8 Sept

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1 Sprester

Morgan Sprester

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Period 6

1 October. 2021

College Application Narrative

Ever since I was little, I’ve loved working around and with special education children

through adults. As I got older, I realized that my focus was going to be on special education for

the rest of my life. The area where I live offers programs in several places to work in the area of

special education. I started at my local high school in Bradford Pennsylvania!

Teaching and helping those in need not only brings them a feeling of joy and happiness,

but me as well. The past two years, I’ve been working in my Bradford Area High School’s Child

Development Program. This program allows me to go out of the school for three periods a day,

and work with children. I personally work with special education preschoolers. From how to

handle children in harmful situations, to walking them through how to speak words and interact

with people.

This past year I taught many children with special needs, and at the end of the year you

can see their growth. I believe children with special needs should be able to grow and learn like

everyone else. I’ve had teachers, and other coworkers state that I have a “gift” in the area of

special education. I feel it is because the children I work with are like how I would treat a child

of my own, or a niece or nephew. Just because they need a little more structure and organization,

does not make them any different.

Pg. 1 Sprester

People ask, “How do you do it?” “How can you be so patient with them?” It is not “how

can you” be patient with them. You don’t have a choice but to be patient with these children.

These children have their good days, and their bad days, but doesn’t everyone? Being patient and

understanding with these children will make them more willing and give them more confidence.

I know that someday I am going to change the lives of many special education children, teens,

adults, and all their families as well. Starting at a young age and being able to get a good eye into

what I am going to be working with later in my near future.

These children not only show me that that they can learn and grow just like everyone else

can, but they show me that it is just as easy to do so. I cannot wait to spend my life teaching

children and guiding them through life!

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