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November 2021

Grace Notes
Grace Lutheran Church

Reset your clocks on From Pastor Sam

Saturday Evening
November 6, 2021 What began as an effort in of hymns, and a flood of writ-
important source of revenue
Germany to reform ings that set forth his theology
for the church, and Pope Leo
the Roman Catholic and explained key sections of
X was not open to debating
Inside this issue: Church escalated to a rift be- them. Luther appeared before
the Bible.
tween that church and the By 1525, Luther had mar-
a church council but refused to
From the Council reformers, becoming a division ried a former nun, conducted
2 take back his statements.
President that would change the face the first Lutheran worship ser-
In 1521, Luther was ex-
of Christianity forever. vice, and ordained the first
Liturgy Readings for communicated by the church.
2 Martin Luther, a friar and Lutheran minister. Luther did
November Holy Roman Emperor Charles
theology professor in Witten- not want his name used for the
V declared Luther a public
berg, Germany, was especially new church; he proposed call-
Finance Report 3 outlaw. Eventually, a bounty
critical of the Pope's use of ing it Evangelical. Catholic au-
would be put on Luther's head.
indulgences to build St. Peter's thorities coined "Lutheran" as
Church Council Two unusual developments
4 Basilica in Rome in the early a derogatory term, but Lu-
Minutes allowed Luther's movement to
1500s. ther's followers wore it as a
spread. First, Luther was a
Indulgences were official badge of pride.
Women of Grace 5 favorite of Frederick the Wise,
church documents that could Prince of Saxony. When the
be purchased by common peo- Pope's soldiers tried to hunt
6 ple to supposedly eliminate Reprinted from: Learn How
Grace Happenings Luther down, Frederick hid
their need to stay in purgatory Lutheran History Changed the
and protected him. During his
after they died. The Catholic Face of Christianity by Mary
Church Calendar time in seclusion, Luther kept
Church taught that purgatory Fairchild Updated March 12,
busy by writing.
was a place of cleansing where 2018
The second development
Children’s Fun Pages 8 believers atoned for https://
that allowed the Reformation
their sins before going on
to catch fire was the invention
to heaven. lutheran-church-history-
Grace Noah’s Ark of the printing press. Luther
10 Luther distilled his criticism 700827
Learning Center translated the New Testa-
into the Ninety-Five Theses, a ment into German in 1522,
Worship & Music list of complaints he publicly
10 making it accessible to com-
nailed to the Castle Church mon people for the first time.
Worship Assistant door in Wittenberg, in 1517. He followed that with
Chart 11 He challenged the Catholic the Pentateuch in 1523. During
Church to debate his points. The church office will be
his lifetime, Martin Luther pro-
Contact Info & But indulgences were an CLOSED
12 duced two catechisms, dozens
Church Broadcast November 25, 2021
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Grac e No te s

From the Council President

Being a Believer is like John Kleinig titled Prayer: Thanksgiving with family
being a pumpkin! We speak to God. This is and friends.
one small part of the
Faith lifts you up, takes book I had to share. Everybody be safe!
you in, and washes all the Hug someone!
dirt off you. “As disciples of Jesus, we Pray for the world!
therefore are called to
It opens you up, touches live by faith in a life of Love to all!
you deep inside, and prayer. If we stop pray-
Linda James
scoops out all the yucky ing, we fall asleep spiritu-
stuff. ally. We may still be spir-
itually alive, but we be-
Including the seeds of come unaware of God’s
doubt, hate, greed and gracious dealings with us.
etc. So He does His best to
keep us awake and
The church office will be
Faith carves you a new watchful in prayer. In
CLOSED smiling face and puts; everything that happens
November 25, 2021 A light inside you to shine to us God is training us
for all the world to see. to become people of
prayer, wakeful people
This was passed on to me who take Him at His
from another pumpkin. Word and receive from
Now, it is your turn to Him His gifts. God is
pass it to another pump- equipping His people who
kin! are sure that He with-
holds nothing good from
As most of you know I us and all His creatures.”
love to read and some-
times read too much. I’m Wishing all of you a
reading a small book by peaceful and Happy

