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Dear Parents and Guardians,

This month, I presented in your child's class about bullying. October was bullying prevention month,
so I wanted to educate students on what bullying actually is, types of bullying and how to become an
active person to stop bullying.

It is important for students to learn the difference when someone is being rude, mean or is
When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once that is being
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that is being
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it-even when you
tell them to stop or show them that you’re upset-that is BULLYING.

Students also learned the types of obvious and also the more subtle types of bullying that can be
experienced such as:
Physical bullying: Using physical force to harm someone.
Verbal bullying: Name calling, insults, teasing, racial remarks, etc.
Social bullying: Trying to harm someone's social reputation or cause humiliation with rumors,
excluding lies, etc.
Cyber bullying: Using technology or social media to target someone.
Emotional/mental bullying: Using words or actions to harm someone's emotional or mental well-

Students learned to identify the role of an upstander and a bystander. People who choose to be
bystanders are often the ones who stand by while the bullying is happening, might join in or do not
stop the bullying. While an upstander stands up while the bullying is happening, might try to stop it
and report the bullying to an adult.

We hope that through education, we are able to play a part in preventing bullying in our school.
Discussions between caregivers and students are encouraged to educate, identify and raise
awareness about bullying. I have attached questions from the Counselor’s Keri website to discuss
with your student to increase effective communication skills and encourage healthy relationships with
- Ms. Allison

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