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Traditional Approaches to other Religions .

Fredericks ( Introduction 1

The word Asia is diversity

really quite meaningless .
Asia contains a vast in

religion and language Asian culture is merging in America more and

more .

The Legacy of the 1965 Immigration Act began to undo alot of racism .

that The West has been exhausted by its

Asia has pointe out

extreme individualism Asian intellectuals

advocate for the tenants of
Confucian humanism ,
not European Enlightenment .

A Theology of religions is a Christian interpretation of the role

by non Christian religions in the drama of salvation .
Exclusivists are Christian

theologians that argue all salvation requires an explicit faith in Jesus

Christ In cwsivists are
theologians who believe that all salvation is

through Christ but the

saving Grace of Christ touches human beings who

are not baptized Christians Pluralists .

on the other hand ,
that all religions lead to salvation but not the salvation
imagined by Christians .

Currently ,
quest adequate theology of

religions impasse In order to be

is at an .

adequate it needs to help

Christians live responsibly and Comparative creatively .

theology helps
get past this issue .
Comparative theology is not another theology of

religions Comparative

theology ,
in contrast is , process I practice and

The truth of
not a
theory non Christian religions can stimulate
- -

Christians to look into their

Supernatural existential , what is the source of goodness Groo)

Universal saving will of God God doesn't want people to be damned

The Church has no official document

saying who is damned .

ExclusiveSts thinks all other are distractions

reality is that other
religions could
the care less
Mathew 28116 -

201 The Great commission .

Go and make
disciples of all nations .
Traditional Approaches to other Religions .

Fredericks ( Chapter 1)

Karl Barth is a
leading of an exausivist
theology In his

example .

work .
Church Dogmatics .
Barth makes four basic points
① Revelation is God's
sovereign self ,
says Ues
unbelief human wisdom

Religion =

③ Tolerance

Christianity =
Exclusivists need to be asked how
they know that the

lives of Christians are meaningless

religious non -

Barth claims that religion and revelation are two utterly
different things What if . we thought of revelation as the
fulfillment of a human
universally religious quest .

protestants tend to be exclosivist , Catholics are lniusivists

Barth emphasizes the fact that God is revealed only when and where

he chooses .

Nostra Aetate would never have been possible were it not for
Karl Rahner the , great champion of Catholic lnclusivism

Rahner 's theology of the
anonymous Christian
① however there
Christianity is the absolute religion ,
was a time
before the birth of Jesus your religion is
largely based
. on historical
circumstances .
's call to conversion becomes
only when a person is ready to hear the gospel .

② non Christians are not God

merely products of human creativity ,

has chosen to be revealed through them .

③ Christians without the name ,

anonymous Christians
Believes is open to the
that human being presence of God

by being human

you're you're actually


Issues : not hindu, Christian
Traditional Approaches to other Religions .

Rahner and Barth are in complete agreement when it comes to

the necessity of Christ for salvation Salvation .
always the result of
the grace of the One God .

Any adequate theology of

religions must be responsible to the faith

of Christians and create religious diversity .

baptism by
" "
Aquinas noted that there desire in which non
was a

Christians could be saved .

Henri de Lubao one of Rahner's best critics protested that the


theology of the anonymous Christian makes formal conversion to

Christianity unnecessary .

① Is there
anything unique and
necessary about
② If there salvation , is there
are several
anything unique
about desus -

human incarnation
A issue is that it
big puts Christianity into a position of

know more about than

claiming to non Christians they know about
themselves .

If we all find the same Grace is there Christians

anything non

can teach us

Rahner's lnuusivist
theology is more in
keeping with the Christian

tradition than Barth's exclosivism .

There are so
many religions ,
some more valid than others Do

If dust with won't learn
you only agree people you

Traditional Approaches to other Religions .

name :
Nostra Aelate
Date :
what :

why :

key concepts
What does Frederick think
Christianity needs ?
A look at pluralism

Fredericks ( Chapter 2)

John Hick began his revolution in 1973 With the publication of his first

book -

God and the Universe of faiths ,

Hick argued that Christians must undergo whats called a
revolution .

Hick argued for "

theology and
of where God alone
a religions ,

Christ or the Christian church

not is
given pride of place at the center of

things .

Christianity 's claim to be the

only is

religion naive .

Given the religious diversity today Christians will have to

reality of ,

Abandon their traditional of faith in Jesus

teaching about the
Christ for salvation .

Hick finds support for his theocentric model in the fact that all

claim the
inadequacy of words for
conveying truth .

religious complementary truth can be


Each religion offers a different path for

encountering the same

mysterious God lying transcendently beyond them all .

The of God incarnate How does Jesus Christ figure into Hick's


pluralistic theology the incarnation

religions Taking
as a literal

fact leads to an exau sivis t mentality .

The Incarnation then is a of

Imagining what is beyond all

, ,
way ,

this is what Hicks means by myth .

