Education and Qualifications: Rafah, Main St. Sofa Branch, 98/24 Palestine/Gaza Strip/ Rafah 00972

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Salem E.

S Al arjani
Rafah, Main St. Sofa branch, 98/24 ∙ Palestine/Gaza Strip/ Rafah ∙ 00972 ∙ 08 -2154005 ∙ 059-7070727

Education and Qualifications

Ph D f e ll ow sh ip P s ych o l o g ica l Co u n se l lin g A l Aq s a Un iv er s it y -G az a

M ast er o f Pu b l i c Hea lth –C o m m u n it y A l Qu d s Un i ver s it y - J er u sa lem , Pa l est in e

M en ta l He a lth ( M p h ) 20 05

B ach e lo r o f Nu r s in g (B S N) 2 00 1 Th e Is l am i c Un i ver s it y – Gaz a ( I UG) ,

Pa le st in e

Cer t if ic ate o f S eco n d ar y sch o o l , Kh a l ed Al H a ss an Secon d ar y Sch oo l,

Sc ien t i f ic B r a n ch , 1 9 97 Gaz a , Pa le st in e


Training Of Trainers (TOT) Small and Medium Enterprise Business Training

[March, 2011 – 24 credit Hours] Programme (SMET –UNRWA)

Statistical Package of Social Science SPSS Small and Medium Enterprise Business Training
[May, 2010 – 21 Credit Hours] Programme (SMET –UNRWA)

Project Management Small and Medium Enterprise Business Training

[November ,December, 2009 – 60 Credit Hours] Programme (SMET –UNRWA)

Financial Management & Budgeting Palestinian Physiotherapy Association &

[November, 2010 – 40 credit Hours] development pioneers

Strategic Planning Gaza Sustainable development Institute

[October, November, 2009 – 80 Credit Hours]

Open learning and Electronic learning Al –Quds Open University –Continuing Education
[2012-12 credit hours]

Employment History
Academic supervisor [2006-2010] Al Quds Open University –Rafah Educational

Academic supervisor [2006-2010] Al Azhar University -Gaza

Training supervisor [PT][2009 – 2012] Al Quds Open University –Middle area Educa.

Project Manager [FT][2003 – 2009] Nussirat Rehabilitation and Social Training

Training Manager [PT] [2009 – 2011] Nussirat Rehabilitation and Social Training

Mental Health and psychosocial Specialist [2007 – 2010] AFAQ association

Social Worker supervisor [Full time] [2009 – 2011] Palestinian Organization for development

Computer skills

▪ MS Office ▪ Data management

▪ SPSS ▪ Excel Spread Sheets
▪ Surveysystem V. 10 ▪ Smart PLS
▪ Internet applications ▪ Email and social media

other skills

▪ Research and methodology skills ▪ Data analysis using SPSS program

▪ Training skills ▪ Data interpretation and discussion
▪ Projects and reports writing skills ▪ Publication
▪ Projects monitoring and evaluation ▪ Scientific Paper writing

Training Programs and workshop

▪ Active learning Training 20hr/4 days

▪ Computerized interactive learning Training 30/ 5 days
▪ Data collection procedures Training 7 days
▪ Best hygiene practices workshop
▪ Research methods and methodology workshop
▪ Sampling procedures workshop
▪ Skills of evaluation and monitoring Workshop
▪ Skills of diction and speech Training 15hr/3days
▪ Skills of presentation Training 15hr/ 3days
▪ Skills of Health education Workshop
▪ Food and water safety Workshop
▪ Caring of elderly people Workshop
Working with projects:
Trainer and external Evaluator Support to the rehabilitation of the psychological and social conditions of
the children and the families affected by the violence in Gaza, 12/2010-

Data collector supervisor Disabled needs and requirements (surveys), 2009

Team leader for rapid Conditions of deaf children and their needs for hearing aids, 2009

Health educator Health Promotion and Safety for CP children (outreach program), 2008

Conferences attended

Islamic University conference [24-25 April, 2007]

Conference title: "Nursing between theory and practice"
Participation title: Coping strategies among traumatized children who experienced father loss

Birzeit University conference [7 -8 January, 2009]

Conference title: Academic Research; "achievements and challenges"
Participation title: Palestinian Academic Research

Al arjani, S. (2005). Coping strategies of traumatized martyrs' children in Palestine: Gaza Strip.
Al Quds University-Jerusalem, Published thesis.
Al arjani, S., Thabet, A. and Vostanis, P. (2008). Coping strategies of traumatized children lost
their father in the current conflict. Arabpsynet Journal,5 (18-19):226-232.

Farajallah, A.M., and Al arjani, S.E. (2012): The Impact of using "Active Learning" At the
Achievement of the Sixth Primary Grade Female Students in Geometry. International
Journal of Computer Applications 47(2):31-42.

Farrajallah, A.M. and Al arjani, S.E (2012): The Obstacles of using Computerized Interactive
Learning in the Teaching of Mathematics from the Teachers' Perspective at UNRWA
Schools in Gaza Strip Governorates. International Journal of Computer Applications
Saidam, R. and Al arjani, S. (2020). The effectiveness of a selective psychological program in
reducing the intensity of the aggression towards the self and its effect on tolerance
and altruism among Palestinian youth in Gaza. International Journal of Social
Sciences and Humanities(AIJSSH), vol. 2, No. 3, PP 99-122.

Saidam, Riyad and Alarjani, Salem (2018). Aggression towards self: principles, concepts and
treatment methods. Noor-publishing, ISBN 978-620-2-35234-5, Page (1-80) Arabic
Farrajallah, Abdel Kareem and Al arjani, Salem (2018). Beyond creativity: Theories, Models
and Implications. Lampert –academic publishing, ISBN 9783659795213, Page (1-85).
Al arjani, Salem (2021). Coping of Traumatized Children: COPE Inventory Validation. Lampert
–academic publishing, ISBN 978-620-3-30786-3.

Valid Palestinian driving licence.

References available upon request.

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