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Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

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Vertical collaboration in the semiconductor industry: A decision framework

for supply chain relationships q
Bikram K. Bahinipati a,⇑, S.G. Deshmukh b
Quantitative Methods and Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kozhikode, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vertical collaboration problem focuses on integrating and modeling the decision problems of the suppli-
Received 1 December 2010 ers and buyers together with the market intermediary by identifying the inefficiencies in the traditional
Received in revised form 2 August 2011 marketplace and aligning the incentives of members in the e-marketplace. The present work develops
Accepted 31 October 2011
and solves real life e-marketplace models for complex buyers–suppliers procurement problems by esti-
Available online 18 November 2011
mating the order quantities in the collaborated supply chain. The newsvendor framework considers
demand to be independent of the selling price as is generally the case in the semiconductor industry sup-
ply chain dealing with techno-savvy customers. The vertical collaboration process would be more effec-
Vertical collaboration
Buyer–supplier relationships
tive if the length of the planning horizon and order size is considered as a negotiation parameter between
e-Market the buyer and supplier. It is observed that the supplier’s expected profit function increases with the buy-
Collaboration scheme ers’ ordering quantity, which is important in characterizing the general structure of the collaboration
scheme of the supply chain.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is the strategic benefits gained over competitors in the marketplace

through partner enabled inventory centralization and ordering,
Due to globalization and sustained demand growth, the semi- and supply chain partnering, which is the desired synergistic out-
conductor industries are focusing more to sustain their customer come (Cao & Zhang, 2010).
base and to enhance revenue opportunities; so, they must manage The semiconductor industry sector is characterized by a num-
successive technological innovations effectively (Cao & Zhang, ber of key and unique characteristics from the perspective of prod-
2011; Fabbe-Costes, Roussat, & Colin, 2011). The most ideal ap- uct features and the sector’s structure, where collaborative
proach is to introduce high margin innovative products at the right practices are developed in response to the economic pressures
time through optimal use of the resources and realignment of the and customer requirement, driving the evolution of the chain
supply chain members to adjust to this trend (Ku, Gurumurthy, & and encourage greater horizontal and vertical coordination (Kapur,
Kao, 2007). Due to rapid evolution and change of technology, the Peters, & Berman, 2003). With the objective of manufacturing and
future semiconductor manufacturers must work collaboratively supplying a specific product or component, or locating new
with its extended supply chain to bring about enhanced synchroni- enterprises, all enterprises in the semiconductor manufacturing
zation of procurement business functions (Wu, Erkoc, & Karabuk, cooperate as synergetic unit to pursue for success (Zhang, Xu, &
2005; Flynn, Huo, & Zhao, 2010). Wang, 2004).
The collaborative activities include information sharing, joint The vertical collaboration problem in the semiconductor indus-
relationship effort, and dedicated investments, which lead to try forms the basis of multi-echelon inventory theory, since it con-
improved customer satisfaction and supply chain performance siders only two stock keeping locations, i.e., buyer and supplier.
(Nyaga, Whipple, & Lynch, 2010). The collaborative relationships, Classical works in multi-echelon inventory theory assume that
based on trust and commitment with their supply chain partners, these entities cooperate and hence solve their problems using a
are critical to achieve efficiencies, flexibility, and sustainable com- centralized approach (Goyal, 1976). This theory suggests integrat-
petitive advantage (Chen, Yen, Rajkumar, & Tomochko, 2011; Cao & ing and modeling the decision problems of the suppliers and
Zhang, 2011; Panayides & Lun, 2009). This collaborative advantage buyers together with the market intermediary. This is a valid
assumption if the SC entities belong to the same company or
q operate under long-term agreements, such as supplier-owned
This manuscript was processed by Area Editor Mohamad Y. Jaber.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9567880796. inventory (SOI) systems (Centikaya & Lee, 2000, 2002). Supply
E-mail address: (B.K. Bahinipati). chain management (SCM) considers both logistics and information

0360-8352/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 505

issues as well as dominance relationships between the entities. As ers) are depicted in Fig. 1. As the customer demands are placed at
a result, SC studies focus on more than the system wide optimiza- finished goods level, manufacturing requirements are communi-
tion of inventory problems. cated to final test, assembly, wafer probe, and to the foundries. Effi-
The typical activities which are critical to the management of cient means of communication are necessary to ensure the success
vertical collaborative relationships from a procurement perspec- of the process, which can be achieved through the participation of
tive are: selecting suppliers, motivating, time of involvement, the supply chain partners in the e-marketplace.
assigning physical and human resources, information sharing, syn-
chronizing standards and coordination among supply chain mem-
bers. So, any member and any relationship within a supply 2. Motivation and research objectives
network are affected by the actions of other members, and thus
have to cope with these to enable successful collaborative relation- The semiconductor industry is a rapidly changing industry with
ships (Grover & Saeed, 2007). shortening life cycles, fluctuating demand and continuous price
The emerging idea is that the greater the extent to which man- and cost pressures. In order to sustain the dynamic and competi-
ufacturers engage in e-market enabled transactions with upstream tive environment, these enterprises must be flexible in the quan-
and downstream members the better the performance (Rosen- tity and type of product kept in inventory (Wu et al., 2005). The
zweig, 2009). The research reveals that the collaborative e-market- business partners share resources to the relationship, establishing
place is still a relatively new business model (Wu & Chuang, 2010). mutual commitment, which reduces opportunistic ambitions and
It has potential for growth in optimizing supply chain networks, promotes bilateral governance (Grover & Saeed, 2007). These
enabling vertical collaboration between buyers, suppliers and lo- structures, implemented through collaborative initiatives, are stra-
gistic providers (Wang, Potter, Naim, & Beevor, 2011). tegic responses to uncertainty in supply and demand (Zacharia,
Current research in vertical collaboration in semiconductor Nix, & Lusch, 2011).
industry focuses on inventory management within the firm as well The vertical collaboration considered from the procurement
as throughout the supply chain, to gain cost advantage. This collab- perspective in the semiconductor industries may have market or
orative procurement can be operationalized through the participa- industry related constraints to survive in the market, such as re-
tion of all SC members in a private exchange (e-market) to gain source availability with individual enterprises, and this might con-
cost advantage and enhance responsiveness. So, it is imperative tradict with profit maximization objectives. So, these industries
to consider both e-market (centralized) models and traditional have to satisfy these constraints along with trust related condi-
market (decentralized) models for complex supply/replenishment tions, while working or under a collaborative framework (Panay-
problems with the objective of obtaining collaborated decentral- ides & Lun, 2009).
ized solutions for these problems. In order to maintain and im- The motivation to order more products/components in semi-
prove the competitive power of these industries, it is critical to conductor industry, to achieve economies of scale, is restricted to
select agile, competent and compatible partners quickly and ratio- a single period in contrast to EOQ-oriented models with infinite
nally during the formation phase of the collaborative relationship. planning horizon. The semiconductor industries are characterized
Further, an adaptable and reasonable modeling approach is neces- by the fact that increasing the quality of products/components pro-
sary to determine the nature of relationships between buyer and cured/manufactured does not result in fixed costs savings in future
supplier enterprise (Saen, 2007). This may be possible by develop- periods. The existing literature on buyer–supplier coordination as-
ing an analytical framework to generate an evaluation system and sumes that the selling price of items at the buyer is a constant or is
to provide the information regarding the nature or intensity of a function of the order quantity. However, in the semiconductor
buyer–supplier relationships. This approach would facilitate deci- industry supply chain, with items/components of short product life
sion-making pertaining to vertical collaboration in the semicon- cycles, there is always a decline in the economic value of the item
ductor industry supply chain. over time, as is evident in PC manufacturing industry. These are
The general relationships between the members of fabless known as ‘permanent markdowns’ in marketing literature (Nair
semiconductor industry supply chain (subcontractors, and custom- & Closs, 2006).

Fabrication Wafer AT OEM Customer /

Die-bank Demand

Fab Probe AT Customer 1

1 1 1 OEM: Original
AT: Assembly/
Customer 2 Testing
Fab Probe AT
2 2 2 Fab:
Probe: Wafer
Fab Probe AT Customer 3
3 3 3

Fab Probe AT Customer 4

4 4 4

Fig. 1. Relationship between members in a semiconductor supply chain (pull system).

506 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

The researchers should not assume all partnering relationships a enterprises and outsourcing suppliers, where capacity invest-
in vertical collaboration are strategic and ignore the operational as- ment must take place before the new product is fully defined (Tay-
pects of partnering. So, the current research suggest a continuum lor & Plambeck, 2007).
of strategic and operational partnering based on (1) orientation In view of the above, the literature review on vertical collabora-
of the partners (buyer and supplier), and (2) the degree of imple- tion is presented from three perspectives: (a) supply chain rela-
mentation of partnering between these two independent enter- tionships, (b) obsolescence costs, and (c) modeling approaches.
prises. Strategic partnering is a continuous and long-term inter-
enterprise relationship for achieving strategic goals, which delivers 3.1. Perspective of supply chain relationships
value to the customers and profitability to partners. Operational
partnering is an as-needed and short-term relationship for obtain- The present work has defined vertical collaboration as a relation-
ing parity with competitors. ship in which the buyer and the supplier work together for a com-
In view of the above, the present work focuses on developing mon objective by sharing information and resources to solve
vertical collaboration models when customer demand is indepen- problems, improve products, and streamline inventory-related pro-
dent of the selling price of the product, which is typical to the cesses. Such collaborative relationships are essential due to the fol-
semiconductor industry supply chain dealing with end customers lowing factors: (a) shorter product life cycles in semiconductor
requiring continuous upgradation of technology to stay competi- industry supply chain have enhanced the speed of product innova-
tive in the market, such as big corporate sectors. In this model, a tion (Cao & Zhang, 2011) (b) there is a trend toward mass customiza-
single-period stochastic buyer–supplier problem has been consid- tion, which compelled the buyers and suppliers to jointly design,
ered, where the buyers (PC manufacturers) successively decrease develop and manufacture customized products associated with
their selling price during the planning horizon. It has been as- high switching costs (Lee, Kim, Hong, & Lee, 2010), and (c) the
sumed that this decrease in selling price is due to the permanent increasing need for resource specific investments requires increased
markdowns. Further, it has been assumed that the end-customers levels of information exchange and trust (Ha, Park, & Cho, 2011). As
have different preferences in their willingness to pay. Some cus- the buyers have recognized their interdependence on the suppliers,
tomers prefer to buy products immediately after its launching in they work towards long-term contracts, consensus decision making
the market even if it is costly; some customer prefer to buy it to- and joint problem solving approaches (Kim, Park, Ryoo, & Park,
wards the end of the planning horizon when it is cheaper. So, the 2010). So, the buyers adopt a supplier policy, which compel the
demand arrival rate (through point-of-sales data) has been mod- suppliers to collaborate while protecting the status of each supplier
eled as a pure Poisson process. This collaboration model has been during the life of a given product (Constantino & Pellegrino, 2010).
investigated as a profit maximization problem for this scenario in While analyzing the vertical supply relationship, it has been
semiconductor industry supply chain. observed that the circulation of information and technology is a
In keeping with the recent trends in supply chain practice, the crucial factor for supply chain efficiency (Esposito & Passaro,
objectives of this work are as follows: 2009). The collaborative activities, such as information sharing,
joint relationship effort, and dedicated investments lead to trust
(a) Developing a modeling framework and theoretical under- and commitment, which in turn lead to improved satisfaction
standing of vertical collaboration issues in the context of and performance. The buyers focus more on relationship outcomes,
new initiatives in the supply chain management. while suppliers look to safeguard their transaction specific invest-
(b) Exploring the conditions under which the vertical collabora- ments through information sharing and joint relationship effort
tion works, and to render insights into contract design and (Nyaga et al., 2010).
operational level decision making. Literature has focused on the perspective of transaction value
by contextualizing inter-firm collaboration in terms of relationship
Based on the research objectives, the collaborating enterprises learning and value co-creation viewed by both the buyers and
must develop a viable strategy to determine the relationships to suppliers. It has been observed that the global environmental
coordinate inventory management decisions for cost advantage and inter-organizational conditions influence learning capabilities,
and ensure the success of the vertical collaborative initiatives. which in turn influences relationship value for both supplying and
buying enterprises (Cheung, Myers, & Mentzer, 2010). There is a
positive effect of absorptive capacity, collaborative process compe-
3. Literature review tence and level of engagement on the operational and relational
success of a collaboration effort. The collaborative process compe-
Vertical collaboration in buyer–supplier network requires that tence mediates the relationship between absorptive capacity and
sensitive information and knowledge may be exchanged to other collaborative engagement, and positively influences both opera-
parties including competitors through common suppliers (Barratt, tional and relational outcomes (Zacharia et al., 2011).
2004). So, the role of e-market is particularly important who act The profitability benefits of supply chain relationships are cap-
as intermediaries to maintain the confidentiality of information tured predominantly by downstream chain members, whereas
and knowledge shared by network members (Cheng, Chen, & cash cycle benefits are realized throughout the supply chain. The
Mao, 2010). chain members’ financial performance varies systematically with
In semiconductor industries, an enterprise’s ability to manage measures of downstream bargaining power, downstream relation-
resources and inventory is the most critical factor for its long-term ship duration, and degree of supply consolidation (Lanier Jr., 2010).
success (Cao, Vonderembse, Zhang, & Raghu-Nathan, 2010). These It is supported by the fact that there is a positive relationship be-
enterprises must structure their supply chain to respond to de- tween partnership quality and supply chain performance, which
mand surge from new product introduction and market upside, is strengthened in the presence of high demand- and supply-side
and to absorb short-term decline due to technological change risks (Srinivasan, Mukherjee, & Gauret, 2011). The supply chain
and market downside (Christopher, Mena, Khan, & Yurt, 2011). relationship quality focuses on communication, cooperation, trust,
The role of inventory and resource management is critical in these adaptation and atmosphere, and this has a significant positive im-
industries, as the capital equipment cost is high (Bailey & Francis, pact on cooperative strategies, such as relationship persistence,
2008) and obsolescence rates are high (Gravier & Swartz, 2009). relationship frequency, and relationship diversity (Su, Song, Li, &
So, these industries must consider ‘relational contracts’ between Dang, 2008).
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 507