Lectionary Readings for November

“Teach us to number November 1, 2021 – 1 Kings 17:8-16 Hebrews 10:11- 25
our days so that we All Saints Day Psalm 146 Mark 13: 1-8
may truly live Isaiah 25:6-9 Hebrews 9:24-28
Psalm 24 Mark 12:38-44 November 21, 2021 –
and achieve wisdom .”
Revelation 21:1-6a Christ the King
Psalm 90:12 (VOICE) John 11:32-44 Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
November 14, 2021 –
Psalm 93
25st Sunday after Pentecost
November 7, 2021 – Revelation 1: 4b-8
Daniel 12:1-3
24 Sunday after Pentecost John 18: 1-24
Psalm 16
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G r a c e Lu t h e r an

October 2021
(5 Weeks 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 and 10/31)
General Budget Overview
Approved Budget for 2021 is $119,000

Faithfully Equipping God’s Disciples to Do God’s Work

According to scripture, God created Earth for mankind and we are now stewards of His creation.
This means it is our responsibility to look after and take care.

Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to
moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively
to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already.

Monthly Budgeted NEEDS $ 9,916.67

General Offering for month $ 9,275.00
Monthly Variance $ - 641.67
Monthly Budgeted vs. Actual - 6%
Year to date Budgeted vs. Actual -16%
Cumulative YTD Variance $ -15,858.37

Please note these numbers indicate how we are doing against the budget
that was approved for 2021. This is not a reflection of our bank balances that
Dina reports on.

Budget Goal by Week Yearly Budget Goal

In His Name,
Erlene Dexter
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Grac e No te s
Council Minutes
Submitted by: church to put up the Advent treat” and booths. There will
Marsha Schrank Wreath and some other dec- be prizes and candy, and food
Council Secretary orations. On Dec. 1st, the for purchase. An admission
Ladies of Grace will clean the fee of $5 will be charged.
Grace Lutheran Church church and put up the Christ-
Council Minutes mas tree in preparation for
October 20, 2021 the Hanging of the Greens on
Dec. 5th. A breakfast of pas- BUSINESS TO BE DIS-
PRESENT: Linda James, Er- tries, juice and coffee will be CUSSED:
lene Dexter, Debbie Daugh- available before church that Pizza Fundraiser: The fund-
terly, Dina Buettner, Marsha day. On Dec. 4th there will raiser is complete and earned
Schrank be a Ladies Tea and Cookie about $650.00 The council
Exchange. Debbie will have thanked Erlene for her help
The meeting was called to more details on that soon. A on the project.
order at 6:00 PM by Presi- question had been asked
dent, Linda James and Debbie about a Giving Tree or Angel Ann’s Grass: It was request-
opened with prayer. Tree like we used to have. ed that Marsha contact Gil-
Marsha will make some calls bert Cardenas who had quot-
PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor to try to find out if we can ed on cutting Ann’s grass to
Sam was not able to attend get one this year. There will see if he would be able to
due to his daughter’s surgery. be soup and sandwich sup- just cut around her house
However, Linda reported for pers before the Advent ser- rather than the whole 5
him that there will be 4 bap- vices, and Debbie will make a acres. She will contact him.
tisms and 10 new members sign-up sheet for that.
received in November. We Young Life Event: The dinner
will have a reception for FACILITIES: Dina said she will be held on Monday, Oc-
them on Nov. 14th believes that Karl may be tober 25th from 6:30 – 8:30 at
willing to take on this role. Antler Oaks. Because we
FINANCIAL SECRETARY/ She will talk with him. He have one seat left, Linda will
WORSHIP & MUSIC: Erlene already said he will help with invite Patricia to sit with us.
reported that we are still the mowing, and she will ask The cost was $300 for the
receiving less money than him to see if he can replace dinner and $100 for the T-
budgeted, but we are doing the Dicken’s Wing door. advertisement. We have paid
OK. On Sunday, 10/24 there Erlene and Debbie both said this in past years.
will be a meeting following their husbands will help if
church for altar guild, ushers, asked. Esther’s Vacation: She will be
projectionists & cantors. gone from 11/5 to 11/22.
Debbie will make signup NOAH’S ARK: Marsha stat- She will have everything
sheets. ed that there was a case of ready for the service on 11/7.
covid in one of the class- Linda, Marsha and Debbie
CHRISTIAN ED & FELLOW- rooms that required quaran- will spend some time in Es-
SHIP: Debbie said we need tine for that room. Howev- ther’s office next week trying
Sunday school teachers for er, everyone is now well and to learn how to do what
children and adults. The bi- back at school. The rum- needs to be done during her
ble study groups are doing mage sale made about $370 absence.
well so far. There is a 5th but there is a lot of stuff left
Sunday Potluck after church over, so they will have one Phone Problems: Marsha
on 10/31 which is also Ruth’s again maybe during Hunter’s reported that Johnson Con-
birthday. Debbie will order a Weekend. There will be a trols will be in next week to
cake for the event. Novem- Halloween Party on 10/30 install a wireless point for the
ber 28th is the first Sunday in from 6:00-8:00. It will be alarm systems and that will
Advent. On 11/22, several held outside in the parking eliminate the problems we
volunteers will meet at the lot and field, with “trunk or have been having with the
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G r a c e Lu t h e r an

