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Discuss the role of SCM in a perfect world.

In a glance, supply chain management is everything that revolves in the flow of a product
or service until it gets to the customer. Specifically, it includes of the planning, controlling, and
executing the flow from purchasing upto the deliverance to the consumers. From such single
perspective, it is just composed of the company, supplier and consumers. However, it is more
than just that. In a more intrinsic view, it involves the logistics, financial, organization,
marketing research and such.
With this such said, the role of Supply Chain Management is to deliver such product to
the consumer with all supplies intended having both the consumer and company satisfied.
Consumer being of deserving of the product with a price and company being deserving of such
profit. Making a hold of the supply chain whilst considering the market and the profit and giving
a thought of sustainability.
For such, it is very ideal. Having to deal with getting the RIGHT PRODUCT at the
RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME. The very essence of the Supply Chain Management in a
perfect world; Having everything in its perfect place.
However, it is very ideal. For there is no such thing as having a perfect situation. There
would always be intrusions, problems and such in one step. Given this, SCM aims to streamline
the flow of the product and as much as possible be cost-effective as possible.
There is much to be done in SCM but to summarize it, SCM with the best of it abilities
aims to get the right product at the right place at the right time.

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