Narantyo Maulana A.N - KelasMMRPLB

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Nama : Narantyo Maulana A.

Nim : 19104048

Kelas : S1SE03B


1. Saya Narantyo Maulana A.N / 19104048 mengerjakan soal ujian ini dengan jujur dan
tanpa kecurangan, dan tidak memberikan jawaban saya ke rekan saya

2. Hitunglah Unadjusted Use Case Point (UUCP) [5], Technical Complexity Factor
(TCF) [5], Environmental Complexity Factor (ECF) [5], Use Case Point (UCP) [15]
dan Effort [15] dengan syarat PHM = 20 dan menggunakan ketentuan!


= 20 + 480
= 500

TCF = 0.6 + (0.01*Tfactor)

= 0.6 +(0.01 * 42)
= 1.02

ECF = 1.4 + (-0.03 * EFactor)

= 1.4 + (-0.03 * 17.5)
= 0.875

Adjusted Use Case Points (UCP) = UUCP * TCF * ECF

(UCP) = 500 * 1.02 * 0.875
= 446.25

Effort in Person Hours = UCP * PHM

= 446.25 * 20
= 8925
3. Hitunglah Adjusted Project Complexity (PCA) [15], Line of Code (LOC) [10], Effort
[15] dan Time [15] dengan menggunakan function point dari permasalahan berikut!

Description Total Complexity Total

Number Low Medium High
Inputs 3 1x3 0x4 2x6 15
Outputs 4 3x4 0x5 1x7 19
Queries 2 1x3 1x4 0x6 7
Files 1 1x7 0x10 0x15 7
Program 0 0x5 0x7 0x10 0
Total Unadjusted Function Points (TUFP) 48

A. Processing Complexity (PC) = 8

Adjusted Processing

Complexity (PCA) = 0.65 + (0.01 * 8 ) = 0.73

Total Adjusted

Function Points (TAFP): 48 * 0.73 = 35.04 => 35

B. Line Of Codes (LOC) = TAFP * LOC/TAFP

TAFP = 35 This Software Using Java LOC = (35 * 55 ) = 1925 line of codes

C. Effort = 1.4 * LOC = 1.4 * 1925 = 2695 Person – Month

Time = 3.0 * Person-Month 1/3(in months) = 3.0 * 26951/3 = 41.7485 => 41
41/10 = 4.1 => 4 Month

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