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Research Proposal

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Riza Umami 18222029






This proposal has been approved for research proposal seminar by:
Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2

Yustika Nur Fajriah, M.Pd Muhammad Soni, M.Pd

Acknowledged by:
Head, English Education Program

Anne Ratna Suminar, M.Pd

1.1 Background of the study
It is noted to say that students need to have a good quality in their writing
products. In line with this concept, SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics)
emphasized three metafunctions to be achieved as the indicator of a good
writing; interpersonal meaning, experiential meaning and textual meaning
(Wardani, 2019). Those metafunctions organize to fulfill three basic functions
the various elements and systems that constitute a mode into three distinct
domains of meaning: Firstly, the interpersonal meaning is used to form social
relationships and identities of something. Secondly, the experiential meaning is
used to communicate ideas and experiences. Thirdly, the textual meaning is
used to create coherence (Ledin & Machin, 2017). The statement above is
supported by Haratyan that metafunctions can be used to emphasize on
semiotic, the code of language and utterance and text specify all the meaning
potential of language in social context (Haratyan, 2011). The strategy above is
important to understand the concept of SFL overall meanings that happened in
surrounding the phenomenon of students.

Nevertheless, it is found that students tackle numerous problems in writing,

including in recount text. The main problem that occur of students face from
several aspects: First, students difficult in put a verb in the sentence such find
out the finite or residue in interpersonal meaning (Anggini & Eri, 2019).
Second, students’ recount texts are lack of coherence and cohesion also it does
not have thematic progression whereas it is the most important factor in the
development of text (Yunita, 2018). Third, the student still hard to focus on the
main idea, there is mistake in overgeneralization, and there is miss parts of
clause elements of the text (Arigusman, 2018). Last, students lack of
understanding about generic structure, and also grammatical error of recount
text (Purwaningrum, 2018).
On the other hand, it has been done a lot of research related in writing face
from Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to analyze the text. For example
the research, that has used Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in textual
meaning conducted by Dewi (2016), namely released on journal “A Systematic
Functional Linguistic (SFL) Analysis of Exposition Text as Teaching Material
Written by Pre-Service Teachers” in analyzing the coherence or thematic
progression of the narrative text, the researcher used a theme system which
belongs to Systemic Functional Linguistics that it could be aware of how
information and idea should flow in a text (Dewi, 2016). In addition, the
researcher Yuliana & Imperiani (2017) focus in a research on interpersonal
meaning in the newsletters that can be seen from mood types, the speech
function, and modality. It can be concluded that the use of varied speech
functions in some newsletter create successful advertising text because the most
of writers offer by providing much information, offering, and modality
(Yuliana & Imperiani, 2017). Then, according to Tumanggor (2016), in her
research the experiential meaning has been done in analyzing the news are
constructed by experiential function to convey the information of social
phenomena (Tumanggor, 2016).

Looking at the previous studies above, it can be concluded that most of the
previous research has focused on the analysis of one or two functions only.
Therefore, it is needed more analyze comprehensive. This research aims to
analyze three meanings of Systematic Functional Linguistic (interpersonal
meaning, experiential meaning, and textual meaning) in recount text.

2.1 Research Question and Research Objectives

The purposes of the study are to identify students’ recount texts according
to systematic functional grammar through the following research questions:
1) How is interpersonal meaning represented in students’ recount texts?
2) How is experiential meaning represented in students’ recount texts?
3) What types of thematic patterns are found in students’ recount texts?
This chapter introduces basic information regarding the study. It starts
with an elaboration of the background to the study followed by research design,
setting and participants, data collection, data analyses, research methodology,
and significance of the study.

3.1 Research Design

The design of this research is qualitative research. It considering about
the design will suitable with the question of this study. There are the advantages
of qualitative research according to (Mishra, 2002): Flexibility and explore
processes effectively, also contextual and ability to get social meaning. So, this
design is suitable with the research. This design will be done select the category
of text; high, mid, low quality of generic structure of recount text. The
researcher will be analysis on the document text of students’ recount text based
on three meanings of SFL.

3.2 Setting and Participation

The research will be conducted by several aspects: The first, this
research will be done at one of junior high schools in West Java The reason of
this school because it is easy to access and near with the researcher. Then, the
researcher has been worked at the school so it can be familiar to know about the
condition in school. The participant will be taken by six students’ recount texts
as a sample. Furthermore, the students’ recount texts will be chosen from the
grade eight in first semester students of junior high school. The consideration in
choosing several text is that is regarded common problems in writing recount

3.3 Data collection

The data will be collected front six students’ recount texts. These
documents were selected based on the category of texts; high, mid, low quality
in terms of generic structure/ text organization of the recount text. .
3.4 Data Analysis
Data from the collection will be analyses selected based on the category of
texts; high, mid, low quality in terms of generic structure/ text organization of
the recount text. .
The data will be analyzed based on the three meanings in SFL. To analyze
the data uses three three meanings that is interpersonal (mood block and
semantics of interaction), experiential (transitivity, participant, process, and
setting), and textual meanings (thematic pattern).
First, the text will be break down into sentences of every paragraph on the
text. After that, every sentence will be analyzed of three meanings in SFL of six
students’ recount texts. The data will be identified through the rubric
metafunction that is seen from subject, circumstance, finite, mood system, and
theme. The final categories will be analyses related feature of recount text by
comprehensive. Then, the results of this research will be compared the category
of texts; high, mid, low quality of the document of six students’ recount texts.
Table 1: Interpersonal (mood block and semantics of interaction)
No Clausa Speech Roles Commodity Speech Function
1. The afternoon sun was Giving Information Statement
shining brightly

They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal

They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal

Subject Finite Predicator Complement Complement

Table 2: Experiential (transitivity, participant, process, and setting)

Seeing that, the ant colony chief was angry

Seeing that the ant colony chief Was Angry

Circumstantial Carrier Process : Relational Attribute

Table 3: Textual meanings (thematic pattern).

The ant colony chose to stay in the Protest one of the ants.
house. All ant agree.
Pattern : Zigzag
They wanted to relax and Function : to make the
enjoy a meal. text cohesive

Ant colony panicked

Pattern : Reiteration
Function : to make the
text focused

4. The Significant of the Study

The findings of this study can identify students’ recount texts is more
important to help student more understand and aware in writing a text. Students
are helped to make the recount text based on generic structure correctly.
Helping the readers or the lecturers, who teach English at school. On the other
hand, this research will be needed to improve the students’ ability which is
related to reading and writing skills of SFL.

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