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Rubrik Implementation Lab for Partners

Azure CloudOut/CloudOn

The Azure Cloud 201 scenario provides a Hands-On lab experience to setup Rubrik Snapshot
Archive to the Azure Cloud (CloudOut) and configure conversion of VMware Virtual Machines to
launch on the Azure platform (CloudOut)

Rubrik Virtual Lab resources provide functional demonstration of Rubrik CDM Solutions. The
labs are designed for validation and learning and are not designed for large scale data storage
or bandwidth requirements.

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Update History

Version Date Comment Author

5.0.2-1980 (rev5) 1/22/2020 Update download and Jeff Barnard
storage account
5.0.2-1980 (rev4) 9/3/2019 Final v1 review Jeff Barnard
5.0.1-1280 (rev3) 7/10/2019 Review and Edits Jeff Barnard
5.0.1-1280 (rev2) 7/2/2019 Review and Edits Jeff Barnard / Matt
5.0.1-1280 (rev1) 6/26/2019 Document Original Matt Cowan

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2

Azure Lab Overview and Timeline .............................................................................................. 3
Lab Interface ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Task 1a: Configuring Azure Blob as Archival Location (CloudOut) ............................................. 4
Task 1b: Adding Archival Location to SLA Domain/Protecting Object ..................................... 12
Task 1c: Preparing Azure for Cloud-On Configuration (Instantiation)...................................... 16
Task 1d: Configuring CloudOn and Cloud Conversion in Rubrik UI .......................................... 26

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Azure Lab Overview and Timeline

Rubrik CloudOn for Azure converts an archived snapshot into a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) or
managed disk snapshot that is used to launch an Azure virtual machine. Rubrik supports
instantiating on-premise VMware virtual machines to Azure.

Hands-On Lab Execution Timeline (estimates).

Local Configuration and Archive

1. Lab Request and receive lab email 5 minutes
2. Lab Startup. All lab VMs and Rubrik fully functional 20 to 30 minutes
3. CloudOut Azure Archive location 10 to 15 minutes
4. SLA Configuration and Manage Protection 5 minutes
5. First Full Snapshot of Win2016-vm1 system 15 to 45 minutes
6. Archive Snapshot to Azure storage account / blob 15 to 60 minutes
7. Indexing of Win2016-vm1 system 60 to 90 minutes
8. Modify Azure Archive Location for Cloud instantiation 10 to 20 minutes

Cloud Conversion Configuration and Launch on Cloud – Please complete all steps in the
previous section and allow them to complete before continuing with the lab
1. Configure Cloud Conversion and Launch on Cloud 60 min to overnight

Access Converted Win2016-vm1 system on Azure – Please complete all steps in the previous
sections and allow them to complete before continuing with the lab
1. Download RDP file and login 10 to 20 minutes

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Accessing Simulators

Instead of using real cloud accounts, we have provided simulated labs that allow you to work
through the workflow and get hands on experience in a faster and more repeatable manner. The
current look, feel, and functionality of the cloud providers may have changed slightly since they
were captured, but the general concepts are still relevant to any RCIE.

To make the simulators more engaging, they have been configured to work with a lab guide, but
we have automated some tasks like copying and pasting information and typing long strings. This
also helps with the fact that people do these tasks differently and we are just providing a single
path here.

These simulators are available only during the class from the following location:

If you wish to repeat these simulators later, please contact a Channel SE with the public IP
address you will be using to access them and you will be added to the whitelist.

Please let us know if there are any issues with the simulators or lab guide so we can improve

Task 1a: Configuring Azure Blob as Archival Location (CloudOut)

1. Using the Azure Portal, Create a New Storage Account.

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2. Subscription: Oasis Rubrik EA
3. Resource Group: Select drop down option Oasis-<your lab #>-RG
4. Storage Account Name: Name of your choosing
5. Location: Check your Resource Group Location and match
6. Performance: Standard
7. Account Kind: StorageV2
8. Replication: Locally-redundant (LRS)
9. Access Tier: Hot

10. Next->Networking, use the default setting: Public endpoint (all networks)

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11. Next->Advanced

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12. Secure transfer required: Disabled

13. Review & Create, then Create. Storage Account can take a few minutes to be created.
Keep this in mind while waiting for it to Deploy.

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14. Go to Resource.
15. In Storage Account -> Settings, Access Keys

16. Copy Key 2, paste to Jump Box note pad or scratch pad for later. This may require use
of the Lab Portal UI interface “VM Clipboard” to buffer the copy and paste.

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17. Log in to your Rubrik UI – should be a favorite in your Jump Box Chrome Browser. Use
Jump Box credentials to log in. Access the “gear” menu of the Rubrik UI and choose
Archival Locations. Note: If the Rubrik UI Default Dashboard says “1 Needs Attention”

wait a few minutes until the status changes to “1 Healthy Node”. Refresh the browser
if necessary.

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18. Press + to add an archive location
19. Archival Type: Azure
20. Storage Account Name: Created in step 4
21. Access Key: Key Copied in step 15
22. Container: A name of your choosing: This container will be created
23. Archival Location Name: Defaults to Azure:<archive name>
24. Instance Type: Azure Default

25. Generate RSA Key:

• Using the JumpBox “bash” command, generate an RSA Key, Windows Search on
Jumpbox, type bash, Window opens.

Rubrik Confidential 10
• Type cd to go to home directory.
• Type: openssl genrsa -out rubrik_encryption_key.pem
• Type cat *.pem, and when the RSA Key is populated, copy contents using highlight
and right click – save to copy/paste tool on Jump Box Lab UI VM Clipboard

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26. Paste into RSA KEY – use your copy/paste tool in Jump Box.

27. Select Add – Successfully added archive should look like the below:

Task 1b: Adding Archival Location to SLA Domain/Protecting Object

Navigate to SLA Domains in your Rubrik UI in Chrome Browser.