The world How can there be One den're

Religiously Ambiguous reality
is :

when religions are so contradictory .

knowledge is to some
degree subuective Experience is a product of

interpretation Is wave ?
light a particle or a
A look at pluralism

Hick moved away from

theocentric model reality centeredness
a to

Hick has dramatically expanded meaning

" "
the of the term salvation

Hick believes salvation should be defined more

psychologically as

a transformation of the ego .

by his recognition that not all religions are

interested in the divine .

To Hick terms
such as
the Real
or "
Ultimate reality
are better than
God "
because are more inclusive of both the
words such as
personal impersonal conceptions of the absolute
and .

All religions
say there is a higher reality that is beyond all

language and utterly defeats our ability to conceptualize

John Hick claims that this is only a hypothesis

Religious ambiguity means that the Real is interpreted and not

defined .

Two criteria for

evaluating the adequacy of a
theology of religions

Any theology of religions must be accountable to the demands of
Christian tradition
② Empower Christians to respond creatively to the

① Hemogenity
The B. eat →
Noumorion ← singular ② Scripture
③ New
phenomena a piura, Religions
what we experience

Exclusivity in aosivists

n' Fiesta

④ *
I t a *
e a

A look at pluralism

Point of view point of view Point Of
universal x ✓


Do other


Introducing comparative Theology

Fredricks ( Chapter 8)

Buddhist scholar remarks that he failed to find even one Christian
Saint whom a Buddhist could admire .

There's a great religious difference

amount of

We need to develope skills for "

living responsibly with non Christian

• " -

believers Theologies of religion

become a

to avoid
including pluralist theologies canandeasily , ,

way dealing with the moral theological , ,

spiritual challenges that non Christian religions pose to Christian -

believers today .

A An Alternative
to the Theology of

Christian theologians who are

the truths of
Christianity by
faith of their
comparing their faith with the non -
Christian neighbors .

There are two reasons

why a
completely satisfactory theology

religions is not possible .

① we know too much about non -

Christian believers and their

religious today
② Christians would need to know about other faith

MCWSiriSts and pluralists both render the differences between

religions irrelevant .

By exploring the meaning of their own faith by


doing theology in

dialogue with their non Christian neighbors -


b. Living with Tension .

Two aspects of comparative theology form a tension

① There is
always a commitment to the Christian tradition
② An to the truths of Christian
openness non -

religions .

The tension is always there when comparative theology is done

Introducing comparative Theology

Beyond Tolerance
but too thin
Religious tolerance is a vital public virtue to be sure

, ,

a foundation for the

challenge facing American society today .

Needs to
go beyond dust
being around people and
being tolerant

Interreligious friendship
philia preferential love and Agape Unconditional love
• - =

Christians should always look upon their non Christian neighbors
mindful of their command to unconditional love .

However, if Christians think about their non Christian


only in terms of Agape moving
, beyond that is difficult .

Interreligious friendships can be
destabilizing but also

empowering .

Interreligious friends help Christians to resist the


to fear what is
strange .
The Road To Nicea

state The Magisterium

Of the , *

terium Infallible non f- alliable

Mages .

pope Pius # Munificentissioms

Ordinary Devs in 1950
declaring the
Magisterium as it usually
assumption of
Mary as dogma is on a
day to day basis .

Ex CathePra politics
Extra synods and and councils like
councils that
Ordinary dispence
dogmas ( The Vatican I that author
important but less
The Nicean creed
Theologically grave statements
1 , Nostra Atate ,

Christology The
study concerning the
identity of Jesus Christ


Dogma doctrine that has been given special official status

= a .

Magisterium church's
IS the
authority to give authentic


of the word of God It church

Interpretation .
is the
teaching body of the
Synod An
assembly of


Consubstantial =
One with God, true God of true God


Being responsible for the creation of the universe .

Subordination trinity but makes the son less

Recognizes the
• =

than the father and the spirit less than the son One of the .

three heroes in the church

early .

Arianism Heresy movement in the church

o =

Athanasius ( 296 373) - =
Against the Heathen -
on the
Incarnation Whatever is said of the father is said of the son but

they are not the same .

Salvation Divination, the restoration of the human life with

God .

I re Hae us =
Gnosticism, bishop of Lyons 200
The Road To Nicea

Name : Nicaea Council

Date : 325 AD
Central Issue : The Christological issue of the divine nature of Jesus
and his relationship to God the father Threatens our salvation .

guys council was summoned by the emperor constatine

In hope of
restoring unity Bishop Alexander

guys Arius C 3365 Who stated that we cannot acknowledge

both Jesus and the Father without

impacting the oneness of
God Despite his exalted status Jesus is a creature like us

There was a time when he was not .

