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2 User surveys and


Jhair Guardia
April 2021

Table of contents

04. User survey

05. Survey research goals
07. Survey insights
16. User interviews
17. Interview research goals
19. Interview questions
20. Interview insights
User Survey
About User survey
▣ We believe that by using this research method we can establish broad goals about people's attitudes
and behaviors around the activity of doing online payments and transactions. With this kind of data,
we can also establish socio-demographic profiles and people's preferences and consumption patterns
that would help us in creating data-driven User personas for a better understanding of user needs,
goals, and frustrations.

▣ We will use this data and the insights to create solid interview goals and questions that would allow
us to dig deeper into user's cognitive processes when using bank apps to accomplish a financial goal.

▣ Thus, we have conducted a user survey in a 4 day period using mainly social network websites
and apps like Facebook and whatsapp. We create a survey out of 13 questions using Google

▣ We have obtained 26 valid answers making our N=26.

▣ Because of the demographic characteristics of the respondents (Most of them spanish

people) we made the survey in spanish.Unfortunately Google forms doesn't have a tool to
translate the answer as well and show descriptive graphs.

Survey research goals

▣ To identify user behaviour and habits when they do any kind of online
payments or transactions.
▣ To determine which task users frequently complete in their apps and the
context of usage.
▣ Documenting user pain points with existing mobile bank apps
▣ To identify user saving and budgeting behaviours.

Survey Questions

1) What is your age?

2) What is your occupation?
3) Could you tell me which bank do you use?
4) Do you use the mobile app of your bank?
5) How often approximately do you use your mobile app?
6) Where do you normally use your banking app?
7) Which of the following tasks or goals do you normally use in your banking app?
8) Which of the following tasks you think is the hardest or difficult to do in your banking app?
9) How often would you say you buy things online (e.g., on Amazon, Zalando, etc)?
10) Do you use your bank account to purchase online, or do you have a digital wallet (e.g. Google
pay, Apple pay)?
11) Which of the following issues do you find the most frustrating when buying online with your
bank account?
12) When you have to pay for something you bought (e.g. in a bar or a clothing store) Do you
normally pay it with your debit card or with your smartphone?
13) When you want to save money for something you want to buy in the future or somewhere
you want to go in the future, what do you normally do?
Survey Insights

▣ Our results reveal that most of the respondents have between 26 to 35 years old and they work in different
areas. Most of our respondents have a bank account with traditional banks meaning that they have to paid
commissions from time to time.

▣ 100% of the respondents claimed that they use their mobile bank app and 50 % of people responded that
they use their banking app at least a few times a week whereas 26.9% claimed that they use it every day.
These results clearly show how important is the financial affairs of our respondents since they are constantly
using it for whatever reason.

▣ Regarding the context of use, 76.9% (20 responses) responded that they use their apps in multiple contexts
and environments (E.g. public spaces, buses, at home).

Descriptive statistics N=26

a) Almost never b) Few times per month (15.4%) c) A few times a week (50%) d) Almost everyday
(26.9%) e)Everyday (7.7%)
Survey Insights
▣ As users, our respondents use their apps for the most simple tasks. Sending money and checking their
balance are tasks users normally do. We have identified that users also make other interactions with their
apps for instance consulting their spending statistics and splitting bills between friends and relatives. No one
responded that they use their apps for trading or investing in stock.

▣ 46.2 % of people responded that finding the nearest cash machine present a problem in their apps. The later
could be that some apps haven’t integrated yet a geo-localization tool to find user’s nearest cash machine.
Blocking their debit cards seems to also be a problem for 26.9 % of the respondents.

▣ Sending money to other accounts, adding money to your current are not a problem for these users which
could lead us to think that when it comes to basic functionally or banking products the bank apps offer a
non-complicated usability.

▣ We consider that a splitting bills feature is step above other features and it seems that for the respondents
this is not a hard task to do. We believe that this is mainly because in Spain there is a payment service called
Bizum which can be linked in any Spanish mobile bank app allowing people to do payments between
different bank accounts.

Descriptive statistics N=26

Which of the following tasks or goals do you normally use in your banking app? Which of the following tasks you think is the hardest or difficult to do in your
banking app?
a) Sending money to other bank accounts (88.5%) a) Sending money to other bank accounts (7.7%)
b) Checking your current balance (80.8%) b) Adding money to your current account (15.4%)
c) Splitting bills with friends or family (26.9%) c) Splitting bills with friends or family (15.4%)
d) Setting and checking a financial goal or budget (42.3%) d) Finding the nearest cash machine (46.2%)
e) Looking at your spending statistics (34.6%) e) Blocking your card in case of robbery (26.9%)
f) Investing in stocks (0%) f) Online payments (23.1%)

Survey Insights
▣ Most of the people in the survey are regularly buying things online and this could be due the pandemic and
restrictive measures (although in Madrid the restrictions are less severe) or just simply to a consumerism
trend to buy almost anything online since is easy, rewarding, and fast.

