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PAPER 1 Reading (1 hour 15 minutes) CREXEEDREIRIEIR 50020: t0 wad an exact om an ac abun na. breading from the list At for each part (1-7) ofthe extract ‘hich yu dono nee ous There an ame ate ‘Mark your arwers on the separate answer sheet, The challenge of middle-age A record broken A priority: understanding oneself The earliest successes Unerpected success sores fi drvere tre wh gees able fa Solace in noe tld ‘ond ond Fraser who shoaes en tgs of ban Teva int ed hie The earey sonishnen, eae} {8 How od he wie fends aed famiy react ois eho ambition? 1B They encouraged {© Tey tne oak hi out ft 9 What coes the word ‘bewilderment’ In ie 11 tl us abou the attde offends 1A. They wee peasant surprised by him. They became incensingly ary vt hi. _ The) were shown to Be gh abut is eas ‘DJfhey dt eal undestand his ambitions, fy cio theyre tar 8 200 En He could gat permission 11 whywas the verter introduced to Hugh Fraser? Dee rood yt 12 what was Hugs intl reaction tothe verter comment about the welled garden? A. He was hore a the prospect. as suprised by the suameston He wat too embarassed to ey Tie was interested in the ides. 13 What did the wrter partial tke about the place he chose for his 2002 A ise ‘ore Oisees odes “44 How di the witers ster feel about te estabshment of the z00 in Jersey? alamed releved ‘supportive 1D dsappomted the beginning Mark your answers on the separate answee sheet. a ee YY Tena tie wh rd ce etre saa ap MAKING Somanf bing seal wt we moons [8 | tern eth rest ten a hn ut de shetty hey MIRR RS ‘elnino ater PF "at yep enw rtm sn mag She buys shells ror all ower the world theough a wholesale ommpany and has Viv Thomas used her cf pA spare bedroom in her house into an oflice-cum-studia. exotic shell colleion 19 es ‘embork on anew career ‘local carpenter makes frames for her and a glazier then Mis the plas inside. tmking the decoced {des yt ee ene rng cee smicrrs which she now settee BR] : sil ow te reid Clive isa banker and was able to advise Viv on deciding how much socal eset os ieee anda ae Hb etic eae FRESEERREIIIEEE 10 oe a0 to a an aici abn student scconmodon a which four coege students tak about theolace hay be. For Quen 22-25, choose fam he people 'A-). The ope maybe choten more than one Tete on eae at he eng Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Which student says. My accommodation sem: quite expensive ave plenty of storage space ‘have fall to rept a decison iy colege does prove acconmadston. uy oom is maintanes to 3 high sansa nave washing faces n my 0m. | would ke ta have more indepenseoe | ha to buy some entre lactic equipment | would ke to have more pvt sare Its easy to keepin touch with peopl bere. [My room i not very well-furished. tim expected 10 do my share ofthe nousework ‘Tis the only ace wher | save money by doing my own cooking. “There are good recreational faces ner, een oa ae cae eseceaa Soa! ( | Sct eases ees rsatat ioeshort colette eas Sa “he fst ng |i when tare was a a minh dge, ol could have cook his ‘whenever wanted. at, wee nthe ih PAPER 3 Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes) For Question 1-5, read the tet eow end die hich answer A, 8, Cor D bests ‘Sch pace, There an exam at he begining "Mack your answers onthe separate answer sheet. ample: OA futher Bolder © greater wore TEDDY BEARS The history of the ted bear goes back na (0)... than 1903. In hat yer, artoon (1). .an American newspaper showing President Theodore (eddy) Roosevelt (2). 10 shoot a bear cub on a hunting expedition. Soon after hs, an entering toy shop over in New York made some toy bears and G) ..themin his sop window witha sgn that ("Teddy beat, These bears prose tobe so popular tat they s00n 301d 3) nu. and in wast ong before a factor was esablshed wo (6) .. advantage of the great (7) «for these new tos [At about the same time, the Seif toy factory in Germany had invoduced 2)... off | toys, made (9)... mohair and wood shavings, with movable heads and bs (10). the Populaity of teddy bears in the USA Steff decided o (1)... making these ase and {hoy were modeled 1} the etn n Sugar 200 Rises ay St that we now mos eget ough (13) by colaco ‘These days, teddy bears are a good investment for people who want to sl them later ata much (14)... price. Howeve, i's obvious that most eddy bear ‘them for (15)... rather than profit, Ka@).t0 senibat foe fst 10). ‘ol and oes nyees ‘llc cones ng) onsvated ed y est of Fee Questions 16-0, red the tt blow