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NIM : 200301128



The presence of almighty God for giving the author the opportunity to complete this
paper. It is for his grace and guidance that the author can complete the paper entitled
“transportatioin in Indonesia” on time. Papers of transportatioin in Indonesia are prepared to
fulfill mrs. Qana’ah Nuryan Arif, M.Pd in the field of English study at muhammadiyah university,
riau. In addition, the authors also hope that this paper can add insight to readers about
transportation in Indonesia the author would like to express his gratitude to mrs.Qana’ah
Nuryan Arif as an English lecturer.

This given assignment can add knowledge and insight related to transpotation in
Indonesia the outhor realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, the authors will
accept constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii


1.1 background of the paper . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1

1.2 formulation of the problem .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 purpose of the paper . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


2.1 Progres of transportation in Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……3

2.2 indonesia use transportation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

2.3 development of transportation pekanbaru compared to other cities in Indonesia….. 8


3.1 conclution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...10

3.1 suggestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .10

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . … . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .11


1.1 Background of the paper

Transportation in Indonesia has developed very rapidly. That matter can be seen from
the history of transportation in Indonesia. Ancient people carry out activities of moving
from one place to another only by rely on walking, using animals and simple vehicles for
help transport goods so that the number of goods transported is very limited and take a
very long time to get to the destination.
Transportation infrastructure such as roads is not really considered. But along With
technological developments, the existing means of transportation are far away different
from the old days, the number of existing means of transportation continues increasing
every year, has a large carrying capacity and shorter travel time. But the development of
transportation facilities this needs to be balanced with adequate infrastructure such as
roads and bridges that are able to support the mobilization of the movement of people,
goods and services and being able to provide services to increasing the number of facilities
the transportation.
Transportation infrastructure plays an important role in driving the pace growth and
development of a region / city, both in the economic sector, education, tourism and so on.
An area / city that is not supported by good transportation facilities and infrastructure in
general has a slow rate of development. Transportation needs are a derived demand due to
economic, social, and so on. Within the macro-economic framework, transportation is the
backbone of the national, regional and local economies, both in urban and rural areas. It
must be remembered that the transportation system is a network system in which the
performance of transportation services is strongly influenced by network integration and
cohesiveness. Transportation facilities on land, sea and air play a vital role in the socio-
economic aspect through the distribution function between regions. Distribution of goods,
people, etc. it will become easier and faster if the existing means of transportation are
functioning properly so that transportation can become a means of integrating various
regions in Indonesia. Through transportation, residents can experience the flat production
results as well as the existing development results.

1.2 formulation of the problem

1) how is the progress of transportation development in Indonesia
2) how Indonesians use transportations
3) how is the development in pekanbaru is compared to other cities on Indonesia

1.3 Purpose of the paper

1) To find out how the progress of transportation development in Indonesia

2) To know how Indonesians use transportation
3) To find out how the development of transportation in pekanbaru is compared to oyher
cities in Indonesia



2.1 Progress of transportation in Indonesia

Thanks to the presence of scientists and important people on this earth to create
new transportation technology using machines, so that humans do not have to do things
that are not appropriate to other living things such as animals. Vehicles until now are
divided intro three groups, namely land, sea and air vehicles. Each has its own uniqueness
but with the same purpose. That is to help human survival
As time goes by, technological developments are also getting more advanced.
Transportation Indonesia also wants to present modern transportation. However, people
also need to know the development of transportation from ancient times to the present

Transportation equipment used in ancient times

In ancient times, technology may not be as sophisticated as it is today. However, as an
Indonesian, it is obligatory ti know the development of transportation technology in
Indonesia. The following are the means of transportation used in ancient times, whether on
land, sea or air, including :

Use of land transportation equipment

In ancient times still using simple means of transportation. For the use of land
transportation at that time still using carts, wagons and horses. This done in order to move
goods from one place to another
Because the use of transportation is still traditional, the travel time, is very long
and also limited. In ancient times these venicles were used to help with daily activities.
Maybe now there are still some people who use it but it’s very rare.
Then came the first bicycle that had no pedals or wood. After that someone who
came from Scotland invented the first pedals or wood for bicycles on the rear wheels. At
that time the bicycle was a fairly modern means of transportation

Use of sea transportation

Not only on land, but at sea also have transportation used by the community.
However, at that time, they still used limited means of transportation, namely only by
assembled rowing boats. These boats are used with the help of human power.

There were also sailboats at that time, which were driven by wind power. That
too can cause it to take a long time. Even so, the means of transport goods from one island to

A diesel engine that can move ships appeared, namely a steam engine. There is
also using nuclear power the ship can be moved. In 1840 a propeller was used which was
behind ships and was also in the water

Use of air transportation

In ancient times there were also means of transportation by air. However, they
also still use limited tools, namely only with hot air ballons. Created by Montgolfier in 1783

At that time hot air balloons could fly because they were given hot air from
burning hydrogen. However, it is no longer being done because it will trigger a fire. So that hot
air balloons today are hard to find and only exist at certain times such as festival events.