Council Minutes continued

phone/alarm systems. The only be responsible for the information prior to the
cost was $3,500 which No- $2,500 as our policy states. event, and everyone is invited
ah’s Ark paid since they are Susan Henry and Pat to help during the evening.
the ones required to have Moehring have both asked
the alarm system. that money in our account Baptismals: Erlene said Es-
for Cliff and Glenn’s memori- ther is sure we have baptis-
New Member Event: There als be used to offset the mal candles but she will
will be a meal following the $2,500. check. Marsha volunteered
11/14 service to welcome the to embroider a cross on
new members. Dina will or- Christmas Lights: It was some linen handkerchiefs to
der the cake and Debbie will agreed that we would not give to the baptismal families.
have a signup sheet for food. participate in the River Lights Debbie will look into some-
this year, but instead would thing for the adults, maybe a
Burn Pile: Linda has contact- spend that money on lights leather bookmark or some-
ed the fire department to see and decorations for the thing they can keep.
if they can schedule some church. Dina will see if the
firemen to watch over the nativity set donated by Marge Salvation Army Donation:
burning of our burn pile. It Muniz, or the lights can be Dina reported that a check
may be used as a training located. We will pick a date for $2,155.00 will be sent to
exercise. She will advise us to do the decorating some- the Salvation Army office in
when that is scheduled. time in November. San Antonio for disaster re-
lief. This was the amount
Old Organ: It was agreed Small Bible Study Groups: collected in the noisy offer-
that we would ask Andrew if Linda will look into the possi- ings.
he wants the old organ in the bility of finding some mem-
back of the church. It was bers willing to host week- There being no further busi-
left over from the rummage night bible study groups in ness to come before the
sale. their homes to encourage Council, a motion to adjourn
more people to be involved. was made by Erlene and se-
New Organ Checks: Dina conded by Debbie. The mo-
said we have received checks Nightmare on Maple Street: tion passed and the meeting
for $12,500 and $22,000 We have been getting candy was adjourned with the
from the insurance company. for this event, along with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:40 P.M.
She has sent the deposit money to purchase more if
check for the new organ and needed. We will be able to Respectfully submitted,
expects the final check from decorate anytime between Marsha Schrank
the insurance company for 10:30 a.m and 4:00 pm on Council Secretary
$28,000 any day. We will 10/31. Linda will get more

Women of Grace
Submitted by: service on October 31, will be taking the boxes of
Ruth Reeves
2021. quilts to Fredericksburg for
the next leg of their jour-
Wednesday, November ney. When the delivery of
The Women of Grace 3rd, we will finish boxing all the boxes is complete, the
completed 109 quilts for of the quilts and labeling the ladies will spend time fel-
Lutheran World Relief this boxes for shipment. lowshipping, shopping, and
year. The quilts were having lunch together.
Thursday, November
blessed during the Sunday
4th, the Women of Grace
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Grac e No te s

November10, 2021 at 6 PM
Set your clocks BACK ONE hour on Saturday Evening, November 6, 2021.
Page 7