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1. Press + to add a new domain.

2. SLA Domain Name: SLA Name of your choice

3. Take Snapshots:
4. Every (Hours): 2
5. For (Days): 2

6. Scroll down and select Remote Settings

7. Archival Slider: On
8. Pull Down, Select Container created in “1a”.
9. Enable Instance Archive: Checked

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10. Create (button)

11. Search for Win2016-vm1

12. Select the Win2016-vm1 Virtual Machine.

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13. Select Manage Protection

14. Select the SLA created in Step 10

15. Select the Submit button


Rubrik Confidential 15
Task 1c: Preparing Azure for Cloud-On Configuration (Instantiation)

Using your Chrome Browser, log in to your Rubrik Support portal and proceed to download the
Azure CloudOn software. (Make sure you select the correct CDM version as your lab). The
download is in ZIP format, after download please UNZIP the files on the local Jumpbox. Use the
Unzipped files for upload into Azure. (NOTE: CDM Version and Available download scripts may
not match. Available combinations have been validated for this lab)

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1. Log in to your lab’s respective Azure Portal (see Section 1a.)
2. Start an Azure Cloud Shell using the > menu in the top banner > Select Powershell > Use
Show Advanced Settings

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3. Use any Region
4. Specify Create new for Storage Account and File Share and add <anyname> accordingly to
both. (use lower case letters)

5. Shell starts. Upload the rkazurecli_util.ps1 and rkazurecli_cloud_on.ps1 scripts. Unzip the
downloaded scripts and upload the individual files.

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6. Enter cd and then dir to verify files have uploaded successfully.

7. Run the script by typing ./rkazurecli_cloud_on.ps1 on the command prompt PS /home/oasis-

<lab #> >

8. Script Starts and Prompts:

a) Enter a number from above list for choosing an Action: 1 (for Configure)

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b) Location: Must Match the region of your Resource Group from step 1a.

c) Storage Account (Enter 0 to create new one) [default: 1]: Hit Enter
d) Container (converted VHDs are saved here. Enter 0 to create new one) [default: 1]: Hit
e) Virtual Network [default 1]: Hit Enter
f) Subnet: Select 1 Private
g) Network Security Group (Enter 0 to create new one): Enter: 0
h) Name for Network Security Group (this will be created): <anyname> specify something
you will recognize. This may produce a PowerShell script error, it can be ignored.

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i) Resource Group for Network Security Group (Enter 0 to create new one) [default: 1]: Hit
j) Application: Many will be displayed, select the Oasis<#>-Cloud-On-App specific to your
user environment.

k) Application Secret Key:

1. Using the Azure Portal UI, Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations. Select
the Oasis<#>-Cloud-On-App and Select Certificates and Secrets under Settings

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l) In the “Client Secrets” Section add a new Client Secret
m) DESCRIPTION: <Any Value>
n) EXPIRES: Select Never
o) Add

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p) A new Client Secret Value is created – click on copy icon to the right

q) Application Secret Key = Client Secret Value: paste it in the cloud shell - This may
produce a PowerShell script error, it can be ignored

r) Resource Group for Rubrik Bolt instances (Enter 0 to create new one) [default: 1]: Hit
s) Subscription and Tenant Id [default: 1]: Take default. Hit Enter

Rubrik Confidential 25
t) The Script Processes (it will create a Security Group). The Script displays a JSON
structure – copy this into Jump Box tool or into a Notepad in the Jump Box – this will be
used in the next section.

Task 1d: Configuring CloudOn and Cloud Conversion in Rubrik UI

Using the Rubrik UI, Modify the Rubrik Azure Archive Location to complete CloudOn
Conversion setup.
1. Return to the Archival Locations and EDIT the created Azure:<Container Name> Archive
Location. Click on Advanced Settings

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2. In the Cloud Compute Settings > Import JSON field, PASTE BUFFER OF JSON DATA
CREATED IN 1c, step 8

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3. Select Save and then Update

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Using the Rubrik UI, Turn on Cloud Conversion for the VM

1. Return to the vSphere VMs and select the Win2016-vm1 Virtual Machine

2. Look for Enable Cloud Conversion (Configure). Select Configure.

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3. Turn on Cloud Conversion.

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4. Using the Rubrik UI, choose a Snapshot of the VM and Launch on Cloud (NOTE: Upload
of the Archive and Indexing of the VM is required before Launching on Cloud. This may
take as long as one hour.
5. On the Snapshots Calendar interface select a Day of generated Snapshots using the
Green Dot.
6. Using the Ellipse Menu (...), select Launch on Cloud.

7. Launch on Cloud Dialog Appears

8. Azure Radio Button Selection
9. Location Name: Pull Down <Container Name>
10. Virtual Machine Size: Pull Down <Select Size or take Recommended Default>
11. Resource Group: Pull Down :< Choose the Resource Group that Matches your Demo
User #>
12. VNet: Pull Down < Choose the Private Subnet that is part of the Virtual network that
Matches your Demo User #>
13. Network Security Group: Pull Down. <Choose the Network Security Group that you
created in step “F7”>
14. Select Submit

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At this point, Rubrik sets up the Bolt Converter Image in Azure, converts VM disk and
launches VMs. Once the VM is converted, the converted VM will be in the Resource Group.
NOTE: In Oasis Virtual labs this can take one to two hours. Come back to the Azure portal
from time to time to monitor the creation of the Win2016-vm1 image.

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1. Select it within the Azure portal.

2. Select Connect and Download the RDP file. (note: your IP address will be different from
this example.

3. Open the file from the Open the file from the Chrome Download Folder. Select Connect
4. Select Connect.

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5. Choose “Use a different account and login: Username: .\Administrator

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