuln, only Albert and one other, significantly younger, man were

“The issue of support from Nuln is of utmost importance if we wish to stop a takeover by
Kroppenleben”, Lord Augustus continued as Albert tuned in again, his thoughts previously distracted
by his wild imaginings of what might possibly go wrong if they sent him.

“As such, from the two of you, I think it best if you represent our interests Herr Frank.” He looked
confidently towards Albert, and in turn Albert’s heart sank.

“Can we trust you seek audience with the Countess on behalf of the Baroness and Sonnefurt. We
need her to see the misconduct of Kroppenleben and their clear staging of an excuse to launch an
evidently planned war upon us. We need justice to be enacted for their illegal behaviour, and a force
to be sent to put them in their place. Are you up to the task?”

Albert gulped loudly, his mouth dry with angst. He managed to squeak a reply of “Yes” out, not
wanting to disappoint and let down his fellow townspeople. He had never been further than
Ertingen in his life, and this journey was going to prove to be his greatest adventure.


Marshal Eichhorn then entered the Council chambers, having been organising the siege defence
forces for the vast part of the day.

“I have managed to secure the limited aid of the Soll River Patrol through my old contacts. Whilst
they are not under orders to attack the Kreutzhofen ships which blockade our harbour, my contacts
have secured warrants to search the ships tonight, looking for any smuggled objects. This will
provide the perfect cover for the Council to travel to Ertingen where we will be safe, and for the
messengers to use the waterways to speed their journeys. We will have to move fast though, for the
warrants are tenuous. We have no time to waste.”

Part Eight: Under the Veil of Night

Matilda grew anxious. That night had been designated the night of co-ordinated guerrilla efforts to
hamper the Kroppenleben troops in their siege of Sonnefurt. The enemy had neglected her small
village of Bezeinhof and the neighbouring village of Martinskorf, seeing their population as no threat
and believing their subjugation would immediately follow after the decisive blows to their patron
towns of Ostrach and Thalfang respectively. However, Matilda knew this was a decision they would
live to regret.

Sepp Sydow, the elder of Martinskorf had visited their Elder, Frau Gaffwiger, to gather as many able
bodies they could spare for the effort. The villages were only small and could not spare many, but
Matilda had leapt at the chance to be involved. Her elder brother had been killed in the defence of
Ostrach, having, as many sons of Bezeinhof were forced to do, join the Sonnefurt garrison several
years before to earn money to support his impoverished family. Her father was too old to fight, but
she wanted her family to be represented in the struggle, and the loss of her brother to have been for

The group was assembling on the fringes of Ostrach as the dusk drew closer. They were to launch a
lightening raid on the town, killing the guards and burning the stores. They were vastly outnumbered
should the small garrison force wake, and as such it had been deemed a suicide mission.


Meanwhile, in the Sonnefurt harbour, the Soll River Patrol had stormed the Kreutzhofen ships,
demanding to see their papers and check their holds for stolen goods from Sonnefurt. The crews of
the ships were compelled to agree, completely shocked by the intervention of an official body in the
conflict, but were as of yet unperturbed by their motivations.

Klaus and his four Dwarf escorts had been put on a small vessel towards the River Sonne. The dwarfs
were distinctly weary of the water, not trusting the small wooden vessel, despite having been
accustomed to human workman’s skills over the years. What made them even more nervous about
their mode of transport were the presence of three ponies and a stallion. Even though Lowland
Dwarfs were often seen riding ponies around the Barony like their human neighbours rode horses,
evidently these three had other ideas.

Klaus sensed their anxiety.

“Well what did you expect? It’s not like you’re known for being particularly fast walkers...”

“Watch it umgi!” replied the one who seemed to be their leader, particularly from his longer, whiter
beard, “if we’re seen enterin’ old ‘irn on ‘em, we’ll never live it down, we may as well die our ‘air
orange and go find some trolls!”

Klaus used his believed innate ability as a lawyer’s clerk to reach a compromise he deemed suitable.

“Ok then, the steeds’ll go when we get too close, but speed is of the essence, we have a town to
save, and my career on the line!”


On the other side of the harbour, Albert waited along with the other members of the Council, and
some important members of the Sonnefurt aristocracy. Smuggling was present in Sonnefurt and
normally kept well under control, but this night, as dusk fell, several smugglers had been
mysteriously commissioned by Marius Blech to conduct the safe passage of the precious cargos out
of the town’s waters.
Albert was put on a ship with several nobles who preferred to return to their Winter homes in Nuln,
their plans for a warm spring and summer in the South of the Province dashed by the war. He spoke
little, but just thought about his journey and how he would construct a convincing argument to the
Courts of Nuln in order to win their support. He was not a born orator, he had deliberately become a
civil servant to avoid having to speak aloud and in public, but now he was being asked to in front of
the most important people in the land for the most important cause.

The Council were also being loaded onto a small ship that would carry them across to Ertingen. It
was believed that there they would be untouchable, but would be able to fly messenger pigeons the
short way across the water to continue guiding the people of Sonnefurt. It was believed that the
Kreutzhofen ships would not risk violent action against Sonnefurt without having been attacked first.
If Sonnefurt should fall, they would be safe for a short while, being the far side of the river, where
they could attempt to organise a last ditch counter attack.


Frank waited by the banks of the River Martin in one of several small rowing boats which were
bobbing up and down with the waves. He didn’t know if it was this motion making his sick of his fear
stemming from the attack he was set to launch on the Martin Bridge with his fellow village guerrillas.

They had rowed downstream from Martinskorf with the intention of destroying the Martin Bridge, a
large Dwarf bridge which spanned the mouth of the River Martin and linked Ostrach and Thalfang
and ultimately linked Sonnefurt to Kroppenleben. The sabotage of this bridge would make it difficult
for reinforcements and supplies to enter by land, forcing them to use the River Soll, which was now
heavily patrolled by the Sonnefurt division Soll River Patrol who were working unofficially in the
favour of Marshall Eichhorn, making this task infinitely more difficult.

The raid would not be easy, the enemy knew the importance of the bridge all too well, and had
stationed a small regiment to defend it. Sepp Sydow had prepared the stealth attack and had
somehow acquired several barrels of explosives. Frank was to accompany Sepp and row under the
bridge as quietly as possible and detonate the explosives, whilst the rest were to draw attention to
the bridge, luring the regiment into the path of the explosion, sending a message to the rest of the
Kroppenleben troops.

Frank was on edge, he knew he had the riskiest job, but knew the importance of his role. He was no
longer just a woodsman, even clad in his simple, grubby clothes, rather than a gleaming uniform, he
was as much of a soldier as any man who the Kroppenleben forces had already killed that week.

Part Nine: A Night Ablaze

As night fell Matilda and her fellow guerrillas moved into Ostrach, cloaked by the inky blackness of
this cold spring night. They spread out rapidly, bows at the ready. They could not afford to alert
anyone to their presence just yet.

Matilda reached for an arrow from her quiver, losing it silently into an unaware guard’s neck, killing
him with only a slight gurgle. Despite being a girl, she had had to be a keen marksman, hunting for
her family, and defending them from the creatures who inhabited the woodlands, creatures much
more terrifying than mere Kroppenleben soldiers.
Her target was a barn at the far end of the town. She and two others made their way around the
town, using the cover of bushes to hide them from the patrols, whilst felling anyone who might give
them away and who was foolish enough to be alone.

When at the barn, it was decided Matilda would lead. She snuck up to the edge of the barn, noting
the sole guard who stood at its entrance. She found her old hunting knife, a gift from her brother
when he left to join the military, and it glinted in the moonlight as the clouds that had cloaked them
so far began to part.

The guard noticed the glimmer from the corner of his eye, and as Matilda raced at him, he managed
to cry out.


Matilda swore. She had let down the raid, wanting to use her brother’s knife for vengeance when
she could have killed him with a quick shot of her bow. Bells were ringing and men were clambering
to get to their positions. Evidently, they thought the attack was far greater than the raid it really was.

Matilda quickly set about torching the barn, hoping to escape as quickly as possible. She noted that
smoke was billowing all around the town; the others had rushed to complete their objectives. The
Kroppenleben garrison was in chaos.


At that very same time, Frank was rowing underneath the Martin Bridge, and was priming the
barrels. He was to wait for Sepp’s signal before he lit the fuse, giving the men above enough time to
retreat from the explosion.

He heard in the distance the shouts of many men. The distraction forces had launched a raid at the
camp a short distance from the bridge, and were now running towards the bridge, being chased by
the soldiers just as planned.

“Wait fer it lad, wait fer it...” Sepp reassured.

Frank obeyed and waited. He knew the barrels were perfectly in place, he had checked several times
in his nervousness. His hands were sweaty and clammy, and he feared he would dampen the fuses if
he touched them. His brow was damn, and his heart was racing. It all hung on him.

The shouts got louder and louder and the definite sound of sword fighting could be heard. Shortly
enough, he could hear it above him, they had made it to the bridge.

“Frank my boy! Now!”

Not one to disobey Sepp, despite his anxiety Frank lit the fuse and began to row away quickly from
the bridge. The fuse could be seen glowing in the darkness, and as the clouds began to part, bathing
the scene in moonlight, the men could still be seen on the bridge, engaged in bloody hand to hand

“They’re not movin’, they’re gonna get ‘emselves killed!” Sepp exclaimed.
The men were so engrossed in their conflict with their hated enemies that they were not moving fast
enough off the bridge, hoping to cut down their foes traditionally and settle their grudges.

“Moooove! Move you bastards!!” Sepp shouted at the top of his booming voice from the boat.


A huge explosion tore through the night. The flames lit the town like daylight. The force of it blew
Matilda from the barn and threw her into the cobbled street, leaving her limp and battered with the
wind entirely knocked out of her.