3.2. Perspective of obsolescence cost not applicable. The ‘classical buyer–supplier coordination problem’
in the literature, is the foundation of the collaboration models in
High-volume and consumer oriented electronic products and the present work. An important generalization of the classical
systems in semiconductor industries are always impacted by the buyer–supplier problem in the semiconductor industry supply
rapid rate of technology change; so, there is a need to stay on chain is when the suppliers (chip manufacturers, electronics com-
the leading edge of technology in order to prevent loss of market ponent manufacturer and so on) are manufacturers and have finite
share to competitors (Singh & Sandborn, 2006). However, some production rate. It has been concluded from the existing literature
product sectors, such as communication systems lag behind the on supply chain coordination that the type of dispatch policy used
leading edge because of high cost or long times associated with to deliver buyer replenishments is particularly important in this
new technology adoption (Gravier & Swartz, 2009; Dinesh Kumar setting. This is due to the fact that the manufacturing at the sup-
& Saranga, 2010). This phenomenon gives rise to product and com- plier enterprises may continue while the buyer enterprises are
ponent obsolescence. So, this is a major challenge in the semicon- being replenished. This may result in very complex inventory load
ductor industries with volatile demand of customer market profiles for both the buyer and supplier enterprises depending on
segments. Obsolescence of products and components in the semi- the type of dispatch policy, which impacts the inventory holding
conductor industry increases the supply chain costs and decreases costs. The literature depicts various control policies, which are pre-
the net profit of the collaborative supply chain. When obsolescence sented in Table 1.
costs are high (i.e., when the product has a low salvage value and a Typically, in semiconductor industry supply chain, an original
high retail price as in semiconductor industries) and margins are equipment manufacturer (OEM) outsources some of its production
low due to short product life cycles, the profit of the buyer de- activities to a contract manufacturer, who in turn serves several
creases in the collaborative supply chain environment (Xiao & customers on the same capacitated production line. It has been
Jin, 2011). shown that an order release strategy with multiple decision levels
While estimating the total relevant cost of the supply chain, the performs significantly better than an order release strategy with
obsolescence cost may be estimated based on the most likely dis- only one decision level (Boulaksil & Fransoo, 2009). Inventory
position value of obsolete inventory (i.e. salvage value of the un- models developed in the context of vertical collaboration typically
sold components and products). The total relevant cost per year use newsvendor network settings with single-period and stochas-
increases with the percentage increase in obsolete demand. Fur- tic demand. These models consider inventory investment by inde-
ther, as the total relevant cost per year is directly proportional to pendent decision makers in a stationary environment (McCarthy-
the percentage of postponement, it can be stated that the percent- Byrne & Mentzer, 2011). So, the profit to the enterprises can be
age of obsolescence depends primarily on the postponement deci- modeled as a function of the inventory or resource level in the en-
sions (Lee, Billington, & Carter, 1993). If the obsolescence costs are tire supply network. In a newsboy setting, the buyers might benefit
higher, better it is to postpone the final assembly in semiconductor from cooperation through coordinated ordering and inventory
industry supply chain. This supports the argument that higher the pooling. The basic processes consist of placing coordinated orders
risks of product obsolescence, greater are the savings in postpone- by the buyers and use these quantities to satisfy the total demand.
ment. The postponement strategy is being used in semiconductor In this way, they can benefit from order coordination and perfect
industries and consumer electronics industry, such as Dell, HP, Xi- allocation of the ordered quantity to the demands realized.
linx, and Motorola. Manufacturers are finding this strategy increas- In the semiconductor industry supply chain, it is assumed that
ingly attractive to provide better customer service at reduced cost. the buyers are homogeneous, i.e., they have approximately the
By modularizing the design of power pack and postponing the same cost and revenue parameters. In this work, review has been
assembly of the power pack and manuals with the printer, HP made of the deterministic fixed demand rate problem where the
has reduced the investment in finished goods inventory (Lee demand rate is independent of the selling price at the buyer enter-
et al., 1993). Postponement is more valuable in a system that faces prises. The deterministic models help to gain insights into the
returns and in which the salvage values are low, i.e., the return dynamics of the problem. Further, their solutions can be used as
costs high (Brown, Lee, & Petrakian, 2000). approximations for stochastic demand problems. However, sto-
Reduced supply bases, global sourcing, and reliance on supply chastic problems provide better representations of real life applica-
clusters increase a firm’s vulnerability to parts obsolescence as tions in semiconductor industry supply chains. The literature on
the inevitable result of more interconnected and complex supply the investigation of the stochastic nature of the problem is very
chains – a disruption to one source of supply affects many buyers much limited.
(Craighead, Blackhurst, Rungtusanatham, & Handfield, 2007). The The conventional belief has been that long-term buyer–supplier
most common response to diminishing supply sources in the pro- relationships would increase the efficiency and service level in the
duction and operations research has been to develop obsolescence supply chain. However, the drawback of long-term relationships
forecasting methods based on each part’s life cycle (Sandborn, Pra- might be lack of innovation and benchmarking with the most effi-
bhakar, & Ahmad, 2011). The results of technological forecasts are cient suppliers at the marketplace. So, the length of the relation-
to minimize the cost of mitigating obsolescence (Singh & Sandborn, ship or the planning horizon would be a critical indicator for the
2006). In reality, the fabless semiconductor industry often collabo- success of the vertical collaboration procurement initiative. Fur-
rates with the original equipment manufacturers to raise the sal- ther, the review of literature indicates that trust, collaboration
vage value of the products and components by advertising. When and resource interdependency are important characteristics of
the manufacturer designs its product, it is better to consider the the e-market oriented governance structures. So, the SCM in an
salvage value of product. This is why the semiconductor industries e-market is an integrative approach for dealing with the planning
attempts to predict or even create a new trend through extensive and control of materials, components and products moving from
advertising campaigns. suppliers to end customers (Croom, Romano, & Giannakis, 2000).
In summary, the supply chain models for collaborative inven-
3.3. Modeling approaches in literature tory management and vertical relationships, presented in the liter-
ature, has not paid due attention on the collaborative procurement
Non-collaborative modeling approaches in supply chain litera- in the ‘e-market’ mode of operation. It is also imperative to explore
ture focuses either on buyer-driven or supplier-driven coordina- the structural and process integration mechanisms used by the
tion. For the collaborative modeling approach, this attribute is semiconductor industries to form a vertical mode of supply chain
508 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

Table 1
Perspectives in SC literature supporting vertical collaborative relationships.

Authors Perspectives
Goyal (1976) Benefits of centralized modeling approach than decentralized modeling approach in terms of supply chain system costs
(referred as the ‘classical buyer–supplier problem’ in the literature)
Lal and Staelin (1984) Analyzed the buyer–supplier coordination problem with homogeneous buyers when the price schedule is continuous. This
problem can be treated as equivalent to a single buyer, single supplier problem. This may be due to the fact that the price
schedule that is optimal for one buyer applies to all other buyers
Monahan (1984) Discounts as a means for the suppliers to encourage the buyers to order more and to increase profits without changing the
buyers’ cost
Banerjee (1986) Lot-for-lot (LFL) dispatch policy
Banerjee and Burton (1994), Lu (1995) Identical delivery quantity policy (IDQ) dispatch policy
Goyal (1995) Deliver-what-is-produced (DWP) dispatch policy
Parlar and Weng (1997) Analyzed the coordination problem under a newsboy problem setting; analyzed both the centralized and decentralized
decision making models of the buyer and the supplier, and suggested conditions for which centralized modeling approach is
significantly better than the decentralized modeling approach. However, they did not provide any coordination mechanism
Silver et al. (1998) Centralized approach can be described as the basic deterministic model in multi-echelon inventory systems. The total
system cost per unit time in the centralized approach is represented as the summation of buyer’s total cost and the
supplier’s total cost per unit time
Anupindi and Bassok (1999) The suppliers may not always benefit from centralization, as it depends on the demand distribution, service levels, and the
level of market search. The suppliers might prefer competing buyers when the market search is high
Hill (1999) Proposed the globally optimal dispatch policy for the single buyer, single supplier manufacturing problem. But it has a very
complex structure that may be very difficult to implement
Barratt and Oliveira (2001) The establishment and maintenance supply chain relationships is a critical element for collaborative initiatives, which
includes mutuality of benefits, risks, and profit sharing
Jap (2001)), Cousins (2002)) The benefits of developing long-term relationships through collaboration can include decrease in transaction costs, and
increase in resource sharing, learning and risk sharing.
Ertek and Griffin (2002) Compared the buyer-oriented and supplier-oriented supply chains as a solution to the decentralized modeling approach,
where the impact of power structure is an interesting issue
Hartman and Dror (2003, 2005), Slikker Coordinated ordering and inventory pooling
et al. (2005))
Dong and Rudi (2004)), Zhang (2005)) The suppliers are not isolated from the effects of cooperation or competition at the buyers’ level in the supply chain
Handfield and Bechtel (2004) Interaction of elements, such as trust, power, and dependence play an influential role in enterprises’ decision to collaborate
Meca et al. (2004)), van den Heuvel et al. The buyers benefit from reduced ordering and inventory related costs due to coordinated ordering
Bagchi, Ha, Skjoett-Larsen, and There is a significant correlation between the length of the relationship with suppliers and performance measures, such as
Soerensen (2005) total logistics cost, on-time delivery and rate of return. Supply chain managers should continuously benchmark their
suppliers with ‘‘best practice’’ in the supplier market
Matopoulos, Vlachopoulou, Manthou, Identify how trust, power and dependence interact with each other, and how they affect and determine the intensity of
and Manos (2007) collaboration, as well as, the selection of the appropriate information-data sharing technologies and techniques
Bahinipati, Kanda, and Deshmukh Detailed review of buyer–supplier coordination problems, which forms the basis for collaborative procurement

