Lottery of Birth

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Lottery of birth

The lottery of birth is a philosophical argument which states that since no one chooses the circumstances
into which they are born, people should not be held responsible for them (being rich, being poor and so

The lottery of birth argument has been used by philosophers such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, but more modern day uses have been prompted by political theorists such as John
Rawls, who explores the subject in depth in his book A Theory of Justice.[2]

See also

1. Roemer, John E. (2002-04-01). "Equality of opportunity: A progress report". Social Choice
and Welfare. 19 (2): 455–471. CiteSeerX (
doc/summary?doi= doi:10.1007/s003550100123 (
2Fs003550100123). ISSN 0176-1714 (
2. Roemer, John E. (2002). "Egalitarianism against the Veil of Ignorance". The Journal of
Philosophy. 99 (4): 167–184. CiteSeerX (
oc/summary?doi= doi:10.2307/3655614 (
14). JSTOR 3655614 (

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