Before she had torched the barn, she had neglected to check its contents. Here they were storing
the gunpowder that would fuel the handguns, cannons, mortars and siege bombs that would be
used to level Sonnefurt. The enormous explosion could be heard for miles, tearing into the peace of
the night.

Matilda had dealt a crippling blow to the Kroppenleben siege effort, but lay barely conscious on the
floor. The other raiders had managed to flee the scene, but had presumed Matilda dead from the
force of the explosion. Ostrach was in flames, they had done their job and were fleeing to the
Martinswald and the relative safety of Bezeinhof. Matilda however, was left and incredibly


Frank heard a loud explosion and his heart sank, believing that when he opened his eyes he would
see all his comrades’ dead. He was therefore surprised when he saw the bridge was still intact and
the men were still locked in mortal combat upon it, and further surprised when he saw a huge
column of black smoke billowing out of Ostrach a few miles to the West.

“The Bezeinhof raid must’ve struck gold m’lad!” chuckled Sepp.

The grin was however quickly wiped off his face as another explosion ripped through the night. Frank
was stunned. His fear of only a moment ago had been realised. His brief moment of relief shattered.
The men were only just clearing the bridge when the barrels launched the masonry high into the sky,
along with the bodies of many men. Too many men.

Sepp cursed loudly. It had all gone wrong.

A large wave rocked the boat profusely as the pair still looked on in amazement and disbelief. Tears
began to form in Frank’s eyes and he began to sob violently.

“It’s not your fault m’boy, we couldn’t help them...”


Matilda slowly regained consciousness and began to open her eyes. She saw the smoke and the
panic in the town and remembered she was in Ostrach. Suddenly, a boot slammed into her vision.
She turned her head to see who it belonged to, and saw the unmistakable uniform of a
Kroppenleben soldier, marked clearly by the green feather in his cap.
“Well, well, what do we have here then?” he chuckled with a sly grin.

Part Ten: Homecoming

Max watched from his post on the Sonnefurt battlements as the forces of Kroppenleben established
their camps in the fields surrounding the town. He had gladly welcomed his few days of respite from
the intense combat, but could now tell it would be coming again. The air was filled with tension.
People talked of the abandonment of Sonnefurt, for the Council had mysteriously disappeared the
night before, only to send messages from Ertingen that morning. Max found it hard not to relate it to
rats fleeing a sinking ship. Everyone sensed that there was a distinct possibility Sonnefurt would fall.

The only good news came from the chatter that the explosion that was heard the night before had
been a resistance movement in Ostrach that had deliberately targeted the gunpowder supplies of
their enemies. Sure enough, Max could still see a small plume of black smoke rising from the town to
the East and had been able to hear the occasional smaller, follow-up explosions carried on the wind.

The Kroppenleben army still seemed to be enormous, a vast horde of men decked in the livery of
Wissenland but also many irregular troops, both clearly from Kroppenleben with their green
markings but many with their own heraldry, clearly mercenaries drawn to Baron von Kalb due to the
spoils he could offer from the rich and bountiful Barony and the trade routes he sought to secure.

Construction could be heard throughout the morning as the men toiled to make ladders and other
siege equipment. The lack of gunpowder meant it would be difficult to muster a long artillery
bombardment to break the Dwarf built defences and they would need more traditional ways to
enter the city. Thus it would be a good few days before they were ready to launch their assault,
enough time, Max hoped, for reinforcements to arrive.


Victor awoke to a lot of commotion outside the window of his townhouse. He was a fairly wealthy,
middle class citizen of Ertingen and lived in the centre, near the grand plaza of the town hall. Crowds
were assembling here and looking towards the town gates. Victor spied Mayor Heim bedecked in his
finest livery and also noticed he was accompanied by many other important figures within the
Barony, the Marshall, several nobles and the Mayors of the surrounding towns. He quickly got
dressed and rushed outside to see what all the fuss was about.

“The Council of Sonnefurt have established themselves in our town hall,” a friendly passerby told
him, “and the Baroness is on the outskirts of the town. She’s back, and she’s brought soldiers!”


The armed men walked into Bezeinhof early that morning. The villagers stopped their work when
they noticed they were dragging a girl with them in chains. Their jaws dropped when they noticed it
was Matilda. She was cut a bruised and had clearly been tortured. Her comrades from the night
before had thought she was dead, now they realised she had suffered a worse fate at the hands of
the enemy soldiers.

“This woman,” started the lead soldier, “was involved on an insubordinate raid on Ostrach last night,
along with what I can only assume were many other residents of this village. Baron von Kalb was
gracious enough to leave you villagers alone, in the hope you would obey in return for peace, but
you were brazen enough to attack his men. He wants retribution, and he will get it.”

He signalled to the men to drag Matilda forwards. He grabbed her by the throat and shouted in her

“Denounce your fellow raiders! Denounce them or I will kill you here and now! In front of your
friends and family!”

Matilda’s mother let out a muffled yelp at this threat.

“No.” Matilda uttered quietly.

“What was that?! Defiance?!” the leader slapped her round the face. “Do you not fear your death?!”

Matilda spat at the floor before his feet.

The soldier pulled a pistol from his belt and levelled it at her forehead.

“Do you wish to change your answer? One last chance!”

Matilda said nothing, staring down her tormentor, never blinking, pure defiance glinting in her eyes.

He cocked the pistol.


Matilda’s body slumped to the floor, the blood from her skull pouring into the earth, running far
with the morning’s dew. Her mother ran to her body, clutching her tight and whimpering. Her father
comforted his wife, tears welling up in his eyes. They had lost their only two children to this conflict.

“If there’s another attack, all of you will endure the same fate!”


The armed column that entered Ertingen was by no means large, but was a significant number of
men. They were troops from Meissen and Heisenberg, towns far to the North from which the Von
Heisenberg family had come generations before and still had strong links with. The Baroness had
been spending her annual visit in Heisenberg for Von Heisenberg day when the conflict had erupted,
and had been travelling with the column almost continuously, collecting token gestures of troops in
support from the towns to accompany her.

Gustav had been with the Baroness for the entire journey, comprising her personal guard. He had
risen through the ranks of the Sonnefurt military, originally hailing from Ostrach, until he had been
promoted due to his valour to the ranks of the Zweihanders that protected the Baroness day and
night. When he had learned of the treacherous attack and the fall of his homeland, he had been
itching to return, and now he was entering Ertingen, he finally had.

The soldiers provided by Meissen and Heisenberg were well trained men, but were not numerous.
The towns had decided to pledge resources which wouldn’t damage their own military numbers,
supplying mainly artillery and sharpshooters, who would be kept out of the fray and could be sent
back in one piece. This is not to say there were no infantry men, the half pike regiments that were
sent were dressed resplendently in their uniforms, marked with black and red markings along with
the traditional Wissenland colours. Gustav was happy to have these men at his side, and at least
they would provide some reinforcement for his homeland. The time for Sonnefurt’s liberation was


Frank and Sepp waited till the clear of morning to see the damage caused by their mistimed
sabotage the night before. They claimed it was for the light of day, but it was clear they wished not
to return to Martinskorf without any other survivors.

The bridge was utterly decimated. Huge pieces of Dwarf masonry lay in the river, and had displaced
a lot of the water. Bodies were washing down the Soll, a grizzly surprise for the fishermen
downstream, far away from the conflict of this Barony.

The two men had run over explanations in their heads for the entire night. Frank blamed his sweaty
palms, but that would have served to delay the explosion. Sepp blamed his rousing of the men
beforehand, making them eager for Kroppenleben blood. They both tried to blame the faults of the
barrels and their mysterious origins, but could not blame anyone but themselves however hard they

Fortunately, the attack received no retribution, for it was largely attributed to the same group from
Bezeinhof, but the sentiments of the village were equally solemn and vengeful. Sepp thought it best
to say they died fighting, but were overwhelmed, a lie which held a lot of truth, but kept him and
Frank out of blame. He thought that this village, suffering such significant loss, would still need him
as a strong leader. However, he did decide that resistance efforts were not the best option any
more. Both raids had been a success, but at a huge cost.


Victor listened attentively as the Baroness gave her homecoming speech to the townsfolk of

“My beloved citizens, our Barony is in dire times. Let me first let you know that I would never
abandon Sonnefurt, it is my home and the legacy of my family. I have been entrusted to lead you
through the good times and the bad, and that is my only purpose. Fortunately for me, in my absence
I have a great Council I can call upon! As you can see, I have brought men I hope can turn the tide of
this terrible situation. The Marshall tells me word has been sent to all the surrounding towns hoping
for pledges of support, and messengers are as we speak on their way to the greater powers of Nuln
and Karak Hirn, pleading for intervention to save us. One can only hope they succeed in their
journeys, for Sonnefurt needs all the help it can get right now. I need every man to take up arms for
their homes and families. We will not be beaten!”

A rousing cry went up from the assembled troops and citizens. Victor felt incredibly passionate,
seeing the Baroness return had restored his faith. As an Uppsoller for all his life, having been born in
the small town of Strazen, he had passed off this trouble as a Sotsoller problem, and that they would
be the ones who would solve it. Now he realised they were all in this together, that everyone had
their part to play in Sonnefurt’s darkest hour. Despite being a wealthy merchant, he bore this in
mind and signed up to join the Ertingen Irregulars, part of the Dieten Hills Township Militia. He was
equipped with simple leather armour and a halberd, and began a rudimentary training programme.
Victor was going to war.

Part Eleven: Urgent Messages

Klaus and his escort voyaged upstream in their small vessel for a short distance, well out of
Sonnefurt and towards the mountains to which they headed. The spring thawing of the mountain
snow meant that they had to disembark earlier than they had thought, the strong currents making it
difficult to pass further up the River Sonne. They managed to disembark beyond Scharmbeck, careful
to remain undetected for Scharmbeck was Kreutzhofen territory, being caught here would spell
disaster for the attempted relief effort.