ad think fhe werd which bes fs ae) ‘pace Use el oneaor teach pace. Tere an earl athe begirg HOLIDAY READING. ¢ the Bish oly es of Bicol) HL/E. no ence be wrthout Sook tread on he beach umes 161 OEIC, 10 he auch fhe Us et Troe sear try Ft he wo mpi of ugh, oa Sues wl be Pushing aul prow 17) Py, CLv ne dha sod suse on mn sere. (9) WALCR ps neon loc fy an information serdce, rebes 20) .. OW... second-ha oon S Tee ay Elie ewes par wae be =, wit be often indoor stoning sss for a or ant HULL. cmtnan of apodhurous tne pif er tmmngennsy, 0 env barons, ty wretagngran CL. obra ng rl at cat me cence iat hy might 2). ALLEL out of oss eo the a a sucess, thet rsa cou son be following BckpooTs TEST 6, PAPER 2 ans Ww ae NINE words, including the word given. Here an exarnple (0). a a) yple: 0 was oifcult for Angela to understand: why Peter had gone away. tates witch found: Tae Angels, = : yet ge. I THE 98 canbe filed by the words “found it life ‘understand’ 50 you write: a [e[a 3 rand a1 the ale were thee to mate sre tha he cowd nae he ooo ph ene i ee The poe were theo howard tfc. Chal seraaimch 22 Dang he som te iret he sen wo eset alowed ay 0 Beth A We uting the storm. the chien (WARN 1 allevdl eet 351 The haw ore hla ad brought brought ako severe foots au. boon. dive nao sumer ats 34 srt advan orn req tank oon a he moment conte sane C49 ant £0. Acq enn tte ment \ 3S. Paul id 01 wl the Sets because he didn't row where they ved, | ri 0p. | foul woud have vsted ihe Smits 1. 00.11. Ender hey ied 36 any made misses Decase eevee to ance ed p ageaeale Aesulled, Protests ox 7 aero eee Feamermen Hh Sad fo hp, COME 38 Georges heath s beter than | had been led to believe. Gert tn YR 16 08.6001 OS ad ae ko tock in case of bus came. Bu there wast a single bus toe een onthe road, Then | dil smneting F 49, (ACK not was so ch sy | decided 1 99 3 uickee hare they ns 2 vce . on fue sa | 55 fw taxon fuel t ol ae | a 4 t am used tobe doing when | go on Hida By the time ey HZ Wat's the worse, had to sto on» hard bench reached the station, the wan hd been gone however: 4/6 RID scone ee ws 90g sc: wh te onng ay. Some people never follow good avis! Pass: f= Quetina 5-8, mani bon i toward runing omen (IC MUSIC IN SCHOOLS schon aden Se beg ot sn) AGRI. pn AON ‘through which young get an (56), patie jusic. INTRODUCE ecard soit he BH eee eco Sa Toned in fry 6h OAL hey hes tne CHD srietadndde) mea macenecagyitebore De em Seams nm ssomsocoras nce fOHemCeg ion POR sal pce aa then is fled yo 6 hey, | BAN or ea wre neva pond a RO UCESAR | SESE that they have now become 2 regular feature in some schools, + | PAPER 4 Lister nersg neve | a) >APER 4 Listening (40 minutes) BESERREETEEEE 01 wi neo peor taking in eight teen sutos For Questons 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or 1. You hear part of a play on the radio, ‘Whereis the scene taking place? A inastation B_ inashop Cina restaurant 2 You hear a man talking on the telephone. Who is he talking to? A. his boss B his doctor © his teacher 3 You hear a man talking about a car he has hired. ‘What is his opinion of the car? A tis too old B itis too siow. © itistoo small CEERI 0 1 har mt of wey birds called wanwings. For Questions 948, ‘complete the sentences. oe es blocs na (CE DIC 3] is smat town. ‘TRE main part of the wanwing’s body i The interview takes Te bok mars on te bes [Ff beautiful ) Tot —y seme The birds have probably come to England asa esut of LOK Of ‘The time of year when these birds normaly come Wings usualy nein te [ The food thatthe birds most ike to eats | SEE 39 why they like reading nove. For Queston ~_ Sose om thelist AF what each Speaker says Use the eter conn r Why do you lke reading novels? ‘A Novels are good for imoroving kinguage ae ft B Novels make me forget my problems soester2 [Sa] spose: CET] Speakers [F Tra) i cet station D_ Novels area good subect of conversato E _Nowls teach me how to a FRESTEREEEEIIRS +00 wi hear wo people taking about hls for views are exressed by ether ofthe sped a vite VE neo hove views toe ca a Questions 24-30, decide which of the and which ae not. Inthe boxes provided feed and NO net to those views winch are not expressed 2 ! general prefer not to travel abroad on hoa. Ya 25 My een hl came aan inconveniensmaane Nias 2 once went ona ee holy 5 eat of my aS 2 On aay. petro cae teats ate pa Vp) 2 ‘Sting ona beach ery you go we ree i 2 in tases ae ne sn og ED} 3 hoe goed ook oe dont mind whee cn 30]

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