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Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 51–54

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Radiological hazards of TENORM in the wasted petroleum pipes

M. Abo-Elmagd a, *, H.A. Soliman a, Kh.A. Salman b, N.M. El-Masry a
National Institute For Standard, Department of Ionizing Radiation and Radioactive Material Metrology, P. O. Box 136 Giza Code No. 12211, Egypt
Radiation Protection Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, P. Code 13759, Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Disposal petroleum pipes containing sludge and scale as a technically enhanced natural occurring
Received 2 April 2009 radioactive material (TENORM) leads to internal and external radiation hazards and then a significant
Received in revised form radiation dose to the workers. In order to contribute to a future waste management policy related to the
6 August 2009
presence of TENORM in the disposal sites of wasted petroleum pipes, scale and sludge as TENORM wastes
Accepted 27 August 2009
Available online 25 September 2009
are collected form these disposal pipes for radiometric analysis. These pipes are imported from onshore
oilfields at south Sinai governorate, Egypt. The highest mean 226Ra and 228Ra concentrations of 519 and
50 kBq/kg respectively, were measured in scale samples. Sludge lies within the normal range of radium
TENORM wastes concentration. The average absorbed dose caused by the exposure to the wasted pipes equal to 4.09 mGy
Sludge and scale h1 from sludge and 262 mGy h1 from scale. This is much higher than the acceptable level of 0.059 mGy h
Radiological hazards . Due to radon inhalation, important radon related parameters are calculated which advantage in
Radon exhalation internal dose calculation. Fairly good correlation between real radium content and radon exhalation rate
for sludge samples is obtained. The hazards from sludge come from its high emanation power for radon
which equal to 3.83%. The obtained results demonstrate the need of screening oil residues for their
radionuclide content in order to decide about their final disposal.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction disposed wasted pipes is very important for the purposes of nuclear
waste management projects such as:
Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) generally
contain radionuclides found in nature, i.e., thorium, uranium, and  Setting up the treatment methods of TENORM wastes.
their progeny. When NORM becomes concentrated in radionuclides  Promote the development and/or the update of databases on
due to human activity, one can speak about technologically hazardous substances/wastes in Egypt.
enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORM). The  Propagate full understanding of the nuclear waste status to
TENORM waste is produced from several industrial sectors such as develop an appropriate action plan for their management.
uranium and metal mining, phosphate ore processing, and petro-
leum industry (Egidi and Hull, 1999). The petroleum waste (scale or The disposal pipes from onshore oilfields at the eastern bank of
sludge) have been produced by two mechanisms: either incorpo- Suez gulf, south Sinai governorate, Egypt are segregated in an iso-
ration or precipitation onto the production equipment such as: lated disposal site designated for this purpose. Accumulation of
pipelines, storage tank, pumps., etc. (El Afifi and Awwad, 2005). large amounts of TENORM wastes with a significant activity may
The precipitated TENORM wastes around walls of the petroleum cause health risks to the workers in this site through exposure,
pipes reduce their efficiency and then disposed and replaced inhalation of radon (222Rn) decayed and/or ingestion of waste dust.
periodically by new ones (El Afifi et al., 2009; Somlai et al., 2008). The present work is aimed to contribute to a future hazards
In the last decade, attention was focused on the environmental waste management policy related to the presence of TENORM in
and health impact from the release of TENORM wastes. Knowledge the area containing the disposal petroleum pipes. For this reason,
of radioactive content and basic radiological parameters in the scale, sludge and sand samples from the wasted pipes and
surrounding area are collected for radiometric analysis. The anal-
ysis included the determination of activity concentration of natural
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ20237416936. gamma-emitting radionuclides and calculating the radium equiv-
E-mail address: (M. Abo-Elmagd). alent, absorbed and effective dose rates to decide whether they are