Grudgingly the Dwarfs mounted their ponies whilst Klaus rode his stallion. Although he could easily
have beaten them to the hold, he took pride in telling them what this would do for his fledgling
career, and thus in return what he could do for them should they come into trouble.

“No offence m’lad, but yer umgi careers aren’t really worth anythin’.” One of the Dwarfs grumbled,
“A real job is manual, we don’t need no one tellin’ us what the law says, wes all know it, ‘n’ stick to
it. It’s not ‘ard, you break it, ye get punished. No if ye’d shut up for a minute sos we can focus on our
trek, me beard keeps gettin’ caught in me stirrups”

Klaus promptly kept his mouth shut for the rest of the journey, not wanting to upset the people set
to protect him. As they advanced further into the mountains it became clear they were entering the
realm of the Dwarfs. Brilliantly crafted statues lined the passes, with well built and strong defences
overlooking key choke points.

Little did the party know, they were being watched.


Once well out of the Sonnefurt docks, it was safe for Albert and the nobles to emerge from the hold
of the ship. The ship was cruising quickly down the River Soll, passing the countryside rapidly.
Fortunately there was a good wind, and the sail was full. Albert remarked at how busy the river was,
huge amounts of traffic filling it from bank to bank. It was evident the Kreutzhofen blockade had no
effect on the lives of any other river based merchant, hence the lack of objection. It would still take a
couple of days to cruise this river but the weather was good and the boat was luxurious, befitting its

The passengers attempted to make small talk with Albert, probably out of boredom, and Albert
found this difficult. He much preferred to look out upon the lands, land he had never voyaged out in
before. He had no comprehension of how far Wissenland stretched for, or what Nuln would be like.
He was a simple country fellow; he knew what he liked and didn’t like to be taken out of his comfort
He did not that the rest of Wissenland was terribly peaceful in comparison to his homeland. Over the
last few days, with all the chaos in the offices of the Council he had imagined everyone was at war,
that there was a huge incursion of beasts. He forgot that it was just his small Barony that was having
any trouble. Most of the land was quite content to let Kroppenleben and Sonnefurt have their
dispute, it was nothing to do with them. He knew the other messengers would be unsuccessful or
even turned away. How he wished he was one of them, no responsibility whatsoever, but he was
given the most important task. With no other aid Nuln was the only other ally besides Karak Hirn
Sonnefurt could try and rely on. It was all down to him and Klaus.


Out of nowhere a band of Dwarf rangers appeared from the rocks before Klaus and his Dwarf
escorts. They emerged laughing, having caught the three Dwarfs sat on their ponies. They began to
mock the Dwarfs in Khazalid, their sergeant leading the verbal assault.

“Look ‘ere lads, these boys are riding umgi ponies, they must be Lowlanders. All that town air and
human fraternising has lost them their way. Look at their clothes, all baggy and poncy. How could
you do this to yourselves boys? And now you dare to bring your tainted ways back up into the land
of the real Dwarfs?”

One of the Dwarfs bucked up, but having only learnt Khazalid from his parents, was fairly rusty.

“We, errrr, are here, ummmm, on official business errm, of Sonnefurt. We, hmmm, wish to speak
errrr, with the King.”

“We can speak the umgi language if yous want pal?” the sergeant retorted, “seems yous ‘ave lost
touch with yer roots!”

The band chuckled amongst themselves. Klaus was very glad they were now speaking the Imperial
tongue, for he had no idea what had been going on, but now wished to show his negation talents

“My good men, we are on official business of the Baroness of Sonnefurt, we seek an urgent audience
with the King. If you would be so kind as to lead us to him, I would be eternally grateful and in your
debt. ”

He showed them a seal bearing the rose and briars of the Von Heisenberg family.

“Do yer now, well methinks ‘es quite busy bein’ King and that, but might be able fit ye in m’lord” the
sergeant mocked Klaus’ well spoken Nulnurt dialect.

“That would be most excellent, thanking you kindly”.

Klaus felt rather proud of himself once again, he felt that he was definitely sent on this mission due
to his evident talent and personal skills. He had managed to get an audience with the King of Karak
Hirn and had an escort there. The rangers marched the messengers through the mountain passes all
through the night. Klaus hoped the next morning he would be able to speak to the King, and maybe
he could personally turn the tide.
Part Twelve: Shattered Hopes

The next morning Albert arrived at the port of Nuln. The steady wind had kept up through the night,
and the swollen river had helped with strong downstream currents. It was almost as if Lacothea
herself had been with the ship on its voyage, and was on Sonnefurt’s side, willing it to gain the
support it deserved.

Albert was blown away by the city of Nuln. It was enormous. People filled everywhere Albert looked.
It was hectic, noisy, smoky, and smelly. Albert’s senses were assaulted violently as he left the ship.
He was to be accompanied by a noble who had links at the Court of Nuln and could manage to get
an appointment fixed for Albert to plead Sonnefurt’s case against Kroppenleben. The man lead
Albert through the streets, for it was almost certain Albert would have become lost without him.

Albert was amazed by how different Nuln was to anything he had seen before. In Sonnefurt he felt
safe and in a friendly environment, it was clean, flagstonned and organised. It was busy, but not
chaotic, and he felt like he could fit in. Already in Nuln he felt violated. People pushed and shoved
and shouted. They were rude, obnoxious and selfish.

As they left the docks and entered the University district however, Albert suddenly felt much more
at ease. It was quieter, more serene and beautiful and full of polite people who greeted him and his
guide. He could imagine living and working here, not in the noisy city but in this peaceful enclave
amidst the bedlam.

Soon he reached the Palace. His companion had a few words and managed to secure him a meeting
with the Countess and her advisors in a couple of hours. This was Albert’s time to shine, he
desperately needed to come out of his shell.


As Albert was seeking an audience with the Countess, Klaus was making his case known before the
King of Karak Hirn. The King had been busy with other business, but wanted to know whether the
conflict below would cause him any grief. Klaus obviously turned on his charm and oratory skill to
present his case.

“Your Highness. I have been sent to you on behalf Baroness von Heisenberg to seek your aid in a
matter of war. Soldiers from Kroppenleben threaten to utterly destroy and take over our lands.
Baron von Kalb seeks to take all of our trade with you under his own wing. Surely you do not want
this to happen? The Hirn-Sonnefurt Banking Corporation and the many other trade partners have
had long established relationships. Why change this now? Would you not rather deal with people
you know you can trust, instead of changing the leadership? We need your military aid to put this
right. If you could pledge some soldiers to turn the tide in our war, we would be eternally grateful to
your hold and people and our long established trade links could continue to proper and flourish.”

Klaus finished his speech, pleased with himself, and sat and waited for the King’s reply. This took
longer than he expected, as the King mumbled to several advisors, and carefully considered his
answer, which took him a while to formulate in his long unused Imperial tongue.
“You mention that Baron von Kalb of Kroppenleben wishes to take over yer trade with us do ye not?
We find this arrangement acceptable. We deal with too many of you umgi as it is, and a
simplification would be greatly appreciated, the less I have to deal with yer politics, the better.
Besides, the Baroness ye represented is too young to know ‘ow to truly deal with us Dwarfs, and she
is a female, she does not ‘ave the beard for it. I’m afraid I won’t be gettin’ involved, ye’ll ‘ave to sort
yer problems out yerself.”

With that the King stood and left, his bodyguard leaving with him, leaving Klaus and his party stood
gobsmacked in the great hall of the hold. Klaus was particularly stunned, not believing he could have
failed, especially with such an impeccable speech. All his hopes from the night before had been
dashed in an instant.


Meanwhile, word had reached Baron von Kalb of the return of the Baroness to Ertingen, along with
the reinforcements she had brought with her. He had also learned of the smuggling of the Council to
safety and of the messengers out of the docks. He began to curse loudly at Leopold.

“How could this happen?! How could we let them slip past us?! We had the noose tightening around
their necks! Now they could be gaining support from anyone! The River Patrol is on their side, it is
only a matter of time before Nuln are too! And what about Karak Hirn?! We were so close! Damn
these Sonnefurters”

He threw his empty goblet at the portrait of Max von Heisenberg above the fireplace in the large
dining room.

Leopold softly calmed his inflamed master.

“But my liege,” he cooed, “there is no one left to help them! They lost a lot of friends in the Solland
Effort by staying neutral; they can count on no support from the local area. Only the local division of
the River Patrol are set to help Marshall, and they act against direct orders, I have alerted the correct
authorities as to their betrayal of trust in their neutrality in politics. Nuln will be reluctant to help,
the Countess is reluctant to help her cousin due to her jealousy, it will take a lot to convince her
otherwise, and this will buy us time. The Dwarfs were also easy to manipulate, I convinced them of
the ease if you were to assume control of Sonnefurt’s trade, and a sowed seeds of doubt in the
leadership of the Baroness for many years. There is no need to worry my lord, no need at all.”

“Very well Leopold, as always you have planned meticulously. I still dislike that Ertingen is gaining
strength however, perhaps we need to knock them down a peg.”

“I’ll get right on it my liege.” Leopold cooed slyly.

Part Thirteen: Rules of Engagement

Victor woke up again to commotion, but this time it was much more sinister. The ships in the
harbour had begun a bombardment of Ertingen. Fortunately for Victor, he had few minutes to rush
his family to his cellar before the cannons turned on his district.
As they did the noise was horrific. The balls of iron crashed all around, sending shrapnel in every
direction. Victor donned his armour and grabbed his halberd, he was expecting an invasion, and the
bells were calling for the militia to assemble. He weaved his way around the town, dodging
collapsing buildings and flying cobblestones, burning buildings and fleeing townspeople. It was
carnage. People lay dead in the street, torn apart by the whirling debris. Time seemed to slow as
Victor darted everywhere, nowhere was safe, there was no cover from such an attack.

