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A. Differentiate stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Provide 5 examples of

Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the stereotype is correct in some cases,
constantly putting someone down based on your preconceived pereptions will not encourage
them to succeed.Stereotyping can lead to bullying form a young age.Stereotypes are
oversimplified generalizations about groups of people. Stereotypes can be based on race,
ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation almost any characteristic. They may be positive but
are often negative. In either case, the stereotype is a generalization that doesn’t take individual
differences into account. Stereotypes are rarely created rather, they are recycled from
subordinate groups that have assimilated into society and are reused to describe newly
subordinate groups.
1. When you meet an elderly lady, you might assume that she has certain traits – that she likes
to knit, or is a grandmother. But these assumptions are stereotypes, and there’s no guarantee
that they are right. After all, the lady might not have any grandchildren or might prefer dancing.
2. Only boys can play sports.This is a very common stereotype against women and girls.
3. A student performance was influenced by the way a test was described. When students were
told that the test measured their intelligence, black students performed significantly worse
than their white peers, but when they were told that the test diagnosed their ability to solve
problems, the race based performance gap disappeared.
4.All teenagers are rebels.
5.Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.

Prejudice refers to the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group.
A prejudice is not based on experience; instead, it is a prejudgment, originating outside actual
experience. Prejudice is also refers to biased
1. Someone thinking poorly of another person for his belonging to a certain race.
2. For having different religious beliefs.
3. Sexism
4. Ageism
5. Classism.
Discrimination consists of actions against a group of people. Discrimination can be based on
age, religion, health, and other indicators; race based laws against discrimination strive to
address this set of social problems.
1.People with mental health problems might be quite capable of doing any of the activities on
offer as their mental health conditions would not affect their ability to take up exercise or
taking up the less strenuous activities.
3.Being fired when you are pregnant (sex discrimination)
4. Discrimination based on disability and the duty to accommodate.
5. Discrimination based on family status
B. Look for TV or social media advertisements which you think are promoting
stereotypes, prejudice or discrimination. Submit this advertisement together with
an essay explaining why you think so and how to make the advertisement more
We all know that in such product like shampoo, all kinds of hair are involve. All women have
different hairstyles and in creating a commercial, we must not only focus in one. We must also
consider the other girl's type of hair. In that way, the consumers would be able to think that this
product is for everyone and they will buy it. Moreover, this kind of commercial will lessen
discrimination for it promotes a product that can be used by everybody no matter what color or
texture of your hair. Once you promote an equality in using a product, it is a big impact to all
the consumers.It makes the advertisement more relatable and real. It is a great representation
of the women which makes the advertisement appealing. Also it can be seen how they stand
for each other making it famous and a great advertisement. This advertisement is showing
different girls with different appearances but all of them is confident of what they are. This
advertisement shows equality that all woman can be beautiful as they are. Some of the girls are
short or tall, having a light or dark skin, having a wavy or short or straight hair but aside from
their differences they are all undeniably gorgeous. The advertisement has a beautiful concept.
They are not just promoting their brand but they also show equality.I think what makes this
advertisment inclusive its because it shows that people are equal eventhough they are different
races. We can see that eventhough women are different races they still have the same goal to
stand on what they want to do in life, they don't care to any judgment of people.
D. Make a graphic organizer for the theories of gender typing and sex typing.
Kohlberg's cognitive Development Freud's Psycho- Analytical Theory
Theory It is a theory and method of
Development of gender identity, or treatment for psychological disorders
their ability to label then as male or as ir emphasizes that people are not
females. fully aware of their feelings.


Gender Schema Theory

Cerebral Lateralization Theory
This refers to the theory that
Explains that there is difference in
children learn about that it means to be
the cerebral hemispheres of both male
male and female from the culture in
and female.
which they live.

Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

Social learning theorists like Albert
Bandura suggest that adults not only provide
models of children to imitate, but that they
also actively involved in influencing a child's
gender - role identification.

Observational Learning
Direct tuition (differential reinforcement)
The second concept is represented through
This first concept is represented through
observational learning in where children imitate
direct tuition, also known as differential
and follows the behaviors of individuals who are
reinforcement. The idea of direct tuition
of the same sex. The same-sex may include any
expresses that gender-typed begins with child
individual from teacher and older siblings to
adopting views they learn from their parents.
media personalities.

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