0265-931X/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
52 M. Abo-Elmagd et al. / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 51–54

acceptable according to the exception levels established by IAEA where ARa, ATh, and AK are the specific activities (Bq kg1) of 226Ra,
(1994). Also, the important radon related parameters are measured. Th and 40K, respectively. This formula is based on the estimation
that 1 Bq kg1 of 226Ra, 0.7 Bq kg1 of 232Th and 13 Bq kg1 of 40K
2. Experimental work produce the same g-ray dose rates (Tufail et al., 2006).
The contribution of terrestrial gamma radiation to absorbed
2.1. Samples preparation doses in air can be calculated using the following formula
(UNSCEAR, 2000).
The TENORM samples were catalogued and dried at 110  C in an
DðnGy=hÞ ¼ 0:462  ARa þ 0:604  ATh þ 0:0417  AK (2)
oven for complete removal of moisture. For radioactivity
measurements, the samples were sealed in radon-impermeable where D (nGy/h) is the absorbed dose rate at 1 m from samples.
airtight plastic cans. The containers were identical to those con- The external dose rates due to gamma rays of 226Ra, and 232Th,
taining standard samples in the calibration experiment of HPGe 40
K in TENORM were converted to annual effective dose by using
detector. The samples were stored for more than 30 days to achieve the following relation (UNSCEAR, 2000).
secular equilibrium between 226Ra and 222Rn.
Samples weights of 100 g were placed in a glass container of EðmSv=yÞ ¼ DðnGy=hÞ  8760ðh=yÞ  O  CðmSv=nGyÞ (3)
3.75  104 m3 volume and 4.5  103 m2 base area. The emanated
where E is the annual effective dose (in mSv), O is the occupancy
radon gas from the samples was measured by a Lucas cell to
factor, and C is the absorbed-to-effective dose conversion factor (0.7
determine the radon related parameters.
 106 mSv per nGy).

2.2. Radioactivity measurement

2.3. Radon related parameters
The collected TENORM were analyzed for natural radioactivity
(226Ra, 232Th, 228Ra and 40K) by g-spectroscopy using high-resolu- A calibrated Lucas cell coupled with an electronic apparatus
tion HPGe spectrometry system with 30% counting efficiency. The AB-5 (Pylon electronic) was connected with the sealed cup by two
resolution of this spectrometer was 1.85 keV at 1332 keV g-rays of plastic pipes and valves. Such a system enables the air containing
Co. The absolute efficiency calibration of the detector was radon from the cup to be removed only to the Lucas cell and vice
determined using standard samples prepared in National institute versa. Each weight was sealed for a known time followed by grap
for Standard (NIS), Egypt. Detailed information concerning the sampling for 10 min using the AB-5 pump at 0.5 l/m flow rate (Chau
HPGe-detectors calibration, and also the procedures followed can et al., 2005). After waiting 4 h from the end of sampling, the radon
be found elsewhere (Sroor et al., 2001). content in the Lucas cell was counted. Each counting consisted of 6
After measurement and subtraction of the background, the runs; each of them lasted 5 min, takes the average and then
activity concentrations were calculated. calculates the net count per minute (NCPM) by subtracting the
count background. Using the following equation, the radon
a) 226
Ra concentration was determined by measuring the 295.1 concentration in the cell Rn (PCi/l) can be calculated (Pylon
(19.2%) and 352 (37.1%) keV g-rays from 214Pb and the 609.3 Instruction, 1989):
(46.1%) and 1120.3 (15%) keV g-rays from 214Bi. The 226Ra
concentration was calculated by averaging over the measured Rn ¼ (4)
concentrations for 214Pb and 214Bi.
3  2:22  E  Vc  A
b) 232Th activity was determined from the g-peaks of 238.6 where C, A are the correction factors for decay during the counting
(44.6%) keV from 212Pb and 338.4 (12%), and 583.0 (30%) keV time and time interval between end of sampling and the start of
g-rays from 208Tl. counting, respectively, The digit 3 is designed for the three alpha
c) 228Ra activity was determined from the g-peaks of 911.2 (29%) emitters in equilibrium, 2.22 is used to convert disintegration per
from 228Ac. minute (DPM) to Pci, Vc is the Lucas cell volume (0.151 l) and E is the
d) 40K concentration was measured from its 1460 (10.7%) keV efficiency of the Lucas cell for radon measurements (0.74 CPM/
g-line. DPM)
The radon activity Q (Pci) of the used sample weight is given by
The counting time was about 60,000 s to obtain a g-spectrum of (Pylon Instruction, 1989):
good statistics.
To represent the specific activities of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K by Rn  VT
Q ¼  (5)
a single quantity, which takes into account the radiation hazards 1  elt
associated with them, a common index has been introduced in
term of radium equivalent activity. It is defined as (OECD, 1979; where, VT is the total volume (0.755 l) which is the sum of cell
Beretka and Mathew, 1985). volume (0.151 l), sealed cup volume (0.375 l), pump volume (0.154 l)
and total pipe and connector volumes (0.075 l). t (h) is the time
Raeq ¼ ARa þ 1:43  ATh þ 0:077  AK (1) elapsed from sealing the cup to the end of pumping and l (7.55 
103 h1) is the radon decay constant.