Shrapnel scraped his leg, and he swore as he saw his blood trickle down his leg, but thought himself
lucky considering the other outcomes. To his surprise, the bombardment continued, but began to
slow. This wasn’t a preliminary attack to signal an invasion, it was planned to throw the town into
disorder and disrepair, to maim the townsfolk and drive down moral and to attempt to deplete or
damage the reinforcements.

The fire slowed to a reasonable rate, but continued for most of the day, an occasional blast to keep
the people on their toes. In a way, the attack had been successful. The town hall was ablaze, the
place that held most of the Council and many troops. Many townspeople were lying dead in the
streets, and many had and were fleeing to the safety of Strazen, fearing another ferocious attack in
the near future.

Victor helped in any way he could. Fortunately his family had been saved, but the window he had
looked out of that morning had become a large cannon ball hole, with a similar one of the other side
of the room. He had been lucky, many others had not. He helped bury the bodies, mostly of civilians,
and put out the fires. The enemy had gone too far this time.


Klaus and his band had left the hold disappointed and had been shown to a point where the River
Sonne became traversable by boat as it emerged out of the mountains by the rangers. From his
view, Klaus could see smoke rising from the distance, to what he believed to be Sonnefurt. He knew
he had failed. He couldn’t win over the King of Karak Hirn and now Sonnefurt was in flames.


Captain Strotmann stood on the prow of his ship, followed by several others from the River Patrol,
all brimming with armed men and re-entered Sonnefurt for the second time in two days. This time,
however, he had a legitimate cause, rather than the tenuous warrants he had secured to aid his old
friend Marshall Eichhorn. This time, he had been ordered to force the Kreutzhofen fleet to stand
down. Their bombardment of Ertingen had killed many innocent bystanders without fair warning,
and was unprovoked due to the nature of the conflict being between Sonnefurt and Kroppenleben.

The ships cut through the amassed fleet in the harbour, and the Captain headed for the flagship,
hoping to talk to the Admiral of the Kreutzhofen fleet. He and his support boarded the ships, bearing
an official declaration of the breach of the rules of engagement and the violation of the use of the
River Soll.

“By decree of the Countess and Wissenburg, and orders of the Soll River Patrol, you are hereby
ordered to stand down immediately, or risk punishment! You shall end you’re blockade of Sonnefurt
and return to Kreutzhofen. Any reformation of this fleet for use against Sonnefurt and its
protectorate towns will be seen as an illegal usage of this neutral waterway.”

“What authority do you act on Captain Strotmann?” the Admiral retorted, “do you think we were
born yesterday? We know you work for Sonnefurt, your stunt the other day was in their interests.
Who says we should believe you?”

The men on the ship began to draw their weapons, the River Patrolmen reached for theirs too. The
atmosphere was tense, it was becoming a standoff.

The silence was broken as a cabin boy shouted.

“Boss, I think you need to look at this!”

In the distance, dozens more ships bearing the insignia of the River Patrol were heading into the
docks of Sonnefurt.

“Alright men, stand down! We best be out of here!”


Klaus had quickly made it down the mountain on the rapids streaming from the melting snow. On bis
descent he had seen many ships entering the Sonnefurt harbour from downriver and thought that
maybe help had been on its way. He had felt slightly relieved; he had not failed the town entirely,
perhaps Sonnefurt would be saved after all- he could only hope.

As the band had reached just south of Scharmbeck they had noticed a crowd of soldiers waiting on
the banks of the river, wearing the livery of Kroppenleben.

Simultaneously they swore as they realised their fate.

Part Fourteen: Treachery and Greed

The Council sat around in the broken and battered town hall of Ertingen. Although the Baroness was
now entitled to assume total control of the situation, she was happy to delegate to her Council, for
she found the harsh realities of war hard to deal with, and preferred the Marshall to assume
command on her behalf.

She still however attended the meeting, and Gustav was selected to stand guard within the meeting
room with several other guards. The debris inside the hall had been cleared to some extent, and a
table had been found in a nearby merchant’s house that served to replace the destroyed official

Marshall Eichhorn began the meeting, sitting this time as its chair.

“As you well know, the Kreutzhofen fleet has been banished from our waters on orders of
Wissenburg and the River Patrol, this was not even my doing. Captain Strotmann assures me that
the Patrol are here to stay to make sure the free conduct of our war can happen without illegal
impediment or citizen slaughter. Their intervention also gives me faith that we may well soon be
hearing from Nuln, the misconduct of the Kroppenleben-Kreutzhofen alliance has been noted by the
authorities, it is only a matter of time.”

“But we still ‘aven’t ‘eard from Karak ‘irn yet” grumbled Jusk Stromsson, ‘it shouldn’t ‘ave taken this
long, we should’ve ‘eard the great ‘orn blowin’ if they was comin’ to war.”


“Open the gates!”

Max was on gate duty with his militia regiment, and had seen a lone cart dragged by a single pony
heading towards the town. When it had reached the gate, it was searched by a guard, hoping it was
not explosives, and was quickly admitted through.

Max struggled to see the carts contents through the inquisitive crowd that began to form. The cover
was removed and a gasp rose amongst the assembled onlookers. It was four bodies, racked with
crossbow bolts, one human and three Dwarfs. The human wore the seal of the Baroness.


The messenger whispered in the ear of the Marshall, passing on an urgent message.

“In answer to the earlier question of Karak Hirn’s support, I have just had reports that it seems highly
unlikely. The bodies of the four messengers were reportedly pulled out of the River Sonne by
Kroppenleben forces today, riddled with Dwarf made crossbow bolts. It seems that either our
messengers fell foul to a patrol who believed them bandits, or that they managed to upset the
Dwarfs. Either way, it looks like we cannot count on the support of our mountain allies.”

Whispers and groans of disappointment echoed around the table.

Prince Imre Lank, stood up, for the first time offering his thoughts on the conflict. Being from the
Border Princes, Gustav struggled to understand entirely what he was saying.

“I thinks that asa the Dwarf no want to helps us, we haves to takes the matter into our own. I has
many contacts in this land here froms the old country, mercenaries who will fights for a cost.
Maybes we cans convince them?”

Herr Elzacher interrupted the Prince.

“A fair point, this land teams with mercenaries, but it seems they have all been taken under the
Kroppenleben wing, Baron von Kalb has used his wealth to pay all the available mercenaries, hoping
to pay them back with the spoils he earns from us. Besides, we have no money to afford
mercenaries, we are financially stretched as it is.”

“Not entirely true, my dear Miengot.” Herr Guttmann interjected, “as human company executive of
the Hirn-Sonnefurt Banking Corporation, I am sure I can secure us the funds. The Dwarfs have
refused to help us, and may even have killed our messengers, I think we are fully justified in legally
seize their assets stored here to finance a mercenary contingent.”
This was the first time anything Herr Guttmann had said had been greeted with joy by the Council. It
was quickly decided that a messenger would be sent to the nearest mercenary captain, one working
for Kroppenleben who was stationed outside of Ostrach, hoping to turn his allegiance with the
promise of large amounts of Dwarf gold.


Alonso sat in his tent smoking, pondering on how he would spend the riches he was currently
earning for sitting doing nothing. Baron von Kalb had hired him and his mercenary company before
the conflict had started, promising the spoils of Sonnefurt and perhaps some land in the southern
Barony, somewhere he could spend time when not in his home country. However, he had yet to
actually fight in the conflict. Instead he and his boys had been filling in the lines, and they were
growing restless. Alonso had become a mercenary not for the money, but the fighting and the glory,
and this was being denied. He did not object to the princely sum he was being paid for his lack of
work, but hoped he would be put to best use soon.

One of his guards ran into his tent, out of breath.

“A messenger from the other side wishes to speak with you, says he has an interesting proposition.”

“Bring him’a to me, I am’a so bored it might’a provide at least leetle a bit of entertainment.”


Johann had been chosen to send to the message to the notorious mercenary captain Alonso
Capitore. He had a reputation of being a grizzled veteran of many campaigns, all over the Old World.
He was a Tilean but spent much of his time in the Empire, and had made a name for himself in
Southern Wissenland as an expert general, and his band for being ruthless and efficient killers. As
such, Johann was more than a little nervous about meeting him.

When he was ushered into the tent, he saw the man before him. His face was covered in scars and
wounds. He wore an eye patch over his right eye and had a scraggy black beard. He was a terrifying
sight to behold, but when he spoke his gentle Tilean accent was juxtaposed with his rugged

“I hear’a you have a proposition for’a me? Howa can I help’a you?”

Johann stuttered, and finally managed to get his pre-prepared speech out.

“Senore Capitore, I have been sent on behalf of the Baroness and Council of Sonnefurt to ask for
your aid. They recognise that you have been employed to fight against us by Baron von Kalb of
Kroppenleben but are prepared to double his payment to all of your men should you turn against
him and act in our favour. Furthermore, should your actions turn the tide of this war, and Baron von
Kalb should lose, we will aim to recover your already agreed payment from him, allowing you to earn
three times your rate if you should side with us.”

“That’s’a very interesteeng offer you’a make my friend. My men’a grow bored of his’a treatment of
us. I will’a consider your offer, and will’a discuss it with my men”.
Johann issued his great thanks and headed back to his boat. Perhaps these men would be interested.


Alonso watched as the timid messenger left his tent, considering his handsome offer. He knew
conflict would come soon and he would get his chance for glory, but for which side? If he stayed
with Kroppenleben he may well be victorious, but would be involved in a long, monotonous siege,
with only one decisive battle after months of waiting. If he joined Sonnefurt, he could turn their
campaign around, be recognised by them as a great hero, and fight in many battles against his
employers. Plus, he could earn a tidy fee doing it. He began to ponder his treachery....