governance or relationship structure (McCarthy-Byrne & Mentzer, tation of e-markets results in higher perception of risks due to
2011). So, the future research must focus on developing analytical higher uncertainties, i.e., buyers face the risks of incomplete and
modeling approaches for collaborative ordering and inventory distorted information, whereas suppliers face the possibility that
management in e-market operated supply chains. This approach their price offers will be reduced due to information transparency.
may be ideal for operational and tactical decision making to devel- So, supplier distrust and perceived buyer opportunism may cause
op strategic relationship among members of supply network. supplier dissatisfaction and resistance to the adoption of such e-
markets. This underlines the importance of offering collaborative
4. Vertical collaboration in supply chains procurement functions through e-markets, as this can result in a
win–win strategy by eliminating opportunism and price reduction.
The literature has identified two perspectives of buyer–supplier The objective of the present work is to explore how firms can
relationships in supply chains: a purchasing and supply perspec- collaborate in purchasing through e-market. Participating in an
tive, and a transportation and logistics perspective (Tan, 2001). e-market is known as ‘collaborative business’, irrespective of
The objective of the first perspective is to reduce the supply base whether the SC members pursue business through arms-length
and inventory, and to increase customer satisfaction. The objective business relationships or through long-term relationships (Barratt
of the second perspective is to reduce transportation costs, reduce & Rosdahl, 2002). So, e-markets for semiconductor industries are
demand uncertainty and provide supply chain visibility. In order to collaborative initiatives. The researchers are focusing on e-market
achieve these goals, collaboration among SC members is critical supporting portfolios of sourcing strategies, including strategic
(Horvath, 2001; Skjoett-Larsen, Thernoe, & Andresen, 2003). supply chain management. Rudberg, Klingenberg, and Kronhamn
Classical works in multi-echelon inventory theory assume that (2002) discussed the possibility of supporting supply chain plan-
the buyer and the suppliers cooperate and hence solve their prob- ning using e-markets. Grieger (2003) suggested that there are pos-
lems using a collaborative (centralized) approach. This is a valid sibilities for managing multiple supply relationships through e-
assumption if the supply chain members operate under long-term markets. However, these collaborations have been limited to shar-
agreements, such as supplier-owned inventory (SOI) systems. On ing an e-market infrastructure, but not purchasing. So, the scope of
the other hand, supply chain management considers both logistical such collaborative initiatives should be extended to the investment
and information issues as well as dominance relationships opportunities in SCM technology and IT infrastructure. Although
between the members. there have been a large number of literature from different quali-
Although external pressure exerted by buyers on suppliers may tative perspectives of inter-organizational collaborative relation-
encourage the adoption of e-market, it may also result in distrust ships, quantitative perspectives of collaboration in the context of
that could reduce the effect of actual e-market use. The implemen- e-market has not been studied systematically.
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 509

4.1. Classification of vertical collaboration procurement activities 4.2. Impact of e-marketplaces for vertical collaboration

The semiconductor industry supply chain classify vertical col- In SCM, purchasing becomes strategic and tightly coupled
laboration activities as collaborative fulfillment, pre-negotiated with other functions of supply chain, such as inventory manage-
purchasing contract execution, product life cycle management, ment and product development. Strategic SCM is supported by
and supply chain coordination and integration, which can be de- information and communication technology (ICT) tools, such as
scribed as given below: electronic data interchange (EDI), Internet, and e-market
(Garcia-Dastugue & Lambert, 2003; Lancioni, Smith, & Schau,
1. Collaborative fulfillment in semiconductor industry supply 2003). Ovalle and Marquez (2003) explored the effectiveness
chain represents the lowest level of collaboration after the busi- of various e-collaboration tools to share product information,
ness partners negotiate a deal, which includes payment, deliv- customer demand and transaction information. They concluded
ery, order tracking, and after-sales maintenance. The e- that information sharing contributes to faster and more flexible
markets support negotiation of contracts and ensures fulfill- supply chain processes among SC partners, and make the pro-
ment of these activities. After the auction is over, both the par- cess more responsive to market changes. Some researchers think
ties (buyer and supplier) continue to cooperate until the that e-markets are only tools that support non-strategic pur-
products are delivered and payments are cleared. The e-mar- chasing and short-term relationships (Choudhury & Hartzel,
kets may offer order tracking, requiring suppliers to cooperate 1998). McLaren, Head, and Yuan (2002) developed a framework
temporarily in order to share certain information with buyers. for supply chain activities supported by e-business tools, in
2. Pre-negotiated suppliers in contract execution in e-market which third party e-markets only support non-strategic product
helps in transferring transaction data between partners, such procurement.
as purchase orders, delivery notices and invoices. These e-mar- Various methods for synchronizing supply chain information
kets (private exchanges) are only accessible by a specific buyer and processes between organizations are EDI/XML, joining an
and its recognized suppliers. Through these facilities, the busi- e-marketplace, or utilizing shared collaborative SCM systems
ness partners can use the e-market infrastructure to manage (McLaren et al., 2002). There is a lack of suitable frameworks
and automate their business processes, while eliminating open in literature for analyzing the expected costs and benefits of
market negotiation. the supply chain members to determine which approach is most
3. Product life cycle management focuses mostly on the develop- suitable for an enterprise. In order to optimize the entire supply
ment stage of the product, which may include project manage- network, the enterprises must jointly make supply and demand
ment, document management, and collaborative R&D activities. decisions that create sustainable value for all members involved.
The common characteristics of the semiconductor manufactur- Collaborative SCM assists in (1) exchanging and integrating
ing industries are the large number of parties involved in the information between suppliers and buyers, (2) tactical decision
product development. The e-markets for these industries con- making among the partners for collaborative planning, forecast-
nect suppliers at different echelons of the supply chain by pro- ing, distribution and product design (Kumar, 2001), and (3) stra-
viding business solutions including collaborative engineering, tegic joint decision making about partnerships and network
document management, and computer aided design (CAD) con- design. So, collaborative SCM systems allow enterprises to move
versions. In the semiconductor industry, numerous component, beyond mere operational level information exchange and opti-
subsystem and system designs must be generated by chip and mization, and can transform a business and its partners into
component manufacturers, and their suppliers when develop- more competitive enterprises.
ing new products. These designs and related documentation It is inferred from the review of literature that collaborative and
may be generated in different formats by different software stable relationships have dominated market-oriented and
applications on different systems. So, the conversion and trans- hierarchical governance structures in purchasing and supply chain
mission of this design information among the business partners management. Further, if a majority of the purchasing is done
are important. through existing collaborative partners, then that share of the mar-
4. Supply chain coordination and integration deals with the trans- ket must be discounted as potential transactional volume (Barratt
portation and logistics aspects of the semiconductor industry & Rosdahl, 2002). This may be one potential reason for the
supply chain. The purpose of this activity is to eliminate ineffi- e-markets focusing on collaborative functionality for procurement
ciencies in the supply chain. The most popular semiconductor in the semiconductor industry supply chain.
industry supply chain coordination functionality is supplier
owned inventory (SOI) and its variants. Collaborative planning, 4.3. Framework for e-market supported vertical collaboration models
forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) is an advanced SOI ser-
vice used in this industry, which is used to ensure enough quan- Supply chain collaboration in e-market is aimed at improving
tity to meet buyer demand, while minimizing inventory costs the total expected system profits in a decentralized structure
(Holweg, Disney, Holstrom, & Smaros, 2005). In order to achieve and to bring them closer to those of a centralized structure (Tsay,
this goal, business partners agree to mutual business objectives Nahmias, & Agrawal, 2000). There is scope for applications of
and measures, develop joint sales and operational plans, and operations research (OR) models in internet-enabled supply
collaborate to generate and update sales forecasts and replen- chains and e-markets (Sodhi, 2001). The basis for developing
ishment plans. frameworks for such models in neutral e-markets, buyer-oriented
e-markets and supplier-oriented e-markets is presented in this
Most of the semiconductor manufacturing industries use col- sub-section.
laborative fulfillment, supply chain coordination and integration Assume PC be the total expected system profits in the collabora-
activities. Collaborative procurements in e-markets try to build tive structure (neutral e-market) and PD be the total expected sys-
connectivity between the business partners, which can support tem profit in the non-collaborative structure (buyer-oriented/
pre-negotiated contract execution, supply chain coordination and supplier-oriented e-market). The optimal values of PC and PD can
product life cycle management. Among all these activities, pre- be estimated by using the solutions to the following models in
negotiated contract execution and supply chain coordination are the e-market:
seen in e-markets.
510 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

M1 : Neutrale  market Model ðNEMÞ 4. PCS  PÞSD P PDB  P CB : The supplier’s gain from the collaborative
Maximize expected value ½Buyer Profit þ Supplier Profit structure is at least the same as the buyer’s loss from the
Subject to ð1Þ non-collaborative solution, which is obvious from observations
Buyer constraints (2) and (3) above.
Supplier constraints
4.3.2. Supplier-oriented e-markets
M2 : Buyer  orientede  market Model ðBEMÞ
Buyer’s ProblemðBP1Þ 1. If PDS P PCS : The supplier’s expected profits in the non-collabora-
Maximize expected value ½Buyer Profit ð2Þ tive structure are at least the same as in collaborative structure,
as the supplier’s feasible solution for his decision variables
Subject to
attains its maximum due to his dominance in the marketplace.
Buyer constraints
2. If PCB P PDB : The buyer’s expected profits in the collaborative
structure are at least the same as in the non-collaborative
Supplier’s Problem ðSP1Þ structure.
Maximize expected value ½Supplier Profit 3. PCB  PDB P P DS  P CS : The buyer’s gain from the collaborative
Subject to structure is at least the same as the supplier’s loss from the
Supplier constraints non-collaborative solution, which is obvious from the observa-
tions (2) and (3) above.
M3 : Supplier  orientede  market Model ðSEMÞ
Supplier’s ProblemðSP2Þ These observations are crucial for supply chain collaboration in
Maximize expected value ½Supplier Profit ð3Þ e-marketplaces, because one enterprise’s gain from the collabora-
tive initiative is more than the other enterprise’s loss. In other
Subject to
words, the supplier’s gain from using the collaborative initiative
Supplier constraints
can be used to compensate the buyer’s losses under such
initiative as well as to increase the supplier’s profits under the
Buyer’s ProblemðBP2Þ non-collaborative scenario. This requires that the enterprises in
Maximize expected value ½Buyer Profit the non-collaborative mode of operation should be engaged in a
Subject to collaborative relationship in such a way that it would result in
Buyer constraints the same outcome for the decision variables as in a collaborative
initiative. This would result in a mutual acceptable strategy for
The objective function value of M1 gives the value of PC. Further, de-
fair and equitable sharing of the revenue. The revenue sharing
fine P CB and PCS as the expected values of the buyer and the supplier
among the enterprises can be done by means of any supply chain
profits resulting from M1. So, PC ¼ PCB þ P CS .
contract, such as fixed payments between the enterprises of the
In the buyer-oriented or supplier-oriented e-markets models,
supply chain, quantity discounts, rebates, return policies, or a
the sub-problems can be solved sequentially. The buyer may solve
combination of all these. It can be negotiable between these
his sub-problem first, if he dominates the marketplace and vice
enterprises of the supply chain, or can be imposed by one
versa. In the e-marketplace with supplier competition, the buyer-
enterprise to control the behavior of the other enterprise
oriented model has greater dominance, and vice versa. The first
(Bahinipati, Kanda, & Deshmukh, 2009b). These strategies for
sub-problem (BP1) can be executed by the buyer and its solution
generating evenue/profits of the collaborative structure using
would determine the expected value of the buyer’s profits in
non-collaborative strategies in e-marketplaces are called collabo-
buyer-oriented e-marketplace (P DB ). Similarly, the objective func-
ration schemes.
tion value of the second sub-problem (SP1) would determine the
supplier’s expected profits in the buyer-oriented e-marketplace
(PDS ). So, P D ¼ P DB þ P DS . 5. Research methodology for e-market supported vertical
Since the neutral e-market model (NEM) attempts to maximize collaboration model
the expected value of system profits, its objective function value
would provide an upper bound on the total expected profits of the In this section, an attempt has been made to develop an analyt-
buyer–supplier system in the e-market. Hence, in the e-market- ical collaboration model when the demand for the product/compo-
place, PD < PC. So, the neutral e-market can be used as a benchmark, nent is independent of the selling price of the product/component.
and the gap between PD and PC can be considered as a potential or The problem has been approached by a newsboy setting due to the
motivation to improve the expected profits of the buyer and sup- following reasons:
plier in the buyer-oriented and supplier-oriented e-markets. The
following observations can be made about buyer-oriented and (a) It is widely applicable for components with short product
supplier-oriented e-markets from these market models: life cycles, such as consumer electronics, software/hardware
products in semiconductor industry supply chain.
4.3.1. Buyer-oriented e-markets (b) The newsboy problem provides the solution for the last per-
iod of the corresponding multi-period stochastic problem.
1. If PD < PC: The non-collaborative structure is no better than the
collaborative structure as far as system profits are concerned. The costs and related parameters used during the development
2. If P DB P PCB : The buyer’s expected profits in the non-collaborative of analytical model for the vertical collaboration problem have
structure are at least the same as in collaborative structure, as been defined and presented in Table 2.
the buyer’s feasible solution for his decision variables attains
its maximum due to his dominance in the marketplace. 5.1. Assumptions and characterization of marketplaces
3. If P CS P P DS : The supplier’s expected profits in the collaborative
structure are at least the same as in the non-collaborative The following assumptions have been made while analyzing the
structure. problem on hand.
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 511

Table 2 Table 3
Notations in the vertical collaboration model. Characterization of marketplaces from the perspective of vertical collaboration.