Resolution : Nice an creed Jesus is


begotten ,
not made He does
. .

not come from the Father's will as a creature but is one in

substance . Greek Chom 00 USios ) Latin C consubstantial )

Nice an creed
① One God the Father

maker of heren and earth

② Lord Jesus Christ

begotten not made


same essence as the Father

③ Holy Spirit
pro cedes from the father and the son

Filioque phrase added to the text of the of the Christian

o -

by the Western church and considered one of the Mavor
causes of the schism between the Eastern and western
churches " And from the son " I terms of procession of the

Spirit .
Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon , ,

name : Council of Constantinople

Date : 381 AD
Issue : The
Central holy spirit and if is Jesus fully divine .

Good Guys : Emperor Theodosius

Guys Apolinarios and the pneumatomachi ons

Resolution : one
being in three persons no subordination Jesus , .

is one
person hypostasis) with two natures Cdyophy sis)
God has one substance lessens Covsis ) e .


Cappadocian fathers : Basil the Great 1330 -

379 ) , Gregory of Nyssa

and of Nazianzus Made Mavor contributions to the
Gregory .

definition of the trinity .

Irenaeus 1115 200) Bishop of Lyon Fought here Went against

• -

Gnosticism .

Gnosticism =
Emphasized spiritual knowledge over Orthodox
A- poll inarianism -
IS a Christological belief that argues Jesus had
a normal body but a divine mind .

Pneumatomachi -
also known as Macedonians . .

They were an anti

Nicean Creed sect Embraced by Eleusis and Marathonius


Denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit; creation of the son , servant .

Jesus does not share essense with the father .

Baptismal formula =
Mathew 28 : I 9
Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon
, ,

name : Council Of Ephesus

Date : 431 AD
Central Issue : Jesus' divinity and 's status
Mary .

Resolution Formula of union Reelection of

any kind of .
Jesus is
fullyGod and
fully man .

Guys Nestorius

Good of Alexandra
Guys Cyril

Antiochene emphasized Jesus

humanity with the extreme
= '

the title
position of Nestorius who denied
Mary "
Mother of God " .

Nestorius =

Argued Mary should be called ChristotoKos ( Christ -

but not Theotokos ( God bearer )

Adoption ism -
Jesus was adopted as the son of God at his baptism ,

resurrection and ascention views of


ftp.polinaris and Nestorius .

Alexandrian school emphasized divinity of Christ and the

unity of

that Believed his divinity superseded his

divinity with Christ's
human soul This belief was echoed in Appainari S Mono

'sm was .

its extreme expression .

Cyrilof Alexandra Bishop of Alexandra


that If the divine ,

and the human are not really United in Jesus then there's
no point to salvation or the eucharist Nestorius .

Against .

Monophysite Sm -

asserts that the person of Jesus Christ has only

one divine nature rather than two natures .

Communication of idioms interaction of


deity and humanity in the

person of desus Christ When is he divine, when is he human

. .
Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon
, ,

name Council Of Chalcedon


Date : 451 AD
central issue : How does Jesus'
humanity and
divinity work ? They
needed more words .

Resolution Declared that Christ has two

: natures in one person
hypostasis .

Guys :

Monophysite Sm that the person of Jesus Christ has


one divine nature rather than two natures .

Eutyches He strongly opposed Nestorius but his strong beliefs led


to him
being a heretic himself Asserted that human nature and .

divine nature were combined into the

single nature of Christ This is .

a mono
Phystic view .

Dioscorus Heretic believed in

Monophysite's m . Was Cyril's
successor .

Miaphysitism Uesus is either single divine nature

a or one

inseparable nature, partly divine and partly human .

Dyophysitism -
Two natures, divine and human , Body soul

exist in the person of Jesus Christ It contrasts with . Divine will


Pope Leo the Great =

461 AD , clarified the
dyopnysite decision which
IN two natures (
stated One person (
hypostasis) phys is) Not from two

Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon
, ,

outcomes of the councils .

There with the Orthodox churches over the

was a rupture Filioque

Miaphy sites Oriental Orthodox churches

• -

Coptic churches Ethiopian Orthodox


Syrian oriental Orthodox Malankara Orthodox Syrian

- -

Armenian apostolic

Some churches in the East are in Union with Rome

With respect to Jesus' relationship with God , the councils ( Nicea
b. Constantinople use
which means
" "
essence 1 Substance

Chomowsios ) Three persons (

God is one
being .

hypostases ) in one
being lousiest .

When the
question turned to Jesus, the bishops needed more

The discussion added the term nature ( Physis )

" "

Jesus is one person (hypostasis) with two natures Cdyophysis) .

Strength =
came up with a formula
weakness It continued to use imprecisely the terms

Introduction to Daoism

Proto Daoism (4th 2nd BCE ) -

When did Daoism

begin There's but around by

? no consensus 200 CE .

Dao after Lord Lao revealed the Dao to him Tells him he will
Zhang ling .

and live in with the Dao

Usher in a new
age harmony
Can ( 1050 265 Bc)
really start the
Stoy with the Zhou


China is in
dynasty is

power .

Chaos and
disharmony famine, disease How do we
get out of this mess

, .