Part Fifteen: A Beginning to an End

The bells tolled in Sonnefurt, panic ran through the streets and men scrambled to their positions.
The first assault of the Kroppenleben troops on Sonnefurt itself had finally begun. Max witnessed as
the military district turned into a scene of frantic dashing, as men barked orders, armed themselves
and headed to the walls.

Max’s regiment was positioned at the front, seeing as the South Soll Coalition Halberdier Corps were
now veterans of this campaign. As he climbed the stairs behind the walls, he saw ranks of men firing
into the oncoming troops as they attempted to scale the walls.

The noise was horrific, the cannons and muskets fired, clouding the battlements in thick smoke,
making Max choke. Fortunately for the defenders, the supply lines of the Kroppenleben troops were
still in turmoil, meaning the assault was accompanied only by limited artillery, which was not being
effectively used to conserve gunpowder. As such, the enemy were using hastily constructed
battering rams, siege towers and ladders to assault the walls.

The force was mainly infantry in nature, wave upon wave of expendable soldiers thrown against the
battlements, hoping to break the defences of the riverside town. However, they had little hope and
they knew it. The artillery of Sonnefurt was bolstered by that of Meissen and Heisenberg and was
quickly destroying the towers that came towards the walls. The ranks of men, Max included, were
easily fending off the ladders, pushing their men to the ground below.

The attack was shortly over as the Kroppenleben troops retreated to their camp. Max knew that this
was only a reconnaissance mission, too few troops had really been involved for a proper siege. Baron
von Kalb wished to wait out the Sonnefurt surrender and coerce them into submission. They knew
he could launch attacks like this almost daily if he wanted to, keeping them on edge. Kroppenleben
were determined to bring down Sonnefurt, and would not stop at anything to do so.


All the while Sonnefurt had been holding off Kroppenleben, Albert had been in and out of the Nuln
Palace. Meetings had been adjourned early or just plain cancelled and rescheduled. In total, Albert
had only had to actually speak with a varying board of Councillors for an hour, and the Countess was
only present for fifteen minutes or so over three days. Albert had realised that Nuln was stalling.
They considered themselves separate from the affairs of Wissenland, being a separate state, but the
fact their Countess ruled both, meant they were obliged to be involved.
The Countess’ clear disdain for Sonnefurt was evident from her blasé attitude towards Albert, her
jealousy of her cousin getting the better of her even in the face of true danger. Albert was becoming
increasingly annoyed with the Countess and the Councillors, seeing that as he had been made to go
far out of his comforts, they could at least have the common decency to hold a proper meeting.

Finally, a few days later, a proper meeting was scheduled with the Countess and her Council, no
excuses could be found, and she had exhausted all possible ploys to avoid the audience. Albert now
had to deliver his argument. His mouth was dry but he was not going to let this chance pass up; he
just wanted to go home.

“My noble Countess and esteemed Councillors, you are already well aware from our other brief
meetings of the plight that ails Sonnefurt at the hands of the Baron of Kroppenleben, and even the
Baron of Kreutzhofen too. We have reason to believe that this attack was entirely unjustified,
motivated by Baron von Kalb’s jealousy and greed. We have never provoked Kroppenleben and yet
we are engaged in a war for our very survival. We feel Nuln needs to lend aid to provide stability to
our region, Baron von Kalb is known to harbour Solland tendencies and wishes to hold a monopoly
over the trade of much of the South of Wissenland, former Solland territory. Surely this poses
enough of a threat to Wissenburg, yourself my dear Countess and even perhaps Nuln itself should a
separatist war ensue?”

Albert felt rotten to his stomach; he was sweating profusely and growing pale. The Council dismissed
Albert and he was forced to wait outside, time ticking and the lump in his throat swelling, he wanted
so desperately to know if he had managed to succeed.

Soon, Albert was ushered back into the Great Hall and a Councillor spoke on their behalf after some
hushed mumblings.

“The Council has agreed that as the dispute between Sonnefurt and Kroppenleben is of internal
Wissenland politics and poses no immediate threat to Nuln, that Nuln will not send intervention to
the conflict. The Countess, on behalf of Wissenburg and Wissenland has also decreed that the
dispute should be settled by the two nobles themselves, whether it through war or diplomacy, as
Baron von Kalb had proven his loyalty to Wissenland on many occasions, and cannot be suspected of
any sedition. Sonnefurt will have to find its own way out of the conflict and settle with Kroppenleben

Albert was dismayed. He had failed his town. He had always doubted whether he would gain their
support, but in the back of his mind had always believed that someone would come to save

He began to leave the palace dishevelled and downtrodden, making his solemn return to Sonnefurt,
pondering whether he would be able to work for the Council of Baron von Kalb after his victory
when he hear hurried footsteps behind him. An old man was rushing up to him, nearly out of breath.

“I heard you plead your case to the Council, and thought their verdict was wrong. I fought for you,
Sigmar would never let this atrocious war happen, but they wouldn’t listen. This is why I pledge you
my aid. I have a certain amount of sway with the Nuln Volunteer army and am sure I can arrange for
a small division to accompany you to Sonnefurt under the able command of my son Alexander, for I
have business to attend to here in Nuln. I have many valuable assets to protect in your Barony,
including the Soll Shipping Company which had been reporting trouble proceeding with its normal
ventures due to the conflict. Alexander will wait for you at the docks before sunrise tomorrow and
the army will sail to Sonnefurt.

Astounded, Albert could only mumble a reply.

“Thankyou, but might I ask, who are you?”

“I am Marschall Hans von Plauten of Nuln, and I am delighted to be of service!”

Part Sixteen: Preparations

“Word is an armed Kreutzhofen supply train is moving from Scharmbeck towards Sonnefurt. We
have been chosen to hold the ford against them. Should they reach the Kroppenleben army, they
will resupply them with enough gunpowder to bring their full artillery to bear on our walls. This
cannot happen. We have been assigned by the Baroness personally for this. We cannot fail!”

Gustav and his regiment uttered a resounding cheer and headed towards the Ertingen dock, where
boats were waiting to take them to the ford. The Baronesses Guard were known as elite defensive
troops, but could not be expected to hold out by themselves. They were to be supported by the
Meissen and Heisenberg infantry. It was hoped this would be enough to stop the armed column in
its tracks.


As the elite troops were being moved out of Ertingen, so was Victor the Ertingen Irregulars, getting
ready to join with the rest of the Dieten Hills Township Militia in Strazen. From here they were
scheduled to launch a decisive raid on Ostrach, apparently with the support of a turncoat mercenary
captain. If the attack was successful, they were to hold their ground and take back Ostrach, giving
Sonnefurt another flank with which to work from in their attack on the besieging forces.

The column marched around the Dieten Hills, heading to Victor’s old hometown. Over the past few
days training had been stepped up, but he did not feel the least bit confident, particularly when
there were rumours that the mercenary captain was not definite at all, and that they may be
performing this raid alone.


When the militia captains came to recruit men from the docks to fight in the upcoming push out of
Sonnefurt, Eduard jumped at the chance. He had been put to work since the fighting in the streets
back in his mentor’s carpentry workshop, they had been building everything, shields, pavises,
defences and much more equipment, the workload never letting up. Eduard wanted to fight
however; he was not content with just being part of the war effort. He had acquired a taste for
blood and was willing to spill it again in the name of his homeland.


Max too was readying himself for further combat. He was seen as a great veteran by his comrades,
having been involved in every battle of the conflict. The South Soll Coalition troops had been
replenished steadily, recruiting from the refugees and hurriedly training them for the upcoming
climactic battle. In the siege several men had been killed by the small arms fire of the enemy.
Amongst the dead was Max’s sergeant.

He saw his Captain come up to him as he was lined up with his regiment for inspection in the town’s
parade ground and thought nothing of it.

“Maximilian Bachor.” The Captain started, stunning Max a little.

“Yes Sir!” he barked back, standing up as straight as possible.

“Your actions have been noted over the past few weeks and you have been recommended to me by
several of your contemporaries for promotion in the light of the death of Sergeant Ritterkast. Will
you do this Barony the honour of leading the South Soll Coalition Halberdier Corps on the field of

“Yes Sir!”

Max’s heart was full of mixed emotions. He was incredibly proud of the honour bestowed upon him,
but he thought of his desire to leave the military, a desire shattered by this blasted conflict. He only
had a year left till he earned enough money to leave, but not, with promotion, leaving would let too
many people down.


Albert had followed the Marschall’s instructions and met his son Alexander at the docks.

“Thankyou for your kind agreement to help out in Sonnefurt, we are in your debt.”

“Don’t get your hopes up country boy,” Alexander retorted, sneering at Albert, “I am only doing this
for my father, I need him so I can advance through the ranks of the real army of Nuln, not leading
this over-zealous, interfering ‘army’. I’ve already served down south against the Sollanders and now
my father sends me again while he swans around in the city, not helping me out at all. Ah well, best
get on with it, climb aboard.”

Although Albert despised this area of the city a few days before, now it was a beacon of hope.
Soldiers were checking their weapons and boarding the small fleet and men rolled artillery pieces up
onto the decks. The crew scurried around the ships, making last minute checks and reading the sails;
speed was going to be of the essence.

Soon Albert was once again cruising upon the River Soll but this time without apprehension. He had
won a valuable ally for Sonnefurt in Nuln and had a determined and well trained army coming to the
town’s aid. He may have failed in winning over the Council but had ultimately succeeded. He hoped
this meant he could now get back to his original quiet life once again.

Part Seventeen: The Battle of the Sonnefurt.

Gustav lined up in the glittering ranks of the Von Heisenberg guard, their meticulously polished
armour glinting in the sunlight. They looked spectacular, finely polished, bedecked with colourful
feathers and the best cut and sash uniforms of all the military, a crimson colour marking their loyalty
to the Von Heisenbergs. The Rose and Briars fluttered in the breeze and filled Gustav with pride. He
kissed his large sword. It had felled many foul creatures before in the defence of the Baroness, and
now it would take the lives of one of the Von Heisenberg families greatest historical rivals, the
Kreutzhofen armies.