Notation Description Traditional marketplace [no collaboration (NC)]

MU Monetary unit  Buyer takes decision about the optimal ordering quantity, for which its
TU Time unit expected profit is maximum.
SKU Stock keeping unit  Enterprise optimization focus or decentralized decision making
HB Inventory holding cost at the buyer (per unit per unit time)  No information sharing between supply chain members
(expressed in MU)  Less formal relationship with no or lower degree of commitment
T Length of the planning horizon or cycle time of the component/  Authority lies with individual enterprises
product (TU)  No resource, risk or profit sharing between buyer and supplier
G Selling price of the component at T = 0 (to end customer) Electronic marketplace [complete collaboration (CC)]
(expressed in MU)
H Depreciation rate in the economical value of the component, such  Both buyer and supplier take decision (joint decision making) about the
that G  HT > 0 optimal ordering quantity, for which the expected profit of the collabo-
R(t) End customer price = G  HT (expressed in MU) rated system is maximum.
Ai Arrival time of the ith demand from the customer  Planning, division of roles and information and communication channels
X Number of demand arrivals during [0, T] = n are clearly defined.
KB Fixed replenishment cost of the buyer (MU)  Supply chain optimization focus
KS Fixed replenishment cost of the supplier (MU)  Complete information sharing to e-market intermediary (private
P Manufacturing cost of the component by the supplier (MU) exchange)
V Salvage cost or cost of obsolescence of the component (of the  Joint authority structure and joint resource sharing
unsold components at the end of the period) (MU) Hybrid marketplace [PARTIAL COLLABORATION (PC)]
B Penalty per unit due to lost sale (MU)
C Purchase cost per unit by the buyer from supplier (MU)  Buyer takes the decision about the optimal ordering quantity, for which
Q Ordering quality of the buyer (at the beginning of the planning the expected profit of the decentralized supply chain system is
horizon) (SKU) maximum.
QC Optimal ordering quantity by the buyer in the collaborated  Information sharing as and when required
scenario (SKU)  Resource allocation, risk and profit sharing is done on mutual basis
QTM Optimal ordering quantity by the buyer in the traditional  Authority lies with individual enterprises
marketplace (SKU)
QEM Optimal ordering quantity by the buyer in the electronic
marketplace (SKU)
PB(Q) Expected value of the buyer’s profit (as a function of the order
quantity) (MU) the product remaining at the end of the planning horizon (by
PS(Q) Expected value of the supplier’s profit (as a function of the order
receiving a salvage value for the units). So, the perspective of price
quantity) (MU)
PC(Q) Expected profit of the collaborated system between buyers and
declines and product obsolescence in the semiconductor industry
supplier (MU) can be considered as a parameter contributing to the buyer’s profit
E[R] Expected value of the revenue of the buyer (component wise) model and can be estimated as the salvage cost of the unsold com-
(MU) ponents and products in a collaborative supply chain setting.
E[HC] Expected value of the holding cost of the buyer (MU)
The research has also characterized the marketplace as tradi-
E[SV] Expected salvage value or cost of obsolescence of the buyer (of the
components) (MU) tional marketplace (TM), hybrid marketplace (HY) and e-market-
E[PC] Expected value of procurement cost of the buyer (MU) place (EM), for the development of market models and their
E[RC] Expected value of the replenishment cost of the buyer (MU) analysis. Traditional marketplace (TM) has been defined as a mar-
E[LS] Expected value of the lost sales at the buyer (MU)
ket space in which buyers and suppliers are engaged in indepen-
dent decision making, and in which the optimal policy is
determined by their individual minimum expected cost; the nature
1. A single short life-cycle product involving a single time-period of buyer–supplier relationship in such a case has been defined as
is considered for analysis. ‘‘no collaboration’’ (NC). Electronic marketplace (EM) has been de-
2. There is no initial on-hand inventory. fined as a market space in which the e-market intermediary has an
3. The demand arrival during the planning horizon is a random access to the information of both buyers and suppliers and decides
variable, which follows a certain probability distribution. the optimal policy based on the minimum joint total expected cost
4. The replenishment costs of the buyers and suppliers, and the of the centralized supply chain; the nature of buyer–supplier rela-
holding cost of the buyers are fixed. tionship in such a case has been defined as ‘‘complete collabora-
tion’’ (CC). Hybrid marketplace (HM) has been defined as a
As outlined earlier, the major objective of the analytical model- market space in which the buyer is engaged in independent deci-
ing is to maximize the expected profit of the collaborated system. sion making with the help of an e-market and adopts a policy
While developing the analytical framework, perspectives of pro- based on the minimum joint total expected cost of the decentral-
curement in semiconductor manufacturing industries may be con- ized supply chain; the nature of buyer–supplier relationship in
sidered. As such, in the semiconductor industries, the products/ such a case has been defined as ‘‘partial collaboration’’ (PC). The
components are often substitutable, i.e., the buyer’s demand may complete characterization of the three market spaces defined in
be satisfied by another product. Typically, the buyers commit the present work has been depicted in Table 3.
themselves to a large extent in terms of the number of units to or- Attempt has also been made to develop algorithms for tradi-
der. So, the only decision to be made is about the value of Q, the tional market model and e-market model. It has been operated
number of units to order, so that these can be placed into inventory for several simulation runs to demonstrate decision policies for
at the beginning of the period. The suppliers have one or more vertical collaboration at the operational and tactical level. Further,
opportunities for replenishment after the initial order is placed it has been attempted to compare the objective function values in
by the buyer. the traditional marketplace and e-marketplace models for given
It may also be noted that the sales of the final products are usu- sets of parameter values to establish the nature of relationships be-
ally influenced by promotional activities. This is done to reduce the tween the buyer and supplier [NC or PC or CC]. This model has
obsolescence cost in the supply chain, which is very common in been extended through simulation to facilitate decision making.
semiconductor industries. It is possible to dispose of any units of The research framework for this model has been depicted in Fig. 2.
512 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

5.2. Development of an analytical collaboration model PB ðQ Þ ¼ E½Revenue þ Salvage cost  E½Holding cost
þ Shortage cost þ Purchase cost
While analyzing this problem, certain other real-time consider-
ations from the perspective of semiconductor industries are made, þ Replenishment cost ð5Þ
based on the feedback from the focus group supply managers. The expected value of the supplier profit (for a given variable Q) de-
These are as follows: pends on the difference of manufacturing cost and selling price of
the components, as well as the fixed replenishment cost of the sup-
1. One component is required to produce one final product. plier. The expected profit function of the supplier can be repre-
This is due to the fact that each final product requires one sented as
critical component from its supplier before final assembly or
processing. The buyer may collaborate with the supplier for PS ðQ Þ ¼ ðC  PÞQ  K S ð6Þ
the design, development and manufacturing of this critical So, the collaboration model is developed with Q as the decision
component. variable.
2. The demand arrival process (from the end customer) is a pure The next step is to estimate the cost components of the buyer’s
Poisson process (k = Arrival rate). This may be due to the fact expected profit in Equation (5). As the demand arrival is a random
that the distribution of number of demand arrivals during a process, the expected values of revenue, holding cost, obsolescence
specific time period is independent of the time and is indepen- cost or salvage cost and the cost of lost sales are to be estimated as
dent of the number of arrivals in earlier time intervals. So, the discrete cases.
number of demand arrivals in non-overlapping intervals is sta-
tistically independent, which is typical to a demand distribution (a) The expected value of the revenue generated by the buyer in
in the semiconductor industry supply chain dealing with short the discrete case is given by the following expression (Silver,
life cycle products. Pyke, & Peterson, 1998; Papoulis & Pillai, 2002).
3. The price of the final product or component depends on the
time of the life cycle or planning horizon at which it is delivered X

or sold to the customer or buyer, i.e., End customer price, E½R ¼ E½RjX ¼ n:Prob:½X ¼ n ¼ E½RjX ¼ 0Prob:½X ¼ 0
R(t) = G  HT (MU). This is due to the fact that the price of the
product or component decreases over time, which is typical to X
þ E½RjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n þ E½RjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n
the semiconductor industry supply chain.
n¼1 n¼Q þ1
4. The end customer demand is independent of the price of the
product or component. This is due the fact that the major buy- After analysis, simplification and rearrangement of the terms in the
ers or customers of the semiconductor industry supply chain above expression, the expected value of revenue generated by the
are very much technology dependent and they upgrade their buyer can be estimated. This has been presented in the following
technology continuously. As these buyers want to remain com- Expression (7).
petitive in the marketplace, they cannot wait for the price of the " #
product or component to fall which is typical during its life HnT
E½R ¼ 0 þ Gn  Prob:½X ¼ n
cycle. So, the demand for the products or components is inde- n¼1
" #
pendent of the price. 1 
X HTQ ðQ þ 1Þ
5. It is important to note that most single-period stochastic þ GQ  Prob:½X ¼ n ð7Þ
n¼Q þ1
2ðn þ 1Þ
demand problems do not model inventory holding costs. This
is due to the inherent assumption that the period is so short (a) The expected value of inventory holding cost of the buyer in
that these costs can be ignored, or they charge the inventory the discrete case is represented in the following expression.
holding costs to the end-of-period items (i.e. obsolete or unsold X

items) by modifying the salvage value. In this sense, the analy- E½HC ¼ E½HCjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n ¼ E½HCjX ¼ 0Prob:½X ¼ 0
sis in semiconductor industry is more realistic, because of the
consideration of an inventory holding cost for each time unit X
þ E½HCjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n
that a component item stays in the inventory. n¼1
6. The semiconductor industries, characterized by volatile demand X1
of customer market segments and long times associated with þ E½HCjX ¼ n:Prob:½X ¼ n
new technology adoption, are associated with the risk of compo- n¼Qþ1

nent and product obsolescence. So, while estimating the profit

function of the supply chain, the obsolescence cost is estimated After analysis, simplification and rearrangement of the terms, the
based on the most likely disposition value of excess obsolete expected value of the inventory holding cost for the entire cycle
inventory (i.e. salvage value of the unsold components and length to be incurred by the buyer can be estimated. This has been
products). presented in the following Expression (8).
" #
The expected profit of the collaborated system can be esti- E½HC ¼ ðQHB TÞPr:½X ¼ 0 þ QTHB  Pr:½X ¼ n
mated as the individual contribution of members to the supply " #
chain. X1
HB Q ðQ þ 1ÞT
þ Pr:½X ¼ n ð8Þ
2ðn þ 1Þ
PC ðQ Þ ¼ PB ðQ Þ þ PS ðQ Þ ð4Þ
(c) The expected value of the obsolescence cost of unsold com-
The expected value of the buyer’s profit depends on revenue earned, ponents at the buyer is estimated based on the most likely
and other total relevant costs, such as inventory holding cost, obso- disposition value of the obsolete inventory or the salvage
lescence cost, shortage cost, procurement cost from supplier and value of the unsold components and products (at the end
fixed replenishment cost. The expected profit function of the buyer of the period). This expected cost of the buyer in the discrete
can be represented by case is given by the following expression:
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 513