What is the Dao l the

way )
- " "

Confucius looked to past dynasties If took their role


there would they

be less issues do
rulers knew what were doing .

very popular at the time

Some looked to the cosmos

Yin -

Yang cosmology

Laozi 1604-531 Bc) Laozi Old Master Laozi became known as a


manifestation of the Dao .

myth , Laozhi founded the influential dualistic Christian

According to

sect known as Manichaeism .

Laozi wrote the Daode


Laozi was said to have mentored Confucius Human problems .

be solved
by people ,
only the Dao .

According to legend Laozhi wanted to leave China for

good but

was stopped at the

Hangu pass by the gate keep who begged
him to write down his ideas before the
leaving produced

Dao Oe Ving .

written ina conversational format between him and Corfucist


It teaches that The Dao is the mother of heaven and Earth

the Doo is inside

The is one of the most popular Chinese literature
Zvangzi classics of

Not a super important Daoist text though

Introduction to Daoism

Classical or Medieval Daoism ( 2nd -

lo) th

Began Daothe celestial established the of

Zhang way ling

Masters The Dao revealed himself to Daoing Miliharian movement


Its the first successful

organized Daoist religious system

They lived in communes

agrarian socity The Emperor saw them as


a threat and sent the army to destroy them and displace them But it .

had the reverse effect and actually spread the religion .

Viewed Laozhi God

They as a

Another school of
thought formed , known as the of highest clarity
Their is from deceived from the
origin Lady way who
sky gave a

about meditation The meditation brings the deities into

message .

body . Formed monasteries .

The Last school of

thought was the Numinous Treasure Daoists

Was founded around 390 .

Ge Chaofu compiled revelations from a

higher power Characterized .

as ritualistic daoism priests can .

marry lay
people and have regular families .

during this period Buddhism was
brought to China by missionaries

from and Tibet Buddhist ideas and practices

India . were absorbed into

Daoism Intense rivalry between them

. .

Classical period ends with the (618-906)

Tang Dynasty

Modern Daoism .

begins with the break up of the Tang Dynasty

the way of complete perfection formed ( 1163)

Zhong Quan and Li Dongbin reveals method of internal ( 12 th)


most disciples don't understand but some do and become immortal Disciple .

Qiu Changchun 11148-1227) became Immortal Ghangis Khan meth wit Qiu .

and made daoism the official

religion ( no taxes or service) .

It aims at harmonizing the three Cct Dt B)


alchemy refines the body energy and 's allows transcendence

Introduction to Daoism

contemporary Daoism
Near total disaster for Daoism during the Great

proletarian cutUral Revolution 11966 -


Many Daoist temples were destroyed The religion stopped being


practiced .

Since 1980 Daoism has

, begun to be practiced openly again in China .

The Qing Dynasty was overthrown in 1911 replaced with the republic


Of China .

Bitter civil war between Chian Kai-shek ( nationalist) and Mao Zedong .

Chiang fled to Taiwan ,

Mao declared People Republic
's of China
Daoism was banned as a feudal superstition , cultural revolution
further damaged it .

Celestial masters and complete perfectionist
Lord Lao to Laozi

General Outline of the Lord Lao myth

1 .
Lord Lao
the Dao who creates the universe
as .

2 Lord Lao descends as the teacher of


dynasties .

3 Lord Lao is born on earth and serves as an archivist for the Zhou

4. Lord Lao emigrates and transmits the Dao De

Yin Xi to
5. Lord Lao and Yin Xi go west and convert the barbarians to Buddhism
G. Lord Lao ascends to heaven and comes back to give revelations to
Chinese Seekers .

Founding Daoist schools .

Creation Transform Birth Transmission conversion revelation

From Laozi to Lao

Immortality seeker =
an Inspired teacher, a model for the techniques
involving immortality Han .

Dynasty 1206 Bc -
Zoo AD)

2. Source of Cosmic
* Laozi becomes the personification Of the Dao 1200 ADI
* Laozi
appears to Daoling who begins the Celestial Masters du2 AID
popular savior
4. Fi th and sixth centuries =

Deity ,
creation of the myth .

Guidelines from the new Rite


the new Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults provides us with

valuable principles for understanding .

① The Initiation into the Christian

community is meant to be
understood and
personally accepted .

② The Initiation is meant to be a public commitment to radical and

ongoing conversion .

③ The baptism ritual

but also
is an act of election An election of the

by .

Guidelines from the Vatican It

① A who share faith in Jesus basic need
community of people is a
of the Church .

② The church is the body of Christ

③ Abandonment of the notion that Christians should hold themselves
aloof from their world .

④ Revitalization of Christian sacraments them more symbolic

and word situations

specific Liturgical Acts of Baptism

Reception by the community the catechumenate is elected into the

unity and into the mystery of Christ .

scrutiny and Exorcism frees them from sin through the spirit



profession of Faith : Asked questions professes faith Faith ,

is a

life process ,
more than a rational acceptance .