Around him were the infantry of Meissen and Heisenberg, equally resplendent, the spending power
of the northern towns evident in comparison with the militias of Sonnefurt. He trusted they would
support him and the guard, but doubted their use. The ford was not wide and the Zweihanders were
valiant opponents, but still, he liked the knowledge that backup was there.

The supply train came into sight along the opposite road. There were many more troops than Gustav
had expected, maybe they knew who they were facing. These were Kreutzhofen’s best troops,
seeing as they did not have to commit large numbers, and were decked in their fine livery too,
something Gustav knew would not stay fine for long.

The Von Heisenberg guard held their ground, they did not advance to meet their foes. Gustav just
watched patiently as the enemy army brought their cannons to the fore along with their musketeers,
unflinching. He was under strict orders to hold the Sonnefurt, the regiment would not move from it.

Kreutzhofen opened fire onto the massed ranks of Sonnefurt, Meissen and Heisenberg. The screams
of the dying men could be heard all around as they were torn apart by various types of lead.
Cannonballs flew into his regiments ranks, a sickening crunch being made as the huge balls collided
with the heavily armoured men. Yet, there was little more than a muffled groan from the dying men.
They had undergone such hard training and seen such horrendous violence that they could remain
calm, knowing they were dying for Sonnefurt and the Baroness. They stood perfectly in their ranks,
stern, unmoving, a sheer wall of iron bodies accompanied by iron will.

The Meissen and Heisenberg troops did not fare as well from the onslaught. They quickly retreated
to the banks of the river, out of the firing range of the Kreutzhofen army. Once the smoke had
cleared, this encouraged the Kreutzhofen soldiers to charge to take advantage. Gustav just smiled,
they were coming to him.

He hauled his mighty longsword into the air with ease, as did his entire regiment, staring down the
oncoming soldiers. As contact was made, they brought them down , felling swathes of the foolish
men. Gustav revelled in the thrill of combat. He swung his sword in beautiful arcs, maiming his
opponents, severing arms, legs and heads. The uniforms of his opponents were stained with their
blood, as were the uniforms of the guard, but the crimson colour made it seem like they were
unharmed. The unrelenting massacre performed by Gustav’s regiment forced the Kreutzhofen
soldiers to take stock, and the centre of their army began to retreat. Again, the regiment just
remained as instructed on the ford.

Then, from the rearguard of the Kreutzhofen army came forth their half-pike regiment, slowly
advancing towards the ford. Their spear tips glinted in the sunlight and they appeared like a wall of
death, a phalanx bristling with impenetrable points. They took up their positions facing the Von
Heisenberg guard in a standoff, neither regiment moving.

Gustav’s sergeant however, seeing that this was the Kreutzhofen generals last ditch attempt to ward
off the Sonnefurt forces, decided to break from orders and advance.
A cry went up.

“For the Baroness!!”

Gustav rushed at the wall of pike tips, putting his faith in Sigmar his sergeant had got the right idea.
The regiment smashed into the pikes, their longswords easily batting aside and splintering the flimsy
poles of the spears, leaving their opponents vulnerable to attack. Gustav once again scythed through
swathes of the pikemen, watching as their spirit broke from the relentless onslaught of the Von
Heisenberg Guard.

Quickly, they routed, to be pursued by the Meissen and Heisenberg soldiers, now permitted to act
by their generals due to the certainty of few casualties.

Gustav surveyed the battlefield as the battle came to a close. It had been a victory, but at a price.
Many good men lay dead on the ground, shattered bodies from the artillery. Few had succumbed to
the close quarters combat, their heavy, expensive armour deflecting most blows, and for this Gustav
was grateful to the Baroness herself for paying, it had saved his life on many occasions.

As the ford began to disappear, the bodies were washed up in the oncoming tide. The waters ran red
with the blood of all those who had fallen that day on both sides and the bodies began to float down
the river, the closest most of the Kreutzhofen soldiers would get to Sonnefurt.

The war was not over yet for Gustav, as word was sent that battle had commenced in Ostrach, if
they were to be victorious, the two forces could swing in a pincer movement on the besieging force,
cutting them off and beating them back. Quickly the regiment began to march for Sonnefurt.

Part Eighteen: The Second Battle of Ostrach

As dawn broke over Strazen, Victor clambered aboard the small landing ships with the rest of his
regiment. It was cold but he was still sweating with nerves. He had never been in combat before,
had never even thought about it before the events of the last few weeks. Now was his chance to
make history, to deal a decisive blow to the Kroppenleben war effort by liberating Ostrach from their
hands and then marching on Sonnefurt.

Everyone was incredibly nervous, not just Victor, even the veterans. Rumours were rife that the
messenger to Nuln had failed to win over the Council and it would just be them against a massed
army determined to cling onto any Sonnefurt land. They were only a band of a few hundred poorly
trained militia, they needed allies. As the boats set off towards Ostrach, Victor prayed to Sigmar to
deliver him in the coming battle, and prayed help would come.


Just a few miles up the River Soll Albert and the Nuln Volunteers were closing on Ostrach. Albert had
had to endure the complaints of Alexander for the entire journey, and was now wondering just how
useful the contingent would be. The men themselves though, from what he had heard, we
determined and zealous and would still be an asset in this fight.

Alexander gave a speech as they neared the landing point, seeing the ships from Strazen in the
“Right men, my father has tasked me once again to sort out the troubles of some bloody Wissenland
peasants just so he can keep churning out money from his ‘assets’ here. I know its not Nuln’s
problem, and he doesn’t believe in me enough to lead enough of you to make this easy but we still
have to fight. We’ll do our best and maybe the Nuln Volunteers will become respected for their
heroism, then maybe we’ll, and I’ll get the glory we deserve!”

A cheer rose from the men, albeit one that was mainly out of habit and mild agreement with what
had been said, but was mostly confused. Still, the men rushed to their positions, anxious to actually
be helping out.


Ostrach was not located on the river but the Kroppenleben soldiers were waiting for Victor and his
comrades at the banks.

The landing craft neared the beach and Victor dismounted. He was instantly plunged into the cold
water, coming up to his waist and shocking his system, making the adrenaline flow.

The Kroppenleben army answered with volleys of gunfire and crossbow bolts, cutting through the
regiments as they dismounted. The man in front of Victor, a middle aged farmer from Strazen was
cut down by several bolts and his body floated lifelessly in the water, turning it red with his blood.

Victor kept on marching forward as ordered, his mind clouded by the adrenaline but terrified at the
same time. Men were falling all around him but he had to press on, he had to help take Ostrach,
even if unsupported it was going to be a difficult task.

The irregulars managed to fight their way to the Kroppenleben lines, making contact with the
massed troops. Victor was not at the front of the mass, but pushed with the others, attempting to
get his share of the bloodshed and kill anyone he could. However they were getting nowhere, in fact
they were being pushed back.


Alonso looked as the battle unfurled from his vantage point in Ostrach. The attackers were pitifully
outnumbered and helpless. He watched and thought back to Sonnefurt’s offer. If he could turn the
tide of their battle, maybe he would win the glory he so sought, and could line his coinpurse three
times over at the same time.

He descended the stairs in the tavern he and his men had now taken over and made an
announcement to his men.

“Saddle’a up’a boys! We’a going to get’a us some glory!”


Albert too saw the battle from his ship as the Nuln Volunteers ships pulled up to the beach. They
disembarked onto the beach with a rousing cry, raising their muskets and half-pikes and bringing
them to bear on the Kroppenleben soldiers.

Albert had completed his mission, he just hoped it would be enough to turn the tide.

“Blackshirts! We’re saved!” someone shouted in the midst of the mayhem of the battle.

“I thought Nuln had spurned us! About bloody time though!”

With renewed vigour the men launched themselves back upon the Kroppenleben soldiers. Victor
was now stepping up to the front. He was terrified but kept hacking at any enemy he could see,
hoping to do some damage.

He could tell the Nuln troops had set upon the Kroppenleben soldiers as they started to falter. Many
were being cut down by their precisely engineered and perfectly trained handguns whilst the
pikemen formed a column of steel that advanced bit by bit through the enemy ranks. The battle was
turning in Sonnefurt’s favour. The Kroppenleben troops were being pushed off the beach towards
Ostrach, they were now making ground.

Just then, he heard a horn in the background and a cry of men. The ground started to rumble with
hooves as cavalry tore towards the fray. Victor knew they were the mercenaries of Baron von Kalb,
but did not know if they would they aid or slaughter the Sonnefurt forces.



Alonso roused his troops and their horns sounded. The Kroppenleben troops thought nothing of it,
believing they were there to help against the Sonnefurt and Nuln invasion force, and were very
grateful. Thus it came as a huge surprise when the cavalry crashed into their rear ranks with a
thundering crunch.

Alonso’s lance shattered as it made impact into the bodies of two men, skewering them through
their stomachs. He dropped it and quickly reached for his sword, severing heads and limbs from atop
his heavy steed. His men followed likewise. All were veterans of many campaigns and knew how to
handle themselves in a battle. They cut through the ranks of the Kroppenleben soldiers, throwing
them into complete disarray, not wanting to turn their backs on either force.


Victor was so relieved when the cavalry thundered into his enemies. Their faces had been priceless
and now he and the irregulars were taking full advantage of the bedlam to massacre their hated

Suddenly their moral broke and they turned to flee, but were stuck between both of the oncoming
forces. The slaughter was horrific, the Sonnefurt troops wanting to avenge their fallen comrades in
this conflict. Almost every man was killed and chased down, many attempted to flee to the Martin
Bridge, but were caught out by its destruction and mowed down by the mercenary horsemen.

