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Bloody Success

By: Kathy Dumol

It was 12 o’clock in the midnight that I was awaken by the voice coming somewhere, I think outside our
house. It was a voice of a man and his calling my name. My heart beat so fast, I don’t know what to do. I’m scared,
so much more when I couldn’t entirely move; I feel stock still on my bed. The voice, its coming closer and closer to
me, I want to shout but....
Aaah!!... Thanks God it was just a bad dream. A the way I’m “Sally Mendoza”, 18 years of
age. A commerce student at St. Michael College. I am graduating this year as “summa cum laude”. Yes I’m quite
sure of it. Actually me and Jason my classmate, are running for “summa cum laude” but unfortunately, he died five
days before our graduation. Many of us don’t know the reason of it. But some said he got suicide, other said it was
just an accident, a terrible accident.
As I can recall, I am at the library as of that time, doing some research, when my best friend Vanessa called
and told me of what had happened to Jason. I was terrified upon hearing the bad news. Jason fell from the 4 th floor
of our school building. We found his body lying on the ground, with his head bleeding and his bones dislocated.
Jason was kind, friendly and unquestionably intelligent. We always compete when it comes to our grades
and performance in school but his my friend. That’s why I feel so bad about his death.
One evening, it was almost 8 o’clock I guess, that I am still in school doing my feasibility study, when
suddenly I heard someone screaming outside the hall, and it echoed towards my ears... I was stunned when a shadow
of a man appeared in front of me. I screamed when I saw his face which is full of blood, dropping on my hands. He
hold my neck with his both hands, as if he want to kill my life, help!...
I was sweating when the security guard, woke me up... A dream again? Why is it happening to me? At first
I don’t mind it, but I realize that I keep on dreaming about this stuff after the day Jason died. It lead me to a
conclusion that it has something to do with Jason’s death. But how?
The night before the graduation. I’m busy preparing myself for my summa cum laude speech, but a knock
of the person that seems to be mad interrupted me. I puzzle and wonder who it is. My hands are shaking as I open
the door and saw the person behind. That man again!! I close the door, run and hide. His calling my name... I’m
afraid.. “stop it!!” I shouted. He found me shivering at the corner. He hold my hand and put it to his face, he let me
feel the blood going out from his head, eyes and nose. “No!” please... He grab my neck and that I almost couldn’t
breathe. Please...stop it.. don’t kill me... I promise to tell the truth... I promise...
I wake up that morning with my eyes full of tears... I am ready with my speech and also I am ready to tell
the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen good morning...
I am here standing in front of this crowd for one main purpose and that is to tell to each and everyone the
truth behind Jason’s death. Yes, I know all of you are wondering about it. But I need to speak it up right now
because my conscience won’t let me sleep. I am Sally Mendoza your “summa cum laude” is a “cheater”. Yes, this is
not a joke. Jason saw me cheating and when I knew it, I invite him to have a conversation with me at the rooftop, he
never refused and in fact he really wants it too. He told me that he will tell it to our teachers that’s why I pushed
him. But, believe me, it is not my intention to kill him. But, yes that was the reason of his death. I killed Jason
Fernandez the real “ “. It is not true that I was in the library when Jason died. It is not true that I’m worried
of his death; it is not true that he’s my friend. The truth is...I hate him! Because his intelligent, I am envy of him!..I
always wanted to have everything. I wanted to be the best, “ “, because I wanted to be famous, that everyone
will become proud of me. But I created my own downfall. I am a liar, a cheater! I don’t deserve to be here! I’m so
sorry Jason... I’m sorry!...
I don’t know of what had happened next but as long as I can remember. After my speech, I ran so fast
going home...
Now Jason stop visiting me in my dreams. My life was in peace, here in jail. Yes, I was imprisoned but I
never regret. Because after the graduation it was the best award that I have received. I deserve these things, for I
want to pay everything. For every bad things that I have done. I am willing to change, surrender my life to God and
to live a new life with Him.
The End
By: Richel Arellano