Baptizing with water water is of life , birth

symbolic cleansing

and death More .

specifically .
the life and resurrection of Jesus .

Baptismal Chrisnation : Christian is anointed on the head For adults


this confirmation Christ's spirit

" "
sealing of the person

Confirmation takes place when the person is capable of

and Christ
intentionally accepting .

Difficult to find and confirmation are

why baptism


separated Happened . somewhat

accidentally .

confirmation is a completion of the baptism

you kneel before a bishop become anminted, and receive the gift

of the spirit .

Bishop is
confirming your baptism
Be after the Edict of Millan
developing openly


earlier and earlier confirmation was

tism was

more and more due to delayed popularity and shortages of Bishops .

Augustine of HIPPO 1334 430) -

Augustine States that Baptism cleans original sin

Even children and babies have original sin
In these times when babies died becomes
early baptism an

emergency ritual .

not a
key experience lets
get it done No celebration still happens

, .

humans live
; Given by one or other Ultimate
an explanation of what has happened in desus

Liturgy of the Eucharist Sharing of bread and wine


storytelling event

Liturgy reading reading

of scripture

people came into covenant with Christ by eating with him

Unlike baptism
and confirmation the Eucharist happen Contivous

Continues the initiation process .


what is a Daoist

Daoism is difficult to define because its less about an
Institution and more about what you do .

when Brittan tried to create a census for Hong

Kong and

religion but failed No consciece religious belonging



NO clear translation in Chinese for "
More about experience less about


of the ancestors" religion
• -

Religious specialist ( ordained) were taken into the census

It would be like
belonging to a
religion .

counting only
priests for a
religious population

Chinese Religion
communist superstars
views religion as


Confucius belief is seen as a


legal religions Uyghur Muslims ,Tibetan buddhist, and


non -

registered religions
are funded land controled )

by State

Chinese Religion
ordained Buddhists
Daoist Lineage
Daoist ordained
is someone who has been into a
lineage of

transmission and has been invested with record

registers that
the names Of the celestial powers
Daoist priests trace their
lineage back to the first Celestial

Zhang Daoling
, .

Registers List of divinities bestowed on the priest


Born into
become daoist by virtue of the culture

Words for Daos don't translate well outside of

common language

the Chinese
language .

common calendar Chinese calendar

recognizes the New Year


but not Christmas 2020 is the of the Rat ( clever)

Ghost month
year . .

offerings the hungry Ghosts Tomb sweeping

to -

day time to clean the graves of loved ones

, .

Chinese medicine and ITai Chi Daoism travels



texts and influenced Arts

through .

Daoist ordination

Organization of the cosmos = It goes from Heaven ( celestial admin ) to

Earth ampenal admin ) and then water ( underworld admin ) .

Stages = Visitation of the preceptor Reception

of scriptures, Reading of
the tally of the ordained names in the heavenly records
recording ,

And finally ,
the Reception of register .
Benedictines Opus Dei -

Divine Office

Opus Dei -

literally means work of God "


Today it the of the hours, " Benedictine did not

we call


this term but it makes sense .

marking the hours of each

day and

It's the basis with Christian monasticism

prayer .

Beating heart of the church , constantly praying

structure of the office

They primarily pray the Psalms : Old Testament collection of sacred hymns and
poems attributed to David 1907 Bc ) .

pray eight times a day Based off Roman division of the day

Not super strict

regarding the time dust so long as you do the prayers

Covers the range of human experience

Lamentation Ipraise

Vigils or Matins
" " takes place of and dark
in on the cusp night .

Echo's Christ's risen, sacred time

very early day around "
3:00am .

② Prime Lauds
1st hour of the
day at 6:00am First hour of

, . .

③ Midday prayer During the

workday shorter

, .

Tierce C 9am )

sext ( 12pm)

None C 3pm )

Vespers Work day is over takes place before supper

Compline Final hour of the day Night prayer the darkness

represents danger and evil Prayer of Protection through vulnerable


sleep complete Absolute silence begins the great silence



⑧ Mass = Various times,

changing schedule High .
point of prayer


Two most important offices : vigils and Vespers

Benedictines Opus Dei

Life in Balance
The three activities of the monk are
prayer study and work : the

, ,

polarities spirit mind and body

of ,

Benedict believed that if we were allowed to follow Our natural
tenancies we would be unbalanced in some
way .
Lectio Divini a

Gui coined the terms and their meaning
go I monk who


ladder steps "
to Goo Wrote Scala claustralom
stages or .

Four steps of Lectio Divini a

① Lecti o that you're dust
Reading in such away at those "

looking ripe
= "

words Set aside all expectation


move slowly .

② Med itatio = " Eat the word " word of Goo

chewing on the .

Savoring .

simply repeat the phrase , not analyzing it .

③ O ratio from your

that occurs
spontaneously deep


consciousness .

④ "

Contemplation to
gaze upon or pure prayer where you aren't

actively doing anything Gazing toward God heavy dose of grace


, .