Ostrach was back in Sonnefurt hands and a crippling blow had been dealt to Kroppenleben forces.
The generals still had ideas for Victor and the Ertingen Irregulars and their newfound allies. They
were to advance on Sonnefurt. Baron von Kalb had decided to throw a last ditch attack on Sonnefurt,
hoping it would fall whilst its forces were divided around the Barony, but now the forces were set to
reunite before the town in the climactic battle that would decide Sonnefurt’s fate.

Part Nineteen: The Battle of Sonnefurt

Baron von Kalb donned his ancestral armour and readied himself for battle. His ancient Dwarf forged
armaments glowed unnaturally as he smirked knowing their enchanted power. He would be almost
invulnerable, and soon he would be the ruler of Sonnefurt.

Nevertheless, his advisor Leopold scuttled around anxiously.

“But my liege, Sonnefurt is still strong, and our reserves our weak now the Kreutzhofen supplies
failed to reach us. We need to wait, choke the town more and more until it buckles to our prowess.
Should we advance the two armies at the ford and Ostrach will close on our positions, we cannot
afford to fight a battle on three fronts!”

“Calm yourself Leopold. We have saved our ammunition for such an assault, we have enough men
and gunpowder to bring Sonnefurt to its knees. If we launch a lightening assault on the town we will
have captured it in a few short hours, and their reinforcements will have to besiege us in the town
without any true equipment, it is a sure victory. Besides, with their forces split, those left to guard
the town are just mere peasants and militia men!”

The Baron just chuckled to himself and readied his personal guard, before calling the order to attack.


Sonnefurt had been expecting this last ditch effort for a long while, and all available men were
positioned on the battlements of the town, ready to repel the besiegers once again. This time they
knew it would be a much harder fight; the enemy had had time to regroup.

Max barked orders at his regiment, assuming the task of leadership with relative ease. He and his
veteran unit had been classed with protecting the front wall, guarding the gate itself from the
onslaught of Kroppenleben troops. For this task, he had also been assigned many hundreds of willing
volunteers from within the town, those who has answered the call of the Sonnefurt Irregulars and
many who had pledged to fight without previous allegiances. There were men and Dwarfs, women
and even young boys, native Sonnefurters and foreigners and they were all equipped with whatever
they could find. This was the last attempt to save Sonnefurt and everyone had thrown their weight
behind the effort.

As the horns sounded below, the Kroppenleben troops began their assault.


Eduard too was on the front wall, assigned to aid Sergeant Max Bachor and the militia. He
recognised many of the soldiers from the brutal street fighting of the insurrection many days ago
and was honoured to fight alongside such valiant and brave veterans.

His admiration was cut short however as the cannons of the enemy opened fire, and Sonnefurt
answered back. The noise was horrific, Eduard felt as if his eardrums would burst. Many of the
oncoming cannon balls crashed noisily into the great walls of the town, making little damage on the
mighty Dwarfen stonework. However there were those that crashed into the battlements, sending
shards of white masonry through the massed militia. One cannon ball even smashed directly into the
men only a few yards from Eduard, throwing them from the walls and Eduard to the floor hoping to
avoid the shrapnel.

The artillery continued their exchanges, but the rate of the Kroppenleben artillery began to slow,
Eduard though at first it was perhaps due to the lack of ammunition, but as the smoke cleared
further, he saw rows upon rows of men pushing huge siege towers which were nearing rapidly onto
the walls of the town. The fighting was about to get brutal.


As they marched towards the town, Victor and the victorious forces in Ostrach had heard the sound
of war travelling from Sonnefurt. They knew the siege had begun. If they were not fast the town
would fall, the vastly superior troops of Nuln, Meissen and Heisenberg were scattered across the
Barony. Victor only hoped they would be there in time.


Alonso had also heard the noise of battle erupting in Sonnefurt. After his treachery the day before he
had hoped he would have won glory and recognition amongst the Sonnefurt armies. However, glory
had been snatched by the Nuln soldiers, and Alonso was bitter. In search of his much desired glory,
he spurred his men on, they would reach Sonnefurt before the black-shirted meddlers and prove
themselves worthy of Sonnefurt’s praise and gold.


The siege towers were soon upon the walls, and as their wooden doors crashed open, the defenders
were mobbed by the Kroppenleben soldiers. Max strove to keep his lines straight, hoping to push
the attackers off the narrow walls and to their deaths below. He continued to fight too, finding it
hard to concentrate on the dual tasks of commanding and keeping alive. He hacked as best as he
could, but was soon swamped by men. They began to trample him and he was swallowed up on the
floor, beaten and injured whilst men overran him.


Eduard saw the Halberdier corps being overrun, and rallied several comrades to help their position.
The group were rag tag to say the least, but they fought with tenacity the Kroppenleben soldiers had
not expected. Eduard launched himself into their ranks, his pistol levelling one man whilst his axe
swung wildling, finding the exposed flesh of his enemies. His allies fought likewise, using their crude
implements to inflict horrific wounds on the attackers. There were no rules for the militia, they
fought for survival, not in a disciplined manner, and this system bested the regimented, drilled
nature of the Kroppenleben troops. This was brutal siege fighting, they were trained for fixed battles,
they could not handle the ferocity shown.

Soon their numbers had thinned enough for the militia to push them back enough to uncover the
fallen Halberdiers. Eduard noticed a sergeant lying barely conscious on the ground, beginning to stir.
However, a Kroppenleben solider noticed this too, and went for the attack, eager to earn the glory of
killing an enemy officer.


Max opened his eyes to see an enemy soldier raising his halberd above him. His reactions were slow
and blurred but he still scrambled for any weapon that could save his life. Suddenly, before he knew
it, the soldier fell dead, a crude carpenters axe protruding from the back of his skull. A young man
ran up behind the fallen soldier, wrenching the blood-soaked axe out of the brutal wound. He put
out his arm to help Max up and he took it, righting himself and finding his halberd on the floor.

“Thankyou” he managed to utter, “What is your name?”

“Eduard Stein sir.” the boy replied.

Then together they turned on the remaining troops, who despite being driven from Max’s small
section, were crawling all over the rest of the wall, and more were arriving every minute as the
towers crashed all around.


Baron von Kalb marched with his regiment under the protection of a crudely constructed pavises
which deflected for the most part the crude weapons of his foolish foes. He marched towards the
gate with the enormous battering ram and was edging ever closer. He wanted to be the first man to
step inside Sonnefurt, and it would not be long until he could.


“For the Baroness!”

Gustav and his regiment, accompanied by the northern reinforcements made contact with the
besieging force. They had had only a short distance to march and it was of the strictest necessity
they made it to the town, for the Baroness was there, and needed their aid.

He cleaved his way through many soldiers, hoping to draw attention to the attack and turn it away
from the assault on the walls. The Kroppenleben army needed to be divided for it to be conquered.
The grizzled determination of the Von Heisenberg Guard was once again showing as they scythed
their way into the flank of the army, leaving the Meissen and Heisenberg soldiers to mop up the

However, the guard were quickly overwhelmed and found themselves entire encircled by the enemy

Gustav just laughed to himself. This was how the guard were meant to be, surrounded,
outnumbered, outgunned but never bested.


Once again Alonso lead the charge into his former employers ranks. On the hills behind the many
army many artillery pieces and missile troops had been deployed. Alonso sought to earn his glory
but utterly decimating these unprepared soldiers in the name of Sonnefurt, and putting an end to
the continued bombardment of the walls.

His soldiers easily cut through the unarmed crewmen, who screamed and fled in all directions, only
to be cut down by the massed cavalry, trampled beneath their hooves, or falling victim to their well
honed blades and lances.

It was the missile troopers who provided more of a problem, as they turned their weapons on their
mounted adversaries. The bolts bounced off the heavy armour of the Knights, but many of the
bullets penetrated and punched through the metal, knocking many a mercenary from his horse.
Alonso was lucky not to fall foul of the blackpowder weaponry, and made it to their lines. From there
on it was not a fair fight, these men were not fighters at all. Nevertheless, Alonso had achieved his
goal and had quickly murdered many hundreds of men, earning him at least some glory.

He then turned his attention towards the main battle.


Victor and the Nuln Volunteers finally made it into the fray, but it seemed like they were quite late.
Siege towers in their dozens had made their way to the walls and the fighting was bitter. They had to
attempt to liberate the right flank of the city and push their way to defend the gate.

The Nuln troops quickly set about establishing positions for their gunners to fire, whilst their
phalanxes of half-pikes advanced on the enemy. General von Plauten somehow assumed command,
and had instructed the Ertingen Irregulars to support the pike blocks, protecting their flanks as they
marched further and further into the ranks of the enemy.

Victor was slowly edging towards Sonnefurt. He hoped this would soon be over. This was his second
time in battle but he was still as terrified, if not more so than the day before. There was much more
at stake here than yesterday, it was the entire future of his Barony.


Baron von Kalb watched as the last blow of the battering ram burst open the gates of Sonnefurt with
a huge crunch. He pushed past his men and set on the cobbles he had desired for so long. His men
then poured in around him, filling the streets of the town and turning it into a battleground.

Sonnefurt soldiers came to meet the breach and launched themselves at the Baron and his guard.
The Baron just chuckled slyly as their feeble blows glanced off his runic armour and his enchanted
blade cut through their tender flesh, making a slight hissing noise and leaving the smell of charred
flesh as he felled multiple opponents.


Max and Eduard, having fought of the majority of the attackers above the gate, now found
themselves rushing to meet the incursion below their feet. Baron von Kalb walked in their town, it
looked disastrous.
They watched as he fought his way to the market district, the centre of their town, and prayed that
this was not happening, they needed a miracle.

