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QUIZ 6.1

Use Cases Diagram – Define the system's high-level functions and scope, as well as the system's
interactions with its actors. It explains what the system performs and how the actors deal with it. a
method of summarizing information about a system and its users. Use case diagram use to discover,
clarify, and organize system requirements, conduct an analysis. It resembles a flowchart, with intuitive
symbols representing system elements, and it represents the goals of systems and users. Although use
case diagrams and flowcharts have similar appearances, there are some key differences between the
two. A diagram showing how users interact with the system is called a use case diagram.
Use case diagram explain and describe the context and requirements of a whole system or specific
system parts. A set of actions, services, and functions that the system must do are referred to as use
cases. Use case diagrams are useful for visualizing a system's functional requirements, which will
influence design decisions and development priorities. From outside the system, they provide a good
high-level analysis. Use case diagrams describe how the system interacts with actors without addressing
how that capability is implemented. They also assist in identifying any internal or external elements that
may have an impact on the system and should be considered.

Sequence Diagram – In the topic of software engineering, sequence diagram show object interactions
in a sequence of events. It represents the scenario's objects as well as the sequence of messages
exchanged between them in order to carry out the scenario's functionality. A sequence diagrams show
the order in which messages are sent between objects. Control structures between objects can also be
shown using sequence diagrams. Message flow from one object to another is illustrated using sequence
diagrams. It is easier to maintain sequence diagrams. Sequence diagrams can be used to show how
objects in a system interact right now. When transferring a system to another person or organization,
this documentation is quite helpful.

A sequence diagram is a sort of interaction diagram that shows how a group of objects interacts and
in what order. Sequence diagrams are used by software engineers and business professionals to
comprehend the requirements for a new system or to describe an existing process. The sequence
diagram is a useful tool for documenting a system's needs and figuring things out its architecture.
Because it depicts the interaction logic between the objects in the system in the time order in which
the interactions occur, the sequence diagram is quite valuable.

Collaborative Diagram – A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, shows the
connections and interactions between software objects. It used to show how objects interact to carry
out the behavior of a certain use case, or a part of a use case. Designers use collaboration, together with
sequence diagrams, to define and clarify the roles of the objects that perform a certain flow of actions in
a use case. They are the most important source of data for determining class responsibilities and

A collaboration is a set of named objects and actors that are linked together. They work together to
complete a task. It designates a group of people and relationships that are important for a specific set of
goals. A collaboration diagram, unlike a sequence diagram, illustrates the relationships between the
objects. Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams both provide the same information but in
different ways. shows the interaction of objects in order to carry out the behavior of a specific use case
or a part of a use case. The Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagrams are used by the designers to
identify and clarify the roles of the objects that perform a certain sequence of actions in a use case.

Activity Diagram – Activity diagram shows business and software processes as a sequence of events. A
flowchart of activities is known as an activity diagram. It depicts the flow of information between various
system processes. Flowcharts are similar to activity diagrams; however they are not flowcharts. An
activity diagram is a more advanced version of a flowchart with certain unique features. It shows a
system's behavior. The control flow from a start point to a finish point is shown in an activity diagram,
which shows the numerous decision routes that exist while the activity is being performed. Activity
diagram to refer to the processes involved in the execution of a use case and to demonstrate the flow of
control in a system.
Although activity diagrams are typically used to depict the overall flow of control, they can also includes
features that depict data flow between activities through one or more data stores. Developers use an
activity diagram to understand the high-level flow of programs. It also allows them to identify the
restrictions and factors that lead to specific events. If complicated decisions are being made, a flow chart
becomes an activity diagram. As a result, an activity diagram benefits both businesspeople and
developers in interacting with and understanding systems. It can also be defined as a system operation.
The primary goal of activity diagrams is to depict the system's dynamic behavior. Object-oriented
flowchart is another name for it.
QUIZ 7.1
QUIZ 7.2
1. Library System

2. Coffee Shop

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