Opening Recession from intellectual senses and

up to Gods divination .

awareness time I place I concerns Possessed by reality and mystery

, .

Of God and God's

iritualit and of Lectio
{Benedict yenvisaged
his monks

about three hours of personal



reading really reading and meditation

not ,
more like prayer .

Its a form of
prayer with steps using , scripture as an external tool .

Casey suggests sticking to one reading at a time Legio Divina takes time,

It is not a
quick process .
Also called Lectio continua . Patience is required .

The bible is not medicine chest

a nor is it to be cut or grazed

, .

Compunction the world of sensibility to God Allow God to act

upon us


School of Christ is to learn Christ Our consciousness .

is shaped to agree
with Christ Christ is more .
identified in our actions than we are .

hectic Divini a needs mental preparation It involves levels of

penetration the spirit ,
aiOes us .
Daoist Monasticism

Ten characteristics of monasticism

1. solitude The main environment
purpose of monasteries is to create an

of separation and solitude to allow practitioners to cultivate higher States


2. Discretion :
understanding what is right I wrong
3. Compunction what brings people to monastic life They realize something is

not quite right with the world

they chose removal ,

Humility Expressed through bows and obeisances ( kowtow ) Should

always walk with

your head down .

5. Asceticism :

6. Doesn't mean lmpovrish ment, it

Poverty :
turning away from materials .

7. Virginity Refraining : from sex

8. Obedience : Must abide submission to

by the rules . Sense of a
higher goal .

physical movements are controlled by the monastic environment .

9. Stability stay in : one monastery . Time is structured and

bodily habits are
consistent .

10 Work For Christians work is biblical but is common in the east as


a spiritual practice

The complete perfection day

I The

day begins with a minor rite at cockcrow

2. Morning audience at dawn 13:00am)

3. Collation , light breakfast 15:00am 7:00am) -

4 personal cultivation
or other duties 19:00am)
5 Main meal " hoon "
Cll 00 am )

6. Group meditation
7. personal cultivation or other duties
Evening audience
9. Group meditation
10 non movement time

begins 19 : oops
11 . Self cultivation (
Daoist Monasticism

Holy vestments
Transformation toward this
higher oneness begins with

of the
" "
special garb known
as the vestments
religion .

Each of these items

clothing also carried its own symbolism

of .

The three
garments skirts gown and Cape plus the headdress
• - -

, ,

stood for the Daoist's purity , cosmic attainment and elevated status,

Top Knott : Special hair style mimics the look of a bull Represents ring

humbly following the Dao .


alchemy begins with the pursuit of immortality initially pursued through

external lwaioen )
alchemy .

What the becomes absorbed into

occurs outside
body in external alchemy

body's realm in internal
alchemy .

Those human doin the Dao are Immortals 1 transcendent
beings who

beings .

Immortality does not mean an absorption into an absolute monad One


keeps their
identity ,
its dust altered.

Immortality is not a single static attainment There are two phases


. of

Immortality dissolution and reemergence The old person is shed

: .

Immortals live in paradise

only accessible through literal flight

Immortals have super powers : premonition healing powers ect


, ,

They are not

gods dust perfect humans

, .

Pre mortem
immortality happens in life and Prevents death

External Alchemy
alchemy aims to transform by means

a person into an immortal

of an elixir of Immortality or golden elixir .

In the
quintessential celestial realm gods reveal alchemy recipes

clarity came up with a number of elixirs Highest clarity replaced them

and external
alchemy played a lesser role Numinous Treasure didn't use alchemy

at all .

alchemy disappeared

The Rise of internal

completely absorbed external
alchemy and its

The three treasures Essence qi , and spirit Should be understood as a



entity .


Essence =
Is the source of life . Qi =
energy , pneuma, or breath .

Spirit emotional psychic and divine of the human

aspect guiding
- -

, ,

conscious aspect

Eight Extraordinary vessels

Energetic pathways in the
body through which the Daoist
guides qi

In the process of self cultivation .

Two most
recognizable vessels are the Governing vessel and the

conception vessel .

Dantian Three Elixir Fields

usually presented together as the are sites

Of transformation and concentration .

body cultivation Sitting practices that


Foundations of Christian Ethics

Ethics = How we are supposed to act .
Ethics concern questions of
Ultimate point questions who is God
importance .

Everyone at some :

who are Ethics is the of how to live a more Christ like

you .

life .

Character nature or disposition

Evil Saint Augustine said that whats good is God evil is not


thing itself but the lack of good (God) Evil has no substance .

because exists beyond God

nothing .

Orientation Children of God always pointed toward God

• =
are .

Models of Ethics
① Telo Think closer to
logical = of a telescope, brings the
divine life Decision that
you Goal is to share in God 5
. .

you closer to union with God are ethical .

