Discussion Text (s1)

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A discussion text is a kind of text which presents a problematic course. It is usually both sides of
an issue and come to a recommendation which is a logical conclusion based on the evidence/data
given in the text. It is important for us to look at both sides of an argument, weighing the positive
and negatives objectively before we make a rational decision. Therefore, reading discussion text
will help us make decision.

1. Social Function
A discussion text presents different opinions, viewpoints or perspectives on an issue,
enabling the readers to explore different idea before making an informed decision. Therefore, the
social functions or purpose of discussion texts are:
 To present arguments and information from different points of view.
 To present at least two points of views about an issue or controversial topic.
Discussion text can be found in talkback radio when people with varying perspectives
comment; interviews when speakers with different points of view are questioned; letters to the
editor when people respond in different ways to an issue; and in newspaper articles. The
common examples of discussion text are newspapers editorial, non-fiction book on an issue,
write-up of a debate, formal essay, and leaflet or article purposing to give balanced account of an

2. General Structure
In discussion text, the writer normally explores different opinions and ends with a personal
opinion or comment. Here is the general structure of discussion texts.

a. Issue
It contains an opening statement presenting the issue which is going to be discussed.

b. Arguments for and Against, and supporting Evidence

 Argument 'for' (Pro)
It provides arguments to support the opinion. It is completed with supporting
 Argument 'against' (Con)
It states the arguments which disagree to the stated issue. It is also supported by

c. Conclusion or Recommendation
It states the writer's conclusion, summary, comment, or recommendation for the
discussed issue on how people should concern with it. The discussion ends by presenting
a personal point of view before concluding. The conclusion or recommendation
sometimes sums up both sides of the argument if they are fairly balanced, or can
recommend one argument over the other if the evidence is great.

Read the following text attentively.

Should Students be Given Homework? Title

The question about homework is hotly debated. There are a lot of Issue
discussions as to whether children should be given homework or not. There
are people who argue that the discipline of homework is essential.
However, others insist that children who already study extremely hard at
school do not need to spend their evenings to do home works.

Some teachers and parents argue that it is important to find out whether Argument 'for'
children can work on their own without support from the teacher. They say and elaboration
that the evening is good time for children to sit down and think about what
they have learned at school. Furthermore, they claim that school day is
short to get anything done that needs doing, and it makes sense to give

On the other hand, there are parents and teachers who believe it is Argument
fundamentally unfair to force children to do their homework. They argue 'against' and
that children spend an enormous amount of time at school and they should elaboration
be able to learn all they need to know during the school day. They argue
that it is cruel to prevent children from using their leisure time to pursue
their interests and hobbies. Moreover, those against homework believe
that there is more to life than academic success. They point out that many
children who are not academically minded often excel at non-academic
out- of-school activities.

On balance, I think that homework is a good idea, but it should only be Recommendation
given at the weekends and school holidays when the children have more

B. Language Features of Discussion Text

The following are language features of discussion text.

1. Use of simple present tense, e.g. end up, break down

2. Use of past tense
3. Use of modal, for example: must, should, could, and may
4. Use of additive, contrastive, and casual conjunction, such as in addition, similarly, on the
other hand, however, therefore, etc.

The following are words used to introduce another point of view:

a. Although, however, in contrast, even though, on the other hand, in spite of, a different
point of view, yet another point of view.

 Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

 She seems quite healthy although she eats fatty foods.
 I tried to finish the novel. However, I didn't manage to.
 Anisa is very talented. On the other hand, she is very lazy.
 On the one hand, I love being a part-timer. One the other hand, I want to have a
salary like full-time workers.
 It was cold yesterday. In contrast, it's very hot today.

b. Pay attention to …; Evidence support this; Please take note …, etc.

 It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other.
 Please take note that costs of living vary with location.
 All university research and scholarship is based on evidence,and your own assessed
work as a student is no different.

5. Use of comment adverbs to express opinion, such as personally, obviously, clearly, etc.
Most common comment adverbs can occur at the front, middle, or end of a sentence.
 I personally think that homework is not necessary for students.
 Nuclear energy obviously costs lower than any other fossil fuel energy.
 Sadly, we can't offer you a better place than this.

6. Use of saying verbs to quote, relating verbs (e.g., be, have, seem, appear ), thinking verbs
expressing a personal point of view ( think, wonder)
7. Generally use third person
8. Use a statement about a matter. The following are expressions used to state a matter or issue
in the first paragraph.
 There are two sides to …
 There are different points of view of ….


Title The Internet in Education Pros and Cons Social Function
To get a balance on a
picture and point of
view about the role of
the Internet in education
Issue You know, we can't deny the role of the Internet in Sign indicating an
Education. But actually there are several positive and issue
negative impacts of the Internet in education.  You know

Sign indicating a
 Positive and negative
Argument One of the positive impacts of the Internet in education Grammar used
'for/pro' is when you are curious about something. You can find  The Present tense
Elaboration out the information to feed your 'learning hunger'  The use of modal
immediately from the internet. So, if you are curious  Connective words
about the ants in your backyard or if you want to know
more about dinosaurs or any other prehistoric animals,
there is abundant information at your fingertips and you
can improve your knowledge.
Argument Well, on the other hand, some would argue that the Sign indicating an
'against/con' Internet degrades the quality of research, throwing argument
people into areas where the answers they find are low- Grammar used
quality guesses, at best. Since the Internet allows anyone  Contrastive
to publish anything, finding high quality information is
 Connective words
sometimes difficult. The Internet can also be a huge
 The present tense
distraction, like many other things that distract us from
serious inquiry.
Conclusion So far, the role of the Internet in education has become Sign indicating an
a dilemma for many people in the world. On the one argument
hand, it can feed our 'learning hunger,' but on the other Grammar used
hand, it degrades the quality of research.  Contrastive
 Connective words
 The present tense
 The use of modal

Activity 1
Read the text. Then, complete the following mind map.

Pros and Cons on Video Games

Nowadays, the video game industries are developing rapidly. They have become multi-billion
dollar industries. Video game have become an important part not only of children’s lives but also
of adults’. Nevertheless, there are some arguments whether video games have a good or a bad
influence on children.
People who believe in the good influence of video games say that video games kill children’s
boredom and refresh their minds after a tiring school day. These games encourage children to be
more creative because the games challenge children to win. The games sharpen their brains.
On the other hand, video games discourage children from studying. They find it hard to
concentrate on their studies because the games they play are on their minds during school. Some
children even skip their extracurricular activities to play games.
In addition, video games too often expose children to violence. Two years ago, a student in
the U.S.A. shot his teacher and some of his friends. Newspapers said that the boy was deeply
influenced by violence in video games he used to play.
It is obvious that video games have many more disadvantages than advantages. So, parents
should be careful in selecting appropriate games for their children.

The issue discussed Pro

List of arguments:

Con The position of the writer

List of arguments:
Activity 2
Answer the following questions based on the text in activity 1

1. What is the purpose of writing about the controversy over video games?
2. Analyse the structure of the text by matching the columns

The Text Structure of the Text

1. Pros and Cons about Video Games a. Argument ‘against’ 1
2. Paragraph 1 b. Argument ‘for’ 1
3. Paragraph 2 c. Issue
4. Paragraph 3 d. Argument’for’ 2
5. Paragraph 4 e. Argument ‘against’ 2
6. Paragraph 5 f. Title

Activity 3
Analyze the language features of the text in activity 1. Write the sentences in the right
column. See the examples.

The present tense The games sharpen their brains.


The use of modal …………………………………………………………………


Connective words …………………………………………………………………

Contrastive conjunction …………………………………………………………………

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