Transportation today equipment used today

Nowadays, the development of transportation technology in Indonesia has also

become more advanced. This is due to changes that are getting faster and more sophisticated.
The following are the means of transportation used today, including :

Use of land transportation equipment

The more sophisticated the means of transportation, the faster it will take to
travel the road. So that the energy used is also less draining of human energy. Currently using
vehicles such as motorbikes that use engines.

Motorized venicles were invented when steam engines emerged and then made
more modern motorbikes, cars, and trains. These venicles also experience changes is shape and
speed. Like what has been there recently, namely the MRT or trains which have a very fast
travel time

Use of sea transportation

Changes also occur in the means of transportation for sea routes, namely a ship
that uses an engine. The sailing ship that has been used also has sophistication due to
technological developments. Just like motorbike engines and cars, which are often called

Use of air transportation

The development of transportation technology in Indonesia is also found in the

air passage. As is well known in ancient times still using hot air balloons but now using planes.
The aircraft are also driven bt engines, as are helicopters.

Seeing the development of transportation from time to time, it seems that it

does not escape the great influence of scientists who have succeeded in creating various types
of modern transportation. If we talk about modern transportion, then our discussion will not
escape the name technology. In this case, we need to acknowledge that currently
transportation is increasingly developing with the continuous development of technology.
Many people are competing to create something new as breakthrough in modern times.

2.2 Indonesia use transportation

The most common modes of transportation in Indonesia include ferries and other ships,
as well as a wide variety of road venicles, with limited rail service, and extensive commercial
aviation services.

Water transportation

Since Indonesia is an archipelago, water transportation is an important means of

connecting many places in the country. Vessels that are widely used include large container
ships, various types of ferries, passenger ships, sailing ships, and small motorized boats. Many
ferries serve the straits between adjacent islands, particularly between Sumatra and Java, and
also between Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. On the busy crossings between Sumatra, Java
and Bali, ferries carrying ships operate 24 hours per day. There are also several international
ferries serving the Straits of Malacca between Sumatra and Malaysia, as well as Singapore, and
small Indonesian islands such as Batam. Some networks also serve longer sea links to remote
island areas, particularly those in eastern Indonesia. Pelni serves this route with a schedule of
between two and four weeks. These ships are a relatively inexpensive means of long-distance
inter-island connections. And there are also other private ships that serve on various other
routes. On some islands, major rivers are key to transportation due to the absence of proper
roads. In Kalimantan, longboats run through rivers and are the only way to reach many parts of
the island. Indonesia has a walkable waterway of 21,579 km (as of 2004), about half of it in
Kalimantan, and a quarter each in Sumatra and Papua. The main ports are in Cilacap, Cirebon,
Jakarta, Kupang, Palembang, Semarang, Surabaya and Makassar. Sea Ships, are vehicles
carrying passengers and goods in the sea (rivers, etc.) like canoes or smaller boats. Ships are
usually large enough to carry small boats such as lifeboats. Whereas in English terms, it is
separated between larger ships and smaller boats. Traditionally, ships can carry boats but boats
cannot carry ships. The actual size by which a boat is called a ship is always determined by local
laws and regulations or customs. For centuries, ships were used by humans to navigate rivers or
oceans, which was initiated by the invention of the boat. Usually humans in the past used
canoes, rafts or boats, the greater the need for load capacity, a larger boat or raft was made
called a ship. The materials used for shipbuilding in the past used wood, bamboo or papyrus
sticks like those used by the ancient Egyptians and then metal materials such as iron / steel
were used because of the human need for strong ships. For propulsion humans initially used
paddles then wind with the help of sails, steam engines after the Industrial revolution emerged
and diesel and nuclear engines. Several studies have led to motorized ships that float on water
such as Hovercraft and Eakroplane. As well as ships used on the ocean floor, namely
submarines. For centuries ships were used to transport passengers and goods until finally at the
beginning of the 20th century an airplane was found that was able to carry goods and

passengers in a short time so that the ship also got tough competition. However, ships still have
the advantage of being able to transport goods with a greater tonnage so that they are
dominated by commercial ships and tankers, while passenger ships have been converted into
cruise ships such as the Queen Elizabeth and Awani Dream.