Deontological model =
This is a
very legalistic model Views .

moral life in terms of law and

obligation .
Dont do
things that
will hurt Commandments) Emmanuel
people C ten .
Kant supported
this approach, believed in universal law Doesn't .
account for a

grey area .

③ Relational -
Ethical decisions are what enhances relationships .

Relationships are with God, others, Cosmos, and self Love is .

that binding force that enhances and cultivates relationships .

This model is about

Foundations of Christian Ethics

One of at action's is how it effects one 's core freedom

way looking

Target spiral

Trivial Trivia,

core freedom serious decisions

Core freedom
serious decisions and identity and actions .

and actions and Identity


Freedom doesn't dust doing anything you want Its

actually very

restricting If
you have too
many choices .
Freedom to choose options for
for love 1 life Its a core and basic freedom that all people have
. .

Its the freedom to decide about oneself and to make choices about the
kind of person want to be
you .

Fundamental stance = The direction in which we Orient our core

freedom Christians Orient towards God

Fundamental options Not all choices are the same There's a from

serious and life changing to trivial .

Acquired virtue =
virtue that
you are capable of
obtaining alone .

① Discipline ③

Progress Maturity
Theological faith hope and
virtue love Graces given by God
, ,

Virtues in the sense that they effect relationships

all of our .

Moral virtues affect particular relationships

God Humility Gratitude Others
Mercy forgiveness ou Stice, truthful hes

, .
, ,

Cosmos stewardship
self -

Temperance Fortitude

Vice and sin venial l : l , serious l l , Mortal C )

Sex and punishment

Life : where does it come from ?

Change in church
teaching : How much can there be ?

Love and
marriage and sex are inseparable sex outside of
marriage is

bad .

Be fruitful and "

Marriage multiply Genesis 1:26 28 This the



reason to get married and have sex .

Pius XI's cash Cannabis C 1930)

! Pope
sex for procreation


mutual self
giving and human procreation in the context of true

love Its

physical nature of
giving ones self . more than dust
procreation .

Spes (pastoral Constitution et on the
chords in the Modern world ) .

Common Good The sum total of social

living whereby people


enabled to achieve their and

own integral perfection more
easily Private matters span out Into society Fatherless children

Humanae vitae 11968) " on the of Birth


10 mission came up the
mauority report and the minority report .

the pope sided with the minority report The issue was about birth

control and its within marriage The church condones NFP

uses .


contraception is bad because it

① IS not open to life
② Interferes with the condo act
Relational model of Ethics with respect to sex = Consideration of
self, others, Cosmos and God ,
Sex and punishment

capital Punishment

Humanae Vitae 11968) .

Is it permissible to kill people who pose
A threat? We've established that innocent lives should never be
killed Life good because
is a self evident it came from God .

is created in the of God, means
Image everyone has an inherent Dignity .

We are not responsible for life, It's a

gift .

Genesis 9 : The first


( Cain and Able) Thou shall not kill" Hebrew


is "

actually more close to the

meaning .

when can kill : ① personal defense ② Social defense Saint Thomas


you .

Aquinas "
for the sake of the common good
is permissible .

Church has a long history of executing people


Aim of capital must always be for the sake of

defending the innocence,

not for retribution deference We can do this without

or .

killing , Our prison

System allows for life imprisonment .

Death can be the person is convicted

penalty really damaging if

Its that the pope goes against capital punishment

really impressive

because church has endorsed it

Human Behavior and the Dao

Thesis of Kohn's book =

Daoism is not about living a carefree life .
confuse eastern religion as being all about peace and therefore relaxed fuled .

the hedonistic movement Daoism

" "

lifestyle of the 70s new , age .

has ripple effect within the
a lot of rules to create
community and cosmos .

This is the basis for Daoist Ethics .

How to obtain virtue

1. Discipline =

Forcing yourself to break habits Not .

eating chocolate cake .

The process painful is .

Progress your 010 habits still tempt you every
. now and then but ,
grown past temptation .

Mastery you= Have changed who
you are as a person, its part of
Identity .

Celestial Administration
Herean and Earth have and demons

Ming your life Star your Ming diminishes everytime you violate a precept

, .

takes years off your life .

Director of fate =
receives reports on
your misdoings .
Human Behavior and the Dao

Divine Retribution
Inherited evil =
The debt previous generations is passed along . Misfortune that

you are born with is passed down .

bringers Report your
misdeeds to herean The nine .
worms assist in causing
you to die
eary . Cause illnesses, hence sickness is
thought to be an indication of moral
die these three body Everytime
disharmony .
you ,
bringers feast on
your .

misdeed reported your Ming 15 diminished, hence

your is
your life shortened They
is .

live inside
your body .
Two times a month
they leave your body while you're asleep
to report on
you Daoist would ward off this
by staying awake .

Spirit Diaries How track of their Good and bad deeds will add
they keep Ming

or take
away from your lifespan .

Big o Avoiding the five grains

rice , millet, wheat, and beans

Buddhism Influence
The two influenced each other Zen is a mixture
religion of
religions mutually

the two spiritual beliefs .