March 22, 2010

Dear Diary: 10:28 P.M

It was my graduation day. A momentous occasion for me for I will already receive my long time dream-
Early in the morning I eagerly woke up from my bed and fully thank God for the pleasant and beautiful
day. I decided to take a bath so that surely I won’t be late. The cold water freshen me up. I then wore my
unaccesorized black “toga”, and smiled while seeing my whole reflection in the mirror, knowing that for few hours I
will be titled a certified graduate.
With me was my proud and doting mom. At last I could repay all her sacrifices for me. Hopefully, I could.
In the school, I have seen my fellow graduates with glee in their eyes, as well as parents with their truest smiles. It
was a perfect day of happiness, celebration and merry making. I hoped it won’t end.
The ceremony commences by a march of graduates with parents, and it was a fulfilling moment. Until
suddenly, I felt wrong. While walking in the aisle towards our respected seats, my knees suddenly weakened, my
head ached that my world seems spinning around. When I finally arrived in my seat, still the pain won’t go away. I
thought it was just a simple headache but no, it’s not. The flow of program already started. Medals and recognitions
were already given to the outstanding and top-performing students. Our guest speaker already imparted his inspiring
story but unfortunately I didn’t listen well for how I can concentrate listening if I am not feeling well. Until it was
already the giving of diplomas and everyone was truly excited. Though I can’t clearly saw how glad everyone is
after they received their diploma, have felt it somehow. We are almost 300 graduates that why expectedly my name
was not yet called. I hate it. I don’t know why. All I know that moment is my need to stay away from the pain. I
wanted to receive my diploma as soon as possible. My head really aches. Now, I know it was not just a mere
headache, it was more than that. If only bumping my head in the concrete wall can lessen the pain, then I won’t
hesitate to do it. The people around me appears blurred in my eyes and I don’t even notice what’s already going on,
for my main concern that moment is to stay away from the head-cracking feeling. I don’t even realize that it was
already my turn. My name was already called. I tried to fool myself. I tried to hide my unexplained aches. I fakely
smiled towards mom, and walked firmly as if I’m perfectly okay. It was just a few centimetres apart from my hands.
I was about to receive my diploma when my world and turns into a slow motion. There’s no more light, all was dark.
The pain defeated me, I fell down and the rest was history.
I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling. I know for sure it was not my room. Where am I? I
curiously asked myself. I explored my eyes in the entire room and then I saw a medical tool connected my lying
body. At my side, was mom unconsciously sleeping. From there my mind finally concludes. I was in the hospital.
But still I wasn’t enlightened by the main reason why I am here. What happened to me? Hours later, the question
was answered. The doctor had told to us every detail regarding about my condition. Every word that came from his
mouth, troubled us, causes my heart to palpitate rapidly.
“Brain Cancer”, a disease that victimized me. And knowing that few or even rare survived in this kind of
alarming disease, I felt that the clock suddenly stopped in ticking. I felt that I’m carrying the heaviest burden ever. I
can’t believe it happened to me. All of a sudden, my hopes, aspirations and my dreams were gone. What for? If I
know that anytime, my borrowed life would be taken by the one who gave it to me. No matter how my mom tried to
do everything in order for me to overcome this heavy trial, my survival still is uncertain.
Now, I am writing this diary of mine for it may be the last time I will be able to story my life for the day.
Though the acceptance process is painful and really hurts, I have to little by little instill it in my heart and in my
This day was indeed my graduation day, not only I ended my college life but maybe it will also be an end
for me. I prayed not. I still want to live, but if it His will, then I’ll just have to admit, that indeed everything has its
own ending. And sadly true, not all endings are happy, just like mine. Though my life here on earth is uncertain but I
am hundred one percent sure that in the place where I am going, I will be more happy, for there my life will be
certain. Everlasting. Endless. Never ending.

- Jane -
I’m In Love
By: Richel Arellano

Yes! Finally I’m deeply, madly truly in love

And I love this feeling that I have
I just want to share it all with you
For my happiness is oh so true.

He had made me to be my best

And whole heartedly accept me at my worst
He is there with me when I’m alone
He is my comforter and I am his own.

There are times that I’ve hurt him

I forgot to thank and glorify His name
When I’m down, I then get Him blame
But despite of this, He forgives me all over again.

Before, I’m searching for my ideal person

That we can be called perfect combination
We will then live happily together
And show our unconditional love for each other.

But I was wrong to continually believe

That there’s perfect guy on earth who still live
For there is only one who can love me eternally
And that is my love. My Father Almighty.
By: Richel Arellano

San-o pa bala nakun mapasakamot

Ang diploma nga dugay na ginapaabot
San-o masabat ining mga pamangkot
Hulaton pa bala nga ang bulsa magabot?

Adlaw-adlaw si nanay gakabalaka

Kung diin makuha sang plete para makaeskwela
Kung mangutang kay kumara, islan man insigida
Pano gani, kay si tatay wala man obra.

Kung kis-a nahisa gani ako sa iban

Nga gintawo manggaranon sa sining kalibutan
Allowance kada bulan, sila ginataga-an
Pagusto gusto nga daw saw ala gnapaligban.