▣ 53.8% of people responded that they only use their bank account to buy this on internet and 30.8% of people
responded that they use both bank accounts and e-wallets to pay on internet. The most common way of
paying things online is via bank account (50.8%) and second using both bank accounts and E-wallets (30.8%).

▣ Respondents feel that cyberhacking is a major issue (57.7%) when buying things online. This could be one of
the reasons why people also have their money in an e-wallet since is well protected against cyber hackings.
We found also that 34.6% of people responded that they feel frustrated when some websites automatically
save their bank details.

▣ Even though a lot of apps offer a digital card for payments, we can see that 61.5% of respondents said that
they pay only with their debit card in different context of daily life. 23.1% pay using both debit cards and
smartphones. For our respondents, we can argue that debit cards still matter and are present in their

Descriptive statistics N=26

a)I use my bank account (53.8%) b) I use a digital wallet c) I use both
a)Never b) Almost never c) Once every 3 months (50%) d) Several times (30.8%)
per month (42.3%) e) Weekly f) Several times per week

a)Inputting all my bank details every time (46.2%) b) Websites automatically saving your bank details (34.6%) c) Cyber Hacking (57.7%)
d) Getting your money back in case of error (38.5%)
Survey Insights & Descriptive statistics N=26

▣ 44% of the respondents claimed that they simply spend less money and try to save it for their goals
or future objectives against the 20% who affirmed that they use a saving account from their bank.
▣ These findings shed light on respondents' lack of a specific approach or mechanism to save money
geared towards future goals.

a)Simply spending less money(44%) b) I go out less c) I just unconsciously save money (16%)
d) I use a savings account from my bank (20%) e) I use a budget feature in my banking application (12%)

how you’ll use these
‘’ insights to inform your
research goals and
script for your

User interviews
About user Interviews
▣ By conducting interviews with users, we can delve deeper into the functional, attitudinal, and
emotional relationship between people and the apps or websites they interact with.

▣ This will give us qualitative data that will shed light on how users achieve their goals and
needs, what are their frustrations and pain points when interacting with a certain payment
application, and, in general, when it comes to managing their money in their daily life. We also
seek to better understand what types of features or strategies enable users to achieve their
financial goals, as well as what features or issues make it difficult to positively manage their
money in a technological society

▣ Thus, we have conducted 3 interviews in a 3 day period. The interviews were carried out via
Facebook video chat. The interviewees gave us permission to record the interviews.
▣ Our script consist of 14 open questions approximately and most of the interviews lasted 35 to
40 minutes long.

Interview research goals

▣ To understand people’s behaviour and attitudes around transactions and

payments and the management of their money.
▣ To understand and identify which tasks users seek to complete using
banking or payment apps.
▣ To identify and understand what tools and features users find useful and
effective for their financial goals.
▣ To identify and understand user pain points with existing apps on the
market and problems around the management of their money.
▣ To identify splitting bill motivations, behaviour, emotions, and social
reward aspects.
▣ To better understand how users set their financial goals and budget plans

Hello, my name is Jhair I’m a UX
designer student and currently
I’m working on a project about

online transactions and online
payments and what kind of
behavior and attitudes people
have towards that activity, so we

are conducting interviews to
know more about users. Your
information will remain private
we will not publish any of your
personal information only for
educational purposes.
Interview Questions
1) What is your age / occupation?
2) Where do you live?
3) Could you tell me what do you like to do in your free time?
4) When you last do a payment or online transaction, what did you use to do so?
Respondents could have 1 or 2 apps or ways for their payments and online transactions – if so
4.a Why do you have 2 apps for payments and online transactions?
5) (If they only have one account or use one app) Why do you use apps for payments and online transactions?
6) How do these apps help you with your payments and online transactions?
7) Look at your app and try to think what features in your app you consider are the most useful when it comes to managing your
money? Why?
8) what kind of things or issues in your app make you feel frustrated, or you don’t like? Why?
9) How often do you check your current balance in your app
9.a What do you like to see when checking your balance? why?
10) When you want to save money for something you want to buy in the future that you can’t afford now What do you normally do to
save that money? Why?
11) Imagine there is a tool in your banking app that could help you reach your goal, What kind of tools do you think would be most
useful to you? Why?
12) Could you briefly explain me, what do you do when you have to split a bill with a relative or a friend?
12.a What kind of issues do you think are the most annoying when splitting bills with friends through an app? Why?
13) Previously you mentioned that you have an e-wallet app, what are the positive sides of having an e-wallet app and account for
purchasing things online? Why?
13.a Are there any negative points? Which ones are the negative points? 19
Interview Insights: behaviour and attitudes