November 2021
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Sunday Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tuesday Schedule Wednesday WOG Outing to
9:30 Sunday
School Lectio D @ Schedule Fredericksburg!
10:15 Gathering Carolyn's 6 pm
9 AM Quilting Thursday Schedule
Time 5:30 PM Fellowship
10:30 Worship 10 AM Ladies 6 PM Adult Bible Study
Service Bible Study

7 Sam Radoman 8 9 10 11 12 13
Baptism Shayne Brown
Sunday Alejandro Perez

14 Dina Buettner 15 16 17 18 19 20
Alphee Strand Linda Felten Carolyn Sells Sodeigh Perez

New Mem-
bers Lunch

21 Carolyn 22 23 24 25 26 27
Edwards WOG Advent Church Office
decorating CLOSED
Christ the 11:30 AM

28 Sam Radoman 29 30 LEGEND FOR THE CALENDAR

by color:
1st Sunday



If you were born in November and don’t see your name on the calendar, please call the church office at
830-796-3091 so it can be added. We always want to celebrate your special day!!
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Fun Page
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Grac e No te s
Grace Noah’s Ark Learning Center

Submitted by: we are truly blessed be-

Marsha Schrank
yond measure, and are ful for each &
fortunate enough to be in every one of
On October 3, 1863, a position to share our
President Abraham Lin- you, and for
blessings with others.
coln officially proclaimed This Thanksgiving, before the privilege
that the last Thursday of you begin your feast, take of loving your
November would be “a some time to give thanks
day of Thanksgiving and children.
for the blessings in your
Praise to our beneficent life.
Father who dwelleth in
the Heavens.” Although BIBLE VERSE – “Give Have a safe
Abraham Lincoln was not thanks to the Lord, for
He is good and His love and Happy
the first, nor the last
president to set an official lasts forever.” Thanksgiving!
date for Thanksgiving, his
words capture the im-
portance Americans We are so sad
placed on thanking God that Covid-19
for the same blessings we are
bestowed on the original has forced us to
colonists. Today we still cancel our an-
closed Nov.
have much to be thankful nual Thankful 25 & 26.
for. We live in a land that
is free and full of oppor- for Our Families
tunity, and we still have Dinner. But we
the choice to worship, want you to
free from persecution.
Despite the challenges know, we are
and difficulties we all face, so very thank-

Worship and Music Committee

Submitted by: vice. It takes everyone in Thanks to everyone
YOU ARE Erlene Dexter
the church for the church that came and signed up.
NEEDED! to run well.
We had a workshop on
WILL YOU October 24, 2021 for dif-
HELP AND ferent areas of worship
to review all that needs
to be done and an oppor-
tunity for people to sigh
up to help with the Ser-
Page 11
G r a c e Lu t h e r an


November 2021
Altar Guild: Erlene Dexter, Janeen Irrgang


Nov 7 Sharon Erlene Erlene Dex-

Marsha Schrank Linda James Tina Valdez
Sam Radoman Dexter ter

Martin &
Nov 14
Dina Buettner Teresa Pat Moehring Susan Henry Marge Muniz Marge Muniz

Nov 21 Erlene Erlene Rhonda

Dina Buettner Linda Felten Sam Radoman
Carolyn Dexter Dexter Balsley

Nov 28 Sharon Dina

Sam Radoman Marsha Schrank Carole Gage Marge Muniz
Sam Radoman Buettner

Note: If you cannot fulfill your scheduled place of service, please get a replacement, or
email/text/call Rhonda Balsley for assistance at or call her at

(210) 414-9183
How to Contact the
Church Council Members:
President: Linda James

Vice President:

Secretary: Marsha Schrank

Financial Secretary: Erlene Dexter

Treasure: Dina Buettner

Christian Ed: Debbie Dougherty


Fellowship: Debbie Dougherty

Evangelism/Outreach: Linda James


Youth Representative: Lindsey Bostain

Faithfully equipping God's disciples to do God's work in our church, our community, and
our world.

Grace Lutheran Church

PO Box 1226
451 Hwy 173 North
Bandera TX 78003
Phone: 830-796-3091
Fax: 830-796-3092

https:// The church office will

Office Hours:

gracebandera M-Th 8:30 am - 4 pm be CLOSED

F 8:30-10:30 am
November 25, 2021

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