Ako ya ginatipid ang kada sentimo

Damu-damo balayran, anu akon igasto
Photocopy pirme, kay wala inugbakal libro
Kalu-luoy ang puya, tam’an gid nga pigado.

Pero biskan amo ni ang mga pag’antus

Gatinguha man gyapon para ako makatapos
Mabuligan ginikanan nga ginakapus
Diploma tani mangin akong lubos.
I am Not an Accident
By: Kathy Dumol

God given me the most wonderful gift,

A “life” that must be cherished.
For I know it was not a mistake,
That God really mean it, for me to take.

He created me in his likeness.

The highest for he made with sweetness.
Yes I am so thankful for His kindness.
So let me shout, “God you’re the best!”

My existence is with reasons.

Just like the problems with solutions.
I am not a thing created for nothing,
But I am a being created for something.

I was not made by mistake.

I am included in God’s plan.
He had chosen me the best parents,
Who molded me of what I am.

“I am not an accident!”
Yes, I am not!
You, me, us, we are not an accident
For “God loves us!”
Di Pagkalimti
By: Kathy Dumol

Kaimulon hindi rason

Ginikanan hindi pagbasulon
Bangud sila gatimakas para sa aton
Mahatagan lang kita sang balon.

“Bakas lang gid Inday”

Ang pirme nga hambal ni nanay
“Masaranagan mo ina, toto”
Ang siling man ni tatay.

Tani ini maging determinasyon

Sa pagtuon kita magtutom
Pasa sa bwas damlag nga palaabuton
Masanag kag hindi magkamang sa dulom.

“Edukasyon lang gid amon mahatag”

“Sa muna amon pagpalangga mapabatyag”
“Tani inyo man hatagan importansya,”
Siling sang aton iloy kag amay nga gaubra,
Pasa sa atun, hindi para sa ila.

Ang pag-eskwela hindi higya-higya

Nga kung hindi ka pabay’an lang basta-basta
Panumduma imo ginikanan sa uma
Ginaubra ang tanan sa imo pag-eskwela.

Muna subong pagbugtaw na

Ubraha ang insakto para sa pamilya
Kag kung sa ulihi abogado kana
Nars, Doktor, CPA, Maistra
Hindi man pagkalimti,
Si nanay kag tatay tah!
Joselyn May Butalon

She smile, anyone can say she’s happy. Many envy her beauty and wealth, and many admire her intelligence. Many
people would say, “She already has everything and couldn’t wish for more.” But if one would examine her carefully,
surely they would see the sadness and pain transparent in her eyes. She too is jealous, of what she can see that time.
Students are passing by in front of her together with their parents, families, relatives and friends. While she only
have her Yaya Miday and tin-tin, her second cousin. But she must ought to have her parents there to; but even if
how much she wanted to, she just couldn’t have them there. She wanted to mourn for that, but what for? –she must
not ruin that day, ‘cause that day is her graduation day.

Instead of mourning, she tried her best not to look sad and she greeted every student who passes by her and who also
greets her. “Congrats Zam, you made it, you deserve what you have now.” Alli greeted her with a smile. Alli is one
of her classmates and also one of her best rival in class. “Thank you Alli, you too congratulations” she answered.
Alli is a magna cum laude while she is a summa cum laude. Alli did not stay long anyway. A little while after, Jiff
approached her. “Hi Zam! Congratulations” He greeted her with a smile too. He also is her classmate and one of her
suitors, and like any other suitors she had, he also failed to win her heart; though many says they are compatible
’cause he is rich, handsome and smart too. But it just so happened she had other priorities in life. “Thank you, same
to you.” She answered. “Oh by the way where’s Tita Marivic and Tito Allen?” “ah...uhm...” well, what will she say?
Will she tell the truth or just lie to avoid embarrassment. But she decided for the right thing. “They can’t come, they
have important matters to attend to, you know business.” She even emphasize the word business, sadness is evident
in her voice. “Oh, I’m thirsty, I think I need to drink some water, would you mind if I excuse myself?” she then said.
“Oh no, it’s fine. Well go ahead, congratulations again, see you around” he then answered; he might have noticed
that she doesn’t want to talk about her parents.

She then headed to the canteen, but she followed a different path and walk towards a shed away from the canteen.
There were no students there since it’s away from the gym where the program will be held. She needs to freshen up
herself and think of ways of how to enjoy herself later, though she doubted it if she can; anyway she still has 30
minutes to do that. But instead of doing so, she felt weak and she felt dreary again. Then, she caught herself staring
around blankly as memories came flashing back into her mind.