" #
1 X
Q The expressions for PB (Q) and PC (Q) depict the expected profit
E½SV ¼ E½SVjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n ¼ VðQ  nÞ Pr:½X ¼ n ð9Þ function of the buyer in the traditional market and the profit
n¼0 n¼0
function of the collaborative system in e-market respectively.
(d) The expected cost of lost sale or goodwill of the buyer in the These expressions must be solved simultaneously for establishing
discrete case is estimated as the penalty cost for the unsat- the ordering quantity for the traditional market and e-market,
isfied demands that arrive after the sale of Q units. The for a given ‘T’ value. The unique optimal ordering quantities
expected value of this cost is represented in the following QTM and QEM value necessitates the above profit functions to be
expression: " # concave.
X1 X
E½LS ¼ E½LSjX ¼ nProb:½X ¼ n ¼ Bðn  QÞ Pr:½X ¼ n ð10Þ
n¼0 n¼Q þ1 5.3. Test for concavity of the expected profit function PC (Q) for
collaborative relationships
(e) The expected value of the procurement cost and replenish-
ment costs are the fixed costs incurred by the buyer. These
It is imperative to establish unique optimum values of the
expected cost figures are represented in the following
ordering quantities (Q) of the buyer for both traditional market
and e-market, which makes PB(Q) and PC(Q) maximum, i.e., to
establish the concavity of the expected value of the profit
E½PC þ E½RC ¼ CQ þ K B ð11Þ
The expected value of the buyer’s profit can be estimated by
considering all the transaction cost components represented by Let DPC ðQ Þ ¼ PC ðQ þ 1Þ  PC ðQÞ
the expressions (7)–(11) and incorporating them in the buyer
D2 PC ðQ Þ ¼ DP C ðQ þ 1Þ  DPC ðQ Þ
profit function developed earlier in expression (5). After analysis,
simplification and rearrangement of the cost components, the
expected value of the buyer’s profit for the entire cycle length If D2PC(Q) < 0, then PC(Q) is a concave function of Q.
can be estimated. The expected value of the buyer profit function The final expression after simplification and rearrangement of
is depicted in the following expression: terms can be represented by Expression (14).
  " #
HnT HTQ ðQ þ 1Þ HTðQ þ 1Þ
P B ðQ Þ ¼ Gn  Pr:½X ¼ n þ GQ  Pr:½X ¼ n D2 PC ðQ Þ ¼ ðV  G  BÞ þ Pr:½X ¼ Q þ 1
2 n¼Q þ1
2ðn þ 1Þ ðQ þ 2Þ
" #  
HTðQ þ 1Þ HB TðQ þ 1Þ
þ VðQ  nÞ Pr:½X ¼ n þ ½VðQ  nÞPr:½X ¼ 0  þ Pr½X ¼ n ð14Þ
n¼1 n¼Q þ2
nþ1 nþ1
" #
 ðQHB TÞPr:½X ¼ 0  QTHB  Pr:½X ¼ n
2 As the salvage cost is less than penalty cost due to loss sales and
" #n¼1
HB Q ðQ þ 1ÞT goodwill, V < B ) V - B < 0. Further, G  HT P 0 ) G  HT QQ þ1
 Pr:½X ¼ n
2ðn þ 1Þ 0 ) G þ HT QQ þ1
6 0. So, the first expression in Equation (14) is
n¼Q þ1
" #
X1 negative, and hence D2PC(Q) < 0. This implies that the expected
 Bðn  Q Þ Pr:½X ¼ n  CQ  K B profit function of the collaborated system is a concave function.
n¼Q þ1 So, there is unique value of the decision variable Q, which makes
¼ CQ  K B þ QðV  HB TÞPr:½X ¼ 0 PC(Q) maximum, i.e., there is a unique QEM for e-market model.
HnT HB nT Similarly, it can be proved that PB(Q) is concave and has a unique
þ Gn  þ VðQ  nÞ  QTHB þ Pr:½X ¼ n QTM for traditional market model.
2 2
X1   Let QC = Value of the decision variable for maximum PC(Q). So,
HTQ ðQ þ 1Þ HB QðQ þ 1ÞT
þ GQ    Bðn  Q Þ Pr:½X ¼ n QC must satisfy the following inequalities:
n¼Q þ1
2ðn þ 1Þ 2ðn þ 1Þ
ð12Þ PC ðQ C þ 1Þ  PC ðQ C Þ < 0 ð15Þ
The expected profit of the collaborated system can be estimated by PC ðQ C  1Þ  PC ðQ C Þ < 0 ð16Þ
considering the individual profit contribution of members to the
supply chain (both buyer and supplier) depicted in expression (12) This system of inequality means that QC is the smallest value of Q
and expression (6) respectively. These profit functions are incorpo- which satisfies PC(Q + 1)  PC(Q) < 0 ) DPC(Q) < 0
rated in Expression (4) to compute the expected profit of the collab-
orated system. This has been presented in the following expression: But; DPC ðQ Þ ¼ P þ ðV  HB TÞPr:½X 6 Q 
P C ðQ Þ ¼ P B ðQ Þ þ P S ðQ Þ ¼ CQ  K B þ Q ðV  HB TÞPr:½X ¼ 0 X1  
ðH þ HB ÞTðQ þ 1Þ
X Q   þ G þ B Pr:½X ¼ n ð17Þ
HnT HB nT n¼Qþ1
þ Gn  þ VðQ  nÞ  QTHB þ Pr:½X ¼ n
2 2
HTQ ðQ þ 1Þ HB Q ðQ þ 1ÞT As the demand arrival process from the end customer is assumed to
þ GQ    Bðn  Q Þ Pr:½X ¼ n
n¼Q þ1
2ðn þ 1Þ 2ðn þ 1Þ follow a Poisson process, the probability of occurrence of n arrivals
þ ðC  PÞQ  K S ¼ PQ  ðK B þ K S Þ þ Q ðV  HB TÞPr:½X ¼ 0 in [0, T] is given by
þ Gn  þ VðQ  nÞ  QTHB þ Pr:½X ¼ n
2 2 ekT ðkTÞn
  Pr:½X ¼ n ¼ ð18Þ
HTQ ðQ þ 1Þ HB Q ðQ þ 1ÞT n!
þ GQ    Bðn  Q Þ Pr:½X ¼ n
n¼Q þ1
2ðn þ 1Þ 2ðn þ 1Þ
So, the expression (17) can be simplified by incorporating the prob-
ð13Þ ability value presented in expression (18).
514 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

DPC ðQ Þ ¼ P þ ðV  HB TÞPr:½X 6 Q  þ ðG þ BÞf1  Pr:½X 6 Q g In the traditional marketplace, when there is no collaboration be-
ekT ðkTÞn tween buyer and supplier, QTM is the smallest value of Q that
 ðH þ HB ÞTðQ þ 1Þ satisfies
ðn þ 1Þn!
¼ ðP þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q  ðC þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1ÞT X1
ekT ðkTÞnþ1  Pr:½X P Q þ 2 < 0 ð22Þ
kT n¼Q þ1
ðn þ 1Þ!
¼ ðP þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q  LetgðQ Þ ¼ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ X1
ekT ðkTÞn ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ
  Pr:½X P Q þ 2:
k n! k
n¼Q þ2
Then, from expression (19), QTM is the smallest value of Q for which
¼ ðP þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q  C + G + B + g(Q) < 0.
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ IfQ EM < Q TM ; then  C þ G þ B þ gðQ EM Þ P 0:
 Pr:½X P Q þ 2
So, the expressions (15) can be represented by the following expres- But; P 6 C: This implies that  P þ G þ B P C þ G þ B:
sion (19).
So;  P þ G þ B þ gðQ EM Þ P C þ G þ B þ gðQ EM Þ P 0:
This implies that PC ðQ þ 1Þ  PC ðQ Þ This violates the expression (21). So, it is essentially inferred that
¼ ðP þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X 6 Q QEM P QTM, which encourages the buyer to order more in the collab-
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ orative environment than in the traditional procurement scenario.
 Pr:½X P Q þ 2 ð19Þ
With similar analysis, the expression (16) can be represented by the 6. Development of algorithms for vertical collaboration
following expression: problem

PC ðQ  1Þ  PC ðQ Þ ¼ ðP  G  BÞ  ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X The analytical model for the vertical collaboration problem is

the foundation for the developing insights in the real-time pro-
ðH þ HB ÞQ curement scenario in the semiconductor industry supply chain
6 Q  1 þ Pr:½X P Q þ 1 ð20Þ
k dealing with short life-cycle components and products. So, the next
The value the optimal ordering quantity for the collaborative model step is to develop algorithms for solving the traditional market
can be determined by solving these relations for various T values to model and e-market models to generate the scheme for this collab-
establish optimal (Q, T) combination for supply chain relationships. orative initiative, and to gain research insights. The model has been
operated for several simulation runs to demonstrate decision pol-
5.4. Comparison between traditional marketplace and e-marketplace icies for vertical collaboration at the operational and tactical level,
and to develop managerial implications for the semiconductor
In a centralized supply chain (e-marketplace), information is industry supply chain planners. A flow chart depicting the appro-
open to all echelons and information flow is smooth, and there is priate marketplace dealing with various components/products
a central planner who makes all the decisions. Hence, optimal (Fig. 3) would offer structural and quantitative insight into the
decisions which maximize the system-wide supply chain profit interplay between vertical collaboration and joint replenishment
can be made. On the other hand, in a decentralized supply chain decision-making. The algorithm or the logical flow of simulation
(traditional marketplace), the entities are separate, and often each for the traditional market model (no collaboration) and e-market
considers its own profit only. In order to improve the supply chain model (complete collaboration) is presented in the next section.
efficiency, the supply chain entities can collaborate by setting an The vertical collaboration models for the buyer–supplier pro-
appropriate contract. This contract which results in decisions by curement system [in traditional market (TM), hybrid market (HY),
individual parties that maximize the profit of the entire supply and e-market (EM)] have only two controlling and variable param-
chain and leaves each member of the chain satisfied is called a col- eters: (1) cycle time or planning horizon (T), and (2) ordering quan-
laboration contract. This work has presented a two parameter rela- tity (Q). It has been shown that the optimal ordering quantity
tional contract in the form C(Q, T), where Q is the optimal ordering depends on the cycle time. This situation has complicated the esti-
quantity of the buyer to the supplier and T is the optimal length of mation of expected profit of the SC system for short life cycle prod-
the planning horizon until which the buyer decides to be in the ucts. The expected profit for the SC system depends on these
market for traditional market, hybrid market and e-market. This parameters along with some other fixed parameters, such as HB,
contract will help to determine the nature of relationships between G, H, V, C, KB, KS, P, B, and k. These parameters were initialized
the members based on the transaction cost, i.e., based on the total and loaded to the simulator to get values of the variable parame-
expected profit of the stakeholders or the entire SC. This contract ters for maximum expected profit of the SC. With the help of the
will ensure successful procurement and operational business optimization tool, developed through a C program compiled by
practices for long-term relationship in terms of resource sharing, using GNU compiler collection (GCC), this model has generated
knowledge sharing, information sharing, and profit and risk the optimal ordering quantity (for e-market, traditional market
sharing. and hybrid market), and optimal planning horizon (T) for each
In the collaborated e-marketplace, where there is complete col- component/product. This will assist the SC planners to get a trigger
laboration between buyer and supplier, QEM is the smallest value of for the ordering quantity associated with each component/product,
Q that satisfies and to decide the nature of the collaborative relationships for the
short life cycle products, whose cost changes with time. These
ðP þ G þ BÞ þ ðV  HB T  G  BÞPr:½X
models, while operating in traditional and e-markets, would
ðH þ HB ÞðQ þ 1Þ facilitate individual enterprises to negotiate based on profit shar-
6 Q  Pr:½X P Q þ 2 < 0 ð21Þ
k ing (Bahinipati, 2009).
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 515

Fig. 2. Flow chart depicting the overall logic of the proposed vertical collaboration scheme.