Bodhisattva ideal =
Person who has the
opportunity to enter Nirvana
but chooses to stay behind for the sake of others .

Merit -

setting a good example in order to lead others .

Karma Comes = from inside

you .
Creates a current of
goodness I badness .

Fields of Blessedness to those around

goodness is a cosmic wave , generates

Mother Theresa Momentum

you . . .

Rebirth =
first concept of afterlife Humans are the

only beings capable of

generating Karma and
altering rebirth . If
you've done something really bad
you go to Hell Levels of Hell .
Daoist Moral Rules

precepts of the Highest Loro Lao

I. DO not kill
2. Do not steal
3. Do not licentiousness ( sexual
engage in impropriety )
4. Do not lie
5. Do not intoxicated
Correlation Interconnected phases Expressions of yin and
theory yang

. .

gets placed on precepts Phases wood , water fire, metal air Moral behavior
, ,

has connections

Five precepts of Othooox Unity text explains that bad behavior comes

from a lack of control over the senses When the five senses

are labored the organs suffer and prevents virtue

p p


/ / killing !
sense virtue
Psy agent organ precept
eyes spirit liver benevolence
ears souls
lungs stealing righteousness
Essential precepts of Master Red pine =

Daoist sex Ethics

sex is to doin energies Harmonizing or doin
ing of
Chi Cheqi) Exchanging


of Chi where it is shared but not lost Ritualized

. activity done in the
a Master control ed do not have lustful
presense of .
Super ,
thoughts ,

red energy is woman , yellow for men .

Daoist Moral Rules

180 Precepts of Lord Lao --

focuses on the maintenance of social
boundaries .

Demon Nogi ng
statues of no lustful thoughts or
wandering hands

precepts of medium ultimate

not a repression of
sexuality .

by complete perfection daoist Strict rules 1 methods

. .

Taming the white
Theological Anthropology

what is theological Anthropology

Anthropology The ethnology of man or the
study of man What makes

us human .

Physical Anthropology looks at the evolution of man

example .
philosophical 1 theological Anthropology

Theology is Theological Anthropology

Scripture :
Genesis I-7

Creation and Fall , rupture between humans a God This . is the human
condition we are all born into .

Augustine popularized the concept of Original sin

① sin of Adam and Eve, not

peaatom originate originans you

② sin that is inherited

pea atom
Original Originators

Sin be a choice but its also contextual The human soul has

the inclination toward sin


soul is comprised of

② thermos (Spirito ness)
③ Will ← causes sin .

Concupiscence =

Pelagianism Our will is dust fine, you can and earn salvation


Don't need Jesus .

Christian Anthropology


body is
distinguished I contrasted with the soul and spirit

Dualism state of divided two

being contrasting aspects

, .

Since Vatican It there has been a general shift

away from

dualistic categories a more holistic

understanding of the person

greater appreciation for the body secular aspect of life ,


In the Old Testament the term basar referred to the


San flesh, human

mortality individual

Soma the whole person in communion with God




Through Goo the body is transformed from crude flesh to a

spiritual body .

the Christ
physical Interpretation of
body of

Resurrection of death is the whole person body and spirit


, .

Gnosticism anthropology warring natures within people

= dualistic , .

The material word

Including the body is sinful Threatens Christianity
, ,
. .

If Uesus did not take on

fully the human body his death and ,

resurrection is not sufficient for salvation dead weight


Body is


gnosticism argued , for the body's goodness .
Proven by Jesu 's
Incarnation .

Image of God rests in the flesh, needs matter to express Itself


likeness refers to our free will and Our image of God When we

Chose God .

body Body provides for the

Holy Spirit spiritualizes the a site

expression of God .
Christian Anthropology

Did not fault the
body for the sins Of humankind Argued in favor of

body against gnosticism .

Christ both God and human made the

mingling of things above 1 below

the highest form of earthly activity .

Body could mislead the soul but it was not the

body's fault

The soul misleads itself, seeks its own fulfillment .

The body belong together Their separation

and soul is unnatural In the

. .

afterlife 'll have a

Vatican I made this Christian dogma

Thomas Aquinas
The soul is super important in the soul
reasoning takes place

and it is human reasoning that distinguishes us from animals .

without a
body soul would not be human
Conversely the soul

, .

to the human body

Body gives people Individuality that reflects their soul

Pope Leo Ix mandated teaching

as it appeares in Aquinas Neo scholasticism
Chinese Medicine and the Daoist

Body and mind in Chinese medicine


Body is like bamboo Inside bamboo is hallow


not fixed
Western assumption links Chinese medicine with superstition

Studies indicate that it works


body can not be cured without the

Entirely based on gi


Medicine based on herbs and powders .

Health in Chinese medicine measures health by free flow of qi


reductionism understanding how the

body function mechanically


broken down Into parts .

yin organs transform gig gang organs store


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