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Formative Assessment - 3 (2021-2022)


Grade: II Max. Marks: 20

Date: 22.10.2021 Time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Answers to be written in the notebook.

Write your full name, class and section on the first page.
Attempt all the questions.
Do not copy the questions. Write the answers with proper numbering.
Write in neat and clean handwriting. Submit the answer papers on time

• Adjectives
• Capital letter and Punctuations
• Pronouns
Q.1. Read the passage given below and follow the instructions given. [7]

Ricky Martin has a big red dog called Pepper. They have great fun together. They play games

Ricky throws a ball and Pepper brings it back. Ricky and Pepper also play hide and seek. Ricky
can find Pepper no matter where he hides. Sometimes Ricky and Pepper camp out in the
garden. Pepper can do tricks.

He can sit up and beg. Pepper has some bad habits too. He runs after cars and chases them. He
runs after cats too. He digs up flowers. He also chews shoes.

At times Ricky puts Pepper in a kennel and closes him and does not allow him to come out.
Pepper is also a good watch dog.

a. Answer the following questions.

i.Who is Pepper?

ii.What games do Ricky and Pepper play?

iii. Where do Ricky and Pepper camp out?

iv. What trick can Pepper play?

b. Complete the sentences.

i.Pepper ___________________ after cars and __________________ them.

ii. Pepper ____________________ shoes and __________ up flowers.

c. Pick out two adjectives and two pronouns from the passage.

Q2. Frame one question with each of the following words: [2]

i.Where -

ii. How -

Q.3. Fill in the blanks by choosing a suitable adjective from those given in the box. [4]

sharp shallow brave cool

huge short thick wide

I saw a (i)____________ hippopotamus in the zoo. It was swimming in the (ii)________

waters of the (iii)____________ pond. It had (iv) ________ skin and (v) __________ legs.

When the zoo keeper came to fed him, I could see the (vi) __________ teeth in his (vii)

_____________mouth. However, the (viii)_________ zoo keeper was not afraid. He is

trained to take care of the animals in the zoo.

Q.4.Fill in the blanks with the suitable pronouns. [2]

a. is a brave animal. ________is known as the king of the jungle.

b. are playing in the park. __________ are having a great time.

c. is an artist. ____________ is making a beautiful painting.

d. and I are good friends. __________ share our toys.

Q.5. Rewrite the dialogues with the correct punctuations. [5]

i am Rohit i am new to i am aman. Yes,

your school can you follow me
show me the way to the
library gymnasium and

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