6.1. Simulation results and discussion  Step A.1: Determine the expected total profit function of the
buyer PB(Q) in terms of Q and T by using Expression (9).
A buyer–supplier procurement system in the traditional  Step A.2: Solve the above expression to determine the optimum
marketplace, hybrid marketplace and e-marketplace (private QTM value for maximum PB(Q) value, where T = 1, 2, 3,. . .
exchange) has been considered with various parameter values  Step A.3: Estimate the PB(Q) value for optimal QTM at a particular
(C, V, B, P, KB, KS, HB, G, H, k, and T). In the following, flows of T value.
simulation in these marketplaces for decision making have been  Step A.4: Tabulate the results for each QTM and T combination.
presented.  Step A.5: Determine the QTM and T combination at which PB(Q)
(A) The logical flow of simulation for the TM scenario can be is maximum, which proposes the optimal contract C(Q, T) in the
outlined as follows: traditional marketplace.
516 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

Table 4
Diminishing growth rate of ordering quantity and concavity of profit.

T QTM QEM PTM(QTM) PEM(QEM) % Increase % Increase

in QTM in QEM
1 9 11 44.788 47.392
2 17 19 120.101 123.202 88.89 72.73
3 24 27 179.983 185.086 41.18 42.10
4 31 35 227.220 232.887 29.17 29.63
5 37 42 259.100 266.908 19.35 20.00
6 43 48 279.820 287.694 16.21 14.28
7 47 54 284.960 296.118 9.30 12.50
8 49 59 277.750 293.637 4.25 9.26
9 50 62 265.170 282.985 2.04 5.08
10 50 63 249.190 268.104 0 1.61

Input data set 1: C = 8, V = 3, B = 2, P = 5, KB = 18, KS = 20, HB = 0.4, G = 18, H = 1.5,

k = 8.

Further, each row in the Tables 5–7 compares the objective

functions values in the traditional marketplace, and e-marketplace
models for a given parameter values. Hence, it can be concluded
from the analysis of these simulation results that the cycle time, in-
Fig. 3. Flow chart for selection of most appropriate marketplace.
stead of ordering quantity, is a critical parameter for negotiation
during vertical collaboration. Further, it can also be inferred that
the maximum expected profit of the SC is dependent on cycle time
(B) The logical flow of simulation for the HY scenario can be out- provided that the ordering quantity is not highly constrained.
lined as follows: It can be noted that the expected profits of e-marketplace and
traditional marketplace models are dependent on T. Further, the
 Step B.1: Repeat the Steps 1–4 as in TM scenario. difference in the optimal system profits [PEM(QEM)–PTM(QTM)] in-
 Step B.2: Estimate the PS(Q) value for each QTM and T combina- creases as T increases, for a given input data set. So, more efficient
tion by using expression (3.3). collaboration mechanisms can be designed, where T can be consid-
 Step B.3: Estimate the total profit PTM(QTM) = PB(QTM) + PS(QTM), ered as a negotiable parameter between the buyer and supplier.
and tabulate the results for each QTM and T combination. This has been exhibited in the following three examples for effec-
 Step B.4: Determine the optimal QTM and T combination at tive managerial decision.
which PTM(QTM) is maximum, which proposes the optimal con- Considering a traditional market (TM) with both the ordering
tract C(Q, T) in the HY scenario with parameters QHY and T. quantity (Q) and the length of the planning horizon (T) as the nego-
tiable parameters, the buyer would want to order 43 SKU, and
(C) The logical flow of simulation for the EM scenario can be would be in the market for T = 6 TU (refer Table 5). In this case,
outlined as follows: the buyer would want maximize his own profits [PB
(QTM) = 170.82 MU]. However, the system profit would be maxi-
 Step C.1: Determine the expected profit function of the collabo- mized in hybrid market (HY) at T = 7 TU and QTM = 47 SKU, in
rated system PC(Q) in terms of Q and T by using Expression (10). which case, the buyer would lose [170.82–163.96 = 6.86 MU], but
 Step C.2: Solve the above expression to determine the optimal the system would gain [284.96–279.82 = 5.14 MU]. The cost sav-
QEM for maximum PC(Q), where T = 1, 2, 3,. . . ings from this solution (i.e., 5.14 MU) cannot be used to compen-
 Step C.3: Estimate the PC(Q) value for optimal QEM at a particular sate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits of the
T value. buyer and supplier. Further, the collaborated system (EM) profits
 Step C.4: Tabulate the results for each QEM and T combination. would be maximized at T = 7 TU and QEM = 54 SKU, in which case,
 Step C.5: Determine the optimal QEM and T combination at the buyer would lose 16.7 MU, but the system would gain 16.298
which PEM(QEM) is maximum, which proposes the optimal con- MU. The cost savings from this solution also cannot be used to
tract C(Q,T) in the EM scenario with parameters QEM and T. compensate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits
of the buyer and the supplier. The managerial decision in such a
The preliminary simulation runs for different fixed parameter case is to opt for traditional marketplace (TM) and there is no col-
values and order arrival rates (with the use of input data set 1) re- laboration (NC) between the buyer and supplier.
sulted in the following inferences: In the second case (Table 6) the buyer would want to order 32
SKU, and would be in the market for T = 6 TU. In this case the buyer
1. Irrespective of TM or EM, and cycle time and demand arrival would want to maximize his own profits [PB (QTM) = 120.775 MU].
rate, the expected profit values show concavity (Table 4). The However, the system profit would be maximized in hybrid market
expected profits in e-markets and traditional markets shows (HY) at T = 7 TU and QTM = 35 SKU, in which case, the buyer would
concavity while plotted against cycle time for all values of lose 4.584 MU, but the system would gain 4.416 MU. The cost sav-
demand arrival rate. ings from this solution (i.e., 4.416 MU) cannot be used to compen-
2. Irrespective of the demand pattern and cycle time, the expected sate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits of the
profit margin for operating in e-markets is higher than that buyer and supplier. Further, the collaborated system (EM) profits
operating in traditional markets. Further, the expected profit would be maximized at T = 7 TU and QEM = 40 SKU, in which case,
margin in both the cases increase with higher demand arrival the buyer would lose 11.266 MU, but the system would gain
rate (k). 12.734 MU. The cost savings from this solution can be used to com-
3. For a given demand pattern, the ordering quantity increases pensate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits of the
with cycle time and stabilizes at higher cycle time (Table 4). buyer and the supplier. The managerial decision in such a case is to
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 517

Table 5
Profit comparison for optimal time period for input data set 1.

1 9 11 37.788 44.788 34.392 47.392 2.604
2 17 19 89.101 120.101 86.202 123.202 3.101
3 24 27 127.983 179.983 124.086 185.086 5.103
4 31 35 154.22 227.22 147.89 232.887 5.667
5 37 42 168.10 259.10 160.91 266.908 7.808
6 43 48 170.82 279.820 163.69 287.694 7.874
7 47 54 163.96 284.96 154.12 296.118 11.158
8 49 59 150.75 277.75 136.64 293.637 15.887
9 50 62 135.17 265.17 116.99 282.985 17.815
10 50 63 119.19 249.19 99.10 268.104 18.914

Input data set 1: C = 8, V = 3, B = 2, P = 5, KB = 18, KS = 20, HB = 0.4, G = 18, H = 1.5, k = 8.

Table 6
Profit comparison for optimal time period for input data set 2.

1 7 9 21.870 22.870 17.557 24.557 1.687
2 13 15 59.617 78.617 55.994 80.994 2.377
3 18 21 88.393 122.393 83.872 126.872 4.479
4 23 26 107.865 156.865 104.270 162.270 5.405
5 28 32 118.456 182.456 111.540 187.540 5.084
6 32 36 120.775 196.775 115.096 203.096 6.321
7 35 40 116.191 201.191 109.509 209.509 8.318
8 37 44 106.832 197.832 96.062 208.062 10.230
9 37 46 95.340 186.340 82.549 200.549 14.209
10 37 47 83.381 174.381 68.675 189.674 15.293

Input data set 2: C = 8, V = 3, B = 2, P = 5, KB = 18, KS = 20, HB = 0.4, G = 18, H = 1.5, k = 6.

Table 7
Profit comparison for optimal time period for input data set 3.

1 12 15 46.232 69.232 38.007 73.007 3.775
2 22 25 100.825 163.825 94.232 169.232 5.407
3 31 35 133.827 232.827 126.084 241.084 8.257
4 40 45 144.977 279.977 133.944 288.944 8.967
5 48 54 135.059 302.059 122.233 313.233 11.174
6 55 62 105.668 300.668 91.868 314.868 14.200
7 61 69 59.886 278.886 44.121 295.121 16.235
8 63 75 3.675 230.675 18.438 256.561 25.886
9 63 79 56.108 170.892 87.173 203.826 32.934

Input data set 3: C = 10, V = 5, B = 6, P = 6, KB = 20, KS = 25, HB = 0.5, G = 20, H = 2, k = 10.

opt for electronic marketplace (EM) and there is complete collabo- e-market than in traditional market. When the system cost advan-
ration (CC) between the buyer and supplier. tage (in terms of profit) by participating in an e-market can be used
In the third case (Table 7), the buyer would want to order 40 to compensate for the buyer losses, the buyer would participate in
SKU, and would be in the market for T = 4 TU. In this case, the buyer collaborative relationships (CC). When the system cost advantage
would want to maximize his own profits [PB (QTM) = 144.977 MU]. by participating in a hybrid market can be used to compensate
However, the system profit would be maximized in hybrid market for the buyer losses, the buyer would participate in partial collab-
(HY) at T = 5 TU and QTM = 48 SKU, in which case, the buyer would orative relationships (PC). Otherwise, the buyer and supplier would
lose 9.911 MU, but the system would gain 22.082 MU. The cost be engaged in independent decision making leading to no collabo-
savings from this solution (i.e., 22.082 MU) can be used to compen- rative relationships (NC).
sate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits of the The analysis of the simulation results for the vertical collabora-
buyer and supplier. Further, the collaborated system (EM) profits tion problem can also be depicted by various characteristic plots.
would be maximized at T = 6 TU and QEM = 62 SKU, in which case, The relationship between the expected profit of the buyer (in
the buyer would lose 53.109 MU, but the system would gain TM) and the expected profit of the supply chain systems (in both
34.891 MU. The cost savings from this solution cannot be used to HY and EM) with the planning (time) horizon and the optimal
compensate the buyer as well as to increase the expected profits ordering quantities have been depicted in the Figs. 4a–c and Figs.
of the buyer and the supplier. The managerial decision in such a 5a–c respectively. Further, the relationship between optimal order-
case is to opt for a hybrid marketplace (HY) and there is partial col- ing quantity and the planning (time) horizon have been presented
laboration (PC) between the buyer and supplier. in Fig. 6a–c for various scenarios. These profiles are indicators of
The insight from the above analysis is that as ‘T’ increases, the the performance of the supply chain under the characterization
collaborative system profit increases. But the buyer loses more in of various collaborative schemes defined in the present study,
518 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

Fig. 5a. Relationship between optimal ordering quantity and expected profits (data
set 1).
Fig. 4a. Relationship between planning horizon and expected profits (data set 1).

Fig. 5b. Relationship between optimal ordering quantity and expected profits (data
set 2).
Fig. 4b. Relationship between planning horizon and expected profits (data set 2).

Fig. 4c. Relationship between planning horizon and expected profits (data set 3).