Table 1
Minimum, maximum and average activity concentration of TENORM in the wasted petroleum pipes.

Sample N Ra-226 kBq/kg Th-232 kBq/kg K-40 kBq/kg

Min. Max. Average  SD Min. Max. Average  SD Min. Max. Average  SD

SC 10 493 519 506  18 35.38 54.08 44.7  13 LLD 0.177 0.059  0.10
SL 9 5.27 8.68 6.99  1.4 1.08 2.09 1.37  0.4 LLD 0.667 0.148  0.29
SA 6 0.09 0.15 0.12  0.04 0.04 0.05 0.044  0.01 0.584 0.690 0.637  0.07

N: Number of samples, SD: Standard deviation, LLD: lower limit of detection, SC: Scale, SL: Sludge, SA: Sand.
M. Abo-Elmagd et al. / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 51–54 53

Table 2
Minimum, maximum and average calculated value of radium equivalent, absorbed dose and annual effective dose caused by exposure to TENORM in the wasted petroleum

Sample No. Raeq Bq kg1  103 Absorbed dose rate, D mGy h1 Annual Effective Dose, E mSv

Min. Max. Average  SD Min. Max. Average  SD Min. Max. Average  SD

SC 10 544 596 570  37 250 273 262  16 306 335 321  20
SL 9 6.9 11.7 8.97  1.9 3.2 5.3 4.09  0.9 3.9 6.5 5.02  1.1
SA 6 0.19 0.27 0.23  0.1 0.09 0.13 0.11  0.03 0.11 0.16 0.13  0.03