“You will take up business management baby, so that you will manage our business when the right time comes” her
dad told her one morning. “Dad? I thought this was already settled? You know that it’s not my field of interest, I
wanna be a professional photographer. Photography is my world” she protested. “ What kind of future do you think
you will have from that Zam? Your mom and I already talked about this. Were doing this for your own good.” “No
dad, “ she wanted to cry but she controlled herself not to. “Since I was young, this is what I ever dreamed off. You
know it right? Please understand.” “No Zam! My decision in final. Just think who will manage our business
someday. You’re the only child we have.” “But...I-“ “Zammiere! I’m telling you its final; whether you like it or not,
you’ll gonna take up Business Management.” Then he stood up and headed for the stairs. She was left speechless.
Tears fell from her eyes. She thought her father can understand her. She thought it was fine with him if she takes
photography. She tried to talk to her mom to convince her father, but “We’re doing this for you baby. It’s for you.”
Her mom told her. She felt betrayed. It is so unfair! She felt rebellious. But in the end, she still followed her parents

She enrolled in Business Management. But as days passed, she noticed that her parents lost their time for her. They
even hardly see each other. Her parents grew busier with their business every day. They only see each other for
three to four times a week and they even hardly talk because each one of them is already tired when they got home.
However she studied so hard expecting she would get due recognition from her parents. She joined all contests, all
activities in school. She studied night and day; skipped her meals and avoided all her suitors. She didn’t even have
many friends, even if she’d had a chance to make a lot of friends. She was temperamentally inclined to spend time
by herself together with her books. But despite of all her efforts, her parents seemed blind. She can’t see their
support for her. She can’t feel their love and care. Whenever there are important events and special occasions in
her life, her parents are always away. They would only say “I’m busy Zam.” “Tell you yaya to accompany you.”
“How much do you need Zam?” Oh, for crying out loud, she doesn’t need their money, she only needs their
time...their love.
In everyday that God made in her life, she experiences that. She could tell there’s a growing animosity in her heart.
Every night she cries. But instead of giving up, she regarded it as a challenge.

And that day, another challenge came to her. “Dad, uhm, I would like to remind you that tomorrow is my
graduation.” “You sure Zam?” her dad asked in wariness. “Yes dad, I had given you the invitation right?” “Oh no,
I’m so sorry baby, I forgot about it. I’ve been very busy these past few days. I have a meeting with a very potential
investor baby, but don’t worry I’ll try to – “”Its fine dad, I understand, how about mom?” she asked hiding the pain
she felt. “I think she can’t come too. She’s still in Malaysia for a business meeting...”

The flow of her memories was interrupted by her cousin. “Zam!” she called and hurried towards her. “We’ve been
looking for you everywhere. The program will start at any minute.” Her cousin asked. She smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry, okay, let’s get back down there.”

Not too long after that, the program started. When it was her time to deliver her speech, she stood up with a smile on
her face but deep inside her is a gloomy heart. Her speech would end in a little while but before that, she saw two
very familiar figures entering the gym. They walked towards the seats which are actually reserved for them. Her
heart beat fast; she felt crying that very moment. She can’t believe her eyes; she blinked many times to make sure
she’s not dreaming. Then she came to realize that she was not, when the silhouettes waved their hands at her.
Suddenly her heart was filled with gladness.

Her speech finally came to an end and she heard the crowd applauding and yelling. Her parents even stood up and
clapped their hands with smiles painted on their faces. They seemed very proud of her. They hugged her tightly.
“Congratulations baby. We’re very proud of you. We love you Zam.” They uttered. Her parents asked for
forgiveness for all the mistakes and for their lack of time for her. “We love Zam, you just don’t know how proud
and happy are we having you as our child.” She, of course did not hesitate to forgive them.

The program ended and they went home together with her diploma and numerous awards. When she entered their
gate, there was a sudden explosion of fireworks; the light flooded all over their house; lively music came playing,
she could hear it from nowhere – in their garden perhaps. “Surprise!” Her friends, relatives, other classmates and
neighbours yelled as they appeared one by one from nowhere. Different emotions drowned into her. Then she felt
her parents’ arms over her shoulders. “We’re not busy actually, we prepared this – a party for you.” Her mom said.
“Here’s our gift Zam, open it” her dad said as he handed her a medium size box. She opened it and saw a beautiful
camera – the one she ever dreamed of. “I know you’re not yet ready to handle the business Zam, for a while you can
enjoy your dream. But promise us that in the right time, you’ll manage the business we have.” Her dad said. “Yes
dad, I promise, thank you mom, dad” she whispered and hugged her parents – and it feels so good – it feels eternity.

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