▣ The Interviewees use their bank applications to manage their money as they think it is a fast and effective
way to do it. At the same time, they have at least 2 bank accounts or other forms of payment such as digital
▣ All users have a traditional bank as their main account, but only one has an account at a neo bank.
▣ Two of the interviewees use (or used) Paypal to pay for their online purchases as long as the website or
application allows it, otherwise, they use their bank accounts.
▣ Users of bank accounts and digital wallets believe that it is safer, faster, and less burdensome to pay with a
digital wallet on websites or applications.
▣ Ease of use, time savings, and speed of effectiveness, and security are the most important reasons why users
use their banking applications.
▣ The feeling of security, control, and monitoring of their money is important for the interviewees, so they use
their apps every time they have made a payment of any kind
▣ Buying and paying online can be a tedious task for users. Between putting bank details all the time and the
threat of cyber hacking, users choose to connect their bank accounts with digital wallets since they ensure it
is safer and less laborious when paying for something.

Interview Insights: User's most frequent Tasks
and useful app tools
▣ Despite the different banking products and features, users consider that the most important tasks and the
ones they perform the most are sending money, checking their balance in real time, and confirming the
identity of the entity to which they have transacted their money.
▣ Users use their banking apps to make fast payments, to check that everything they spent has been
registered, and to check their money to remind them how much they have been spending. They want to be
informed all the time in real-time.
▣ In a less conscious way, users claim that securing and blocking their cards in case of theft is an easy and
effective task to perform within their banking applications.
▣ Users find the feature to send money to other accounts of the same bank, as well as the feature to send
money to other bank accounts, to be essential in their apps.
▣ Following the notion of control, tracking, and security, users find the feature that allows them to see the
information of their movements really useful to manage their money effectively.
▣ Users find some gratification in quickly seeing the current balance of their money when opening their app.
This activity has become sort of a habit because they do it everyday.

Interview Insights: User's frustrations and
▣ Different users have different problems with their apps because they have different expectations and ways of
managing their money.
▣ Because users use traditional banking applications, these apps offer different banking products that are
beyond the users' knowledge.
▣ Users claim that so many tools to manage their money are frustrating because they feel it causes confusion.
▣ The more active the user is in managing their money, the greater the demand for speed and effectiveness in
displaying information about their banking transactions.
▣ Compared to the apps of the new banks, the apps of traditional banks seem to delay the processing of a
payment made, which generates discomfort and confusion to the users since they cannot know in real time
the real amount of their money.
▣ Many times when making online purchases, the user's app takes days to process the payment and deduct it
from the account which shows a balance that is not real. This problem causes concern and stress to the users
of these applications.
▣ It seems that push notifications after a card payment do not occur in real time or simply do not occur at all,
keeping users uninformed.

Interview Insights: splitting bill motivations,
behaviour,and emotions
▣ In Spain there is already a tool to effectively pay between different bank accounts (Bizum). Users use this tool
within their app to make payments when they have to split the account in a certain situation.
▣ Social life is very important for users and splitting the account or a payment is already part of a consumerist
▣ Respondents rely on their friends or relatives when splitting a payment so they do not use a specific method
to calculate the amount to be paid for each one.
▣ When one pays the entire bill, there seems to be no specific way to remember how much and who owes
▣ The apps they use do not have a reminder tool for the person or amount due.
▣ Users feel anxious when they are not paid on time.
▣ Although Spanish bank apps have a tool to pay other accounts, it demands a lot of information and
confirmation which annoys users.
▣ Users sometimes forget how much they owe and to whom they owe money when splitting a payment
among friends.

Interview Insights: Users financial goals and
budgeting habits
▣ When users set a future financial goal or objective, they do not have a clear method or tool to do so.
▣ Normally users rely on their subjective ability to save and resort to basic strategies such as restricting leisure
outings in order to spend less or self-impose blocks on spending their money.
▣ One of the users appeals to having a savings account within his bank, that way he stores the money he wants
to save there.
▣ By having several bank accounts and applications, users use one account from time to time to save money to
achieve their goals.
▣ Users state that the effectiveness of their savings strategies is low but that they do not know of any other
method of doing so.
▣ Because control and the lack of a concrete method is a problem for saving money, users wish there was a
tool to help them systematically control the management of their savings.


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