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This story happened in 2019, when I was still in high school.

I was with my friend Esteban, we

got out of school and we did not have money to take a bus, so we decided to walk, but that was a
bad idea.

We were singing our favorite songs at that moment. Meanwhile we were walking by “La Zona
Franca”, it was at 7 o’clock pm and the night was very dark. I felt like someone was watching us
a moment ago but I did not give importance and followed singing and walking with my friend. I
took my cellphone to change the song and two men were running behind us, when I saw we were
in front of them. I knew that we are going to lose our cell phones and wallets, but the robbers
were news, they did not steal us immediately, the boy that tried to steal to my friend was very
nervous, although he had a razor; and the boy that tried to steal me was quiet, he told me that
they did no hurt us and only wanted our cellphones, I talked with him for a moment about it was
a bad idea, that they were not seem bad boys, and they did not have to do that.

My friend was afraid because the other man was threatening him with the razor; I said that I gave
them my cellphone but that first they leave me take my sim card, but that was a lie, I put my
hand in my pocket and pretended that I did know where was my cellphone while thinking any
way for escape.

Luckily, a bus was passing close by and the passengers saw us, the bus stopped and the
passengers shouted to the robbers that they leave us free or they would hit them. I said that they
should go before it got worse, they went running and we took the bus.

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