Fig. 5c. Relationship between optimal ordering quantity and expected profits (data
set 3).
which leads to various managerial implications for the procure-
ment professionals of the semiconductor industry supply chain.
The profit functions are also solved for three sets of data, and in would be the selection of e-marketplaces (EM) with complete col-
each set, for different order arrival rates (k). The comprehensive laboration (CC) in both the cases.
results with associated managerial decisions are depicted in In real-world semiconductor industries, shorter ‘T’ is preferred
Tables 8–10. Further, some analysis has been made for data sets by both buyer and supplier. This is due to the following. The prod-
3.1, 3.3, and 3.4 depicted in Table 10 regarding the optimal deci- uct is usually set at a fixed price (through price negotiations) well
sion for collaboration. For data set 3.1, two managerial decisions before the R&D has been able to go through the process. So, with a
are feasible. For the complete collaboration (CC) case with optimal fixed price and shorter ‘T’, the individual gain of the buyer and sup-
T = 9, the buyers loss of 11.91 MU can be compensated from overall plier may be high. This strategy may be suited for faster-to-market
system profit of 12.01 MU. So, the net system profit would be of the product. However, due to short life cycle of the product in
(12.01–11.91 = 0.10 MU). For the partial collaboration (PC) case this industry, the buyer would be interested to select the optimum
with optimal T = 8, the buyers loss of 0.64 MU can be compensated ‘T’, as he is investing on the supplier to develop a strategic relation-
from overall system profit of 7.36 MU. So, the net system profit ship. The optimum ‘T’ is selected in such a manner that the systems
would be (7.36–0.64 = 6.72 MU). So, the optimal managerial gain can be used to compensate for the loss of the buyer. An incen-
decisions would be the selection of hybrid marketplaces (HY) with tive scheme would be in place for equitable sharing of excess sys-
partial collaboration (PC). Similar analysis can be made for the data tem gain between buyer and supplier, which is the most attractive
sets 3.3 and 3.4 in Table 9, and the optimal managerial decisions feature of this model. This may lead to a situation in which the
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 519

competition in the marketplace, the present model can be suitably

modified to consider the aspect of securing sustainable stability.
This is beyond the scope of the present work.

6.1.1. Insights
The analytical framework proposes a number of insights, which
are as follows:

(a) It is observed from the literature that the supplier’s gain

from the e-market model solution is at least equal to the
buyer’s loss from the traditional market model solution. This
is the basis for vertical collaboration. This requires that the
solution of the traditional market model be coordinated in
Fig. 6a. Relationship between planning horizon and optimal ordering quantity
(data set 1).
such a manner that it results in the same outcome for the
decision variables, as does the solution of the e-market
(b) Vertical collaboration problem focuses on improving the
total expected SC system profits in a traditional market
model and minimizes the gap with the e-market model.
 In the traditional market model, the sub-problems are
solved sequentially. Whether the buyer or the supplier
solves his sub-problem first depends on the party, which
dominates the systems.
 As the e-market model maximizes the expected system
profits, its objective function value is an upper bound
on the total expected profits of collaborated buyer–sup-
plier system.
(c) The e-market model can be used as a benchmark and the gap
between the profits in the traditional market model and e-
Fig. 6b. Relationship between planning horizon and optimal ordering quantity market model can considered as an inducement to improve
(data set 2). the solution of traditional market model.
(d) The e-market model can present a centralized approach to
maximize profits (collaboration scheme), and a mutually
agreeable way of sharing profits. The profit sharing can be
negotiable between the parties or forced by one SC member
to influence the behavior of the other member.

6.1.2. Managerial Implications

The analysis leads to a number of managerial insights, which
are as follows:

 The supplier’s expected profit function is increasing with the

buyer’s ordering quantity Q. This is important in characterizing
the general structure of the mechanism for collaborated supply
 It is always advantageous for the supplier to receive larger order
from the buyer to achieve vertical collaboration. In fact, the
Fig. 6c. Relationship between planning horizon and optimal ordering quantity
foundries/contract manufacturers are producing bigger wafers
(data set 3).
to generate a large number of chips to minimize the system
cost, and to achieve vertical collaboration. This is due to the fact
OEM may revise the price of the product to increase the market that a discount scheme that offers a unit discount for order sizes
share. greater than or equal to QEM can be used by the contract manu-
In summary, the semiconductor industries has to set incentives facturers (suppliers) to influence the ordering behavior of the
to create a situation, in which all the supply chain members has buyers.
self-interest to secure the sustainable stability of the entire net-  The collaboration effort would be more effective, if the length of
work. On one hand, these incentives must be of monetary nature the planning horizon or the time until a new product is
to create a short-term win–win situation (higher profits). On the launched in the market (T) is considered as a variable to nego-
other hand, the incentives have to be of non-pecuniary nature to tiate a contract between buyer and supplier. This time is an
create unique long-term relationship proposition, which cannot important component of the pricing strategy in semiconductor
be imitated easily by competitors (Gulati, Lawrence, & Puranam, industry supply chain.
2005). This might result in higher profits or joint growth opportu-  The present work has focused on demand which is independent
nities in the future. The collaboration in supply chain network re- on the selling price. However, when the product attains matu-
lies on confidence and understanding. These characteristics have to rity in its lifecycle, the demand is dependent on the selling
develop over time to achieve a superior joint solution of the prob- price, which in turn depends on the time. So, time dependent
lem. As the present work has not considered the perspective of incentives may be offered by the supplier to change the order-
ing behavior of the buyer.
520 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

Table 8
Managerial decision-making concerning collaboration for input data set 1.

SET 1 Optimal ‘Q’ (SKU) PB(Q) MU PSYS(Q) MU Optimal time Buyer’s loss System profit Managerial
period ‘T’ (TU) (DPB) MU (DPSYS) MU decision
1.1 Order arrival rate k = 6 SKU
TM 24 72.450 143.450 4 PC
HY 29 66.532 157.532 5 5.918 14.082 T=5
EM 38 38.159 165.159 6 34.291 21.709
1.2 Order arrival rate k = 8 SKU
TM 32 108.472 211.472 4 NC
HY 44 77.469 228.469 6 31.003 16.997 T=4
EM 50 64.817 239.817 6 43.655 28.345
1.3. Order arrival rate k = 10 SKU
TM 40 144.977 279.977 4 PC
HY 48 135.059 302.059 5 9.918 22.082 T=5
EM 62 91.868 314.868 6 53.109 34.891
1.4. Order arrival rate k = 12 SKU
TM 48 181.822 348.822 4 PC
HY 58 169.807 376.807 5 12.015 27.985 T=5
EM 74 119.199 390.199 6 62.623 41.377
1.5. Order arrival rate k = 15 SKU
TM 60 237.554 452.554 4 PC
HY 72 222.342 485.342 5 15.212 32.788 T=5
EM 92 160.362 503.362 6 77.192 50.808

Input data: C = 10, V = 5, B = 6, P = 6, KB = 20, KS = 25, HB = 0.5, G = 20, H = 2.

Table 9
Managerial decision-making concerning collaboration for input data set 2.

SET 2 Optimal ‘Q’ (SKU) PB(Q) MU PSYS(Q) MU Optimal time Buyer’s loss System profit Managerial
period ‘T’ (TU) (DPB) MU (DPSYS) MU decision
2.1. Order arrival rate k = 6 SKU
TM 32 120.775 196.775 6 CC
HY 35 116.191 201.191 7 4.584 4.416 T=7
EM 40 109.509 209.509 7 11.266 12.734
2.2. Order arrival rate k = 8 SKU
TM 43 170.82 279.82 6 NC
HY 47 163.96 284.96 7 6.86 5.14 T=6
EM 54 154.12 296.118 7 16.7 16.298
2.3. Order arrival rate k = 10 SKU
TM 54 221.111 363.111 6 NC
HY 60 211.801 371.801 7 9.31 8.69 T=6
EM 68 198.935 382.935 7 22.176 19.824
2.4. Order arrival rate k = 12 SKU
TM 65 271.546 446.546 6 NC
HY 72 259.718 455.716 7 11.828 9.17 T=6
EM 81 247.049 470.049 7 24.497 23.503
2.5. Order arrival rate k = 15 SKU
TM 82 347.244 573.244 6 CC
HY 82 347.244 573.244 6 0 0 T=6
EM 90 335.828 585.828 6 11.416 12.584

Input data: C = 8, V = 3, B = 2, P = 5, KB = 18, KS = 20, HB = 0.4, G = 18, H = 1.5.

6.2. Significance of cycle time (T) The model is used to compare the effect of sourcing strategy alter-
natives for components on the total cost (purchasing, inventory,
In semiconductor industry, the buyer (OEM) is a product tech- shortage and obsolescence costs) incurred by the supply chain
nology leader so that he does not carry an inventory of the compo- members over the length of its entire planning horizon. Over the
nent at the end of each planning horizon or product life cycle since planning horizon, the buyer firm could use either short- or long-
the component is marginally improved after this time period. term suppliers. Long-term contracts cover at least 18–24 months
Within each contract review period, the buyer makes replenish- and include provisions for multiple shipments consistent with
ment. At the beginning of the planning horizon, the buyer firm de- the replenishment policies of the manufacturer. In contrast,
cides to choose either long-term or short-term suppliers and keeps short-term contracts comprise much shorter periods (typically 3–
the choice of suppliers intact until the end of planning horizon. The 6 months), with provisions for multiple shipments during the con-
use of these two extreme policies will help us obtain robust analyt- tract period. The choice of short-term suppliers and contract prices
ical results. are based on a periodic search process initiated by manufacturers.
The buyer firm, facing dynamics and uncertainty in price and In particular, it evaluates the cost and benefits of short term and
demand for its major component, must make its purchasing plan. long term contracts for input components.
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 521

Table 10
Managerial decision-making concerning collaboration for input data set 3.

SET 3 Optimal ‘Q’ (SKU) PB(Q) MU PSYS(Q) MU Optimal time Buyer’s loss System profit Managerial decision
period ‘T’ (TU) (-DPB) MU (DPSYS) MU
3.1. Order arrival rate k = 6 SKU
TM 38 170.40 231.40 7 CC (PC)
HY 42 169.76 238.76 8 0.64 7.36 T = 9 (8)
EM 50 158.41 243.41 9 11.91 12.01
3.2. Order arrival rate k = 8 SKU
TM 52 234.99 323.99 7 PC
HY 56 233.53 330.53 8 1.46 6.54 T=8
EM 66 219.97 336.97 9 15.02 12.98
3.3. Order arrival rate k = 10 SKU
TM 65 299.902 415.902 7 CC (PC)
HY 71 294.455 424.455 8 5.447 8.5533 T = 8 (8)
EM 77 291.605 430.605 8 8.297 14.703
3.4. Order arrival rate k = 12 SKU
TM 78 364.947 505.947 7 CC (PC)
HY 85 359.577 514.577 8 5.37 8.63 T = 8 (8)
EM 93 351.865 522.865 8 13.082 16.918
3.5. Order arrival rate k = 15 SKU
TM 87 451.549 610.549 6 NC
HY 97 434.315 613.315 7 17.234 2.766 T=6
EM 104 427.377 620.377 7 24.172 9.828

Input data: C = 6, V = 2, B = 1.5, P = 4, KB = 12, KS = 15, HB = 0.3, G = 16, H = 1.2.

