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Short- Answer Questions:



1. What type of administration set is best to use for administering fluids to a young
 Micro set

2. What type of set is used to administer a “piggyback” intravenous medication?

 To use an IV infusion pump.

3. What is one advantage in terms of sterility if the plastic IV fluid container?

 Infection control

4. What is the proper action if the fluid in the container looks cloudy?
 Discard

5. If two fluid containers are to be hung on Y set, what are the two ways to make sure that
the appropriate one empties first?
a. proper regulation
b. Ensure patency

6. How often should the entire intravenous set-up be changed?

 Every 3 days

7. Why is it important to regulate the drip rate exactly?

 To make sure that the right amount of fluids are infused to the patient in the
proper amount of time.

8. What are the two measures that will help stop bleeding after an IV is discontinued?
a) Pressing the site using cotton
b) Raising the extremities used/gravity
8. Give five possible causes of obstruction in the IV flow?
a) Clot on the canula
b) Infiltration
c) Extravasation
d) Phlebitis
e) Discoloration

9. What are the four common symptoms of phlebitis at the IV site?

a) Warmth
b) Pain
c) Redness
d) Swelling

10. What are the five common symptoms of infiltration of the IV?
a) Pain
b) Redness
c) No IV flow
d) Cool to touch around the site
e) Discoloration of the extremities used

11. List six major elements that are part of routine assessment of an IV?
a) check for the patency
b) check for the right regulations
c) check for any discoloration of the extremities used
d) Check for swelling
e) Check for IV position
f) Check for the IV fluids

12. Calculate the drop rate for each of the following problems: Attach the picture of the
solution at the end of this.
a) 1,000 mL to be given over 8 hours; the drop factor is 15 gtts/mL.
 31-32gtts/mL.

b) 650 mL to be given over 4 1⁄2 hours; the drop factor is 10 gtts/mL.

 24-25gtts/mL.

c) 200 mL to be given over 2 hours; the drop factor is 20 gtts/mL.

 33-34gtts/mL.

d) 100 mL to be given over 3 hours; the drop factor is 60 gtts/mL.

 33-34gtts/mL.

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