Reference value 0.370 0.059 0.07

From the activity Q (after converting it to Bq), the effective The ratio 228Ra/224Ra in scale samples is 0.7 where it is equal to
radium content RaEff (Bq kg1) areal EA (Bq m2 h1) and mass EM 0.8 in sludge which is compatible and indicates that there is
(Bq kg1 h1) exhalation rates can be determined: disequilibrium in 232Th series.
For all presented scale samples, 226Ra and 228Ra concentration
Q activity is higher than the exemption limit of 10 kBq kg1 that
RaEff: ¼ (6)
M proposed by the European Union for such residues (EU BSS, 1996)
where the sludge is lower than this exemption limit.
Ql Table 2 shows some important radiometric parameters. It is
EA ¼ (7)
S clear that radium equivalent for scale and sludge exceeds the
maximum permissible value (Ref. value is 370 Bq/kg). The higher
Ql radium equivalent is about 570  37 kBq kg1 in Scale, whilst in
EM ¼ (8)
M sludge it reached 8.97  1.9 kBq kg1. As a comparison, the radium
equivalent index found in this study is higher than that observed in
where, M (kg) is the TENORM weight, S (m2) is its surface area.
the wastes associated with oil and gas production in Gabal El Zeit
The ratio between effective and real radium content is the
field in Suez gulf (El Afifi and Awwad, 2005).
sample emanation power for radon which also calculated.
The total absorbed dose rate due to gamma-emissions was
estimated from Eq. (2) and the obtained values are listed in Table 2.
3. Results and discussion It is recommended that the acceptable total absorbed dose rate by
the workers in areas containing gamma -radiations from 238U and
3.1. Radiometric parameters 232
Th series and their respective decay progenies, as well as 40K,
must not exceed 0.059 mGy/h (UNSCEAR, 2000). It is obvious that
The minimum, maximum and average activity concentration of the calculated total absorbed dose rates for all waste samples are
Ra, 232Th and 40K in the scale, sludge and sand samples collected highly larger than the recommended dose level that is acceptable.
from disposal wasted petroleum pipes are listed in Table 1. In scale The average annual effective dose as calculated from equation (3) is
samples, 226Ra, 232Th activities are elevated compared to sludge and equal to 0.13, 5.02 and 321 mSv for sand, sludge and scale respec-
sand samples which consistent with the work of Gazineu and Hazin tively. The worldwide average annual effective dose is 0.07 mSv
(2008). According to the standard deviation of 3.5% in 226Ra activity based on 0.2 occupancy factor and 0.7 Sv Gy1 conversion factor for
measurements and 29% in 232Th, the fluctuation in the measured absorbed dose in air to received effective dose by adult (UNSCEAR,
Th is higher than it for 226Ra. Also, high fluctuation is observed in 2000). The detailed range and standard deviation are listed in Table 2.
sludge sample for both 226Ra and 232Th. The sand samples show
much lower activity but still higher than the worldwide average
concentration of soil (33 and 45 Bq kg1 for 238U and 232Th series 3.2. Radon related parameters
respectively) which indicates its contamination with radionuclide
from TENORM in the wasted petroleum pipes. 228Ra activity Table 3 lists the radon related parameters that measured by
concentration is ranged from 32 to 50 kBq kg1 for Scale and from 1 active technique (Lucas cell) and use equations (4)–(8) for detail
to 1.9 kBq kg1 for sludge. The sand samples have average 228Ra calculations. Due to the variety in the samples density and volume,
activity concentration equal to 0.042 kBq kg1 which within the the back diffusion effect is taken into consideration (Jang et al.,
worldwide average (UNSCEAR, 2000). 40K activity concentration is 2005; Kovler, 2006). For scale samples, the effective radium content
insignificant compared with 226Ra and 232Th which ranged from (RaEff) found to be vary from 1436  429 to 3162  575 Bq kg1 for
LLD (lower limit of detection) to 0.69 kBq kg1. coarse (within 1 mm grain size) and dust (100 mm grain size) scale
Enhanced 226Ra activity in TENORM over 232Th (or 228Ra) and respectively. Lower the grain size higher the probability of escaping
K is due to the physicochemical properties of 226Ra such as its radon from the sample and it is obvious in higher emanation power
longer half life and its lower solubility. This properties lead to the of dust sample (0.63%) than coarse ones (0.29%). Sludge has lower
disequilibrium state in both 238U and 232Th series. The ratio effective radium content (268  66 Bq kg1) due to its lower real
Ra/228Ra for scale samples is 13 where it is equal to 6 in sludge. radium activity concentration but has higher radon emanation

Table 3
Basic radon related parameters in TENORM wastes from the petroleum pipes.

Sample No. RaEff. Bq kg1 EM Bq kg1 h1 EA Bq m2 h1 a%

SC-coarse 5 1436  429 11  3 173  57 0.3  0.1
SC-dust 5 3162  575 24  4 373  136 0.6  0.1
SL 9 268  66 2.0  0.5 38  8 3.8  0.6
SA 3 4  2 0.03  0.02 0.7  0.4 4.2  3.3

a: Radon emanation coefficient.

54 M. Abo-Elmagd et al. / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 51–54

60 Activity concentration of scales was higher than it for sludge

samples. For both scale and sludge, 226Ra activity concentration was
Sludge samples higher than 228Ra activity concentration, which, in turn, was much
R2 = 0.75 higher than the 40K values. Activity concentrations for the majority
50 of scales and sludge samples were higher than the international
clearance levels. Therefore, special care must be taken when
dealing with these residues. Besides, workers should be warned to
stay the minimum possible time close to the places where radio-
EA (Bq m-2 h-1)

40 nuclides accumulation exists, in order to minimize radiation

exposure. The disposal petroleum pipes contaminate the disposal
areas which may lead to a long term problem for the hazardous
waste management system.
30 The higher the radioactivity level in the wasted pipe, the higher
is the radiological impacts, especially when considering the
potential of operators to be exposed via internal contamination by
ingesting or inhaling the dust during waste processing. Attachment
20 of radon daughters to aerosol particles that are inhaled and
deposited in the human respiratory tract add internal radiation
dose to the workers. The main factors control the internal dose due
to radon inhalation are measured such as effective radium content,
10 mass and areal exhalation rates as well as the radon emanation
4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
power. Detail calculation of internal exposure due to radon inha-
Ra-226 content (Bq kg-1)
lation by the workers is the aim of the future work.
Fig. 1. Correlation of radium content and areal exhalation rate for Sludge samples.

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