Part Twenty: Battle Royale

Victor just watched as hundreds upon hundreds of men poured into the town, he thought it was
certain it would be lost. Nevertheless, the Ertingen Irregulars and Nuln volunteers made their way
through those troops not seizing the opportunity to march through the gates. The numbers of
opponents were rapidly depleting and the phalanxes made easy work of the remaining soldiers,
quickly advancing towards the gates themselves. Maybe, just maybe, Victor thought, they could trap
them inside the town and cut them off.


Max and Eduard were involved in bloody hand to hand street fighting. Of course, Eduard excelled at
this style of combat, having no experience of any other kind. Now Max has lost his regiment, he
quickly had to learn from Eduard.

His found himself fighting as an individual but surrounded by allies. He swung his halberd around in a
way never permitted to him by his training and the standard proximity of his regiment. This way he
was free to use it as he saw fit, skewering, slashing, crunching, he never knew his weapon had so
many uses.

He saw Eduard who had now perfected his wielding of the pistol and axe combination, turning into a
whirlwind of death and taken by frenzy, cutting down Kroppenleben troops left, right and centre.

The enemy soldiers were at a disadvantage in the city. The wily defenders had channelled them
down roads they were unfamiliar with; leading them to the Market Square whey they could be
surrounded and cut off.

All the while, the Sonnefurt defenders ranks were actually swelling, as people came out of their
hiding in their townhouses to shoot at or attack the incoming soldiers. The whole town was in arms
now, no one was able to hide from this war any more, it had come to their doorstep.


Gustav regiment may have been surrounded, but they were not static. They too had benefitted from
the fall of the gates as men had rushed to take the town, leaving the guard to wreak havoc in their
lines. They were quickly making their way towards the gate, and finally the Miessen and Heisenberg
troops were beginning to catch up. On the outside of the town at least, the battle was going in
Sonnefurt’s way.


Baron von Kalb had fought his way to the Market Square, and saw this as a fit place to fend off the
attackers whilst his reinforcements continued to swamp the town and take it once and for all. His
guards started to rank up properly along with the regiments who had also made it to the square.
He figured this would not be hard, Sonnefurt was now on its last legs, they were having to thrown
simple peasants who were not fit for fighting onto the impeccably trained Kroppenleben military. He
believe after an intense but short few hours, Sonnefurt would eventually have to surrender.


Victor and his comrades had made it to the gates, along with what seemed to be the armies of the
Meissen and Heisenberg, the pincer movements had worked. They all stood defiantly in front of the
gates, fending off those who attempted to get into the town. These attackers bounced off the
massed might of the great northern allies, who now, for the first time in the conflict, outnumbered
their Kroppenleben enemies.

When the mercenary cavalry crashed into the enemy rear, it was almost entirely over for the
invasion force, few were left and were fleeing, only to be run down by the foreign Knights. Now they
could turn their attention onto the battle inside the walls.


Max and Eduard were now fighting for the survival of the town against the Kroppenleben soldiers
who had taken up defensive positions in the market. They were immovable. Their training was
shining through against the untrained militia of Sonnefurt, who seemed to make no headway against
the enemy ranks.

In the middle of it all could be seen Baron von Kalb and his guard, utterly decimating anything that
was thrown at them. The Sonnefurt armies needed better trained men to finally take him down.


Alonso rode rapidly down Market Street, heading towards the conflict in the Market Square. The
Sonnefurt militias parted to let the speeding horsemen through, allowing them to crash into the
immovable ranks with unbelievable speed. This was the glory Alonso had been seeking, a chance to
actually change the flow of a battle.

The Kroppenleben ranks were moved back by the force of impact as a hole was punched in their
lines. The Knights then retreated down another main road to turn back on them, repeatedly
punching large dents into their formations. The Sonnefurt militias were quick to exploit this and
overwhelmed the weakened lines, filling the gaps and making ground.


Baron von Kalb was outraged as he saw Alonso, a man once under his generous payroll slaughter his
men as they neared their objective. Despite this his renewed attack, his men seemed to be holding
well as his generals barked orders to keep them in line. He could not afford to lose now.


Gustav and all the reinforcements reached the Market Square a short while after the cavalry. They
quickly set upon their foes, their confidence heightened by realising the enemy was on his last legs,
he was now outnumbered, surrounded and fighting like a cornered mongrel, fiercely but almost
pathetically, the inevitability of his defeat not yet sinking in.


Baron von Kalb suddenly noticed the shift in the course of this battle, he saw he was outnumbered
and surrounded, but he would not give up. It was at that moment when he saw Sonnefurt’s
Marshall, Marshall Eichhorn amongst the ranks of the Sonnefurt defenders, and quickly ordered his
men towards him. If he was going down, he would take his sworn enemy down with him, without
him the Baroness would be vulnerable for him to attack again.


Max could only watch as the Baron launched his last ditch effort to cripple Sonnefurt, by picking
combat with the esteemed Marshall.

Their swordfight drew the attention of almost everyone, even the Kroppenleben troops stopped and
began to surrender, knowing their Baron had gone mad with his desire win Sonnefurt. Both men
were equipped with magical armaments and their blows were deflected by each other’s armour and
their swords clashed in showers of sparks. The Baron however, was merely an aristocrat backed up
by enchanted items, the Marshall was in fact a military man for all his life, and a vastly superior
swordsman. The Baron began to tire but the sixty year old Marshall still fought with the vitality of a
twenty year old.


Baron von Kalb looked up as his opponent as his collapsed to his knees. He had failed. Quickly men
descended on him to take him away. Kroppenleben had been defeated; Sonnefurt remained under
the Baroness’ control. The Baron just pondered what his fate would be in their hands.


And here ended the campaign of Baron von Kalb of Kroppenleben in the Barony of Sonnefurt. It had
lasted only a mere twenty days and nights but had cost many thousands of lives, and had left the
Barony devastated to an extent unseen since the Goblin raids of the Dark Year. Their economy is still
currently attempting to repair itself to its former properity and the reconstruction is nearing

But what of the men and women of Sonnefurt who so changed the course of the Baron’s campaign,
and what became of the Baron himself?

Sonnefurt sought for the imprisonment of Baron von Kalb in Wissenburg, as Nuln had deemed the
affair only a territorial dispute in Wissenland, whereas the Council of Sonnefurt pushed for charges
of illegal conduct of war and war crimes at the Courts of Wissenburg. Lord Augustus tried and
worked diligently to have Von Kalb punished, but the Countess refused to attend the Court hearings
and refused to help Sonnefurt in their quest for justice. As such, the Baron was allowed to retain his
position in Kroppenleben.
Fortunately, Marschall von Plauten aided Sonnefurt on the Council of Nuln, and convinced the
Countess to revoke the sharing of the monopoly of the trade with Karak Hirn via the River Soll
between both Kroppenleben and Sonnefurt, granting Sonnefurt the entire monopoly, severely
crippling the Kroppenleben economy. This trade more than paid for the damage done in the war as
was considered reparations. The loss of the business caused dissent amongst the Kroppenleben
citizens for their Barons actions and the cost of his fruitless war.

The Marschall also pledged his eternal aid to the town, and the Soll Shipping Company set up a large
office in the Market District, the presence of such a large headquarters means that the Nuln
Volunteers are always on standby to protect Sonnefurt from future attack

Albert was chosen to head up the division of the Company and became rich beyond his wildest
dreams. His frequent business in Nuln meant he now made the journey he had dreaded several
times a year, and was able to buy a town house in the university district to enjoy when on trips

The granting of the monopoly to Sonnefurt saw business boom. The quickly repaid the Dwarfs of
Karak Hirn for the seized assets, earning their trust back and paying them large amounts of interest.
The Dwarfs seemed happy that business was only going through one town, and a town that was
closer to them too, but were otherwise indifferent about the change of hands.

With the increase in shipping Eduard was put back to work in his mentor’s carpentry workshop,
becoming a skill boat builder. He quickly surpassed the level of a mere apprentice and established
his own workshop in the Dockyards, employing his own apprentices and taking time for himself to
enjoy his favourite pursuit of fishing on the now peaceful river.

Victor too enjoyed the increased prosperity the reparations brought to Sonnefurt, returning to his
business as a clothes merchant. However, his taste for the military saw him join the Dieten
Townships Militia Halberdier Corps on a part time basis. He figured that as a veteran of the conflict
he should stand to be called up again. However, the peace meant that he would not be needed for a
long time.

Gustav remained in the military full time, and was promoted for his valiant actions at both the battle
of the Sonnefurt and the siege of Sonnefurt. He was allowed to carry the standard of the Baroness
and became one of her most trusted guards. He know guards her at even the most personal of
times, accompanying her around Wissenland on her ventures.

Max, on the other hand, decided he had had enough of the armed forces and resigned his position
as sergeant. His near death experience had shaken him to his core and he did not wish to put his life
on the line whilst trying to start a family. Later that year he had a baby boy and settled down to his
farming and rebuilding his beloved Thalfang. His severance pay and pay for his continuous service
throughout the conflict being more than enough to allow him to start a family. He named his boy
Eduard in honour of the man that had saved him when he thought himself dead atop the
battlements of Sonnefurt.

The resistance members were honoured at the suggestion of Sepp Sydow with the rebuilding of the
Martin Bridge, becoming a memorial to those who were lost fighting Sonnefurt’s cause. Sepp and
Frank kept the actual events of the attack on the bridge a secret, hoping their fallen comrades would
only be remembered for their valiant sacrifice.

Today, Sonnefurt still stands a proud fortress of conservative, pro-Wissenland sentiments, now with
a booming economy and incredibly strong links to Nuln. It is a key power in the South of the
province, and anyone who considers challenging its prowess remembers Baron von Kalb’s failed
campaign. Sonnefurt may have been in flames, but it rose from the ashes like a phoenix to establish
itself as the jewel of Southern Wissenland. However its trade monopolies and favour of Nuln have
earned it many enemies, particularly amongst Solland supporters. Just like her emblem, the
Baroness is truly a rose amongst the briars.

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