Personal Manifesto

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Personal manifesto

How you’ll treat your body

“treat your body well and it’ll see you through for many years” – johnny Weissmuller
I treat my body with love, respect and passion.
Body is wealth that person has
Body is the most essential part

How you’ll spend your money

“all the money you made will never buy back your soul” – bob dylan
I spend my money generously because I know that I can still earn it back.
Money cannot bring in heaven.
Spend money now, it returns it later
Money don’t last it is just temporary.

How you spend your time

“time is what we want most but what we use worst” – William penn
I sometimes spend my time in nonsense things.
Don’t waist your time, time is gold
Control distraction that waist time
Manage your time don’t let it manage you
What do I stand for?
“if you knpow who you are and what you stand for, you stand in wisdom” – oprah winfrey
I stand for myself, my family and for my dreams.
I stand for the creator not for those who creates.
I stand to reach success by not minding my mistakes
I stand to think critically not to be lonely.

How do I choose to define myself

“Be yourself there is no on better” – taylor swift
I am in love with myself and that is happiness
I love myself first before others

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