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Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship is a global competition that assesses

students' knowledge in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The top pupils in each
country are invited to compete in the World Championship. Students in some nations or areas are
obliged to compete in a National Championship, with the winners progressing to the World
These are the countries participate in the MOS World Championship:
Austria Greece Netherlands
Bahamas Grenada New Zealand
Belize Guatemala Nigeria
Bolivia Herzegovina Oman
Bosnia and Herzegovina Honduras Pakistan
Brazil Hong Kong SAR, China Panama
Bulgaria India Paraguay
Cambodia Indonesia Philippines
Cameroon Italy Poland
Canada Japan Puerto Rico
China Jordan Republic of Korea
Colombia Kenya Saudi Arabia
Costa Rica Kozovo Singapore
Cote D`Ivoire Laos Slovenia
Czech Republic Lebanon South Africa
Democratic Republic of Congo Macau SAR, China Spain
Dominican Republic Malaysia Switzerland
Ecuador Macedonia Taiwan
El Salvador Mexico Thailand
France Moldova United Arab Emirates
Georgia Montenegro United Kingdom
Germany Morocco United States
Ghana Myanmar Uruguay

The first MOS World Championship was held at Houston George R. Brown Convention
Center Discovery Green Detroit TCF Center Ford Field.
It’s a global competition that tests students' skills on Microsoft Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Top students are invited to represent their respective countries at the World Championship.
MOS World Championship will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA
To compete, you must be certified. You may enter the MOS Championship by passing a qualifying
Microsoft Office Specialist test in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
You might earn an invitation to compete in the World Championship finals by demonstrating your
abilities in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Participating in this competition gives you a great chance to show off your Microsoft Office Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint abilities, have some fun, amaze your student peers, and receive
These are the prizes await for the winners; The First Place Champion receives $7000 (USD) along
with a trophy, medal of achievement, and certificate. The Second Place winner receives $3500
(USD) along with a medal of achievement and certificate. The Third Place Winner receives $1500
(USD) along with a medal of achievement and certificate.

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