Land transportation

Roads and toll roads The "Rural Transport" car in Padang, Bali is a minibus. Bus services are
available in many areas contacted by roads, particularly in Sumatra, Java and Bali. In smaller
areas road transport is mostly served by minibuses or small vans. Buses and vans are also public
transportation within the city. Many cities have their own means of transportation that can be
rented, such as taxis, bajaj, rickshaw, motorbike taxi, wagon, etc. Private cars are considered
very expensive for the majority of Indonesia's population, and are only common in big cities,
such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, etc. Indonesia has about 158,670 km of paved roads, and
around 184,000 km of regular roads. Road Transportation is a vehicle that is allowed to use
the road, according to "Government Regulation No. 44 of 1993 on Vehicles and Drivers" which
states: Motorcycle is a motorized vehicle with 2 (two) or 3 (three) wheels without houses,
either with or without side trains Passenger car is every motorized vehicle equipped with a
maximum of 8 (eight) seats excluding the driver's seat, either with or without luggage
transportation equipment. Bus Car means any motorized vehicle equipped with more than 8
(eight) seats excluding the driver's seat, either with or without luggage transportation
equipment. Freight cars means any motorized vehicle other than those included in motorbikes,
passenger cars and buses. B. Railway train is a means of transportation in the form of a vehicle
with the power of movement, either walking alone or in conjunction with other vehicles, which
are moving or moving on the tracks. Trains are a means of mass transportation which generally
consists of locomotives (vehicles with propulsion that run independently) and a series of trains
or carriages (coupled with other vehicles). The train or carriage series is relatively large so that
it can accommodate passengers and goods on a large scale. Due to its nature as an effective
mass transportation, several countries are trying to make maximum use of it as the main means
of land transportation both within cities, between cities and between countries.


Airplanes are aircraft that are heavier than air, have fixed wings, and can fly on their
simply an airplane with the same definition as a vehicle capable of flying in the atmosphere or

air. However, in the world of aviation, the term airplane is different from an airplane, the term
airplane is much broader because it includes aircraft and helicopters.

2.3 development of transportation in pekanbaru compared to other cities in Indonesia

Public Transportation in Pekanbaru

City Pekanbaru City is one of the cities in Indonesia with dense population. Consumptive
society is the main characteristic of the people of Pekanbaru City. The large number of
residents in this city makes Pekanbaru City growing. One of the existing developments is
development in the field of land, sea and air transportation. One very transportation
developing in Pekanbaru City is air transportation. In the city of Pekanbaru there is already one
International Airfield called Airport Sultan Syarif Kasim II. In addition, the development of land
transportation is also experiencing rapid development. We can see various kinds of land
transportation in Pekanbaru City such as: Trans Metro, Taxi, Oplet, Motorcycle Ojek. We can
choose which type of public transport to use according to the consumer's capabilities. Various
advances in transportation can make it easier community in Pekanbaru City to reach their
destination and facilitate activities in everyday life. Transportation in Pekanbaru City is needed
by the community because not all of the people who are classified as capable. Still many among
the people who are categorized as groups less fortunate. With the presence of that
transportation, the whole of community can use it to support the activities of daily life.

Taxi in Pekanbaru City

One of the land transportation that is in great demand by consumers in Pekanbaru City
is a taxi type transportation. Society prefers this transportation because the taxi is one of the
public transportation personally, the point is where the taxi does not carry many passengers.
Another case with land transportation types of trans metro, oplet and buses cities that can
carry large numbers of passengers. This is wrong one reason consumers in Pekanbaru City are
less interested in the transportation. Public complaints such as smoking passengers on the bus
or on the rollers, causing consumers to feel uncomfortable in that vehicle. Nor is the driver of
the transport show ethics and politeness to consumers that are in it or there is also a lot of
pickpocketing and sexual harassment and violence while in a freight car. Taxis in the past five
years have shown some of the advances include taxi fares that use the meter system which has
been regulated in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number 35 of the year 2010
concerning the Implementation of People Transportation on the road by vehicle general5 . This
regulation is explained in the second part of Article 29 about public transportation taxis that are
required to use the meter on each fleet as a means of calculating the cost of travel to be paid

by consumer . so with the user consumer meter system taxi servise can automatically see how
much it will cost issued of course in accordance with the distance traveled by these consumers.

Riau taxi, there are 135 taxis in riau, scattered in pekanbaru city this taxi has been
present in pekanbaru city since 2005. But at the moment this taxi still has only 70 units since
2009 increase the fleetnin riau taxis to 135 unit


3.1 Conclution

The need for transportation is a derived demand due to economic, social, and so on.
Transportation facilities on land, sea, and air play a vital role in the socio-economic aspect
through the distribution function between regions. Most of the developed countries consider
transportation development an integral part of economic development. It is better for the
government to pay attention to this.

3.2 Suggestion

To promote the transportation of various modes in Indonesia, the government must

pay great attention to infrastructure development such as roads, ports and airports. Besides
that, what is no less important is the continuous effort to improve services and maintenance of
these infrastructures. In addition to building various transportation infrastructures, the
government should always provide cheap and affordable transportation for people in remote /
pinffiran areas, for example through policies to reduce fuel prices, provide subsidies, carry out
strict supervision of the trading system and its distribution and so on

Salim, Abbas. 1993. Transportation Management, Jakarta; PT. Raja Grafindo Persada

Kamaludin, Rustian. 1986. Transportation Economics, Jakarta; Ghalia Indonesia


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