Example Lesson Plan

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Arellano University-Jose Rizal Campus

Gov. Pascual Ave. Brgy. Concepcion, Malabon

Prelim Examination
GE009 – Teaching Science In Elementary Grades
Name: Lawrenze Matthew Santiago Score: ____________
Course: B- Elementary Education Date: October 20, 2021

Directions: Write a Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science using the 4A’s Format. Fill the
parts of the LP using the given standards and Learning competencies.

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of characteristics of living

and non-living things.
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to illustrate the difference between
living and non-living things.
Most Essential Learning Competencies: Compare living with nonliving things (S3LT-lle-f-

I. OBJECTIVES (2 points in every domain)

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
a) Cognitive: Students will be able to make a list of both living and non-living
b) Affective: Students will be able to describe the characteristics of life that
identify what is alive from what is not.
c) Psychomotor: Students will be able to describe why a certain life of

III. CONTENT (5 points)

A. Topic/Lesson: Characteristics of Life
B. Materials: (2 points)
 Video Presentation about Life, Power Point Presentation, and Science Book
C. References: (2 points)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQPVXrV0GNA (Characteristics of Life)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umg4io_YrTY (7 Characteristics of Living

A. Before the Lesson
1. Preliminary Activities (5 points)
 Greeting
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Passing of Assignment
 Review with the students with the characteristics of living things
What are six easily observable characteristics of living things?
1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________

4. _________________________

5. _________________________

6. _________________________

B. During the Lesson

1. Activity (5 points)
 The class will be divided into 4 groups
 The teacher will be given the task to each group
 The students will complete the table
 The students will write the characteristics by answering each column by
yes or no.
 Then they will exchange their outputs with the other group to check their
answer is done.
Things Does it move, Does it need Does it make Is it a living or
grow and food, water, air? more of non-living thing?
change? itself?
Butterfly Yes Yes Yes Living Thing
Horse Yes Yes Yes Living Thing
Dog Yes Yes Yes Living Thing
Table No No No Non-Living Thing
2. Analysis (5 points)
 What are the characteristics of living things? What are the
characteristics of non-living things?
 After answering the table, the students will be asked to answer the
question. …
 What is the difference of the living and non-living things?
 The students will group the object in the table.
Living Things Non- Living Things

 The teacher will show 5 pictures of living and non-living things and they
will post it on the table above.
3. Abstraction (5 points)
 Essay: Explain the roles of the living and non-living thing in our
environment. Write it into three to five sentences (With Examples).
 Scoring guide:
5 points – writes 5 reasons of the questions given with examples
4 points – writes 2 - 3 correct reason of the question given with examples
1 point – writes vague reason with examples
4. Application:(5 points)
 Group Activity: Two groups will be formed in the class. They will sort
items into groups based on whether they are living or non-living.
Living Things Non-Living things
Group 1:
Tree Mailbox
Mushrooms Tower
Butterfly Rocket Ship
Frog Newspaper
Cactus Bed
Group 2:
Lion Bone
Corn Jacket
Apples Soap
Caterpillar Shoe
Rabbit Socks

C. After the Lesson

1. Generalization/Concluding activities (5 points)
 The characteristics of life, all living things shares the common features:
bacteria, large algae, flowering plants, animals, even humans. These
common features distinct that living things are from the non-living things
like stone, air, water, paper, etc. The feature that unites the great diversity
of organism that inhabit the earth are:
1. Organism are made up of biological elements.
2. Organisms reproduce.
3. Organism needs food.
4. Organisms grow and develop.
5. Organisms moves.
6. Organisms responds to change in their environment.
IV. Evaluation (5 points)
Direction: Identify the correct answer on the given definition. Put your answer in the space
__________________ 1. It is the capacity to produce your own kind.
__________________ 2. It is a form of reproduction
__________________ 3. It is a form of organism that do not have an egg/sperm cell but can
still reproduce through other means.
Enumeration: Identify the following.
1-6 Give the six domains that unites the great diversity and great organism that inhabit the
7-10 Give the basic bio elements.
V. Assignment (5 points)
 Draw at least 3 living and non-living things that are important/useful to us

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