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Final exam

European And International Economic Environment (Universitat de Barcelona)

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Downloaded by Joan Recasens (

January 27, 2021


1. You have one hour and thirty minutes to answer three of the following four
2. You can consult any source you want, but you cannot collaborate with other
people. Even if you consult other sources, you must use your own words. Keep in
mind that the exam will be passed through a plagiarism checker to detect
similarities between your answers, your classmates’, and other sources.
3. Please upload your answers in the tasca of the virtual campus. If you have
problems uploading, you can email them to me (


1. Evaluate the following claim: “Higher rates of human and physical capital
accumulation are the reason why some countries experience faster economic
growth than others”.

2. a) Describe the following figure and b) use it to evaluate this claim: “Increasing a
country’s government effectiveness makes its GDP per capita grow”.

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3. You are an economic consultant working for a country facing a period of high
inflation and high unemployment: a) which policies would you recommend to
solve the country’s difficulties? b) what are the potential problems/side-effects
of these policies?

4. Globalization increased the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers in
developed economies such as Europe or the United States: a) why? b) what
would the trend in the wage gap have been in a developing economy?

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