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Name : Vira Citra Mardiani

NIM : 20226024

Class : 2C

Reflective writing

Description :

When I was about 9 years old I fell off my motorbike and got into a big ditch along with the motorbike
and I fainted for a moment because my head hit a rock.

Feelings :

After the accident I woke up and daydreamed first because I was a little surprised because my father's
motorbike was damaged.

Evaluation :

When my father found out I met my father immediately took me and took me home and I cried after
arriving home and apologized to my father

Analysis :

My mom and dad were looking for me because i left didn't tell them and i was out of that big ditch for
quite a while.

Conclusion :

Going forward, I will listen to what parents say to us because it is also for our good.

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