6.2.1. Long-term suppliers 6.2.2. Short-term suppliers

Long-term relationships with a small number of suppliers Short planning horizons tend to favor short-term contracts and
have a number of advantages. It can facilitate easier and more discourage switching to long-term contracts. If sourcing planning
frequent communication and information exchange, more effec- is done for short planning periods, it is less likely for the supply
tive monitoring of production processes, economies of scale in managers to select long-term contracts. This is applicable to the
production, elimination of expenses associated with frequent highly innovative components or products which have very small
rebidding for contracts, early supplier involvement (for faster product life cycles. During periods of rapid technological change
product development), and mutual cooperation (for order fulfill- in semiconductor industries, reductions in length of planning hori-
ment). Therefore, long-term contracts can lead to reduction in zon can be viewed as the means to reduce long-term planning risk
purchase prices and improvement in delivery lead time perfor- associated with component and product obsolescence. So, empha-
mance, over time, as a consequence of mutual efforts by the sizing planning horizon or time period (T) perspective for collabo-
buyer and the supplier. rative relationships may allow for a convergence of planning and
The long-term contract covers the whole planning horizon of T, improvisation in new product development that would enable sup-
including provisions for multiple shipments consistent with the ply chain members to reduce the response time for new product
replenishment policies of the buyer firm. Once a long-term con- design to development to market introduction. This would directly
tract is signed, the buyer could purchase as many components as encourage the marketing personnel for close involvement with the
actual demand requires. When the market price goes down, the product or component developers and suppliers, and would accel-
buyer firm has the flexibility to purchase the minimum commit- erate time to market, which may be critical for achieving and
ment specified in the long-term contract and purchase the rest maintaining competitive advantage. The short-term contracts usu-
from the market. This means that strategically, when the price is ally require enterprises to pay the market price for components.
predicted to vary significantly in the future, as is the case of a semi- Thus, they offer a speculative advantage as well as the flexibility
conductor manufacturing industry, choosing a long-term supplier to switch to other suppliers.
(extending over the entire product life cycle of approximately Supply managers may act optimally by not investing in long
18 months) could help the buyer firm to hedge against the risk of term contracts. This would be possible if the business environment
incurring high purchasing costs. favors short-term contracts to dominate over long-term contracts.
Typically, long term contracts allow risk-averse decision mak- In the present study on focus group of supply managers from eight
ers to hedge against price uncertainty for components by specify- leading semiconductor manufacturing companies, it was indicated
ing a fixed price for the duration of the contract. In order to that the average contract length was only 18 months, and even
motivate the long-term supplier to upgrade the component, when these were reviewed frequently. Almost 25% of the contracts were
signing a long-term contract, the buyer firm provides the supplier shorter than 6 months, and few were longer than 36 months. The
a fixed relation-specific investment, as an incentive, for the entire study also indicated that the process of vendor qualification is
duration of the contract. This investment may include the effort tedious, long (up to 25 weeks) and expensive. The contract
and cost of performing a detailed technical and financial audit negotiations can sometimes take up to 60 weeks. Thus, the cost
of the supplier, technical and financial support, investment in of entering into a long-term contract is perceived to be high.
equipment, and in some instances, acquisition of a share in the Further, the supply managers often perceive a great degree of
supplier’s equity. Thus, signing a long-term contract for the sup- uncertainty in component prices and technology changes (espe-
ply of the component will guarantee stability and reliability in the cially in semiconductor industries, where the product life cycle is
light of the fact that the component price can be quite dynamic approximately 18 months). These conditions will tend to favor
and erratic due to market competition and to volatility in supply short-term contracts in semiconductor industries dealing with
and demand. short life cycle products and components.
522 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

If the buyer firm decides to choose a short-term supplier over 6.3. Significance of vertical collaboration
the planning horizon, the buyer firm avoids being locked into a
long-term contract and is able to take the advantage of the best The analytical framework for vertical collaboration has certain
price offered on the spot market in each time period. However, implications for the semiconductor industry, which are as follows:
to find the best price in each period, the buyer firm has to conduct
a market search to determine the likelihood of the best price on the 1. This relationship is critical to determine the positioning of the
spot market that is independent of the demand distribution of the industry for long-term survival in terms of supplier involve-
component and to complete the supplier qualification process be- ment for innovative product development and market share.
fore a supplier is chosen. The prices of short-term suppliers are 2. This collaborative approach establishes a perfect balance
random variables and depend on changes in demand and supply between the industries’ technological development and strate-
in the market, supplier competition, and developments in the gic orientation to facilitate acquisition of resources and core
product technology. The buyer firm purchases the exact amount competencies, and allocation and fulfillment of order among
of realized demand from the short-term supplier after the demand compatible supply chain members.
and the price are realized. Therefore, there must be a trade-off be- 3. The vertical relationship focuses on developing conducive orga-
tween long-term and short-term suppliers depending on the type nizational climate and managerial involvement apart from rou-
of product or component in semiconductor manufacturing tine operational and financial involvement from all the
industry. partnering organizations.
4. The vertical collaborative initiative requires strong internal
6.2.3. The short-term versus long-term supplier strategy capabilities and strategic coherence with partner’s business
In the present analysis, T is the total number of time periods objectives and policies, for strategic outsourcing and long-term
(usually in quarters or three months) in the planning horizon with survival.
‘t’ as the index for each period, T = 1, 2, ..., T. The planning horizon 5. As new technologies increase in complexity due to product
for the problem is ‘T’ strategic review periods. Reasonable values innovation, the enterprises must invest on suppliers and
for ‘T’ are 18–24 months. Each strategic review period consists of acquire external capabilities to complement its internal core
‘n’ tactical review periods (e.g., each tactical review period is competencies.
3 months long and there are 6 of them in a 18 months strategic re-
view period, ‘T’). It may be noted that one Time Unit is the tactical In order to maximize procurement business output through
review period of 3 months. Since all periods in the planning hori- investment on resource creation, collaborative initiatives be orga-
zon are independent from each other, this work calculated the nized in such a manner that all the SC members should be both
optimal ordering quantity (for both traditional market and e-mar- responsible and autonomous. At the same time, the partners must
ket) for each period independently considering the mean demand be united by a cohesive structure. The success of such a structure
arrival rate (k) with a various sets of fixed input data. requires that the managers be focused to partner firms’ financial
The purchasing system is sensitive towards T. This has been and resource involvement and their motivation to acquire desired
clearly reflected in the simulation results. The objective is to find core competencies.
the optimal (Q, T) combination at which profit functions are opti-
mal for a no-collaboration (NC), partial collaboration (PC) and com- 7. Perspectives and contributions
plete collaboration (CC) situations. These combinations can be
termed as ‘system optimal (Q, T) combination’ for a given set of in- The major contribution of the present work is the characteriza-
put data. So, the supply managers must critically consider the tion and analysis of a critical aspect of the supply chain collaboration
selection and implementation of a particular ‘T’ value in the con- based on the vertical relationships among stakeholders, which is
tract. Often, T is extended beyond the life cycle of the product to lacking in the existing literature. The present work has attempted
consider the future requirement during phase out period, before to redefine collaboration from the perspective of procurement prac-
complete withdrawal from the market. Further, the short life cycle tices in the semiconductor industry supply chain (Bahinipati, 2009).
of semiconductor industry is always associated with supplier
competition. This may result in shorter ‘T’. However, to gain Collaboration creates a synergistic business environment which
competitive advantage, the competing suppliers must resort to needs more than partnerships and aligned interests, and where
horizontal collaboration to counter the effect of volatile market the enterprises leverage each other on an operational basis so
demand and obsolescence in the system. This collaborative that the joint performance is better than the individual
network of suppliers would result in an optimal selection of (Q, performance.
T) combination at which the profit function of the supply chain sys-
tem would be optimum. Further, the proposed model contributes an analytical frame-
The present model quantifies the tradeoffs between short-term work and a decision support approach for procurement profession-
supplier and long-term supplier. It is proved through analytical als and practitioners in the semiconductor industry supply chain.
and quantitative means that long-term contracts may not always This framework may be the starting point for tackling operational
be optimal and developed conditions under which short-term con- and tactical issues to develop strategic relationships between
tracts will be preferred for cost advantage. The decision to enter buyer(s)-supplier(s). In this regard, the most significant contribu-
into long-term contracts is highly dependent on the nature of the tion of this work to the body of literature is that the collaborative
markets and the decision maker’s risk attitudes. When the market ordering motivates the buyers for larger orders from the suppliers
conditions for components and products are evolving (non-station- covering the entire life cycle of the product. Secondly, the vertical
ary) over the length of the planning horizon, long-term contracts collaborative relationship facilitates a contract in which the length
may not be optimal right at the beginning of the planning horizon of the planning horizon is a negotiable parameter between buyer
even for risk-averse OEMs. It may be optimal to delay the decision and supplier for strategic cost and competitive advantage. Finally,
to switch to the long-term contract until more price realizations the analysis presents an alternate definition of the vertical collab-
have been observed. Thus, a combination strategy may be best sui- orative relationships to the supply chain literature along with their
ted for the short-lifecycle components and products in the semi- characteristics from the perspective of procurement in an e-market
conductor industry supply chain. mode of operation (Bahinipati, 2009).
B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526 523

Vertical collaboration refers to a hybrid collaboration strategy (f) The partnering enterprises must have good cost information,
based on technology (e-market, and IT), time (cycle time, pull which is critical for selecting manufacturing locations as
process), resource productivity (inventory reduction, and facil- well as developing plans for procurement.
ity, resource and equipment utilization) and relationships (g) This relationship incorporates more than shared information
(between buyers and suppliers) by sharing, interchanging and and a focus on SC cost, such as SC planning strategies and
investing in mutual plans, information and resources, and pro- schemes among partners.
viding mutual visibility to change behavior, where the procure- (h) Better management control can be realized due to embed-
ment transactions can be automated through decision making ded business schemes in the procurement system by
support of e-market intermediary by significantly improving encouraging outsourcing and allow the enterprises to
the profit value. engage in e-business to have more control of their opera-
tions by sharing customer-specific information.
The characteristic features of the relationship based on vertical
(i) Cost saving can be realized through less costly and opti-
collaborative initiatives can be summarized as follows, which
mized processes for procurement and lower cost indirect
would provide suggestions and guidelines to the practitioners in
goods by use of e-market.
the semiconductor industry supply chain.
In summary, the supply chain relationship diagram (Fig. 1) can
(a) The collaborative relationships are mutual agreements based
be suitably modified by incorporating the proposed vertical collab-
on trust, cooperation, and shared risks and investments.
orative relationships, which is depicted in Fig. 7.
(b) The e-market enhances transactions capability by identify-
ing and selecting new suppliers, establishing prices for prod-
ucts, components and materials, and aligning procurement 8. Concluding remarks
of materials/components from suppliers.
(c) The e-market enhances the collaborative capability by com- The present work aims at developing generic analytical model-
municating delivery request to suppliers, communicating ing frameworks for vertical collaboration initiatives in the semi-
manufacturing requirements to suppliers, and managing conductor industry supply chain dealing with short lifecycle
and communicating engineering changes. products where the demand is independent of the selling price.
(d) Use of e-market, internet and other IT infrastructure based The procurement process has been investigated by characterizing
systems enhance the speed of operation to compress the the market space into three different types, such as traditional
cycle time. marketplace, hybrid marketplace and e-marketplace. This process
(e) The enterprises increase customer satisfaction through bet- has explored the conditions in which vertical collaboration works,
ter visibility of the procurement process and reduction of and has been extended through simulation to comprehensively as-
errors. sess the nature of relationship with individual supply chain mem-

Fig. 7. Proposed relationship between members in a semiconductor supply chain (pull system). (see above-mentioned references for further information.)
524 B.K. Bahinipati, S.G. Deshmukh / Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012) 504–526

bers and to evaluate whether such an initiative is really feasible. It collaboration in the case of the price-endogenous scenario
has also investigated the perspectives of information sharing in has not been fully studied, which creates scope for further
collaborative networks and its implementation in the semiconduc- research.
tor industry supply chain. The results of the work indicate that the
proposed approach results in fair and reasonable conclusions. The In summary, the present study has investigated the operational
outcome of this analysis is to provide an effective method for the and tactical decision policies for vertical collaboration problems in
semiconductor industry supply chain members to evaluate the semiconductor industry supply chain. These policies would offer
success of such shared collaborative procurement systems in a structural and quantitative insight into the interplay between ver-
structured and simple manner. So, this research is significant be- tical collaboration and joint replenishment decision-making. These
cause it provides a comprehensive vertical collaboration assess- policies may also offer insights into supplier selection problem for
ment tool for operational and tactical decision making. such a collaborative initiative. In reality, a mixed-mode collabora-
The contributions to the literature on supply chain collabora- tive relationship is highly desirable where the buyer collaborates
tion resulted from this study are: (1) Collaborative efforts among with a network of competing supplier for resource and capacity
chain members should be encouraged in order to improve opera- sharing, which is the scope for future research.
tional and tactical performance. (2) As the SC members have varied
perception about high and low performing collaborative practices,
it may be recommended that the chain members should create a Acknowledgment
negotiation mechanism that encourages the vertical collaborative
practices to achieve better performance. The authors are grateful to the reviewers and the area editor for
The proposed method may be equally useful in analyzing and their valuable comments and suggestions, which led to significant
assessing the success of any collaborative procurement in other improvement in the manuscript.
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