Questions For Discussion: Julienne Camat

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Julienne Camat.

Questions for Discussion

1. If you are the manager would your organization have moved as rapidly to assess
and manage this kind of situation, or would the prevailing attitude have been
that the employee was simply “blowing off steam” and the organization should
simply “wait and see?”
 If I were the manager, I would assess and manage this kind of situation
immediately. As a manager, we are responsible for our employees safety.
As early as possible, at least we can think of measures that could prevent
a crime from happening. If the employee already shown bad behavior, do
not wait until the crime happens because once it happened, he could have
killed someone and we cannot take back the life of the person he just
2. Would your organization be willing to take measures to assure an employee’s
safety if a work-related threat extended off-premises?
 I would still be willing to take measures on the safety of the employee
specially that it’s related to work. No matter what, it is still work-related
even if he’s off form the premises.
3. What else would you do if confronted with this situation?
 As a human resource manager, I would do immediate action and fire the
employee but still following the proper termination. It is right to report it
to the safety department and police to avoid any harm that the employee
might do. I would do the same as the human resource manager did.
 As the supervisor, she did everything right. It showed that he already
talked to the employee several times and as far as I can see, she did it in
polite manner to avoid any chaos. It is just right to call for the police for
safety I would also do the same as the supervisor did.
6. What would you do to monitor the situation in the future?
 I think I have to monitor the progress of the case. The case should win or
else the fired employee would just roam around and do what he’s planning
to do. The security of the supervisor must still be maintained until the
employee was not detained. If everything gets back to normal, as a human
resource manager, I have to review the personal background of the
applicants thoroughly so the case will not be repeated

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