Conversacion Ingles

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S: Hi

C: Hello
S: How are you.
C: I fine thanks and you.
S: I’m fine. I want to tell you great news.
C: Yes of course. Tell me.
S: They offered me an amazing job.
C: Seriously? that's great.
S: It is, the salary is very very good.
C: What great news. So you can solve your economic problems.
S: I don't believe it. There is a problem.
C: Which
S: I have to move to New York next month, and I don't have money. Can you give me
some recommendation?
C: Of course. I think that you can make a loan at the bank until you collect your first
S: You're right it's a good idea. I think I'll go to the bank tomorrow.
C: Wait, I think I could give you the money you need.
S: You're kidding. I can't accept that.
C: OK. Then I will go with you to the bank tomorrow.
S: It's ok. See you tomorrow then.
C: OK. Bye.
S: Bye, see you.

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